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Online:Janne Emarie

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Janne Emarie
Location All Flags Islet
Race Breton Gender Female
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Condition Spirit
Janne Emarie

Janne Emarie is the spirit of a Breton noble who can be found at All Flags Islet.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-related Dialogue[edit]

You find out from Stibbons that she is possessed by a sea captain ghost. You will track her down to the All Flags Islet and she will be talking to Janne Emarie after opening a chest:

Janne Emarie: "You opened my old hope chest? Oh, that's not good."
Lady Clarisse Laurent: "Lady Clarisse Laurent…I'm Lady—"
Lady Clarisse Laurent: "No. I am…someone else…."
Janne Emarie: "Captain? Is that you in there, my love?"
Stibbons: "Ahh! First a curse, now a ghost! Oh, talk to Lady Laurent, please. I'm too much upset for rational discourse."

Speaking to Janne before Lady Laurent:

"Oh cruel fate! The curse of Monument Islet has claimed another poor soul!"
What do you know about the curse?
"I fear I cannot tell you much. The curse has something to do with forgetfulness and plays havoc with the memories of all it touches…including me."
Do you know who you are?
"I remember a little. My name is Janne Emarie. I know I've been waiting a very long time for my love to return to me. That sounded like him, inside that noble lady."
Is your love a sea captain?
"I think so? Oh, why is it so hard to remember anything? Damn this curse! It puts me all out of sorts.
Please, I don't want to talk about this any more. It upsets me so."

After speaking to Lady Laurent:

"Did my love say we were to meet by the big tree? I remember…something, but everything seems caught in a fog."

Once you start chasing after Lady Laurent, Janne will go inside of you to chase after her love:

Janne Emarie: "Wait, I'm coming with you!"

After reading about the creation of Monument Islet, memories are starting to come back to the sea captain and Janne. Janne will come out of you.:

Lady Clarisse Laurent: "Tobin Moorcroft? I know that name…my brother—yes! Yes, the master builder was my brother!"
Janne Emarie: "Tobin Moorcroft? Oh, this is all that wretched scoundrel's fault!"
Stibbons: "Ah! The ghost woman! At least she's no longer inside you, my friend. See what she wants. I am much too frightened to approach such an apparition."

Speaking to Janne to learn more about Tobin Moorcroft, who she resents:

"I read these plaques all the time, but I never remember a word. Just that history has forgotten my love, and even I can only remember bits and pieces. Until today.
I remember Tobin Moorcroft and I spit on his memory!"
What do you remember about Tobin Moorcroft?
"I remember that he was a cad and a coward! A sorry excuse of a man!
He was my beloved's brother. And the master builder of the All Flags memorials. He carved the names into the garden plaque personally. But not my captain's. Not my love!"
Do you remember your love now?
"I remember only glimpses, like a shadow moving across a wall. He was a sea captain. Tall, strong, proud. He called me his little turtle dove. His safe port in a storm.
Oh, I wish I could remember his name, or his touch, or his face!"
Was your love one of the captains that sailed with the All Flags Navy?
"The All Flags? Yes, yes, I think that's right. That's what it says on these old plaques. Oh, I wish I could remember more. It's the curse, I fear. Gets into everything and muddies the water. Been that way ever since…ever since….
Damn it!"
Ever since Tobin Moorcroft?
"Tobin? Yes! I refused that snake's advances! I was grieving, in shock and in pain. And he demanded I betray my love for another man. How could I? It was too soon.
You must help. I think…it started at the inn. End this curse so I can remember!"

Speaking to her before going to the Monument Inn:

"Please, go to the Monument Inn. It started there, I just know it!
Damn, I can already feel what little I remembered slipping away. Blast this ancient curse."

When you're inside the Monument Inn:

Lady Clarisse Laurent: "I remember this place! Janne and I shared many pleasant encounters beneath this roof before I set sail with the fleet."
Janne Emarie: "Oh no, sir! Absolutely not!"
Stibbons: "Lady Janne seems to think one of us is someone untoward. Talk to her, my friend."

Speaking to Janne by acting as if you were Tobin:

"No, Tobin, you cannot offer me a drink. And I have absolutely no intention of dancing with you."
Um, all right.
"I'm here with my captain and I have no patience for the advances of his foolish younger brother. Away with you, foul sir!"
Um, all right.

Before you go to Port Sargo:

"I said no, Tobin, and I meant it. Can't you see I'm in love with your brother, the captain?"

Once you find out the name of the captain of the Pristine Halberd has been scratched out, the sea captain will arrive with Janne:

Stibbons: "Hmm, the Pristine Halberd. The captain's name has been scratched off the plaques on the pedestal and on the wall."
Lady Clarisse Laurent: "Here to see me off, little brother? How touching!"
Lady Clarisse Laurent: "Baron-Admiral Bendu, my vessel is ready to set sail as soon as you give the word."
Stibbons: "Baron-Admiral Bendu Olo was in charge of the All Flags Navy! Pretend to be the admiral and perhaps the captain will reveal his name."

Speaking to her before her beloved:

"Baron-Admiral! You honor me, sir, but you should talk to my captain."

Once you find out the name of her beloved is Renwic, she will urge you to put the name on the garden monument but Stibbons was taken over by Tobin's ghost who state he hid the tools to do so.

Janne Emarie: "Captain Renwic Moorcroft! My beloved's true name! You must add my beloved name's to the main garden monument before we forget it again!"
Stibbons: "That's not going to happen! Only the hammer and chisels of I, Tobin Moorcroft, can carve those tablets! I hid them where they will never be found!"

Speaking to her before Tobin:

"I knew this curse was all Tobin's fault! That little monster was always jealous of my captain and the love we shared."

Speaking to her before going to the graveyard:

"This is all so confusing! My love, his jealous brother, you. People in other people's bodies. Forgetting the slightest details….
Say you'll break this dreadful curse, please!"

Once you dig up the tools, Janne will appear and Tobin will disappear:

Janne Emarie: "You have the tools? Quickly carve my beloved's name into the plaque at the Memorial Garden. Once his name is added to the central monument, we will never forget him again."

When you have the tools and reach the garden memorial; Lady Laurent, Captain Renwic, Janne, and Tobin will be there to wait for Renwic's name to engraved:

Lady Clarisse Laurent: "A dedication ceremony? For me? How exciting!"
Janne Emarie: "Captain Renwic Moorcroft of the Pristine Halberd. Place my beloved's name where it belongs."
Stibbons: "Oh, you do it, my friend. My hands are shaking, I'm so nervous!"

Speaking to her before carving the name:

"Please, I can feel the curse reasserting itself. Trying to steal our memories again.
Carve my beloved's name into the memorial plaque and the curse will be broken, I'm sure of it!"

Eventually, once his name has been engraved into the Memorial Garden, Janne will be able to leave with her beloved, free of the curse.

Renwic Moorcroft: "Oh well done, my turtle dove! You saved my memory. Now we can be together for all eternity."
Janne Emarie: "I did have a little help, Renwic, my love. Now come, my darling. We have a lot of catching up to do!"
Tobin Moorcroft: "My big brother the famous sea captain wins again. How typical!"
Lady Clarisse Laurent: "Stibbons! Why do I think this was somehow your fault? Oh, never mind. You. Come talk to me."
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