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Home Settlement Black Heights
House Vijari's House
Race Khajiit Gender Female
Reaction Friendly

Ka'ishka is a Khajiit who can be found living in Black Heights with her husband, Vijari. She has called her twin sister Adara'hai to the village to investigate strange happenings by the nearby Wall of Life, which her ailing husband will visit in his dying moments.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

She will first be encountered at the entrance to the village, speaking with her sister.

Adara'hai: "Take a breath, Ka'ishka, before you faint. What do you mean he's gone to Khenarthi? Has he … passed? I came as quickly as I could."
Ka'ishka: "If it was Khenarthi who took him I would be relieved! There is something wrong at the Wall of Life. Unclean. I fear it will snatch him from her tender embrace!"

Speaking to her before taking the quest:

"Don't concern yourself with me, walker. It's my husband who's in danger, but my sister is here now. She will fix everything."

Speaking to her after accepting the quest:

"You're going to help my sister save Vijari? You are a kind one, walker. Khenarthi keep the wind at your backs."
Vijari is your husband, right?
"Of fewer years than we hoped, but Ka'ishka knew of his illness before she took him as her mate. Our time has been short and precious. She knew his pilgrimage to the Wall of Life would be soon, but she wishes he could have waited a little longer."
Is his pilgrimage that important?
"In his Khenarthic tradition, he must prepare for the journey to the Sands Behind the Stars by unburdening his soul. The people here add their marks to the Wall of Life and paint their final work for those they leave behind. He must go without regret."
And if he passes before then?
"He will remain out of Khenarthi's reach. Ka'ishka knows how important that is, but is it not preferable to falling into the Great Darkness?"
What can you tell me about the Wall of Life?
"It is a holy place found in the cave behind the town. The villagers go to paint their final work at the end of their life. They have been adding to it for generations. It's what Vijari left to do."
What makes it holy ground?
"The Wall of Life is the last step of one journey and the first step of the next. Once a pilgrim has unburdened their soul at the Wall, they are ready to ascend the path up the mountain and rise into Khenarthi's waiting arms."
Adara'hai is your sister?
"Twins, no less. Her calling would not normally bring her to a sleepy village like Black Heights, but Ka'ishka knew she would come to help her. Adara'hai has always helped others."
If you've cleared Maw of Lorkhaj:
If have not:
She and I cleansed a temple of dro-m'Athra once before. It was a great risk.
"You have? Then Ka'ishka is truly blessed that the Divines have brought you back together here. Vijari is in good hands."
Sounds like you admire her.
"How could Ka'ishka not? Her sister is a Twilight Cantor, she travels the world wielding the secrets of Azurah to drive darkness out of the world. This one's simple life cannot compare, but she cherishes it all the same."

After you have returned to her and Vijari's home, you will find her sitting with her husband while her sister sings the Dusk-Canticles to help him. You can ask her about a name you heard as well as provide her with comfort.

"Oh, Vijari, this one can't see your precious face. He—he isn't a Lost Cat yet, right? Adara'hai can save him. She will save him."
We'll do all we can.
"Thank you. Ka'ishka knows she will lose her Vijari soon, but she won't give him to the vile darkness.
Please, is there anything she can do to help?"
Vijari was calling to "Dak'radhi" at the Wall of Life. Any idea why?
"His father? He's been dead for years. Vijari's sickness sometimes leaves him confused. He has awoken from fevered dreams calling for those no longer with us. When he said the Wall was calling to him, she thought he meant his time was short."
Was Vijari close to his father?
"This one never met Dak'radhi, but Vijari said his father hardly left his side until departing for the Wall of Life. It must have been hard to leave his sick son behind. Poor Vijari had no one to care for him before Ka'ishka was smitten by his charms."
He's lucky to have you by his side. He needs your strength to keep fighting the darkness.
"Ka'ishka needed to hear that, rhook. She feared she was being selfish sitting here while you and Adara'hai risk your lives against the Great Darkness.
This one will be here if you need her. She will be a rock to anchor him."
Just leave the exorcism to Adara'hai and I. We don't need you getting caught in the Bent Dance too.
"Of course, rhook. This one knows she has little to offer. Ka'ishka only wishes she could do something. Anything other than watching helplessly."

After returning from investigating the residual darkness in the village, you will walk in on the sisters conversing. Adara'hai will excuse herself to talk to you.

Adara'hai: "Ka'ishka … Adara'hai must speak with our friend."
Ka'ishka: "Thank you! Thank you for bringing him back."

Vijari appears to be doing better but you can ask how Ka'ishka is holding up.

"Ka'ishka is so grateful to see Vijari's eyes again. No matter how frail he becomes, his eyes are always full of life.
You are all so strong."
How are you holding up?
"Pay this one no mind, walker. These are happy tears. You and Adara'hai have brought hope where there was none. Ka'ishka has no needs beyond Vijari's own."
Is there anything I can do to help?
"Continue to help Adara'hai. Ka'ishka cannot safeguard Vijari's soul, but she can take care of his body. If he is feverish, she will offer her tongue. If he must bite back the pain, she will offer her tail. If he cannot walk, she will offer her legs."

Once you have spoken to Adara'hai about what you saw, she will suggest you ask Ka'ishka and Vijari about the ingredients seen in the trance vision in the Colorworks.

Could you look at this list of ingredients and tell me if you've got any idea what I'm looking for?
"Of course she … oh. This one see's [sic] what you mean.
Which of these is confusing you?"
The blood of a flightless bird.
"Ka'ishka has never seen chubloons [sic] or felrunners [sic] in Tenmar, but she knows terror birds prowl the jungle outside the village. They are truly beastly. Thankfully the senche keep them from getting too close to Black Heights."
Petals, blue as the sky.
"Forgive this one. She has seen many flowers she could describe as such. The artists use all sorts of petals in the Colorworks. Perhaps something there?"
The skin of Khenarthi's fallen children.
"Ka'ishka does not like where this is going. Is this asking you to peel skin from the dead? This one does not wish to know the answer."

Upon returning from gathering the ingredients and meeting the group in the Colorworks, you'll find Vijari's condition has worsened:

Vijari: "You should not be out of bed, mama. Vijari will stay inside."
Ka'ishka: "Shh, Vijari, it's all right. Just sit with this one a while."

Speaking to her:

"It is best just to calm him when he is like this. He is most confused when he is tired. Ka'ishka will put his mind at ease, she promises.
Better you speak to my sister right now."

After speaking to Adara'hai, Ka'ishka and Vijari will begin mixing paint.

Ka'ishka: "Vijari, it is time, love."
Vijari: "Vijari is ready."
Adara'hai: "Now, just as I instructed."
Vijari: "The blood of a flightless bird."
Ka'ishka: "Whose feathers still sail on the wind."
Vijari: "Petals, blue as the sky."
Ka'ishka: "May they lighten your burdens on the journey ahead."
Vijari: "The skin of her fallen children."
Ka'ishka: "Whose souls are gently carried in Khenarthi's arms."

Speaking to her after Adara'hai:

"We will see you at the Wall, walker. She will carry Vijari if she has to."

After ringing the bell at the Wall, the group approaches.

Adara'hai: "We're coming, walker! Good work."
Ka'ishka: "That's the Wall?"
Vijari: "Only it's [sic] shadow. We will brighten it again."
Ka'ishka gazes upon the defiled Wall of Life

Speaking to her:

"Ka'ishka wants nothing more than to shrink from it, yet she cannot look away. How can something be so terrible and beautiful at the same time?"

After receiving your mission briefing from Adara'hai, Vijari will rise and approach the mural.

Ka'ishka: "Do you need help?"
Vijari: "Vijari will manage."

Speaking to her:

"Ka'ishka knows her sister has Azurah on her side, but she will pray for you both … and keep Khenarthi's bells close."

After returning from cleansing the Wall, Vijari and Ka'ishka can be found in front of the renewed mural. Vijari is dying. You can speak with Ka'ishka before approaching Vijari.

"You are not intruding, walker. We are honored to have you at our side."

Once you have spoken to Vijari, he has some final words for Ka'ishka before he passes on.

Vijari: "Ka'ishka?"
Ka'ishka: "She is here."
Vijari: "You have carried Vijari this far. Please do not bear the weight after he is gone."
Ka'ishka: "She will not let you go a moment sooner."
Vijari: "Are we outside? Mother? Vijari feels a breeze …."

If you speak with her immediately afterwards, she will request a moment.

"Ka'ishka would like a moment alone, walker. She has prepared for this for a long time, but it does not dull the pain."

After speaking with Adara'hai and receiving a reward, you can ask Ka'ishka about her plans. She confides that after the recent events she cannot bear to stay idle while others could be hurt by Namiira, and wants to follow her sister's path.

"Ka'ishka cannot thank you enough for protecting Vijari's soul. She has little to offer aside from gratitude, but you are welcome to all she can muster."
Are you going to be all right?
"This loss hurts, but Ka'ishka feels a great relief as well. All the pain and fear and doubt has departed. She will miss Vijari every day, but she will be comforted knowing that he basks in the Sands Behind the Stars free of all cares."
What will you do now that Vijari is gone?
"Ka'ishka never thought about it. While Vijari was sick her only cares were seeing to his needs and cherishing the time we had left. Now that she only has herself to be concerned about, she is lost. This one isn't even certain what her own needs are."
Do you think you'll stay in Black Heights?
"After everything she's seen? No. She could have stayed in their home and lived a quiet life here if Vijari had passed peacefully, without the darkness trying to steal him away. What Namiira did to Dak'radhi, and so many others? It's horrifying."
I can understand why you wouldn't want to be reminded of that.
"That's not what she means. Thinking about what nearly happened to her love fills her heart with anger. Outrage. A desire to make sure no one else must endure such a thing.
Ka'ishka understands now why her sister chose such a dangerous path."
You want to become a Twilight Cantor?
"This one has seen the strength you and Adara'hai have. You helped Ka'ishka find her own courage to stand against the darkness. She has the strength now. She only needs to know how to use it."
If that's what you want, I'm sure Adara'hai can guide you.
"This one is fortunate to have such a good sister. And to meet such good strangers. But we are strangers no more, so Ka'ishka hopes she will see you again, no matter which way her path takes her.
Farewell, friend."