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Online:Harsh Lesson

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This page is currently being rewritten as part of the Online Quest Project.
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Quick Summary: not written

Walkthrough: not written

Quest Stages: not written
Uncover abuse at a renowned school.
Zone: Auridon
Objective: College of Aldmeri Propriety — Investigate what's happening at the college.
Quest Giver: Baham
Location(s): College of Aldmeri Propriety, Saltspray Cave
Reward: Thalmor Helm
High Leveled Gold
XP Gain: High Experience
You will never be worthy to serve the Thalmor, fool.
I've arrived at a place called The College of Aldmeri Propriety. One of the students claims this Thalmor training ground is a place of hardship and abuse. She's asked me to investigate.

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Talk to Tanion
  2. Observe Khajiit and Bosmer classrooms
  3. Spar with Proctors (4)
  4. Talk to Tanion
  5. Talk to Baham
  6. Give medical supplies to students (2)
  7. Talk to Baham
  8. Meet with Zaban
  9. Talk to Baham
  10. Go to Saltspray Cave
  11. Defeat Tanion
  12. Talk to Ilara
  13. Return to the College
  14. Talk to Baham

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

At The College of Aldmeri Propriety, you are accosted by Baham, a student. She seeks your help to investigate the abusive behavior of some of the Thalmor teachers and suggests you to start by talking to Tanion, the headmaster. When you find and ask him about those rumors, he tells you that even if the instructors are strict, there's nothing wrong with it, as students must be trained for the rough times ahead. Then he bids you to see by yourself and observe how classes take place within the main school building. As you witness the mistreatments, you can ask some more questions to Ilara in the Khajiiti classroom and to Borchon in the Bosmeri classroom. When you've finished with it, you can complete your tour of the academy by sparring with the instructors and then talk to the headmaster again. He asks you if you've seen that the teachings are rough, but fair, and you have the choice to tell him the truth or lie, to the same result.

Now that you've witnessed the abusive conditions of study firsthand, you return to Baham and asks how you can help. Students aren't treated after being beaten, so they need bandages. Nurad have some, making him the first she asks you to seek out. You can then give the medical supplies to Brinthir and Thalorel to help them feel better before once again report to Baham.

But when you arrive, the teachers will be taking Ilara to Saltspray Cave to "correct her behavior", and Baham needs your help to arm the students and go rescue her before something bad happens. She knows of a Baandari trader that could help in the matter : Zaban, the same that you've seen threatening Tanion the first time you met the headmaster. Unfortunately, the Khajiit has been assassinated by an Heritance Cutthroat. The students don't have the choice and ask you to save Ilara from Saltspray Cave yourself as soon as possible.

Inside the cave, you come across some Heritance soldiers and discover the true colors of the headmaster and his instructors. Your only choice is to kill them, save Ilara from death and take her out of here to make sure she'll be all right.

Finally, you report to Baham who thanks you for liberating the school and gives you the Thalmor Helm as a reward.


  • All quest-related NPCs, except for Baham and the Sparring Proctors, won't exist at the college before starting the quest.
  • It's possible to beat the same Sparring Proctor four times in a row to complete the objective.
  • Zaban's letter lacks the readable yellow glow on it.
  • Saltspray Cave can be entered before starting the quest, but quest-related NPCs can already be found inside which can spoil some future events in the quest.
  • If you travel through here on non-quest related business you can overhear the teachers ("proctors") being unkind to the students--especially the Kahjiit.

Quest Stages[edit]

Harsh Lesson
Finishes Quest Journal Entry
Baham told me to begin my investigation by talking to Tanion, the headmaster of the college. I imagine I could also ask Baham some follow-up questions as well.
Objective: Talk to Tanion
Tanion asked that I observe two classes within the college's main school building.
Objective: Observe Khajiit Classroom
Objective Hint: Talk to Ilara
Objective: Observe Bosmer Classroom
Objective Hint: Talk to Borchon
After observing the classes, Tanion asked that I also spar with some of his proctors outside the school building.
Objective: Spar with Proctors: 0/4
I had a chance to look around and see the abusive conditions firsthand. Time to talk to Tanion again.
Objective: Talk to Tanion
Baham came running up, saying she could show me the real version of the college.
Objective: Talk to Baham
Baham tells me that students at the college aren't treated after they're beaten. She asked me to get some bandages from a student named Nurad and distribute them.
Objective: Give Healing Supplies to Students: 0/2
Objective Hint: Get Healing Supplies from Nurad
Objective Hint: Give Healing Supplies to Brinthir
Objective Hint: Give Healing Supplies to Thalorel
I distributed the bandages and healing supplies Nurad gave me. Time to speak to Baham again.
Objective: Talk to Baham
Baham reports that the instructors took their friend Ilara. She wants me to talk to the Baandari trader, Zaban, about arming the students while she gathers aid to take back the school.
Objective: Meet with Zaban
Baham came running up with some of her fellow students. I should speak to her again.
Objective: Talk to Baham
Baham asked that I rescue Ilara from the Saltspray Cave. I should go there.
Objective: Go to Saltspray Cave
I need to fight my way through Saltspray Cave in order to find and save Ilara.
Objective: Defeat Tanion
I defeated Tanion and saved Ilara. I should talk to her to make sure she's all right.
Objective: Talk to Ilara
Ilara is safe. I should leave Saltspray Cave and report back to Baham.
Objective: Return to the College
Finishes quest☑ I should report back to Baham outside of Saltspray Cave.
Objective: Talk to Baham
* Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g., <Alias=LocationHold>) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
  • Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
  • Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.
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