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Harmony is a trait added in Update 18 which can only be found on jewelry. Jewelry with this trait does not drop normally, but may be obtained by completing Undaunted Pledges, or by acquiring them from another player. Once learned, items with this trait may be crafted using ON-icon-trait material-Dibellium.png Dibellium, which may be found in daily Dungeon Finder rewards. When you activate a Synergy, items with the Harmony trait will restore Health, Magicka, and Stamina by an amount dependent on the level and quality of the item.

Item Type Level Health, Magicka, and Stamina Recovered
Normal Fine Superior Epic Legendary
Pewter 1 40 41 42 44 45
2 60 62 64 66 68
3 70 72 75 77 80
4 80 82 85 88 91
5 100 103 107 110 114
6 110 113 117 121 125
7 120 124 128 132 137
8 130 134 139 143 148
9 140 145 150 155 160
10 150 155 160 166 171
11 160 165 171 177 182
12 170 176 182 188 194
13 180 186 192 199 205
14 190 196 203 210 217
15 200 207 214 221 228
16 210 217 225 232 240
17 220 227 235 243 251
18 230 238 246 254 262
19 240 248 257 265 274
20 250 258 267 276 285
21 260 269 278 287 297
22 270 279 289 298 308
23 280 290 300 310 320
24 290 300 310 321 331
25 300 310 321 332 342
Copper 26 310 321 332 343 354
27 320 331 342 354 365
28 330 341 353 365 377
29 340 352 364 376 388
30 350 362 375 387 400
31 360 372 385 398 411
32 370 383 396 409 422
33 380 393 407 420 434
34 390 403 417 431 445
35 400 414 428 442 457
36 410 424 439 453 468
37 420 435 450 465 480
38 430 445 460 476 491
39 440 455 471 487 502
40 450 466 482 498 514
41 460 476 492 509 525
42 470 486 503 520 537
43 480 497 514 531 548
44 490 507 525 542 560
45 500 517 535 553 571
46 510 528 546 564 582
47 520 538 557 575 594
48 530 548 567 586 605
49 540 559 578 597 617
50 550 569 589 608 628
Silver Champion Points10 550 569 589 608 628
Champion Points20 570 590 610 631 651
Champion Points30 580 600 621 642 662
Champion Points40 600 621 642 664 685
Champion Points50 610 631 653 675 697
Champion Points60 630 652 675 697 720
Champion Points70 640 662 685 708 731
Electrum Champion Points80 660 683 707 730 754
Champion Points90 670 693 717 741 765
Champion Points100 690 714 739 763 788
Champion Points110 700 725 750 775 800
Champion Points120 720 745 771 797 822
Champion Points130 730 756 782 808 834
Champion Points140 750 776 803 830 857
Platinum Champion Points150 760 787 814 841 868
Champion Points160 770 797 825 852 880


  • Note that most but not all Synergies are affected. In particular, Synergies which cause damage, provide healing, restore resources, or give Damage Shields are improved, but others are not.[verification needed — Need a list of which synergies are not affected]

Patch Notes[edit]

  • This trait now grants you up to 880 Health, Magicka, and Stamina when you activate a synergy per trait, rather than increasing the healing, damage, and shielding potency of synergies by 20% per trait.
  • Fixed an issue where Harmony did not interact with Companion synergies.