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Need dialogue for other quest end in Destiny's Tide and Chronicle of Apocrypha
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Location Fathoms Drift, Cipher's Midden
Ship The Opulent Gale
Race High Elf Gender Male
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Condition Spirit
Naanurrel on his ship

Naanurrel is a High Elf sailor and captain of the Opulent Gale. He can first be encountered as a spirit in Fathoms Drift as his son Landolvel searches for him.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

Destiny's Tide[edit]

Landolvel will have woken up in Apocrypha with no idea how he got there, with his last memories of a terrible storm that hit their ship. He asks for your help searching for his father and while in Fathom's Drift you recover some of Naanurrel's belongings. You soon come across the spirit of Naanurrel on the deck of the wrecked Opulent Gale.

Naanurrel: "Landolvel, my boy! You're alive! I'm so relieved!"
Landolvel: "Father, is that you? Are you…this ghost?"

Speak with Naanurrel to see what is going on:

"You brought my son here. I thought I lost him! For that you have my thanks."
You're Landolvel's father?
"I am Naanurrel, Captain of the Opulent Gale. My son's been restored to me! We must complete the pact before this gift is taken back!"
What pact?
"I watched my son swept overboard. He would drown in the storm. I appealed to a greater power, but didn't complete the ritual. We must finish the task lest he perish again!"
What must we do?
"You must sacrifice three tokens from my past—logbook, spyglass, and locket, at the Unquenchable Brazier near the entrance to the sea caves, to seal the pact. Do this for us."
Very well. We'll do this.

If you talk to him again:

"This must be a shock to my son, but we must see this task through. Seek the Unquenchable Brazier that marks the entrance to this place."

Once you have found all three items, you can leave Fathom's Drift and meet Naanurrel next to the Unquenchable Brazier:

Landolvel: "I cannot believe it! My father traded his life for mine!"
Naanurrel: "Let me tell you all, my friend. Then you can cast the items into the flames and complete my pact."

Talk with Naanurrel who will provide more details about the pact and the ritual:

"I will tell you everything. Of my relationship to the Daedric Prince. Of what I did to save my son."
Tell me about this pact.
"The pact was with Herm'us Mora, who sleeps with his secrets in the depths. I had learned an incantation to entreat with him from an ancient sailor, and inscribed the summoning into my logbook."
You made a deal with a Daedric Prince.
"When I saw my child swept away in the storm, I knew he would perish, and I invoked the pact. Herm'us Mora heard my prayers and answered."
At a cost.
"At a cost. My son was saved, but I am fated to serve as Herm'us Mora's guide in this land of lost souls. You must burn the relics of my past, so I exist only in memory. Sacrifice the spyglass, logbook, and locket in the brazier!"

Continuing to talk to him, you can ask more questions about the items:

Tell me about these items.
"These items represent my past. Place them in the sacred flame to finalize my pact and seal my fate. Should Herm'us Mora rescind his offer, Landolvel will perish!"
Tell me about the spyglass.
"With this glass I beheld Herm'us Mora rising from the sea in response to my evocation."
The sight of him shattered the lens?
"It nearly shattered my mind, so horrid was its visage."
Why is the locket important? / Tell me about the locket.
"Ah, that is a treasured totem of my past life, of my lovely wife and devoted son. It is marked by the hand of Herm'us Mora when he agreed to spare my son's life."
What about the logbook?
"The book invokes the pact I made. I transcribed the spell into it. When I spoke the words aloud, Herm'us Mora's writing appeared beneath it, agreeing to the deal."
And we must burn it because?
"Burning the book and the other items finalizes my agreement. Unless it is fed to the brazier, there is still a chance Herm'us Mora would return my son to the depths and let him drown."

After you completed your conversation with Naanurrel:

Naanurrel: "You've heard what I have to say. Now, place the sacrifices into the flame."

However, after you place the belongings into the fire, Naanurrel's Logbook does not burn, instead it opens up and floats above the brazier. Talking to Landolvel, he will explain that the text in the logbook has changed. It now reads that Naanurrel or "the memory of him" can become a guide in service to Mora to complete the pact. Landolvel believes it to mean his memories of his father will be taken in exchange for his father's life and he ready to fulfill the bargain.

Naanurrel will disagree with this decision:

Naanurrel: "I would rather perish than let my son forget me. Let me seal the pact."

Speak with Naanurrel before you take the altered logbook out of the fire:

"It seems my fate is now in your hands. Whatever this new bargain is, I beg you—do not let my son accept it."

Once you have the logbook, you have the choice of giving it to either Landolvel or Naanurrel. You can speak with both of them to hear what they have to say before making a decision:

"I'm unsure how you came to help my son, but I'm indebted to you, stranger. Give me the book so I may finish this."
Are you at peace with remaining this way?
"I am. I made my choice the moment my son was swept overboard. Herm'us Mora honored his side of the deal. I will honor mine."
But Hermaeus Mora changed his offer.
"And I should have a son forget his father? I would rather perish, literally. Let me honor the original promise I made. My son is stubborn, but he offers too much. Give me the logbook."
You should take the book. Complete your bargain.
"My son is disappointed, but you respected my wishes, and for that I am in your debt. Let me offer some small reward for your aid, and know that, should you find yourself in these lands again, my spirit will always be with you."
Give me a moment to think. (Ends Conversation)

In the case that you decide to have Naanurrel fulfill his original bargain, the following will happen:

Naanurrel: "Hear me, Herm'us Mora! My liege, seal our pact for eternity. We rebuke your other offer."
<Naanurrel's spirit disappears>
Landolvel: "My father … gone. I have no words. I am grateful for your assistance traveler. Please, leave me with my grief."

If you leave and reenter the conversation after choosing to side with Naanurrel before completing the quest:

"You made the right choice. I'll remain here to carry out what role Herm'us Mora's chosen for me. Fear not, I'm at peace knowing that my son will carry on."
I will leave the spell to you.
"My son is disappointed, but you respected my wishes, and for that I am in your debt. Let me offer some small reward for your aid, and know that, should you find yourself in these lands again, my spirit will always be with you."

However, if you decide to give the logbook to Landolvel, the following will happen instead:

Landolvel: "Hear me, Herm'us Mora! I accept your offer! My memories for my father's life!"
<Sparks of light surround Naanurrel and he becomes flesh again.>
Naanurrel: "You have saved both me and my son, but at what cost?"
Landolvel: "… Who are you, old man?"
Naanurrel: "I am … No. I am a friend of your father's. Come, let's talk."

Before you turn in the quest to Landovlel, if you exit out of the conversation, you can speak to Naanurrel:

"I can't believe you'd allow him to do such a thing. Am I to live as a proud father whose son doesn't know who I am?"

Naanurrel will be brought back to life, and you can speak with him after completing the quest:

"I'm restored! Herm'us Mora is bountiful. But at what price?"
What will you do now?
"For once, I have no stars to guide me. I cannot simply return home to my wife. I cannot tell her Landolvel thinks me to be a stranger."
Will you remain here in Apocrypha?
"I will remain until I find a new path. Perhaps I may guide him a bit longer. No longer as father, but as companion. There is a settlement southeast of here, I understand. I shall lead him to safety."
There may yet be a part of him that remembers you.
"It pains me, but he chose to save me, at the cost of his memory. I'm unsure what happens next, but I will watch over him, in hopes that one day we might journey together."

After the quest, you'll find both him watching over his son from a distance at Cipher's Midden:

"Greetings, stranger. It saddens me to know my son cannot remember me. Still, I'm keeping an eye on him, and perhaps we will journey together."
Landolvel still does not remember you?
"He does not. When I tell him, he doesn't hear. Such is the power of Herm'us Mora's sorcery."
Why do you think Hermaeus Mora changed the pact?
"Who can guess with the Princes? Perhaps he valued my son's memories as highly as my life. He is a master of knowledge, after all. Still, I will take care of my son as best as I can. Perhaps we will voyage together again."
I wish you the best of luck, Captain.

Chronicle of Fate[edit]

If you choose to resurrect Naanurrel with the sacrifice of his son's memories, both father and son will attend your ceremony at Cipher's Midden:

Speaking to him:

"I was concerned, but my son and I are building new memories together. Thank you."
All this with your son must be very difficult.
"It is, occasionally. I'm trying to keep a positive outlook though. We've been reunited and for that I'm thankful for what you've done."
