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Online:The World and Its Creatures

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The World and Its Creatures is a collection of 80 books, letters and notes that make up part of the Eidetic Memory.

Title Author Description Location
ON-icon-book-Generic 315.png
A Diet of Eyes
A warning regarding Hagravens
ON-icon-book-Note 01.png
A Foe Most Porcine
An invitation to a Jester's Festival event in Stormhaven
ON-icon-book-Generic 114.png
An Almanac of Betony
A description of Betony and its famous cliffs
ON-icon-book-Generic 442.png
An Orc's Guide to Tamriel
Luruk gro-Bozgor A guidebook for Orcish travelers to Tamriel
ON-icon-book-Generic 434.png
Arboreal Architecture
Cirantille A description of Bosmeri construction techniques
ON-icon-book-Generic 553.png
Auridon Explored, Chapter I
Fenlil the Wayfarer A fragmented travel guidebook covering the isle of Auridon
ON-icon-quest-Shadowfen map.png
Auridon Explored, Chapter II
Fenlil the Wayfarer A fragmented travel guidebook covering the isle of Auridon
ON-icon-book-Generic 224.png
Auridon Explored, Chapter III
Fenlil the Wayfarer A fragmented travel guidebook covering the isle of Auridon
ON-icon-book-Generic 452.png
Auridon Explored, Chapter IV
Fenlil the Wayfarer A fragmented travel guidebook covering the isle of Auridon
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Auridon Explored, Chapter V
Fenlil the Wayfarer A fragmented travel guidebook covering the isle of Auridon
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Auridon Explored, Chapter VII
Fenlil the Wayfarer A fragmented travel guidebook covering the isle of Auridon
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Auridon Explored, Chapter XII
Fenlil the Wayfarer A fragmented travel guidebook covering the isle of Auridon
ON-icon-book-Generic 255.png
Beware the Glenumbra Banks
Garric the Pilot A discussion of the banks surrounding Glenumbra
ON-icon-book-Generic 515.png
Blessed, Blessed Satakalaam
The Unveiled Azadiyeh, Songbird of Satakalaam An ode to the Yokudan pantheon
ON-icon-book-Generic 525.png
Bolga's Guide to Island Beasts
Bolga gra-Bur, Huntswoman of Mistral A brief summary of the creatures found on Khenarthi's Roost
ON-icon-book-Generic 114.png
Bravil, Part 1
Sathyr Longleat The tale of the Alessian campaign to take modern-day Bravil from the Ayleids
ON-icon-book-Generic 515.png
Bravil, Part 2
Sathyr Longleat The tale of the Alessian campaign to take modern-day Bravil from the Ayleids
ON-icon-book-Generic 253.png
Care of Kwama
Cirantille A description of Kwama caring methods
ON-icon-book-Generic 552.png
Children of the Sky
A description of the Nords and the Thu'um
ON-icon-book-Generic 551.png
Daedra Dossier: Cold-Flame Atronach
Denogorath the Dread Archivist Notes on the discovery of Cold-Flame Atronachs
ON-icon-book-Generic 355.png
Dealing with Werewolves
Venustinius Perquitienus Notes on how to deal with werewolves
ON-icon-book-Generic 245.png
End of the Journey
The tale of the journey of Saint Veloth Blackreach:


Malabal Tor:

ON-icon-book-Generic 515.png
Faltonia's Promise
A tale of divination, greed, and foolishness
ON-icon-book-Generic 552.png
Father of the Niben, Fragment Two
Florin Jaliil Fragment of a journal of Topal the Pilot
ON-icon-book-Generic 543.png
Field Guide to Spriggans
Phrastus of Elinhir A guide to spriggans
ON-icon-book-Generic 231.png
Ghosts of Glenumbra
Jean Dutheil A dissertation on the haunting of Glenumbra
ON-icon-book-Generic 232.png
Giants: A Discourse
Kord the Curious A treatise on the Giants of Skyrim
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Glenumbra's People
Aldous Brousseau A description of the people of Glenumbra
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Glenumbra's Towns and Cities
Ansur Belote A description of the various settlements in Glenumbra
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Healing Herbs of Northwest Tamriel
Ulnil Tildarin A guide to making healing poultices and medicinal broths
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Heart of Valenwood
Beredalmo the Signifier A history of the Ayleid ruin of Hectahame and a plot to harness its immense power
  • At the Vinedusk Ranger camp outside Hectahame
ON-icon-book-Generic 434.png
Horrors of the Strid Basin
A warning regarding the Hoarvors of the Strid River
ON-icon-quest-Letter 01.png
How to Train Your Guar
A simple guide to teaching Guar commands
ON-icon-book-Generic 524.png
Howls in the Night
A Nord's musing on wolves
ON-icon-book-Generic 324.png
Into the Lion's Den
A short history of the Nordic valley known as the Lion's Den
ON-icon-book-Generic 214.png
Keepers of the Grove
Urig the Wanderer An overview of the Shrine of Kynesgrove and its resident the holy order
ON-icon-book-Generic 414.png
Legend of the Yokudan Chargers
Honnorah af-Lahreq A pamphlet promoting the Yokudan Charger breed of horses
ON-icon-book-Generic 452.png
Maormer Correspondence, Vol. 1
A letter to the Maormer High Command offering advice regarding a planned invasion of Auridon
ON-icon-book-Generic 542.png
Maormer Correspondence, Vol. 2
A letter to the Maormer High Command offering advice regarding a planned invasion of Auridon
ON-icon-quest-Plans 01.png
Memorandum: Indrik Emergence & Formal Development
How indriks enter the world and evolve
ON-icon-book-Generic 535.png
Moon-Sugar in the March
An excerpt on farming moon-sugar in Reaper's March
ON-icon-book-Generic 433.png
Morrowind Fauna, Part One
Holia Asellio A fragment of a larger text covering the bestiary of Morrowind
ON-icon-book-Generic 224.png
Notes on Elven Architecture
Gastinus Florus, Masons' Guild Historian Notes on Altmer architecture and its similarities to Ayleid design
  • Various bookshelves across Tamriel
ON-icon-book-Generic 244.png
Ogres: A Summary
Cirantille A description of ogres
ON-icon-book-Generic 513.png
Revolting Life Cycle of the Dreugh
Fronto Maecilius A description of the lifestyle of the dreugh
ON-icon-book-Generic 444.png
Rilaso's Guide to Tamriel, Ch. 21
Rilaso A cautionary guide warning against the dangers of the Rift
ON-icon-book-Generic 341.png
Secrets of Treehenge
Vanendil On visiting the sacred Treehenge
ON-icon-book-Generic 243.png
Stormhold, City of Shadowfen
Cirantille A description of the city of Stormhold
ON-icon-book-Generic 552.png
Azmu-ra On training Senche-Tigers
ON-icon-book-Generic 321.png
Tanglehaven's Fletchers
On the famed craftsmen of arrows in Tanglehaven
ON-icon-book-Generic 425.png
Temples of the Dragon Cult
Cirantille A history of the Dragon Cult
ON-icon-quest-Shadowfen map.png
The Chosen People of Aldmeris
Sealord Malleroth Of Pyandonea An alternate history of the Maormer
ON-icon-book-Generic 245.png
The Dominion's Duty: Marbruk
An Entry by the Altmeri Travel Guild
ON-icon-book-Generic 115.png
The Fickle Nature of Mudcrabs
A researcher's notes on the behavior of Mudcrabs
ON-icon-book-Generic 251.png
The Fort Sphinxmoth Ruins
Calantius of Skingrad How the mighty Elsweyr fort fell into ruins
ON-icon-quest-Letter 01.png
The Founding of Bloodtoil
The history of the village of Bloodtoil
ON-icon-book-Generic 224.png
The Founding of Southpoint
the Provincial Office of Governor Zantonius Imperial propaganda for citizens of Southpoint
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The Founding of Zuuk
Ashalaku, Black Marsh On the Kothringi tribesman Zuuk and the settlement named after him
ON-icon-book-Generic 323.png
The Green Singing
The ritual incantation of a Spinner of Y'ffre
ON-icon-book-Generic 355.png
The Hanging Gardens
A travel guide to the Hanging Gardens of Wasten Coridale, written in both Dwemeris and Aldmeris
ON-icon-book-Generic 531.png
The Heartland of Cyrodiil
Phrastus of Elinhir A description of the Heartlands
ON-icon-book-Generic 255.png
The Hunger of Sep
The Unveiled Azadiyeh, Songbird of Satakalaam On the dangers of the Hunger of Sep Rain Catcher Fields (map)
ON-icon-book-Generic 315.png
The Lost Islands of Old Yokuda
Hazadiyya Sea-Queen A poem dedicated to the islands of Yokuda
ON-icon-book-Generic 223.png
The Maormer of Pyandonea
Imperial Geographical Society A short essay on the Maormer
ON-icon-book-Generic 441.png
The March Explored, Chapter I
Fenlil the Wayfarer Part of a guide to the Reaper's March region
ON-icon-quest-Letter 02.png
The March Explored, Chapter III
Fenlil the Wayfarer Part of a guide to the Reaper's March region
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The March Explored, Chapter VI
Fenlil the Wayfarer Part of a guide to the Reaper's March region
ON-icon-quest-Shadowfen map.png
The March Explored, Chapter VII
Fenlil the Wayfarer Part of a guide to the Reaper's March region
ON-icon-quest-Letter 01.png
The March Explored, Chapter IX
Fenlil the Wayfarer Part of a guide to the Reaper's March region
ON-icon-book-Generic 135.png
The Massacre at Cormount
Camoran Gorinir Alleging that the Aldmeri Dominion committed genocide in Valenwood
  • Cormount, bottom floor of the tree northwest of the central oak (map)
ON-icon-book-Generic 112.png
The Mystery of Gargoyles—Solved!
Porbert Lyttumly On a possible connection between Giant Goblins and Gargoyles
ON-icon-book-Generic 415.png
The Na-Totambu of Yokuda
On the lost wisdom of Yokuda
ON-icon-book-Generic 533.png
The Rise of Cormount
The history of the Valenwood city Cormount
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The Strange Case of Ragnthar
Guylaine Marilie On the temporospatial claudication of Ragnthar Aurbis:




ON-icon-book-Generic 131.png
The Wood Elves of Valenwood
On Bosmeri government and warfare
ON-icon-book-Generic 423.png
Thibaut's Cairn and its History
Charonius of Sutch On the hero Thibaut and his resting place
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Troll Slaying
Finn A guide to identifying, fighting, and collecting fat from trolls
ON-icon-book-Generic 332.png
Unhallowed Legions
Phrastus of Elinhir A study into the undead of Tamriel
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Wet Wilds of Black Marsh
Cirantille An unflattering appraisal of the wilds of Black Marsh
ON-icon-book-Generic 453.png
Witch Cults of Northern High Rock
Wafimeles Masteret (Lorekeeper) On the beliefs and practices of Wyrd covens