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Location Darkpool Mine
Race Khajiit Gender Female
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) Northern Elsweyr Defense Force

Mara'dahni is a Khajiit engineer found outside Darkpool Mine. She'll ask you for assistance in locating her lost partner, Hadaz, after she was chased out by cultists. The pair are in the employ of the Northern Elsweyr Defense Force and primarily work with explosives and siege weapons.

Related Quests[edit]

  • Iron in the Blood: Find a siegecrafter's companion and disrupt a cult's machinations.

Quest-Related Events[edit]

Iron in the Blood[edit]

As you approach her camp, you can her her mutter, "I wonder where he could have gotten to."

You can then speak with her.

"Headed into Darkpool Mine? Good! For me, I mean. Not for … I mean, maybe for you, too. Who knows?
Mara'dahni could really use a strong set of claws."
What's going on?
"My partner, Hadaz, and I came here to survey the mine. Plenty of sulfur and oil hereabouts, right? Only catch: the cave's full of cultists. And Daedra.
I couldn't tell you what they're doing in there, but judging by the smell, it's nothing good."
Where's your partner now?
"Still inside! A Daedroth caught us sniffing around, right? Hadaz tried to tell it that joke he knows. To make friends, yes? Doubt it worked, but who knows. This one took off running.
I feel a little bad about leaving Hadaz. Would you look for him?"
Sure, I'll look for your partner.
"Thanks for the help, rhook. Now, I don't want to alarm you, but with all the oil and sulfur, this mine could …. Is there a gentler word for explode?
Maybe that's what these Daedra work toward? Jone and Jode. One cataclysm at a time, right?"

You can then ask her questions about herself and the cultists.

Are you and Hadaz miners?
"Engineers. We build catapults, ballistae, that sort of thing for the Northern Elsweyr Defense Force. Can't scald people with boiling oil if you haven't got any oil, right? Sulfur's good for blowing things up, too.
Lucky us! We find both here!"
What are you planning to do with siegecraft?
"Like I said, blow things up. What else would we do with it?
That muskarse, Euraxia's, built more walls than I have hairs. Mara'dahni gets shivers just thinking about watching them collapse!"
So you operate the siegecraft, too?
"Yeah. This one's too slick and clever to swing claws and swords around. Leave that to the Pahmar-raht and the Senches, right?
In times of war, the wise stand in the back and throw heavy things. Good motto to live by, yes?"
What can you tell me about these cultists?
"Mara'dahni's no scholar, but they looked like Merrunz-worshipers. Claws of Daegon, right?
Had no idea so many of them lived in Northern Elsweyr. You can't let them finish whatever they're working on, rhook."
You think it would be catastrophic?
"Definitely. Plus, Merrunz worshipers are the worst! Have you ever met one? Sour, sore-bottomed cats, always muttering about fire and groundquakes.
Mara'dahni loves blowing things up too, but she doesn't get creepy about it, you know?"

If you find Hadaz, but talk to Mara'dahni without finishing the other objectives, she'll say:

"Hmm. That was quick. And no Hadaz, eh?"
He didn't make it, but he left a note. The cultists are summoning iron atronachs.
"Here, let me see it. Hadaz, you sugar-brained fool. Probably would have made it out if he hadn't stopped to write all this down, right? Ugh.
So. Iron atronachs. Sleek. Looks like they need oil and a magic hammer to complete the ritual, eh?"
Seems that way.
"Well, five-claw, I guess you've got some oil to burn and a hammer to steal. Provided you're willing to see this through."
That's the plan. I'll be back soon.
"Hadaz was an idiot, rhook. But he was Mara'dahni's idiot, right? Please, make his death worth something. Kick these Merrunz worshipers in the tail!"

Once you have found Hadaz and disrupted the cult's efforts, Mara-dahni will be waiting for you near the entrance of the mine.

"There you are! Things seemed quieter, so Mara'dahni came to take a look around. Did you find Hadaz? And how about these cultists? I hope you gave them a swift kick in the tail!"
Hadaz didn't make it, but I wrecked the cultists' operation and took their enchanted hammer.
"Stupid Hadaz. Always thought he'd die from something silly, like falling down a privy. I'll let his family know.
And this hammer? Scary business, right? I'll deliver it to the Mane's priests. They'll know what to do with it. Thanks again, rhook."

Or, if you talked to her before disrupting the cult's plans:

"There you are! Things seemed quieter, so Mara'dahni came to take a look around. Maybe snatch up Hadaz's body, right?
Did you settle this business with the cultists? You look a little singed, so I'm thinking yes?"
Hadaz didn't make it, but I wrecked the cultists' operation and took their enchanted hammer.
"Stupid Hadaz. Always thought he'd die from something silly, like falling down a privy. I'll let his family know.
And this hammer? Scary business, right? I'll deliver it to the Mane's priests. They'll know what to do with it. Thanks again, rhook."

Either way, you can ask what she'll do next afterwards.

"Kra! How did you hold this hammer so long? Like hot coal on the paws, right? Mara'dahni just can't drop it in a bucket of water and forget about it, can she? No, I guess not."
There are still a lot of cultists down there. Do you think you'll be able to clear them out?
"Ha! Me? No. Mara'dahni will report back to the Northern Elsweyr Defense leadership, then they'll send a detachment of senches and Pahmar skull-smashers to mop things up.
Who knows how long that will take, though? There's a war on, after all, right?"