Online:Shivering Isles Anointment

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Butterflies. Glowing pink eyes. The Shivering Isles calls to you. Will you fight the call or bend the knee to the Mad God?
Shivering Isles Anointment worn by a female Dunmer
ON-icon-skin-Shivering Isles Anointment.png
Shivering Isles Anointment
Type Skin
Acquired From Crown Store
Price 016001,600 Crowns
Availability August 17, 2023 - August 24, 2023

The Shivering Isles Anointment skin is themed around the Shivering Isles, realm of the Daedric Prince Sheogorath. It was available in the Crown Store from August 17 to August 24, 2023 for 016001,600 Crowns. Equipped body markings are visible on characters wearing this skin.


Appearances: 2

  • Crown Store — August 17, 2023 - August 24, 2023[1]
  • Crown Store — July 1, 2024 - July 8, 2024[2]

