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Online:Sanity's Edge Dialogue
The UESPWiki – Your source for The Elder Scrolls since 1995
The mortals in Sanity's Edge can be overheard.
Contramagis Militia:
- "I heard Yaseyla wanted to kill Twelvane herself. Wonder what that worm did to deserve that."
- "All that fancy magic and they can't even save themselves."
- "Yaseyla said to kill them all."
- "We'll find every last one of you. Rid the city of your filth."
- "There's so many of them. All lined up for the slaughter."
- "They keep screaming when I break their fingers."
- "Conjuring isn't natural."
- "Did they think they would get away?"
- "A few tried to run, but I severed their ankles. That stopped them."
- "After we clear all the filth from this city, we'll move to the rest of Tamriel."
- "Oh you poor little mages. You're going to die painfully. And slowly!"
- "I'll tear the still-beating flesh from your bones, malpracticer."
- "My blade's as thirsty as a drunkard in the desert."
- "I can't wait till we're rid of these malpracticers."
Mages Guild:
- "Remember how small Vanton felt giving that lecture? He can't do it without Ansuul's help."
- "You're an embarrassment to the guild, Vanton. What has your research amounted to?"
- "What do you think, ears or eyes next?"
- "I'll enjoy killing every last one of these powerless maggots."
- "I'll feed the next one to a paranoxia!"
- "He couldn't even save Twelvane. They used to be friends, you know."
- "So weak. He's so useless and simple."
- "Did you hear that one beg?"
- "I think I killed the last one too quickly. I won't make the same mistake."
- "I heard Vanton's working with Twelvane now. Good."
- "Magic's not that hard, I don't understand how you're too stupid to do it."
- "Do you remember that time he tripped right in front of Twelvane?"
- "Just produce a spark and I'll let you live."
- "Why did we let non-mages live as long as we did?"
- "They're all so weak without magic. It's adorable."
- "Vanton will never amount to anything at this rate."
- "Death to all non-mages!"
Final area:
- "Ansuul is tired of your interference!"
- "Ansuul sees all your failures."
- "We'll find you, Vanton."
- "Just give up, Vanton."
When you enter combat, they may yell at you.
Contramagis Militia:
- "You don't belong here."
- "You're taking their side?"
- "You think you can stop us?"
- "You're not one of us."
- "Your presence here changes nothing."
- "Ooh! A new victim."
- "For Yaseyla!"
- "Killing you will be enjoyable."
Mages Guild:
- "You'll fall before our superiority."
- "This is a city for the strong!"
- "Oh look, another fool to torture!"
- "For the Mages Guild!"
- "Where do you think you're going?"
- "Make Twelvane proud."
- "Surround them!"
- "You don't matter here."
Final area:
- "You think you're a hero?"
- "You don't care about Vanton."
- "I'll cut your tongue out."
- "You won't get any farther."
- "You won't save Vanton."
- "I wondered when you'd turn up."
- "Ansuul will rip your world to shreds."
- "This isn't your dream."
- "You're not warriors, not really."
- "You're never going to defeat us."
- "Do you really want to do this?"
- "Leave Vanton to us!"
- "You're struggling. You can't win."