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Home Settlement Valeguard
Race Khajiit Gender Female
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly

Shandi is a Khajiit who can be found in Valeguard.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

A Tale Forever Told[edit]

When you approach her, she will say to Spinner Parwaen:

"Slow down! That was the middle part."

You must speak with her to start the quest.

"Shandi writes as fast as possible, but still these spinners come up with more to say! After uncountable generations, they still change the story.
Do you know the story of the Silvenar and the Green Lady? Or I should say, one of the stories?"
Are there many stories about them?
"As many stories as there have been Silvenars. Going back to the first Bosmer, no doubt!
But the story the spinners are telling now, it's all wrong. It must change back before it's too late."
What does a story being wrong matter?
"Ah, you've never been here, have you? This is a temple to the spinners, the Bosmer who make reality with their tales.
Let me take you to Elilor in Valeguard, and perhaps you'll see why the story must be corrected."
All right. Let's go.

Asking her questions related to Valeguard:

"You are very kind to help, though you do not seem to know Valeguard's importance. Perhaps Shandi can explain things for you?"
What can you tell me about this place?
"Stories are told here, and by some ancient magic, made to come to pass. Strange people, strange customs.
I came to find inspiration in the spinners and their lives. They are a curious lot."
Who are the spinners?
"Bosmer priests, of a sort. They interpret the Green Pact, and often serve as diplomats for the Bosmer.
They tell stories to each other as their prayers. And strangely enough, their stories come true."
What do you mean, they come true?
"As real as a summer roast or a cricket's song. I've yet to determine if they speak what they see, or if reality conforms to their desires.
One spinner told me how thirsty he was and suddenly, he held a mug of mead. Fascinating!"
Who exactly are you?
"A bard in the best of times, and a scavenger in the worst. I came to hear the stories of the Bosmer, and found them unintelligible.
I've only just begun to understand the depth of the spinners' power. I doubt they know it themselves!"
What story are you writing down?
"You've heard of the Silvenar and the Green Lady, yes? The spinners tell the story of their life together, guiding the Bosmer to prosperity.
That is how it usually goes. But it's changed, and I fear for the Bosmer people if it is not changed back."
What story do they tell here?
"Many different ones. It's such trouble to write them down.
Elilor usually talks only of the Silvenar. He's the one who noticed their story had changed."
The Silvenar?
"As spiritual leader of the Bosmer, he symbolizes the Green Pact between the Bosmer and Valenwood.
Treethanes, kings, and warlords bow to him, yet the Silvenar's power is intangible. Curious, no?"

After speaking to Elilor, she'll say:

"I'm sure if Shandi's stories came true, I would also be a bit strange."

Examine the handfast and Spinner Indraseth appears in spirit form. Speak to Shandi and she'll remark:

"Spinner Indraseth has taken you into her story. I think this means that you're telling the story with her, through your words and actions.
How exciting!"
How do I know what to do?
"Well, the Silvenar and the Green Lady need to be happy together. How that happens changes with every story.
So I think you must go through Spinner Indraseth's story and make sure that happens. Everything else will work itself out."

After speaking to the spinner and she disappears, Shandi will scream and run after the spirit:

Shandi: "I know where she's going."
Shandi: "Go after her! If you're a part of the story, you can enter!"

Speak to her before entering the Caverns of Valeguard and she'll warn you:

"Be careful. It seems Spinner Indraseth has gone quite mad."

Rewrite the story and bring the energies of The Silvenar and The Green Lady to the handfast. A flash of light occurs, to which Shandi exclaims:

Shandi: "It's beautiful!"

After you imbued the Handfast with the essences:

"I've never seen the Handfast look like this before. It's wonderful!"

After the quest:

"The spinners say their stories come true. What good fortune you changed this one, yes?"

A Novel Idea[edit]

Once you've helped Farandor create his book, he'll ask you to have Shandi read it:

Farandor asked me to give you this.
"Roasted meat? Smells like a Wood Elf delicacy. Is it lunch?
Strange markings branded into it. Wait. Are these … did he write their story on a block of meat?"
Yes, it seems so.
"Unusual, but not unworkable.
Shandi will make this less edible and more readable. Thank you for your gift!"

After the quest:

"Mm …. The book smells good enough to eat!"