Online:Sonya Lastblood

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Sonya Lastblood
Location Near a grave south of Jorunn's Stand
Race Nord Gender Female
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Condition Spirit
Sonya Lastblood

Sonya Lastblood is the spirit of a dead Nord woman. She can be found south of Jorunn's Stand, kneeling by a grave surrounded by candles. She is Hadmal Lastblood's late wife, and a mother to three daughters: Valdia, Jolinne and Fjorna Lastblood.

Related Quests[edit]

  • Torn Asunder: Recover the earthly remains of a spirit's three daughters.

Quest-Related Events[edit]

When you approach her grave, the atmosphere will turn blue and she will materialize before you:

"No harm shall befall you in this place"

She will need your help to find her daughters' remains so she can be reunited with her dead family as she was bound by her husband:

"The balance of the world tilts precariously and the gates of the dead shiver in anticipation.
The Daedric Prince succeeds at his unholy task, This pocket proves that."
What is this place?
"We stand upon a rift between the planes. Here, the border between the living and the dead blurs.
I died many years ago. During the Akaviri invasion. Yet here I stand, hoping that help will arrive."
You need help?
"I long for my daughters to be returned to me.
During the war, my husband's mind broke. He murdered our daughters. To save them from Akaviri torture, he claimed. He scattered their remains across Eastmarch. And left me here alone."
I'll find your daughters for you.

You can ask her more about what reuniting her with her family be like:

"You do me a great honor. I miss my three daughters terribly. I'm not whole without them.
But you give me hope."
Do you know where I can find your daughters?
"No. All I have is this page from my husband's journal. I can't leave this circle, but perhaps his words will lead you to my daughters."
What do you hope I can accomplish?
"Find my daughters and grant me peace. This separation has been horrible. I want my girls back. That's all."

After you find all three of her daughters' skulls, she will reappear at her grave. She will reveal that both her and her daughters murdered people to gain necromantic powers, which is why her husband killed them. She will give you a warning to not pursue her while she's resuming her ritual:

"You returned! And you have them! Even after all these years, they're still beautiful. Their lovely smiles. The energy flowing through them.
It's like we were never apart."
I was only able to recover their skulls.
"Nonsense! I feel their presence. We're still connected. Linked by blood. Linked by magic.
There's so much work to do. So much we still must accomplish. So much energy … to touch … to devour."
What are you talking about?
"My husband didn't appreciate our work. When he found the bodies, he was shocked. Disgusted. He never embraced the power as we did.
No. He had to stop us. The fool!"
What did you do?
"We gave them new life! But he stopped us. Because a little blood scared him!
But now I have my daughters back. We can start again. As a family."
What are you going to do?
"Nothing that concerns you. For the service you provided, you may live.
But don't follow us. I won't allow anyone to separate my family again!"

When you arrive at the ritual site, Sonya Lastblood taunts you.

Sonya Lastblood: "You can't stop us! What was started long ago shall finally be completed!"

She performs a ritual, calling upon Molag Bal.

Sonya Lastblood: "We shall join as one. Molag Bal, accept our offering! Make us your weapon! Make us invincible!"

She and her daughters emerge from the ritual as a monstrosity.

The Lastblood: "You will be the first sacrifice to our lord, Molag Bal! Now you shall witness our power!"
