Online:Ripple Effect
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Quick Summary: not written
Quest Stages: not written |
Quick Walkthrough[edit]
- Collect the Alessian weapons.
- Talk to Sarvith Yunlin.
- Locate the ripples in time.
- Enter the crypt.
Detailed Walkthrough[edit]
As you continue down the dialogue tree from the end of the previous quest, Conjuror Grahla gives you the new one. She asks you to collect the blades of the Alessian generals, to the west. All three are with their spectral soldiers, giving orders. Each has a line they say when the player approaches.
- General Lauran: No Direnni shall pass this gate! Do you understand me?
- General Elaric: They think they have the advantage, do they? Ha! Just wait until their plan crumbles around them!
- General Railon: Make sure these orders circulate among the troops. They need to be prepared for what's to come.
The first one you will encounter is General Luaran, at the gates of the camp. She has two men with her. General Elaric is just inside, at his camp. He has one man, but fighting him will likely agro the other Alessian specters in the camp. There is a Skyshard deeper in the camp. General Railon is just beyond it, with one soldier.
Collect the Ancient Blades from each of them and return to Sarvith Lunlin at the Mages Guild camp, where he is arguing with another mage. Bhagrun Gro-Dunk doesn't believe that the stories of Faolchu are entirely truthful.
- Sarvith: "It's true! Faolchu was as big as a tree, with claws like greatswords!"
- Bhagrun: "Yes, yes. And he breathed fire and ate warriors, armor and all. I've heard it all before."
Speak to Sarvith.
- Bhagrun here claimed that the threat Faolchu poses has been greatly exaggerated. Poor fool wouldn't know a moth from a mammoth.
- Grahla asked me to bring you these things.
- Ah, the focus objects! These will do very nicely. Let me just, uhh... hmm. I don't think that was supposed to come off. Well, these swords are pretty beat up. I'm sure we'll still have plenty of material for the ritual, though.
When you tell him you'd like to observe the ritual he says:
- Of course. We'll be using the amalgamated essence of the past. focused with these ancient weapons, to open a sort of window into history.
Give Sarvith the blades, and he and Bhagrun will leave the tent, arguing all the while.
- Sarvith: Now we may finally learn how Faolchu was defeated.
- Bhagrun: And maybe we'll find out how tall the horker really was.
They'll perform the ritual. There will be a flash of blue light, the mages will be blown back, and a woman (Alana Relin) will briefly appear, begging to be heard: "Listen to me! You must listen!"
When you talk to Bhagrun, he's not surprised:
- "No surprise there. Poor Sarvith. His spells never work as planned. It's always the same. One disaster after another."
Sarvith is more optimistic:
- Julianos's little teapot! We did it! I think.
- Was that supposed to happen?
- The spell worked better than I anticipated. We didn't just create a window into the past—we opened a door. The very air ripples with temporal disturbance. Somewhere nearby, a door into history stands open. All we need to do is step through it.
- Who was that woman who appeared?
- A fragment from the past, I think. Something that was pulled forward with the spell. Let's hope that was all we pulled forward.
- So how does this help us learn about Faolchu?
- Someone brave and rash enough has to actually step through the door we opened. I'm too valuable to get lost In the past. And Bhagrun would probably change history with all his usual bumbling about. Ask Grahla what she thinks we should do.
Grahla has this to say:
- We heard a scream. And then ripples of magical distortion started to sweep across the battlefield. What happened?
- Your mages have opened a door into the past.
- They were supposed to cast a simple divination spell, nothing more. Sarvith wasn't supposed to open any doorways.
- Sarvith thinks we can go back in time to learn about Faolchu's death.
- I don't like this. Time magic shouldn't be meddled with. But what's done is done. Maybe one of those ripples has the answers we seek.
- What should I do?
- I'm not sure I like it, but this may be the only way to reveal Faolchu's past. Examine the ripples in the battlefield and see if Sarvith's doorway is out there somewhere.
Seek out the ripples, four floating purple spheres across the battlefield. As you activate them, the woman from before, Alana Relin, appears again and speaks to you.
- "You seek to see into the past. I can guide you."
- "I can show you how Faolchu met his death."
- "If Faolchu has risen, then he must die again."
- "Go to the crypt. I'll meet you there and show you how to discover the secret you seek."
The crypt is to the south. Ignore the marker, as it doesn't register the entrance to the crypt and merely points inside. Search the ridge for the entrance directly north of the marker. Inside, Alana explains how you'll see how to defeat Faolchu: by putting on the armor of the man who did it, and killing the beast yourself. This starts the next quest in the quest line, A Step Back in Time.
- Alana's name is not mentioned at any point in this quest. Only the interface names her, until the next quest in the line.
- Every single container in the long-abandoned Alessian camp is empty in the present.
Quest Stages[edit]
Ripple Effect | |
Finishes Quest | Journal Entry |
Objective: Collect the Blades of the Alessian Generals
Objective: Bring Blades to Sarvith Yunlin
Objective: Talk to Sarvith Yunlin
Objective: Talk to Grahla
Objective: Examine the Ripples
Objective: Examine the Time Ripples
Objective: Find the Crypt
) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
- Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
- Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.