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Online:Sanity's Edge Dialogue

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The mortals in Sanity's Edge can be overheard.

Contramagis Militia:

"I heard Yaseyla wanted to kill Twelvane herself. Wonder what that worm did to deserve that."
"All that fancy magic and they can't even save themselves."
"Yaseyla said to kill them all."
"We'll find every last one of you. Rid the city of your filth."
"There's so many of them. All lined up for the slaughter."
"They keep screaming when I break their fingers."
"Conjuring isn't natural."
"Did they think they would get away?"
"A few tried to run, but I severed their ankles. That stopped them."
"After we clear all the filth from this city, we'll move to the rest of Tamriel."
"Oh you poor little mages. You're going to die painfully. And slowly!"
"I'll tear the still-beating flesh from your bones, malpracticer."
"My blade's as thirsty as a drunkard in the desert."
"I can't wait till we're rid of these malpracticers."

Mages Guild:

"Remember how small Vanton felt giving that lecture? He can't do it without Ansuul's help."
"You're an embarrassment to the guild, Vanton. What has your research amounted to?"
"What do you think, ears or eyes next?"
"I'll enjoy killing every last one of these powerless maggots."
"I'll feed the next one to a paranoxia!"
"He couldn't even save Twelvane. They used to be friends, you know."
"So weak. He's so useless and simple."
"Did you hear that one beg?"
"I think I killed the last one too quickly. I won't make the same mistake."
"I heard Vanton's working with Twelvane now. Good."
"Magic's not that hard, I don't understand how you're too stupid to do it."
"Do you remember that time he tripped right in front of Twelvane?"
"Just produce a spark and I'll let you live."
"Why did we let non-mages live as long as we did?"
"They're all so weak without magic. It's adorable."
"Vanton will never amount to anything at this rate."
"Death to all non-mages!"

Final area:

"Ansuul is tired of your interference!"
"Ansuul sees all your failures."
"We'll find you, Vanton."
"Just give up, Vanton."

When you enter combat, they may yell at you.

Contramagis Militia:

"You don't belong here."
"You're taking their side?"
"You think you can stop us?"
"You're not one of us."
"Your presence here changes nothing."
"Ooh! A new victim."
"For Yaseyla!"
"Killing you will be enjoyable."

Mages Guild:

"You'll fall before our superiority."
"This is a city for the strong!"
"Oh look, another fool to torture!"
"For the Mages Guild!"
"Where do you think you're going?"
"Make Twelvane proud."
"Surround them!"
"You don't matter here."

Final area:

"You think you're a hero?"
"You don't care about Vanton."
"I'll cut your tongue out."
"You won't get any farther."
"You won't save Vanton."
"I wondered when you'd turn up."
"Ansuul will rip your world to shreds."
"This isn't your dream."
"You're not warriors, not really."
"You're never going to defeat us."


"Do you really want to do this?"
"Leave Vanton to us!"
"You're struggling. You can't win."