
Online:Otumi-Ra, the Unrelenting Gale

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Otumi-Ra, the Unrelenting Gale
Home Settlement Stonewastes
Location Wretched SpireThe Deadlands
House Otumi-Ra's Hut
Race Argonian Gender Male
Health 25,974
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) Four Winds
Otumi-Ra, the Unrelenting Gale

Otumi-Ra, the Unrelenting Gale is an Argonian who can be found at his hut nearby Stonewastes. He is one of the legendary Four Winds, a group of warriors who protect the people in the swamps. Otumi is also known for drinking and his hobby of brewing Argonian spirits.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

The Rising Winds[edit]

Dead to the world

After agreeing to help Nuxul reunite the Winds, so they can protect Stonewastes from the Sharp-Eyes and their warlord, you will fail to convince Meer-Ta to join your cause. He will give you directions to Otumi-Ra's hut, but he doesn't expect much from him. When you find his hut, you will find Otumi-Ra sprawled out on the ground outside.

You can try talking to Otumi-Ra to wake him up:

"… don't … eat the plate, too…. Just one more …. Those frogs … dancing …."
Otumi-Ra? Can you hear me?
"… no knives … have you shouted … Satul-Sa …."
Yes, we came about Satul-Sa. Wake up!
"… no mud puddles for you, sir … ah, kaoc …."

After failing to wake him up, you can talk to Nuxul who suggests collecting some pugnent Waking Seeds from nearby, and wafting them under Otumi-Ra's nose. When you have the seeds you can use them on the sleeping Argonian:

<Otumi-Ra wakes up and staggers to his feet.>
Otumi-Ra, the Unrelenting Gale: "Ugh … that is awful! What … who are you?"

Speak with Otumi-Ra, explain what has happened, and ask him to join your cause:

"Ugh! What horrific stench of dead mules and fried dung have you thrust upon me? All I wish is a gentle slumber under the open skies and upon the … mud. Does not a retired fighter for peace deserve such rest?
Speak, brigand!"
I come on behalf of the village. Satul-Sa is dead and they are under attack.
"No! My greatest friend—and I hoped, one day, my mate, if she would ever agree—dead? How can I bear such enormous tragedy as this?
Lay the facts onto the stones, stranger. Who has earned my unyielding, roiling anger?"
A warlord named Naxhosa raids the village and kills its people. They need your help.
"A battle! Against murderers and thieves! These are the types of trials I live for. Or, at least, I used to.
I imagine you and the blacksmith wish to join my struggle for freedom and revenge. Join me. I must celebrate my friend. And test your mettle."
Lead on.

Otumi-Ra and Nuxul will walk up the ramp into his home:

Otumi-Ra, the Unrelenting Gale: "Join me inside. We will see what you're made of."
The Drinking Challenge

Speak with him. Once inside his hut, you will find several bottles layed out on his dining table. Talk with Otumi-Ra so he can explain the challlenge:

"All right, my newest friend. By joining me you choose to engage in the challenge of my choice! Only through completing this test of your endurance and stamina shall I know your worth as a warrior.
Do you believe yourself prepared?"
If it means you'll join us, I am ready.
"Oh yes, I can sense that raging fire in your stout heart. I suspect you have slain many a foe in your travels. But if we are to go into battle together, I must put a fire in your belly as well.
And so, we're going to do … a drinking contest!"
You wish to challenge me to drink alcohol?
"What else? Show me that you hold the same strong will that makes for the greatest of warriors! Oh, chum, we shall see if you can withstand the greatest of Argonian ales and wines.
Plus, this should help numb the rodents gnawing in my head."
I accept. How should we begin?
"The drinks are in front of me. You may choose what we drink.
Be warned—mixing Argonian spirits can fell the stoutest outsider. If you do not believe yourself up to the task, you may leave now. I will call you many rude names as you flee, though."
Let's do this.

The goal of the challenge is to drink from the four bottles without passing out. The trick is to drink the Argonian spirits in the correct order, Otumi-Ra's book A Perfect Drink has some valuable information in identifying the which bottle is which and the correct drinking order. Nuxul will demonstrate what happens if you get it wrong:

Otumi-Ra, the Unrelenting Gale: "Now choose a drink and get started!"
Nuxul: "All right, I'll give this a try. For the village, right?"
Nuxul selects a drink and chugs.>
Nuxul: "I don't … I don't feel so good … hurk …."
<He heaves and then falls to the ground.>

Speaking with him during the challenge:

"Go on, ojel. Drink your fill with courage! I shall match you drink for drink. If you succeed, then I join your quest with joy in my heart.
If you fail, well, hopefully there's a doctor nearby."

As you sling back the drinks, Otumi-Ra will call out comments and encouragements as you progress:

If you get the drink wrong, you'll be knocked back on your knees:

Otumi-Ra, the Unrelenting Gale: "Even the newest hatchling knows not to drink that way!"

First Drink:

Otumi-Ra, the Unrelenting Gale: "Ah, a good start! But let's see how you do with even more!"

Second Drink:

Otumi-Ra, the Unrelenting Gale: "Bitter, isn't it? I make that myself! From whatever I find around the hut."

Third Drink:

Otumi-Ra, the Unrelenting Gale: "Ha! Oh, I thought you would fall to the ground like good Nuxul after that one. One more!"

Fourth Drink:

Otumi-Ra, the Unrelenting Gale: "The final one and still you stand! A will made of true iron you must have. Come, let's speak."

After you complete the challenge, talk to Otumi-Ra and see if he will help the village:

"Impressive! Such strength! Such power! Such a stomach! I did not know they made outsiders who could stand against the might of Argonian ale.
Would you like to continue? Not as part of the test, just for a wonderful time!"
No, thank you. Does this mean you will join us?
"Of course! I was always going to! This test was just to see if I would allow you to join me, or cut you down for waking me up.
But you passed! Let us link arms and bring the fight to those who slew my dear Satul-Sa."
Good. That's two of the three remaining Winds. Hopefully that is enough
"Two of the three? Let me guess. Meer-Ta refused."
That's right. How did you know?
"Do not be fooled. He has a good soul, but his mood is as legendary as my strength.
Here, take my banner, and place it on the cliff above my hut. He won't be able to stand knowing I'm going into a fight that he isn't. So don't worry. He'll be there."

When you have spoken with him, Otumi-Ra will assure you about Nuxul:

Otumi-Ra, the Unrelenting Gale: "Have no fear for the blacksmith. Some waking seeds shall fix him up!"

Speaking with Otumi-Ra again before you leave:

"I shall gather my implements of justice and meet you in the village. And probably drink the rest of this ale. For courage!
Remember, place the banner upon the highest cliff above my hut. That'll bring Meer-Ta to the fight."
Will Nuxul be all right?
"Oh, him? Yes, the blacksmith will be quite fine. Nuxul has never kept his head at our village parties. Always passes out from drink before the moon rises to the peak.
He is an excellent blacksmith, better than he believes. But a terrible drinker."

Once you have hung up Otumi-Ra's banner, you can journey back to the village. Elossi, Otumi-Ra, Nuxul and some other volunteers will waiting on the path leading to the Stonewastes Keep where the Sharp-Eyes lurk. You have the option of talking with Otumi-Ra before starting the attack:

"Still standing, chum? Legs aren't wobbling from fear or drink? No, I don't suppose I need worry about that for someone with your epic fortitude.
Voss! Do you see? The villagers join us. Our arrival gives them hope. This is your work!"
Will it be enough to defeat Naxhosa?
"Oh ho, more than enough! These people feel a deep fire in their bellies. But someone needed to fan it until the flames shoot out their mouths! We have done this very thing.
And with the addition of three Winds of Stonewastes, we are unbeatable!"
Three? But Meer-Ta isn't here.
"You're right, he isn't here with us, but make no mistake—I spent many turns of the season at his side.
He's brash and filled with bees, but you'll find few with stronger character. He'll be here, if he isn't lurking around already."

After you have spoken with Nuxul and told him you are ready to begin the attack, Elossi and Otumi-Ra will run ahead of you into Stonewastes Keep:

Elossi, the Sudden Gust: "Once again I fight by your side, Otumi-Ra. My scales have itched for this moment."
Otumi-Ra, the Unrelenting Gale: "Let your blades sing their horrible song, Elossi. I delight in the tune!"

Once inside, you can fight the Sharp-Eyes and assist the Winds when you find them. Otumi-Ra will be in the courtyard and he'll call you over to him:

Otumi-Ra, the Unrelenting Gale: "Ah! My friend! Up here! I have need of you!"
Destroy the Siege Weapons

He will be pushing at a massive stone carving which overhangs a collection of siege weapons:

"I can feel the power surging in me once again. Such a battle!
Do you think you can help me with this thing? In my youth I could topple three such pillars with a swift kick. But all things age, even me!"
Why do you want to push this over?
"Why does anyone want to push anything over? To smash stuff, of course! You outsiders ask such ridiculous questions. I want the catapults below in splinters.
So, yes, I can push this most of the way. I just need your extra shove to finish the task."
I can help. Get ready.

You can then push at the stone carving along with him. Speaking to him before doing so:

"I was hatched ready, you hilarious deek-beeko! Here we go!"

With your help, the stonework will break from the wall and tumbles below:

Otumi-Ra, the Unrelenting Gale: "A crushing like none other! Now, hurry. Seek out Naxhosa."

Talking to Otumi befor heading further into the keep:

"We'll clear this place out. One Wind is a force on their own. But three? They don't have a chance."

While in Stonewastes Keep, you will help Elossi free the Argonian Villagers, destroy the enchanted weapons stockpile with Meer-Ta, and defeat Warlord Naxhosa and burn his war banner down. With all these things accomplished, you will break the morale of the Sharp-Eyes and can return to the village in triumph. Will the villagers celebrate, Otumi-Ra will be standing with his fellows Winds:

"There you are! Do you hear the cheers raining upon us like … rain? But warm rain, that moistens the scales and makes such soft muds.
They call out for the Winds, but that includes you, my friendly killing wanderer. Do not forget what you did."
What will you do now?
"Come on now. I suspect the knowledge of what I plan lurks within your strange but impressive belly.
I will drink! We all will. For many, many nights. Then perhaps I will finally choose a student."
How will you do that?
"Feats of strength. Or, perhaps, I will test their knowledge of the most offensive words in Jel. No warrior can ignite their sinew without shouting something horrible!
Until then, I know the village is safe. This satisfies me."

After the end of the quest:

"I stayed away from this life far too long. Solitude is no way to spend my days."
What will you do now?(same response)

Pyre of Ambition[edit]

If you have previously completed the Rising Winds quest, you can recruit the Winds to help you at Fort Redmane to defend the Four Ambitons and defeat the Waking Flame forces. Otumi can be found with Elossi and Meer-Ta at the camp outside Fort Redmane:

"May the currents of the swamp drown your enemies and carry you home! The Third Wind stands ready to slay any who threaten Blackwood."

Heroes of Blackwood[edit]

Among the guests attending the celebrations in Gideon, Otumi-Ra will be there along with his fellow Winds and Nuxul:

"It is time to feast and make merry! Where is the cake? Where is the drink? Point me to the games of strength. None of these dryskin beekos shall leave this party unchallenged!"
Appears only with The Deadlands

Ambition's End[edit]

As you near the final confrontation with Mehrunes Dagon, Lyranth will gather a number of your allies you encountered in Blackwood. If you helped Otumi-Ra, he'll be among the troops:

"Beek-ojel! No, I am wrong. You are no more an outsider. After the strength showed against Naxhosa, you are of the tribe!
I bet you are ready for even more blood to fall, yes? These cretins do not know the log about to smack them in the face."
How have you fared since our last meeting?
"I was a massive, ancient tree fading from thirst. Then your arrival was a downpour, soaking me to my roots. I stand tall and filled with life once again.
Whatever comes next, I am only prepared because you brought me back to the world."

Hope Springs Eternal[edit]

Join the celebration at Leyawiin Castle:

"Strength! Vigor! Firm, hardy skin! How could a single person contain so many gifts? And yet, here you stand my raj-beeko.
From the muds below my hut, to the heights of this moment. A legend grows before my eyes."
Your legend will also grow from this.
"How could the deeds of Otumi-Ra become any more legendary? My name is already known across all of Tamriel! What next, the moons? I receive my own stars? Actually … hmm ….
No. Just watching your great success pleases me enough."


  • When Otumi-Ra appears in Wretched Spire with the other two surviving Winds, his name is missing his title "the Unrelenting Gale". Meer-Ta and Elossi are not missing their titles. Otumi-Ra's title reappears when he is next met at Leyawiin Castle.