Online:Search and Rescue
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Quick Summary: written by Enodoc, checked by MolagBallet
Quest Stages: written by Jeancey, not checked |
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Quick Walkthrough[edit]
- Talk to Edrasa Drelas.
- Gather plants for the potion.
- Find Boril Drelas.
- Give the potion to miners and stop the noxious fumes.
- Find Renvis.
- Get out of the mine.
Detailed Walkthrough[edit]
Edrasa Drelas is in her makeshift alchemy laboratory caring for two patients. Speak to her to begin the quest.
- "Sorry, I haven't time for pleasantries. We're having a bit of a crisis here."
- What's going on?
- "This is Deepcrag Den, a kwama mine. But something's gone wrong.
Some kind of fumes have filled the mine, and the kwama are going crazy. They're attacking the workers. I've been making potions to counter the fumes, but I'm running out of ingredients." - Can I help?
- "My husband, Boril, went back into the mine! What is he thinking? I'm sorry, what did you say? Help?
Yes, all right. I need aloe or redweed to make more potions. They grow all around here. You can forage for some, if you're willing." - Leave it to me.
You'll have several plants marked which you can harvest, or you can get the plants by persuading Marolos (with the Persuasive Will perk) or bribing Nelvana with leveled gold (no perk needed) to get three plants each. Either way, once you have any combination of 6 Aloe Leaves and/or Redweed, return to Edrasa. She will thank you, and ask you to find her husband and her cousin.
- I have the plants you needed.
- "Praise Vivec! I need to get these potions to the workers as soon as possible.
I'm sure it will help. It has to." - Where do you think the fumes came from?
- "I don't know! How would I know? I don't go into the mine! Why are you asking me?
I'm sorry. This is so stressful. I'm worried about my husband, Boril. He went back inside. And I have no idea what happened to my idiot cousin, Renvis." - Why did Boril go back?
- "He's concerned about the workers. Thinks they're still in the mine. I'm so worried. Boril hasn't raised a sword in years and the kwama aren't acting normal.
Will you go after him? Take him these potions? And drink one yourself before you go." - I'll drink it and then find your husband.
Enter the mine. You'll have to fight through a few hostile kwama to find Bolril hiding in an alcove in the first room. He tells you the fumes are created by some poisonous vials around, and also tells you that there are other miners who need his wife's potion.
- "I came back to look for my wife's cousin Renvis and the rest of our missing workers, but I haven't had much luck. I've been stumbling around in the dark, trying to avoid getting eaten by kwama. But I did discover something quite disturbing."
- What did you find?
- "Treachery! The mine is filled with open vials spewing noxious fumes. This was no accident. I sealed several of the vials and cleared this chamber, but I can't get down to the lower levels without getting swarmed by kwama."
- Maybe I can seal the rest of the vials.
- "If you do, you'll be the hero of Deepcrag! If you run into any miners, give them one of Edrasa's potions. And keep an eye out for Cousin Renvis. He's not the sharpest arrow in the quiver."
- I'll do what I can.
Make your way down the northern path to the middle room, speaking to the miners along the way to give them the potion. In the middle room, find and activate the three vials of noxious gas to seal them. Continue east from there to find the lowest room and the other three vials you need to stopper.
In the lowest room, you'll also find Renvis cowering in the corner. Speak to him to learn the truth.
- "The kwama went crazy! It wasn't supposed to be like that!"
- Renvis? What are you talking about?
- "Why did the kwama go crazy? The smoke vials were a joke. She said nobody'd get hurt. She promised! I didn't do anything wrong, I swear. It wasn't even my idea!"
- Are you saying that you did this?
- "It was all Edrasa's idea! I knew it was wrong. I promise that if I don't get eaten by kwama, I'll go to the temple in Mournhold and pray to the gods with all my might. I'll even give gold to poor people... when I get some gold."
- Calm down. You're not going to get eaten.
- "We have to get out of here. I know a shortcut! But there's a big kwama in the way. It went into that tunnel over there. If you poke its eggs, I bet it'll come out. Then we can run up the tunnel and escape!"
Activate the large kwama egg in front of the tunnel to spawn the Hive Guardian and defeat it. Once you have done so, Renvis will run past you and enter the tunnel Follow him and speak to him again.
- "I'm sorry. I didn't mean for anyone to get hurt."
- I killed the enraged kwama.
- "Thanks. I did a stupid thing. Edrasa gave me this necklace so I'd do it. She said it was a present from Cousin Boril, when they got married. It's worth more than I earn in a month!"
- Why did Edrasa do this?
- "She said Cousin Boril only cares about the kwama. She thought that if the mine got closed for a few days, he might take her to Mournhold. She wanted to dance and shop and have fun. She never thought the kwama would go crazy!"
- All this for a weekend in the city?
- "Here, take Edrasa's necklace. I don't want it anymore. I can get out through the tunnel, now that it's clear. I'm really sorry. Really, really sorry."
- Get moving.
Exit the mine and confront Edrasa back in her laboratory. She regrets her actions as she didn't expect it to get out of hand, and begs you to keep her secret.
- "You're back! Is everything all right at the mine now?"
- I spoke to your cousin, Renvis.
- "Then you know what I did. I can hear it in your voice. It was foolish and dangerous. I'm so ashamed.
I've been trying to make up for all this by helping the injured workers." - I have the amulet you gave Renvis.
- "It was a gift from Boril. If he sees it, he'll know I was involved. Please, I deserve to be punished, but I don't want to lose Boril.
If you don't reveal my part in this, I promise I'll find a way to make up for it."
You now have the option of giving Edrasa's Garnet and Pearl Amulet to her, or giving it to Bolril and telling him the truth. Whether you choose to keep Edrasa's secret or not, you can turn in the quest to Bolril for some gold and a pair of bracers.
Giving the amulet to Edrasa:
- Almalexia bless you!
You won't regret this. I'll help Boril and the miners. I'll even stop complaining about the kwama. And I'll certainly never do anything so foolish ever again." - Goodbye.
Talking to Edrasa afterwards:
- Thank you so much for agreeing to keep my secret. I promise, I'll make it up to Boril and the miners. You have my word on that.
- Goodbye.
Quest Stages[edit]
) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
- Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
- Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.