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Location Falinesti Summer Site
Race Khajiit Gender Male
Health 25,974
Reaction Justice Neutral
Pickpocket Medium Profession Healer

Jarakh is a Khajiit healer helping the Falinesti Faithful in their camp located at the Summer Site.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Dialogue[edit]

Speaking to him before starting the Summer Site quest:

"Jarakh came to find new trading opportunities, but all he found was danger."

Speaking to him during the quest:

"The Site is cursed! I see no profit here, only blood."
You came here to make money? Were you looking for the city?
"Falinesti has not been seen for generations, but there are many who travel to the Sites. They need food and other supplies while they wait. Very profitable!
If Walking City appears, well, Jarakh will be pleasantly surprised."
Falinesti's been gone that long? / Falinesti's been gone for generations?
"So the legends say, but there are many legends. Some say Falinesti travels other worlds. Others believe it misstepped and fell into the ocean. Darker tales say it was taken into Oblivion.
But Jarakh is not an expert. Barothlas may know more."
Where are your goods?
"Velyn Harbor. I find markets and report to my fellow traders. The Summer Site does not look promising, however.
Still, if you find out what's wrong, perhaps the market will improve."
Selling supplies to the Faithful? A bit mercenary, isn't it?
"Should I let them starve? The Falinesti faithful dream of finding a great city to take them in. They bring few supplies, sit in the forest, and hope the Walking City will appear.
Mercenary? Perhaps. Jarakh disagrees."

After the quest:

"These people are lunatics. As soon as Barothlas can walk, Jarakh will return to Velyn Harbor.
There is no profit to be had here. Perhaps next year."