Online:Haunted Legacy
Quick Walkthrough[edit]
- Escort a Breton from Bravil into the Temple of Dibella.
- Use a memory stone to observe its recorded memories on each floor of the temple.
- Mimic the ghostly killer and reveal the phantom door.
- Search the hidden room for clues.
- Leave Gideon and search for the lost carriage.
- Search the carriage for clues.
- Follow a ghost into a cave.
- Search the cave for clues.
- Return to Gideon and explain the situation to a trustworthy captain.
Detailed Walkthrough[edit]
Near the wayshrine in Gideon, you'll find Faric Gemain. He's disgruntled about his treatment by members of the nearby Temple of Dibella, who have rebuffed his attempts to clear the name of his grandmother, Cerise. They believe she murdered a temple priestess, Rolaine. Despite the testimony of Cerise's husband, Lierre, the Dibellites refuse to listen. Faric wants your help finding proof of Cerise's innocence.
Escort Faric inside the temple and head upstairs. He'll give you a memory stone, which a Telvanni mage told him needed to be brought back to the location where the memory was originally recorded. The mage also mentioned that this stone was incredibly valuable, raising the question as to how Cerise (a woman of modest means) came to own it.
Heading back downstairs to begin the investigation, you'll find a memory mote floating in one of the rooms. Use the Memory Stone to see the memory it recorded. The memory revealed seems to indicate an unknown assassin attacked a temple member and looted her body for something. Faric reveals there was a conspiracy rumored about several of the novices at the temple. Several of them disappeared prior to the murder of Rolaine. Perhaps this murder is related and could explain the disappearances. Heading back upstairs, trigger another memory mote to reveal a second murder of a member of the temple.
On the third floor, a memory mote reveals the assassin used a hidden door to disappear. Mimic the hand gestures to reveal the phantom door. On the other side, you'll find a hidden room. Examining the room reveals a Crude Map and a ledger, Ledger of Souls, indicating a member of the Waking Flame collected the souls of several novices and passed off their disappearances through baseless rumor. The black soul gems they used were then to be given to a group called the Ideal Masters. The map points to a spot southeast of Gideon, which brings up another memory from Faric: Rolaine and Cerise left Gideon in a carriage together. Perhaps more clues can be found at the map's destination.
Arriving at the scene, you find the carriage remains at the bottom of a rock face, down in a pond. It's no wonder, now, that it was never found. Inside it you'll find a skeleton bearing the Floral Signet ring of priestess Rolaine and the three Black Soul Gems from the memories revealed by the memory stone. Suddenly, Faric sees a ghost on the shoreline nearby.
Following her, you'll come to a cave with a skeleton and Cerise's Farewell Note documenting her final words: Rolaine was the murderer, and she attacked Cerise while the priestess was on her way to deliver the black soul gems. Faric arrives and reveals he's been having visions of this ghost, whom he believes to be his grandmother. He despairs that no one will believe the story, but after you recommend talking to someone unaffiliated with the temple, he asks you to speak with Captain Fire-From-Nowhere, who might listen. Finding the captain back in Gideon, you relay the information and link him up with Faric, concluding the quest.
- Faric may continue to follow you after the quest is complete, but this will have no impact on further adventures.
- The first vision in the temple may break, with the murder not occurring and the projections remainaining standing still. The quest will progress however. ?
- Sometimes the skeleton cannot be found in the carriage. Logging out and logging back in fixes the problem.
Quest Stages[edit]
Haunted Legacy | |
Finishes Quest | Journal Entry |
Faric asked me to escort him to the Dibellaseum—a refurbished mansion and place of worship in the center of town. He believes our investigation should start there.
Objective: Escort Faric Gemain
We entered the Dibellaseum. I should speak to Faric about our next move.
Objective: Talk to Faric Gemain
Apparently, Faric carries a rare bauble called a memory stone. He believes that if we take the stone to the right place, it will conjure up a memory for us to observe. We should start our investigation on the ground floor.
Objective: Explore the Ground Floor
When we entered a room on the Dibellaseum's ground floor, the memory stone resonated. I should try to activate it and observe the results.
Objective: Use the Memory Stone
The memory stone revealed a horrific vision of a shadowy figure murdering someone in the Dibellaseum. I should speak with Faric about what we witnessed.
Objective: Talk to Faric Gemain
We know the memory stone contains a visual record of at least one murder. We should search the second floor of the Dibellaseum for more memories.
Objective: Explore the Second Floor
The memory stone flashed again. I should use it to conjure up another memory.
Objective: Use the Memory Stone
We witnessed another gruesome murder. Someone definitely killed the novitiates here in the Dibellaseum. There might be more to learn on the top floor. We should take the memory stone upstairs.
Objective: Explore the Top Floor
The stone sparked to life again. I should activate it and see what memory it reveals.
Objective: Use the Memory Stone
I conjured another memory of the person who murdered the novitiates of Dibella. I should observe the shade's movements.
Objective: Watch the Ghostly Killer
The shade of the killer approached a nearby wall and cast some sort of magic spell. Faric suggested I try to mimic the murderer's gestures to reveal any secrets hidden within the wall.
Objective: Mimic the Ghostly Killer
Repeating the killer's gestures revealed a strange portal in the wall. I should step through and see where it leads.
Objective: Use the Phantom Door
The portal led to a small room hidden between the walls of the manse. I found skeletons, a ledger, and a map inside. I should examine these documents.
Objective: Examine the Ledger
Objective: Examine the Crude Map
I discovered a musty ledger revealing that the serial killer murdered people in the Dibellaseum and trapped their souls in black soul gems. I should speak to Faric about what I found.
Objective: Talk to Faric Gemain
I should wait while Faric reads the ledger I discovered.
Objective: Watch Faric Gemain
Faric recognized the names in the ledger. I should speak to him and find out what he knows.
Objective: Talk to Faric Gemain
The unidentified killer murdered the novitiates and trapped their souls in black soul gems. This same person may have murdered Priestess Rolaine. With luck, the map we discovered will lead us to Rolaine's missing carriage.
Objective: Find the Lost Carriage
We found the mud-caked wreckage of a carriage in a pool of water. I should examine the skeleton and chest inside.
Objective: Search the Skeleton
Objective: Search the Chest
I found a ring on the skeleton and black soul gems in the chest. I should show Faric what I've found.
Objective: Talk to Faric Gemain
Shortly after we discovered Priestess Rolaine's remains, a ghost appeared across the pond. I should see what the ghost wants.
Objective: Approach the Ghost
The ghost seems to want me to follow it. I should see where it leads.
Objective: Follow the Ghost
The ghost led me to a small cave. Inside, I found another skeleton and a remarkably well-preserved scroll. I should examine both.
Objective: Search the Skeleton
Objective: Examine the Scroll
I found Cerise's final words committed to paper. Priestess Rolaine was the killer, and Cerise died stopping her. I should tell Faric the news.
Objective: Talk to Faric Gemain
With the ledger, Cerise's written testimony, the memories saved in the memory stone, the black soul gems, and Rolaine's signet ring, we now have proof that Cerise died a hero. If I bring this evidence to Fire-From-Nowhere we can clear Cerise's name.
Objective: Talk to Fire-From-Nowhere
Fire-From-Nowhere has promised to make the truth about Priestess Rolaine and Cerise known to all, no matter the controversy it causes. He will also protect Faric Gemain. My work is complete, but I should speak to Faric one last time.
Objective: Talk to Faric Gemain
) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
- Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
- Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.