Online:Julian Catous
Julian Catous | |||
Location | The Scholarium | ||
Race | Breton | Gender | Female |
Reaction | Friendly | ||
Other Information | |||
Faction(s) | Mages Guild, Order of the Lamp |
Julian Catous is a Breton lamp knight of the Mages Guild who can be found in the Scholarium.
Related Quests[edit]
- The Second Era of Scribing: Investigate unstable magic with Votary Nahlia.
- The Wing of the Crow: Enter the sealed door and take on the Scholarium's final trial.
- The Wing of the Dragon: Find the Dragon Luminary and earn her sigil to power the Scribing Altar.
- The Wing of the Gryphon: Find the Gryphon Luminary and earn his sigil to power the Scribing Altar.
- The Wing of the Indrik: Find the Indrik Luminary and earn his sigil to power the Scribing Altar.
- The Wing of the Netch: Find the Netch Luminary and earn his sigil to power the Scribing Altar.
She can be found by the entrance to the Scholarium's Main Hall from the West Wing
If you speak with her after the completion of the Wing of the Indrik, but not during completing any other quest related to the Scholarium:
- "I'm sure it doesn't look like you're interrupting me, but you are.
I've got things to tend to, and I'm sure you do too."
If spoken to after completing the Scribing questline:
- "I'm not easily impressed, adventurer. But you've lived up to expectations. Now that all the wings are open I'm just itching for a chance to try Scribing myself.
Maybe write a paper or two. Who knows? The future looks bright, if dusty."
Quest-Related Events[edit]
The Second Era of Scribing[edit]
As soon as you enter the portal leading to Sunnamere you can find her beside Votary Llaren and Votary Nahila.
If you talk to her after approaching the door to Sunnamere Study, but before entering:
- "Any chance I could get you to cast a few investigation spells while you're in there, maybe learn something about this place?
Never mind. Nahlia's giving me a look. Just do what she says and watch her back, got it?"
After you enter the Sunnamere Study, if you return to her before speaking to Nahlia:
- "Let me guess. You're here to help Votary Nahlia. She wants an outsider's perspective.
I'm not sure why, but I guess it's good that you're here."
The Wing of the Indrik[edit]
She will arrive to the Scholarium as you receive the sigil from the Indrik
- Julian Catous: "Huh. You don't see that every day. Nahlia's going to want to hear about this."
- Votary Llaren: "Good to see you again! You'll find her over in the east wing with our newest arrival."
You can talk to her:
- "Not the first time Nahlia's gotten herself in over her head. I suppose that's why I'm here. To help keep her head above water."
The Wing of the Netch[edit]
If you interact with Julian Catous during the related quest:
- "Something keeps tugging on my robes! Like a child playing a game. But no one's there.
It's the Netch, isn't it? This blob of yours is testing my patience."
Additionally you may ask her at some point of the quest about her insight about the locations or notes linked to the fable:
- Do you have any insight on the locations or notes in this fable?
- "Let me see.
This bit at the end that mentions Azura's Coast, I bet it's referring to Sadrith Mora and Tel Galen. Just plot a course between those two towers and I bet you'll find the door. That's what you're looking for, right?"
After receiving the challenge from the Netch you may ask her for advice:
- "It seems like the Netch has stopped its pranks. Thank Magnus, and thank you.
I suppose even children get tired of the same gag over and over." - Any advice on these favors?
- "Hmm. If you're going to be fishing in Vvardenfell, make sure you have bait. If you don't have the right bait for the right water, you won't catch a thing.
I used to live near a lake. Fished almost every day. I miss the quiet."
The Wing of the Dragon[edit]
If you interact with Julian Catous during the related quest:
- "I won't lie. I was envious that you had first rights to exploring this place with Nahlia. To restoring the altar. Especially after seeing how much she's opened up with you around.
Now that I know it involves riddles? Not so much."
Additionally, you may ask her at some point of the quest about her insight about the riddles:
- Do you have any clues for the riddles from the Fable of the Dragon?
- "There's a village called Willowgrove in the south of Reaper's March. As you can imagine, it's near a large grove. Of willows.
I don't really care for riddles. But Nahlia said she could use the help, and that's the best I can figure." - Do you know of any caves near Willowgrove?
- "I don't know. Probably not in the village itself. Aren't there caves everywhere?
You're headed there anyway. Maybe find a viewpoint and have a look around?"
After you return from the Wing of the Dragon:
- "Oh no. You're going to ask me to help you with whatever that is your holding there, aren't you? It's not a riddle, is it?"
- It is. Do any of these make sense to you?
- "Ugh. Let me see. Huh. The Riddle of the Game. Prestige and patron's love?
That sounds like you need to beat someone in a Tales of Tribute match. And before you ask, no, I don't have time for one. Not that you'd beat me, anyway." - Thank you, Julian.
The Wing of the Gryphon[edit]
After you interact with the tome:
- Votary Llaren: "Sorry about that one, adventurer. I need to brief you."
- Julian Catous: "Seems we have a pest problem of sorts."
You can talk to her:
- "Who would have thought we'd lose a crucial tome like this to pests, of all things?
The Daedric Prince of Madness works hard, but apparently vermin work harder."
After talking to Llaren:
- "Perhaps I could put some protection runes on the most valuable tomes.
That's still, what? A couple hundred books or so? Not like I have anything better to do." - Other than the lost pages, are things going well?
- "I suppose you could say that. The bird has been interesting to talk to. I've only spoken with one talking bird before, a rook in the Blackfeather Court.
The Crow laughed when I mentioned them." - Why?
- "I asked if she was related to the Blackfeather birds in some way, and the Crow thought that was pretty funny.
I'm going to take that as a no, personally, but I'm not sure what else that tells us."
If you interact with her later, during the quest:
- "Didn't even get the chance to copy the Fable of the Gryphon for posterity, before it was ripped away from us. Damn it.
We'll keep looking for a solution here, adventurer."
After you return from the Wing of the Gryphon:
- "If this Fox really was a friend of Ulfsild's, you'd think she'd have taught him not to deface books.
Sorry. Did you need something?" - Do you have any insight into any of these tasks?
- "I've heard whisper of liches in dungeons. Places like Fang Lair, Crypt of Hearts, and the Vaults of Madness.
Probably not a good idea to go alone. Don't look at me, though. I've got to make sure that Fox fellow doesn't go after more books."
After you are tasked by the Gryphon to steal from the Daedric Princes:
- "The texts Ulfsild gathered about the Gryphon are interesting. He seems surly, very focused, single-minded.
I like the sound of him."
The Wing of the Crow[edit]
If you speak to her during the quest before entering the final wing:
- "If we let more of the guild down here, I could catalog and analyze the tomes in earnest. My true passion! Instead of setting wards or cleaning cobwebs all day.
I know that's not something you'll make a decision about. I just wanted to complain."
If you speak to her after returning to the Scholarium from Eastmarch with the Sigil of the Crow:
- "Color me intrigued. Just what have you and Nahlia been up to while you've been gone?"
When you place the sigil on the altar:
- Julian Catous: "Does this mean we'll be moving on? Not that I don't love the smell of old tome dust."
- Votary Llaren: "That's up to my colleague here. Nahlia, what's your plan?"
- Votary Nahlia: "I think … I think I'm going to stay on here. See what happens if we open the Scholarium to the world."
If you speak to her after you place the sigil on the altar:
- "I'm not above admitting when I see a good job well done. It's not how I would have done things, but … maybe that's why Nahlia chose you to go through that portal and not me.
Good of you not to gloat about it, either."