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Online:Capture Elder Scroll

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Capture an Elder Scroll from an Enemy Alliance.
Zone: Cyrodiil
Quest Giver: Grand Warlord Sorcalin Aldmeri DominionGrand Warlord Dortene Daggerfall CovenantGrand Warlord Zimmeron Ebonheart Pact
Prerequisite Quest: Reporting For Duty Aldmeri DominionDaggerfall CovenantEbonheart Pact
Reward: Scroll Keeper's Rucksack
00030003000Alliance Points Alliance Points
High Leveled Gold
XP Gain: Very High Experience XP
ID: Varies
Required Level: 10
[Varies per Alliance and Scroll]

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Travel to where the scroll is located.
  2. Bring the scroll back to a keep controlled by your alliance.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

Speak with the commander of respective alliance - Grand Warlord Sorcalin of Aldmeri Dominion, Grand Warlord Dortene of Daggerfall Covenant, or Grand Warlord Zimmeron of Ebonheart Pact - to be given the mission to capture (or recapture) an Elder Scroll. If the scroll originally belonged to your alliance, you will need to bring it back to the Scroll Temple of the same name. Otherwise, you may bring it to any keep under your alliance's control. If the scroll is currently stored at an enemy Scroll Temple, you will need to take control of the Keep nearest to that temple in order to open the Gate and allow your forces into their home territory. One person in your party will need to be designated the scroll carrier. This player cannot ride on horseback, and has their movement speed reduced while carrying the scroll, so they must be protected. If they are killed, they will drop the scroll and another party member can pick it up. Once you reach a suitable location for the Scroll, the quest is complete. Speak to the respective warlord to receive your rewards.

The Elder Scroll of Alma Ruma[edit]

Starting the Mission
Aldmeri Dominion Grand Warlord Sorcalin
"And I have one—the Elder Scroll of Alma Ruma. Too long has the enemy defiled it with unworthy hands. It must be brought under Dominion control.
This is the challenge I have for you."
I accept.
Daggerfall Covenant Grand Warlord Dortene
"Disaster has struck! The Elder Scroll of Alma Ruma has been stolen by enemy soldiers. I need warriors to strike back and recover the scroll for the Covenant. Can I count you among them?"
Ebonheart Pact Grand Warlord Zimmeron
"I applaud your attitude, warrior. The mission revolves around the Elder Scroll of Alma Ruma. This mighty relic must be ours! Help us capture it and bring it to a Pact keep.
See me when the task is done."
I will.
Completing the Mission
Aldmeri Dominion Grand Warlord Sorcalin
Daggerfall Covenant Grand Warlord Dortene
Ebonheart Pact Grand Warlord Zimmeron
"A glorious day, warrior! The Elder Scroll of Alma Ruma is ours at last."
All hail the Pact!
"Your part in this great deed has been noted. The Pact's ascendancy is assured if our warriors face all challenges this boldly."

The Elder Scroll of Altadoon[edit]

Starting the Mission
Aldmeri Dominion Grand Warlord Sorcalin
"The Elder Scroll of Altadoon has fallen into the unworthy hands of the enemy. Heroes are needed to recapture it and return it to the Dominion."
Daggerfall Covenant Grand Warlord Dortene
"Warriors are gathering to capture the Elder Scroll of Altadoon. Heroes are needed for this dangerous mission; I want you to be one of them."
Ebonheart Pact Grand Warlord Zimmeron
"We seek the Elder Scroll of Altadoon, currently in the hands of our enemies. It must become ours, its blessings bestowed upon the Pact's soldiers.
When it has been captured, return to me."
Consider it done.
Completing the Mission
Aldmeri Dominion Grand Warlord Sorcalin
"The Elder Scroll of Altadoon has been returned to its rightful place!"
A great day for the Dominion, Grand Warlord.
"Auri-El smiles upon our cause. And upon the brave warriors who foiled the schemes of our enemies."
Daggerfall Covenant Grand Warlord Dortene
Ebonheart Pact Grand Warlord Zimmeron
"Almalexia smiles upon us, warrior! With her blessings, the Elder Scroll of Altadoon has passed into our hands."
Yes, Grand Warlord.
"Now our foes fear the Pact army! Capturing the Elder Scroll of Altadoon serves notice that any task is within our power."

The Elder Scroll of Chim[edit]

Starting the Mission
Aldmeri Dominion Grand Warlord Sorcalin
"A raid is being planned on the temple of the Elder Scroll of Chim. Will you be among those who will claim this powerful artifact for the Aldmeri Dominion?"
I'll do it.
Daggerfall Covenant Grand Warlord Dortene
"I am concentrating our forces in an effort to seize the Elder Scroll of Chim. This is a vital mission that requires our finest soldiers. Join these troops as soon as you can!"
I will.
Ebonheart Pact Grand Warlord Zimmeron
"The enemy has stolen the Elder Scroll of Chim! I need heroes to reclaim it. Can I count you among their number?"
Completing the Mission
Aldmeri Dominion Grand Warlord Sorcalin
Daggerfall Covenant Grand Warlord Dortene
"Word of our triumph preceded you. The glory of Covenant warriors delivering the Elder Scroll of Chim into our hands has inspired the entire army!"
I'm glad to hear it, Grand Warlord.
"It is an honor to lead this army. No challenge is too great for our warriors. I foresee the day when the Covenant banner flies over all of Cyrodiil!"
Ebonheart Pact Grand Warlord Zimmeron
"The Elder Scroll of Chim has returned. This blasphemy must not be allowed again!"
For the Pact!
"We were careless, allowing the enemy to steal the Elder Scroll of Chim. Now that it has been recaptured, our conquest of Cyrodiil must continue!"

The Elder Scroll of Ghartok[edit]

Starting the Mission
Aldmeri Dominion Grand Warlord Sorcalin
"The Elder Scroll of Ghartok should be ours. Heroes are needed to capture it and bring it to a Dominion stronghold.
Should you succeed, return to me and claim your reward."
Daggerfall Covenant Grand Warlord Dortene
"The Covenant seeks to capture the Elder Scroll of Ghartok and win its blessings for our army. Heroes are now on their way to capture it. Will you join them in this epic challenge?"
Ebonheart Pact Grand Warlord Zimmeron
"The Elder Scroll of Ghartok has fallen into the hands of the enemy! Heroes are needed to return the scroll to its rightful place.
Return to me when it is done."
I will.
Completing the Mission
Aldmeri Dominion Grand Warlord Sorcalin
"The Elder Scroll of Ghartok has been captured by Dominion forces. A great victory!"
Our warriors swept the field.
"With this Elder Scroll's power at our disposal and heroes like you on our side, we cannot fail."
Daggerfall Covenant Grand Warlord Dortene
"The Elder Scroll of Ghartok is ours at last. The eyes of Akatosh shine on the Covenant!"
Ebonheart Pact Grand Warlord Zimmeron
"The Elder Scroll of Ghartok is back in our hands, thanks to the courage and strength of our warriors!"
A great day for the Pact.
"With the Elder Scroll of Ghartok back in our hands, we are one step closer to victory. Your part in its recovery will not be forgotten."

The Elder Scroll of Mnem[edit]

Starting the Mission
Aldmeri Dominion Grand Warlord Sorcalin
"The enemy has stolen the Elder Scroll of Mnem. A band of heroes is needed to recapture and return the scroll to its rightful place.
Will you be among them?"
Daggerfall Covenant Grand Warlord Dortene
"The Elder Scroll of Mnem must not remain in enemy hands. Covenant soldiers are being sent to seize it and bring it safely back to our domains. I need you to join in this mission."
Ebonheart Pact Grand Warlord Zimmeron
"It galls me that our enemies hold the Elder Scroll of Mnem in their unworthy clutches. I can stand it no longer. I need heroes to deliver the scroll safely into Pact hands. Will you be among them?"
Completing the Mission
Aldmeri Dominion Grand Warlord Sorcalin
"With the Elder Scroll of Mnem in our hands once again, the Dominion is greatly strengthened."
Word has spread throughout the army.
"We are now one step closer to victory. Your part in its recovery will not be forgotten."
Daggerfall Covenant Grand Warlord Dortene
Ebonheart Pact Grand Warlord Zimmeron
"Everlasting glory to those who captured the Elder Scroll of Mnem!"
Indeed, Grand Warlord.
"We cannot rest upon this victory, however. Much more must be done if we are to conquer Cyrodiil."

The Elder Scroll of Ni-Mohk[edit]

Starting the Mission
Aldmeri Dominion Grand Warlord Sorcalin
"The Elder Scroll of Ni-Mohk preys on my mind. Our army needs the blessings this scroll bestows. I am looking for warriors to claim it for the Dominion; can I count you among them?"
Daggerfall Covenant Grand Warlord Dortene
"The Elder Scroll of Ni-Mohk has been stolen by our foes! This is a heavy blow to the morale of our army. I need heroes to recapture the scroll and return it to Covenant hands. Return to me with news of your success."
Ebonheart Pact Grand Warlord Zimmeron
"I seek heroes to capture the Elder Scroll of Ni-Mohk. It must be torn from the grasp of our foes and brought to one of our keeps.
Return to me when it is done."
I will, Grand Warlord.
Completing the Mission
Aldmeri Dominion Grand Warlord Sorcalin
Daggerfall Covenant Grand Warlord Dortene
Ebonheart Pact Grand Warlord Zimmeron
"At last, the Elder Scroll of Ni-Mohk is ours. All honor to the brave warriors who won this relic for the Pact!"
As you say, Grand Warlord.
"This victory will propel the Pact to ever-greater heights. Soon all of Cyrodiil will lie beneath our feet!"


  • The locations of all six Elder Scrolls are visible on the Cyrodiil map, so while you are carrying it, count on being attacked by enemy forces, particularly if it is their scroll you are capturing. You will likely need to bring a large defensive force in order to succeed.
  • Only one Elder Scroll may be housed at any given Keep, so if you are capturing another alliance's Scroll, you must choose a Keep which is not already housing another captured Scroll. The Scrolls that originally belonged to your own alliance can only be stored at their respective Scroll Temples.
  • You do not have to be in the same group as the person carrying the Elder Scroll.

Quest Stages[edit]

The Elder Scroll of Alma Ruma
Finishes Quest Journal Entry
Aldmeri Dominion I have accepted this challenge and should assist in the Elder Scroll's capture.
Daggerfall Covenant The Scroll must be returned to its Temple.
Ebonheart Pact (?)
Aldmeri Dominion Capture the Elder Scroll of Alma Ruma
Daggerfall Covenant Recapture the Elder Scroll of Alma Ruma
Ebonheart Pact Capture the Elder Scroll Alma Ruma
Finishes quest☑
Aldmeri Dominion (?)
Daggerfall Covenant The Elder Scroll of Alma Ruma has been recaptured. I should return to Grand Warlord Dortene.
Ebonheart Pact (?)
Aldmeri Dominion Return to Grand Warlord Sorcalin
Daggerfall Covenant Return to Grand Warlord Dortene
Ebonheart Pact Return to Grand Warlord Zimmeron

The Elder Scroll of Altadoon
Finishes Quest Journal Entry
Aldmeri Dominion I promised Grand Warlord Sorcalin I would see it returned to the Temple of Altadoon.[verification needed — see talk page]
Daggerfall Covenant (?)
Ebonheart Pact I agreed to assist in its capture and delivery into safekeeping at a Pact keep.
Aldmeri Dominion Recapture the Elder Scroll of Altadoon
Daggerfall Covenant Capture the Elder Scroll of Altadoon
Ebonheart Pact Capture the Elder Scroll of Altadoon
Finishes quest☑
Aldmeri Dominion The Elder Scroll of Altadoon has been recaptured. I should return to Grand Warlord Sorcalin.
Daggerfall Covenant (?)
Ebonheart Pact We have captured the Elder Scroll of Altadoon. I should return to Grand Warlord Zimmeron.
Aldmeri Dominion Return to Grand Warlord Sorcalin
Daggerfall Covenant Return to Grand Warlord Dortene
Ebonheart Pact Return to Grand Warlord Zimmeron

The Elder Scroll of Chim
Finishes Quest Journal Entry
Aldmeri Dominion I have agreed to take part in the raid.
Daggerfall Covenant Grand Warlord Dortene wants me to join this effort.
Ebonheart Pact It must be recaptured and returned to its rightful place in the Temple of Chim.
Aldmeri Dominion Capture the Elder Scroll of Chim
Daggerfall Covenant Capture the Elder Scroll of Chim
Ebonheart Pact Recapture the Elder Scroll of Chim
Finishes quest☑
Aldmeri Dominion Dominion forces captured the Elder Scroll of Chim. I should return to Grand Warlord Sorcalin for my reward.
Daggerfall Covenant The Covenant is victorious. We have captured the Elder Scroll of Chim. I should return to Grand Warlord Dortene.
Ebonheart Pact The Elder Scroll of Chim has been returned. I should talk to Grand Warlord Zimmeron.
Aldmeri Dominion Return to Grand Warlord Sorcalin
Daggerfall Covenant Return to Grand Warlord Dortene
Ebonheart Pact Return to Grand Warlord Zimmeron

The Elder Scroll of Ghartok
Finishes Quest Journal Entry
Aldmeri Dominion I accepted the challenge and now must help capture this Elder Scroll.
Daggerfall Covenant (?)
Ebonheart Pact It must be recaptured and returned to its rightful resting place in the Temple of Ghartok.
Aldmeri Dominion Capture the Elder Scroll of Ghartok
Daggerfall Covenant Capture the Elder Scroll of Ghartok
Ebonheart Pact Recapture the Elder Scroll of Ghartok
Finishes quest☑
Aldmeri Dominion We have captured the Elder Scroll of Ghartok. I should return to Grand Warlord Sorcalin.
Daggerfall Covenant Now that the Elder Scroll of Ghartok has been delivered into Covenant hands, I should speak with Grand Warlord Dortene.
Ebonheart Pact The Elder Scroll of Ghartok has been recaptured. I should talk to Grand Warlord Zimmeron.
Aldmeri Dominion Return to Grand Warlord Sorcalin
Daggerfall Covenant Return to Grand Warlord Dortene
Ebonheart Pact Return to Grand Warlord Zimmeron

The Elder Scroll of Mnem
Finishes Quest Journal Entry
Aldmeri Dominion I promised Grand Warlord Sorcalin I would see it returned to the Temple of Mnem.[verification needed — see talk page]
Daggerfall Covenant (?)
Ebonheart Pact (?)
Aldmeri Dominion Recapture the Elder Scroll of Mnem
Daggerfall Covenant Capture the Elder Scroll of Mnem
Ebonheart Pact Capture the Elder Scroll of Mnem
Finishes quest☑
Aldmeri Dominion The Elder Scroll of Mnem has been recaptured. I should return to Grand Warlord Sorcalin.
Daggerfall Covenant (?)
Ebonheart Pact Now that the Elder Scroll of Mnem is in Pact hands, I should talk to Grand Warlord Zimmeron.
Aldmeri Dominion Return to Grand Warlord Sorcalin
Daggerfall Covenant Return to Grand Warlord Dortene
Ebonheart Pact Return to Grand Warlord Zimmeron

The Elder Scroll of Ni-Mohk
Finishes Quest Journal Entry
Aldmeri Dominion I agree to undertake this mission.
Daggerfall Covenant It must be recaptured and returned to its resting place in the temple.
Ebonheart Pact (?)
Aldmeri Dominion Capture the Elder Scroll of Ni-Mohk
Daggerfall Covenant Recapture the Elder Scroll of Ni-Mohk
Ebonheart Pact Capture the Elder Scroll Ni-Mohk
Finishes quest☑
Aldmeri Dominion Dominion soldiers wrested the Elder Scroll of Ni-Mohk from the enemy's hands. I should return to Grand Warlord Sorcalin.
Daggerfall Covenant With the Elder Scroll of Ni-Mohk ours once again, I should return to Grand Warlord Dortene.
Ebonheart Pact (?)
Aldmeri Dominion Return to Grand Warlord Sorcalin
Daggerfall Covenant Return to Grand Warlord Dortene
Ebonheart Pact Return to Grand Warlord Zimmeron
* Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g., <Alias=LocationHold>) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
  • Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
  • Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.