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High Isle

Online:Louna Jolvanne

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Louna Jolvanne
Location Near Whalefall
Race Breton Gender Female
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
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Follower During Pursuit of Freedom
Louna Jolvanne

Louna Jolvanne is a Breton who can be found near Whalefall.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

Approaching Louna and her raft:

Louna Jolvanne: "Anton, you better be alive to make these splinters worth it."

Her greeting to you will depend on whether you spoke with Lendanor first or not:

"If you came to judge my raft too, I don't want to hear it. I only need to get to Whalefall and back.
I know the waters are dangerous, but my partner Anton got selected for the game there. He's not the type who can survive it."
I heard about this game. What do you know about it?
"Just the rumors I've heard in the stockade. No one knows which jailer runs the game. If he chooses you, then it's off to Whalefall. You get set loose and he hunts you down.
Apparently he promises freedom if you survive. But I doubt that."
Why do you think Anton won't survive?
"The two of us work together to convince people to give us their gold. We're not really the fighting types. I can't see Anton lasting too long alone against hunters.
How about you come with me? I need an escort. And I'll give you the coin I have."
Let's go to Whalefall and rescue Anton.

If you met her first to start the quest, she will say:

"What do you think? This raft will hold together with two people on it, right? I don't have to go far. Just over Whalefall.
Sorry to sound rushed, but my partner Anton got selected for the game. And I'm pretty sure he won't survive it."
What kind of game are you talking about?
"The jailers don't warn you. One of them plays with the prisoners waiting at Amenos Station. No one knows which one. If you're chosen, he sets you loose on Whalefall. Then, he hunts you down.
Survive and you go free. Supposedly."
Why do you think Anton won't survive?
"He and I? We're fast-talkers. Swindlers. We don't stick around long enough for the fighting. If he's still alive, he won't last long.
Hey, come with me. I'll need the help. And you'll get some coin that I lifted off a jailer. I promise I won't cheat you."
Let's go to Whalefall and rescue Anton.

After you agree to help, she will explain her plan and you can ask more questions before you leave:

"So here's my plan. We ride the raft over to Whalefall, find Anton, then leave. Now that I've said it out loud, I see it's not much of a plan. But it's what I got.
I'd like to get a move on, though. My partner is clever, but not especially tough."
Can you tell me more about Whalefall?
"It's that small island to the west of here. Not sure where the name comes from. I imagine something to do with whales.
Jailers play a game there with prisoners from the stockade. They let you loose and then send hunters after you."
You said the reward was freedom?
"So they told us. But, I've spent my entire life around criminals, thugs, and related scum. And never once have I met someone who said they got set free from Whalefall.
You'd think I'd have run into someone if it were true."
How was Anton selected for the game at Whalefall?
"I love the man like a brother, but Anton can sometimes act flashier than he should. He likes to show off his sleight of hand skills.
After we got thrown in the stockade, Anton decided to make friends with a jailer. Olivya was her name."
What happened with Anton and Olivya?
"Anton was playing her, of course. I don't even think he wanted something from her. Just a way to pass the time.
But she actually fell for the old charmer. Once she saw the ruse, Anton's name ends up on the list for Whalefall."
But then how did you get out here?
"Slipping in and out of the Stockade isn't that difficult. And they really don't seem to mind if the prisoners wander off into the jungle.
As soon as the jailer dragged Anton away, I knew he wouldn't last. I left the stockade to go after him."
Where did the raft come from?
"Made it with my own two hands! Quite proud of it. I knew I'd never survive the swim, so I scavenged anything that floats. The tides around here tear everything to shreds. So I had plenty of debris to choose from.
I just hope it holds together."
What brought you and Anton to Amenos?
"Oh, like I said, he and I are the swindlers. A little distraction over here, and suddenly your purse is gone. Nothing too bad, you know? But it's not like anyone here on Amenos is the innocent type.
Seems we marked the wrong target this time."
Who did you target?
"Some noble in High Rock. Lord Featherbuns or whatever. They're all the same to me.
We tried the old pig-in-a-poke on him. Was going fine until his servant called for an appraiser. He was upset to hear the ancient magic orb was a painted goose egg."
What did the noble do then?
"Eh, there was some hue and cry, then finally they caught us. Not the first time Anton and I got arrested. But I guess the lord wanted to make an example.
He shipped us to Amenos as a message. Don't mess with even the stupid nobles, it says."

After you use her raft and arrive on Whalefall, Louna will comment:

Louna Jolvanne: "How about that? The raft worked. Let's move inland and look for Anton."

Speaking with Louna, you can ask some more questions about the game:

"I'm a little surprised no one's here defending the dock. Maybe they assume no one can come or go, so why bother? Makes it easy when they're arrogant.
Keep a lookout as we head inland. We might run into the hunters playing the game."
Multiple hunters? What else have you heard about the Whalefall game?
"Only rumors. Some told me all the prisoners brought here have to fight each other. The jailers promise the last one standing will go free. But they bring people over all the time, so no one ever wins.
I also heard a stranger story."
What else did you hear?
"I met a Dark Elf in the stockade who claimed to have once served a fancy Breton family. After I gave him half my bread, he told me that his master often mentioned going on hunting trips to Whalefall."
What do you think it means?
"Maybe the game at Whalefall isn't for the prisoners. Maybe it's for rich highborn monsters to hunt down desperate people.
When you have enough gold, you can do pretty much whatever you want."

Further up the path, Louna will notice a letter nailed to a wooden pole:

Louna Jolvanne: "Look there. Something's posted on that wooden pillar."

After you have read Rules of the Game:

Louna Jolvanne: "At least the game has rules. Let's talk before going deeper."

Speak with Louna about what you have learnt and how she wants to proceed:

"Now we have a name for the person in charge—Jailer Mannick. I don't remember seeing him at Amenos Station. Sounds like he enjoys his work, though."
Did you see the list of guests?
"I sure did. A couple names I even recognized. Wealthy merchants, both of them. Who would be a guest of a place like this? Well, voluntarily.
Standing around in the open is no good. Where should we start looking for Anton?"
The paper mentioned a stage at the northern tip.
"Yeah, I noticed that, too. Let's head there. We can't just wander the island calling his name. At least this gives us a direction.
Anton knows enough to hide. But I doubt he'd last long. Usually he's the one people notice while I lift their gold."
Then let's keep looking.

Talking with her again, you can ask her about Jailer Mannick:

"Anton's on the run for his life. He may have left signs of where he went. As we search deeper within, we should look for anything that points in his direction.
In the meantime, that winner's stage to the north seems like a good place to start."
You don't recognize Jailer Mannick's name?
"Nah, do you? Maybe he stays away from the Amenos stockade on purpose. Only comes by to take more prisoners for his game.
I wonder if he's even a jailer at all …."
Do you think all the jailers are involved?
"No one would call the stockade a great place. But it's not so corrupt that the entire staff would do something like this. The jailers who took us to the island even warned me about it.
I'm starting to think this Mannick keeps the whole thing secret."

Heading further in, Louna will ask an important question:

Louna Jolvanne: "I should've asked before—you can handle yourself in a fight, yeah? Eh, I'm sure you can."

While you explore Whalefall, you may find some of Anton's belongings, Louna will comment as you find them:

The Motierre Family Pendant:

Louna Jolvanne: "Anton isn't sentimental, but he respects tradition. He wouldn't leave his family pendant behind."

The Anton's Broken Dagger:

Louna Jolvanne: "Looks like Anton tried to defend himself with that old knife of his."

The Torn Scrap of Anton's Shirt:

Louna Jolvanne: "Anton has worn the same shirt since we came to Amenos. That's a scrap of it."

After finding at least one of the items:

"Anton's on the run for his life. He may have left signs of where he went. As we search deeper within, we should look for anything that points in his direction.
In the meantime, that winner's stage to the north seems like a good place to start."

After finding all of Anton's stuff:

"All the stuff Anton left behind makes me think he got into serious trouble. But we haven't found his body anywhere. That's some relief.
If we keep moving toward the stage that welcome sign mentioned, we might find him."

Louna will also have things to say, as you come across various places in Whalefall:

Upon seeing the makeshift fortress in the distance:

Louna Jolvanne: "Look at that fortress to the north. It's made of ship parts!"

Coming across the bone remains of whales:

Louna Jolvanne: "Those bones! Now we know why they call it Whalefall."

Finding the second dock:

Louna Jolvanne: "All those important hunters must come in from here."

When you reach the winner's stage in the northern fortress, Louna will quickly find Anton:

Louna Jolvanne: "I see him! On that platform!"

However, you will first need to fight through Jailer Mannick's gauntlet before you can reach Anton to free him. After you have spoken with Anton and broken his bonds:

Louna Jolvanne: "Can you keep up, Anton?"
Anton Motierre: "I could outrace you with my legs tied together!"
<The pair will run up along the path which leads back to the shore.>
"You seem like the sort who understands life's twists and turns. Maybe you find yourself among nobles of High Rock one day, then the next you're here.
Not what I planned for, but what can you do?"

As you approach where you entered Whalefall:

Louna Jolvanne: "I see the shore! We're almost to the raft!"
Anton Motierre: "Where on Amenos did you possibly find a raft?"

Speaking to Louna before climb aboard the raft:

"That rascal Anton survived somehow! Barely. If we found him dead, I would've killed everyone on this island. Well, I would've paid you to do it.
Let's get out of this horrid place and back onto the raft."
You wouldn't take revenge yourself?
"I know I'm not a great person. I've lied, stolen, manipulated, cheated, harassed, and once committed arson.
But I've never killed anyone. And I won't start today."

After you climb aboard the raft, you will find yourself on the shore of Amenos, the raft have broken on the way back:

Anton Motierre: "Just one more time you had to get me out of a jam, huh?"
Louna Jolvanne: "Don't forget that I'm keeping track."

Talk to Louna to complete the quest:

"Well, so much for my raft. All that work collecting trash for only two trips.
But we saved Anton and that's all I really wanted. Sure, I hoped we could escape to High Isle. But this will have to do. Thank you for keeping both of us safe."
What happens next for you?
"We find a way to make a life on this island. From what I've heard, finding a way off is nearly impossible.
Here's the payment I promised. I guess we'll probably run into each other again some time. Amenos isn't that big and we're all stuck here."

Once you have completed the quest, you can talk to Louna some more:

"Now that we're free from Amenos Station, Anton and I can do as we please. We weren't officially processed, so I guess we've gone rogue. Wouldn't be the first time.
Maybe I'll start building another raft."
How will you and Anton survive on your own?
"Sure, the jungle is full of criminals. But they're not actively hunting us like on Whalefall. Well, some of them aren't, anyway. Maybe we'll meet others who just want to survive. Seems likely.
Hopefully Anton doesn't try to steal from them."