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Home Settlement Shrouded Vale
Location Fading Tree
Race Wood Elf Gender Male
Reaction Friendly

Henodras is a Wood Elf and the caretaker of the Fading Tree of Shrouded Vale. He can be found at the Fading Tree.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

Before the quest, he says:

"I was guarding this tree when the others were seeds in the wind."

During the quest:

Before you speak to Laniriel:

"Who are you? You're not someone from the village. Please leave this area. It's a private place, and I've no wish to do you harm."

Before you speak to Erunor:

"Are you here for the choosing of our new caretaker? You've come at a good time for our village. This is an event held only once in a hundred years, give or take. Very rare event. Very rare."

After you spoke to Erunor:

"Who are you? How do you know about the Fading Tree?"
Erunor said you could tell me more about your village. / Erunor said you would tell me more about your village.
"I'm not without sight. I saw you talk to him, he's right in front of me.
How do you know about us?"
Do you want me to leave?
"No point to that now, is there? You've entered our innermost sanctum, and without challenge. It's clear to me the Wilderking blesses your presence.
That means I am bound by our oath to speak with you, no matter how it galls me."
What is your oath?
"We swore to protect the Fading Tree for the Wilderking, and to abide by his rules. In return, he protects our village.
Every hundred years or so, the village returns to choose a new caretaker to guard the Fading Tree on his behalf."

If you finished the main Greenshade storyline beforehand:

There's a Wilderqueen now.
"There have been other Wilderqueens in the past as well. Our oath remains unchanged, even if the individual is new to the title.
That's the beauty of the arrangement. We protect the tree, and he or she protects us."


What can you tell me about the Wilderking? / How long has this been going on?
"The Wilderking created the Fading Tree, and he bent everything in Valenwood, from Bramblebreach to Greenheart, to his will. From the first, he became our patron and protector.
Some consider him a god, like one of the Divines."
Where does the Wilderking send the village?
"The village goes where the Wilderking sends it, and allows it to return when the caretaker needs to be replaced.
I'm a very old man now. The village returned, as it always does."
When will the ceremony start?
"It shall begin shortly, if I get a moment to prepare for it."
I won't disturb you further.
<The ceremony begins>
How long have you been the caretaker?
"Ever since the last time the village was here, so a bit over a hundred years. Fading Tree and I care for each other, and the Wilderking provides my sustenance.
I don't understand why the Wilderking let you in, though."
Does the Wilderking control this place?
"I suppose your curiosity excuses your ignorance.
The Wilderking does not "control" this place. He allows us to take care of the Fading Tree in return for his protection. We don't question our oath, we fulfill it."
How were you chosen as caretaker?
"The Fading Tree chooses. It guides us toward the next caretaker. Not everyone has the courage, intelligence, and fortitude to undertake this position.
Everyone from the village knows how hard it can be, and yet nearly everyone wants to do this."
Aren't you ever lonesome?
"Lonesome? Hah!
No, it's nice to get away from everyone else. Quiet. Peaceful. And the Wilderking comes 'round now and then. Some might think of them as dreams, but I know he's been to see me. A caretaker's life is anything but dull."

Once you've let Henodras start the ceremony, you'll hear:

Henodras: "We come together once more to choose the next caretaker."
Henodras: "The Wilderking entrusted the Fading Tree to us, and this is part of our oath."
Henodras: "My time as caretaker nears its end, and the Fading Tree will choose my successor."

<Henodras will meditate to create a green aura which will spread to Erunor.>

Erunor: "What's happening?"
Henodras: "The Fading Tree chooses Erunor! Erunor, you will be our next caretaker!"
Erunor: "Me? The tree picked me? I'm honored! I'll do my best!"
Henodras: "Come, Erunor. We have much to discuss."

Henodras and Erunor will continue the ceremony, just as bad news arrives:

Laniriel: "Orcs! Orcs are attacking the village!"
Laniriel: "Erunor! Cantadir! Oriadess! We're under attack!"
Cantadir: "Quick! We must defend the village!"

After you spoke to Laniriel about the attack, he will say:

"I can't leave the tree! Erunor and I must stay here as its last defense! Go, help the villagers below!"

After you have driven off the Wood Orcs and before you speak to Laniriel:

"Please, let me teach what I can to Erunor while there's still time. See if you can do something for what's left of our poor village."

Once the Wood Orcs have been defeated, return to the tree and witness the completion of the ceremony:

Henodras: "Come forward, Erunor, caretaker-to-be."
Erunor: "I, Erunor, in accordance with the Oath of Protection, stand ready."
Henodras: "On behalf of the Wilderking, will you care for the Fading Tree?"
Erunor: "I am honored to serve the Wilderking and our people."
Henodras: "The Fading Tree is yours to protect. May the years pass quickly."

After completing the ceremony, Henodras leaves.