Online:Mercenary (Pursuing the Shard)

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Home Settlement At-Tura Estate
Race Varies Gender Varies
Health 39,959
Reaction Justice Neutral
Pickpocket Medium Profession Warrior
A Gate Guard

Mercenaries can be found at both entrances to the At-Tura Estate.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest Related Events[edit]

Arrive at either entrance into the estate and a mercenary will be waiting to prevent your entry:

"Count Hosni is in residence, but no one gets into the party without an invitation."
I have an invitation.
"Let me see. Ah, this is a platinum-level invite. The count says you get to come and go as you please.
That's more leeway than he usually gives his guests these days."
Where can I find Count Hosni?
He's in the manor with his betrothed, Lady Adima.
Tonight's festivities have already resulted in four deaths. Better hurry."
What do you mean by that?
"I don't mean anything by it.
It's just, the count is different since he met that woman. But I don't ask questions. I suggest you don't either."
"Go on inside.
Her Ladyship wouldn't want you to miss any of the 'fun.'"

Once inside the walls of the estate, you'll find a female mercenary who'll say:

"Watch yourself. You are a guest here."

If you leave the estate before finishing the quest, they'll say:

  • "You can come and go as you like.
    Though you're a fool if you don't just go."
  • "You've got a free pass to go in or out.
    If I were you, I'd pick out."

After the quest, they'll say:

"I gather the party didn't turn out the way Her Ladyship planned.
Suits me, to tell the truth."


  • They were originally named Gate Guards before being renamed in a patch.
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