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Online:Sheogorath Costume

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"Sheogorath, whose sphere is Madness, and whose motives are unknowable." If you know the Daedric Prince called the Madgod, Sovereign of the Shivering Isles, Fourth Corner of the House of Troubles, then you already know this is the costume for you.
Sheogorath Costume (male)
ON-icon-costume-Sheogorath Costume.png
Sheogorath Costume
Type Costume
Acquired From Reaper's Harvest Crate
Reward Level Legendary
Price 00100100 Crown Gems
036003,600 Seals of Endeavor

The Sheogorath Costume is available as a Legendary-level reward in Reaper's Harvest Crown Crates. It is worn by Sheogorath in Elsweyr.


Slot 1:
Slot 2:
Slot 3:


  • Sheogorath's older outfit, worn by him in the base game, is different from the player costume.
