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This article is about in-game places. For information on servers, see Megaservers.
This page lists all the realms in Elder Scrolls Online. These are locations that are separate from Nirn and not located within any zone.
- Atoll of Immolation — A section of the Deadlands accessible from Oblivion Portals in Blackwood and the Deadlands zone.
- Chateau of the Ravenous Rodent — Sheogorath's "family estate" in Dementia, in the southern Shivering Isles.
- Cheesemonger's Hollow — A secluded valley in Shivering Isles, Sheogorath's plane of Oblivion.
- Circus of Cheerful Slaughter — An ancient ruin in Dementia, part of Sheogorath's Shivering Isles.
- The Colored Rooms — Meridia's plane of Oblivion.
- Deadlands: The Ashen Forest
— An isolated region within Mehrunes Dagon's realm in Oblivion. (map)
- The Demi-Plane of Jode — A realm visited from within the Two Moons Path by Khajiit seeking to become the Mane.
- Den of Lorkhaj — A shadowy realm created from the decaying corpse of Lorkhaj.
- Emeric's Dream — A nightmare realm encountered only in the Daggerfall Covenant quest Vaermina's Gambit. (map)
- The Far Shores — A realm of Aetherius to which the souls of Redguards travel upon their death.
- The Five Finger Dance — The realm of Baan Dar, who hosts an eternal party for bandits, pranksters, and merrymakers.
- Garden of Shadows — A pocket realm of the Evergloam. (map)
- Glade of the Divines — A temple in the Shivering Isles, Sheogorath's plane of Oblivion.
- Godrun's Dream — A pocket realm of Quagmire encountered only in the Daggerfall Covenant quest Godrun's Dream. (map)
- Grayhaven
— A lost realm of Oblivion located deep in the Void.
- The Hunting Grounds — Hircine's realm of Oblivion.
- The Hunting Grounds — Hircine's realm of Oblivion, connected to Wilding Run in Malabal Tor.
- Isles of Torment — A pocket-plane of Coldharbour, mystically connected to the Moonhenge in Greenshade.
- Plane of Jode
— A Khajiiti temple on the larger of the two moons, only accessible through the Moon Gate of Anequina during a lunar eclipse. (map)
- The Refuge of Dread — A pocket plane of Oblivion within Mehrunes Dagon's Deadlands.
- The Remnant of Argon
— A magical refuge hidden inside a powerful Argonian relic.
- Time-Lost Throne Room
— The throne room of the White-Gold Tower, accessible through a gaping time breach in Divad's Chagrin Mine.
- Vandacia's Deadlands Keep
— A Daedric fortress granted to Councilor Vandacia by Mehrunes Dagon. (map)