Online:Saehon Magaudin

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Saehon Magaudin
Home Settlement Geirmund's Hall
Race Nord Gender Male
Health 146590 Difficulty ON-misc-Boss 1.png
Reaction Friendly
Class Thundermaul
Saehon Magaudin

Saehon Magaudin is a Nord thundermaul found on the eastern side of Geirmund's Hall.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

If you speak to him before accepting the quest, he says:

"I know, I know. I'm amazing."

Before you face off any of the brawlers:

"You need to fight the rest before you fight the best. Me, being the best."

After you defeated the brawlers and before speaking to Daljari:

"Soon. Soon you too will know of my greatness."

You have the option of fighting him during the related quest. He's quite confident in his abilities.

"Behold! You stand before the great one."
I'm looking for a fight.
"I'm ready when you are."

After defeating him or another champion, he'll be impressed:

"It's not often I meet someone as amazing as myself."

After you become the hall's champion, he'll say:

"Everyone here looks up to you and me. Can you blame them?"