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This article is about the High Elf. For the guar, see Hyacinth (Guar).

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Location Rulanyil's Fall
Race High Elf Gender Male
Reaction Friendly
Other Information
Faction(s) Garland Ring

Hyacinth is a High Elf member of the Garland Ring and is Tanlorin's mentor. His role in the group, is one of a researcher and creator of magical devices.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

After you free Tanlorin from an ice trap, they ask you to accompany them to Monkey's Rest, where they were to meet with Oleander and Wisteria. However, when you arrive at the ruin, no one is there and there are signs they may have been captured by the group they were hunting.

At this, Tanlorin will attempt to get in contact with Hyacinth about this. They walk over to a clear space and take out a glowing sack:

Tanlorin: "Hyacinth is an accomplished mage, loves poking around in old ruins. This little bit of spellcraft is his work."
<Tanlorin places the sack on the ground and opens it. A blurred blue image of an elf appears and turns around.>
Hyacinth: "Bogcup? I can't see you. Did you crack the magicka lattice sitting on it again?"
Tanlorin: "I didn't … Hah. I've never done that. The ice trap must have messed with the spell. You talk to him while I try to fix it."

You can then attempt to talk to Hyacinth:

"Another lattice broken, Bogcup? Those aren't easy to weave together, you know.
Are you with Wisteria and Oleander? No one has checked in. We need to make our move now, before we lose our quarry."
No one else is here.
"Bogcup, what's wrong with your voice? It sounds ghastly. And why are you at Monkey's Rest?
Wisteria and Oleander were headed for the old mine, Toothmaul Gully. That's where the hidden base is. Did the others not tell you?"
A hidden base in Toothmaul Gully?
"Yes. Didn't you read the brief? No, you never read the brief. Why do I even bother?
Look, find the others. They can't be far. And no, before you ask, you cannot bring back any of those monkeys."
All right. I'll tell Tanlorin.

As he realises the case of mistaken identity, the conversation will end:

Hyacinth: "Wait, what? Who is this?"
<His image flickers out.>
Tanlorin: "Toothmaul Gully? That wasn't …. Never mind."

Speaking with Tanlorin, they will get the idea of using the Tracker Fly Hyacinth created to track down their friends. But you will first need to find some reagents around Auridon to create the Reasonating Fluid needed to make the device work. Eventually you and Tanlorin will find yourselves in Toothmaul Gully following the Tracker Fly to a hidden side chamber. Inside you will find a small encampment of Ceythalmor, and Wisteria and Oleander. Unfortunately, Oleander is dead and Wisteria is found injured after being interrogated.

Once Wisteria is rescued, Tanlorin will be worried about Hyacinth and asks you to meet them near Serpent's Grotto in Greenshade to check on him. Hyacinth's Greenhouse is nearby, and you find the place ransacked and Hyacinth missing. While looking for clues, you find the Ceythalmor Mission Orders on the body of a dead operative. These orders say Hyacinth was to be captured and taken to the nearby Rulanyil's Fall for interrogation.

You and Tanlorin enter Rulanyil's Fall and find the Ceythalmor Hideout, where you will find Hyacinth restrained in a magical device slowly freezing him alive. Before you reach him, you have defeat Interrogator Cainthel and the Ceythalmor agents. Once they are slain, Tanlorin will run up to the device Hyacinth is being held in:

Hyacinth: "Bogcup, help me. I'm so cold."
Tanlorin: "I can weaken the ward holding Hyacinth, but I need you to deactivate the control pillars!"
<Tanlorin begins channeling magic at the ward.>

Once you press the buttons on the pillars, the device will deactivate and Hyacinth will be freed:

Hyacinth: "I'm free! Thank you. Thank you both."
<Hyacinth slowly walks away from the machine.>
Tanlorin: "I could never have saved you without my friend here. You've, um, already met."
Hyacinth: "Yes, your friend. We met through the lattice. Please, let's talk a moment."

You can speak with Hyacinth and see what he knows:

"These Ceythalmor are ruthless foes. I am grateful that you arrived in time. I'm not sure how much longer I would have lasted. Thank you.
Bogcup has found a capable ally in you."
What were they trying to learn by capturing you and the other Garland Ring members?
"It would be shorter to list what they weren't interested in. Their questions were numerous and far too specific. I can still feel their magics crawling under my skin. Extremely uncomfortable.
This must all seem so strange. What has Bogcup told you?"
That you're all part of a spy ring.
"Spies? Hmm. Reductive. An oversimplification. I'll let Bogcup explain in greater detail.
You know, I may have ruptured a lung. I should rest. Thank you again for your aid. Your assistance will not be forgotten."

After you talk with him, he will speak to Tanlorin:

Hyacinth: "Bogcup, you may tell your friend anything and everything. I wholeheartedly approve."

You can then speak with Tanlorin and complete the quest. Afterwards there will be a conversation:

Hyacinth: "Bogcup, we should return to the Greenhouse. I need to recover and bolster my wards."
Tanlorin: "Of course. Oh, I hope Wisteria made it back all right."
Tanlorin: "And friend, remember what I said. Call on me anytime. I owe you and it would be fun!"
<Tanlorin then runs towards the side exit and leaves.>

Before you leave, you can ask Hyacinth some questions:

"There is much to understand about what went wrong today. How were the Ceythalmor able to find us? There's much to consider.
The Garland Ring will take its time before we make a move again."
Can I ask you a few questions?
"Yes. I can answer a few questions. Although for my sake, let's keep it brief.
I worry without a salve of some kind I may lose a toe or two."
Are you the leader of the Garland Ring?
"The leader? No. Nor am I its founder. That would be the Gardener. Perhaps you will meet him some day. I am certain you will have piqued his curiosity after today.
My role is magical craftsman and researcher. Builder of tools, solver of problems."
You made the tracker fly Tanlorin used?
"That's correct. I have a love for all things magical, with a focus on the constructs of the Dwarves.
I have a hunger for innovation and iteration rivaled only by Bogcup's skill at testing their limits."
Can you tell me a bit about yourself?
"I'm not sure what you want me to say. I work for the Garland Ring as toolmaker and researcher. I enjoy reading Investigator Vale novels while sipping wine in the evenings.
What more would you like to know?"
How did you come to join the Garland Ring?
"My father smuggled clockwork creations. One day he was caught and I was left orphaned. I traded small constructs for gold, food, and shelter.
One day I built a mechanical bird for the Gardener, our founder. He took me in. End of story."
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