Online:The King's Gambit
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Quick Summary: not written
Quest Stages: not written |
Quick Walkthrough[edit]
- Find a way into the inn.
- Talk to King Kurog.
- Talk to Forge-Mother Alga.
- Find Eveli and Chief Bazrag.
- Find a way to the moot.
- Talk to Chief Bazrag.
Detailed Walkthrough[edit]
When you next come to Orsinium after completing The Anger of a King, Mulzah (the innkeeper's daughter) will approach you. She is not very happy with you and your meddling friends, since her inn has now been seized by the King's men. The upstairs entrance is guarded, as is the secret entrance through Mazabakh's House: the downstairs entrance is locked but unguarded. You need to get in, and there are several ways: pickpocketing the key from Sergeant Vulmon (patrolling near the King's Cornerclub), or finding another copy of the key at the guard meeting area (you will need to either sneak past several guards invisibly or fight them). If you spared Gulug during the earlier quest Invitation to Orsinium, there will be a third option, to meet a "really stinky merchant" at the bath house who seems all too friendly with the soldiers: Gulug has bribed a guard for a key himself, and will give it to you if you speak to him. Either way, you will acquire a key to the Greedy Gut's downstairs entrance.
- If you did not sacrifice Talviah in the earlier quest:
You won't have learned the complete Vosh Rakh plan. The inn will be empty except for Owayine, who has been stabbed and left for dead. Before he dies he will tell you that Eveli and Bazrag were both captured, "by order of the king", and they never saw it coming. Your next direction is to go and talk to King Kurog (in case Kurog is not in on the plot, and genuinely believes Bazrag to be guilty, in the hope of clearing his name.) He will be found at the upper floor of Scarp Keep along with Chief Abzug, Chief Ramash, Chief Vundrum, and (depending on your choice in the previous quest) Chief Laurig or Chief Ushruka. Kurog will be pleased to see you - though angered when you ask questions about why he sent soldiers to the inn, or where Eveli and Bazrag might have been taken, or whether his own soldiers have been infiltrated by the Vosh Rakh. He will then direct you downstairs to the dining hall where you can talk more privately: however, you will be greeted not by him, but by Forge-Mother Alga who will accuse you of meddling, and then reveal herself to be the power behind the Vosh Rakh, and that the attack on the moot is intended to murder all the chiefs to unite Orsinium behind Kurog.
You'll suddenly be bound by magic, unable to move. She will then call you a traitor, declare you to be sentenced to death, and force you to carry out the sentence yourself by stabbing yourself.
- Forge-Mother Alga: "Let it be known, the outsider who stands before us has betrayed our great city!"
- Forge-Mother Alga: "For your actions, I condemn you and your allies to death."
- Forge-Mother Alga: "A sentence you shall execute by your own hand."
- Forge-Mother Alga: "May Trinimac guide your blade."
As you start to pass out, Kurog will show his true colors as well, as you him Kurog saying "I'm sorry it had to come to this. But what I do I do for the good of the Orsimer people." Then the world goes black.
That isn't the end of it: you will wake up, attended by Shield-Wife Razbela, who will have dragged you to a different room and healed you before Vosh Rakh soldiers arrived, saying that you deserve better than to fall to Alga. She will even give you a key to release Bazrag and Eveli from the cells, but ask you to leave Orsinium with them. She says this was not Kurog's plan from the beginning, that he hoped the chiefs would come to believe in his vision: and that Kurog does not actually hate Bazrag, despite having framed him, but that he has served his purpose… and that the death of the other chiefs will be a necessary sacrifice in the quest to unite the Orsimer. Nevertheless, despite giving you the chance to leave, if she meets you again, and you go against Kurog, she will fight you to the death.
The palace will be crawling with Vosh Rakh soldiers, as you head down to the cells to free Bazrag and Eveli. Bazrag still doesn't want to believe Kurog is himself working with the Vosh Rakh, despite having been jailed, however he will accept your evidence. He tells you there's a passage to the planned Moot location, from the throne room: if you have any problems, find him outside the keep and he will figure something out. Heading into the Throne Room will result in a confrontation with the two Shield-Wives, Oshgana and Razbela, in which, true to Razbela's word, she (and Oshgana) will fight you to the death. Although there was supposed to be a secret passage out of the Throne Room, it's currently blocked or non-operational: however, once Razbela falls, the note "The King's Orders" will appear on the throne, saying that all paths to the Moot have been sealed, except for one through the Temple of Ire, and a squadron has been sent to deal with Solgra and seal that passage.
Exiting the palace will lead you to Bazrag and Eveli, around a corner not far from the palace door. Bazrag will be surprised that there's a route to the moot through the throne room, but knows that soldiers have already been sent after Solgra, and that's bad. He thinks there's one more place where he can look for help, and sends you to the temple in the meanwhile, in the hope of saving Solgra.
- If you sacrificed Talviah earlier:
Eveli and Bazrag will have been forewarned, and will be in the process of dispatching a Vosh Rakh assassin or two as you arrive, so they will be there to talk to you about the impending attack on the Moot. Bazrag, although he has opposed Kurog, still appears to think he has good intentions, and that Kurog himself may be in danger from his mother's control of the Vosh Rakh - perhaps she is trying to usurp him - and believes you should go and warn Kurog, while Eveli goes to look out for High Priestess Solgra. The meeting with Kurog begins with you telling him what, in this instance, you already know about Alga's involvement with the Vosh Rakh: and when he suggests you meet downstairs in the dining hall, Alga will not meet you in person, but send a vision of herself. You will still be called a traitor, sentenced to death, and magically forced to stab yourself, as above.
However, it will be Bazrag himself (instead of Shield-Wife Razbela) who has managed to sneak into the palace and drag you to another room to tend to your injuries. Amazingly, his first thought is still to believe that Kurog is in danger, until you tell him that Kurog is now involved: the question of whether Kurog had this in mind all along, is one to which he does not know the answer, nor does he know why or even whether Kurog actually hates him, or just found him to be in the way, and in fact he wonders how things would have gone if he had been more willing to follow Kurog's dream in the first place. He tells you that one of the ways to the Moot is through the throne room, so you head straight there, through the palace and its new contingent of Vosh Rakh soldiers, to the confrontation with the two Shield-Wives, the discovery of "The King's Orders" and the fact that the only way to the Moot now is through the Temple of Ire. While you are doing this, Bazrag will sneak out of the palace again. When you yourself also exit the palace, Bazrag will be in the same place as above - behind some crates not far from the palace doors - but he will be alone, because Eveli has already been sent to guard Solgra.
- In either case, Bazrag will give you the reward of the King's Snug Girdle.
- Captain Nulra and Sergeant Vulmon won't exist in Orsinium before this quest.
- You'll meet Dilan Throm as a watchman at the entry point of soldier meeting area, who will warn you that only soldiers and guards may pass this point, but will do nothing beyond warning.
- The captives don't appear in the cells of the keep before reaching the related objective.
- The shield-wives and the note won't appear in the accessible throne room before reaching the related objective.
- "The King's Orders" note lacks the typical golden glow of readable notes.
- Near the completion of the quest, Bazrag will mention that he "scraped you up off the floor of the keep". Depending on your choices during The Anger of a King, you wake up after Bazrag healed you and brought you to the barracks. If your choice was different, Shield-Wife Razbela would have been the one to heal you, making the line nonsensical.
- The Vosh Rakh are removed from the keep and the original inhabitants are restored after completion of this quest.
- The name of this quest is a reference to the King's Gambit chess opening.
- The hint "Steal the Key from Sergeant Vulmon" is missing in the journal. ?
Quest Stages[edit]
The King's Gambit | |
Finishes Quest | Journal Entry |
I need to find a way to get inside the Greedy Gut inn so that I can check on Chief Bazrag and Eveli. I could follow the soldier to the ramparts near the stables, or I could steal a key from the soldier on duty near the King's Cornerclub.
Objective Hint: Investigate the guard meeting area
Objective: Find a way inside the inn
Objective Hint: Steal the key from Sergeant Vulmon
I recovered the key to the Greedy Gut inn. Now I should enter the inn and find Chief Bazrag and Eveli.
Objective: Meet allies in the Greedy Gut
I managed to get inside the inn, but everyone's gone except the messenger who gave me Eveli's note. I should talk to him and find out what happened.
Objective: Talk to Owayine
Owayine said that soldiers took Eveli and Chief Bazrag on the king's orders. I should go talk to King Kurog at the keep and find out where they are holding my friends.
Objective: Talk to King Kurog
Owayine claimed that King Kurog ordered the attack on the inn. I should go to the keep and find out what happened to Chief Bazrag and Eveli Sharp-Arrow.
Objective: Go to the dining hall
Alga attacked me, but it appears that one of Kurog's shield-wives came to rescue me. I should speak to her to find out what's going on.
Objective: Talk to Shield-Wife Razbela
Chief Bazrag and Eveli are being held in the cells beneath the keep. I need to find them and set them free before I try to get to the moot.
Objective: Rescue Chief Bazrag and Eveli
I need to get to the moot before Kurog and Alga eliminate the chiefs. There's a path in the throne room. I just need to get past the Vosh Rakh soldiers to utilize it.
Objective: Find the path in the throne room
All of the paths to the moot have been sealed, except for the one through the temple. I need to find Chief Bazrag and let him know.
Objective: Talk to Chief Bazrag
There's a way to the moot through the temple. I should talk to Chief Bazrag and figure out our next move.
Objective: Talk to Chief Bazrag
) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
- Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
- Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.