Online:Groundskeeper Gaius
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Groundskeeper Gaius | |||
Location | Rustwall Estate | ||
House | Groundskeeper Gaius's House | ||
Race | Imperial | Gender | Male |
Reaction | Friendly |
Groundskeeper Gaius is an Imperial who has worked at the Rustwall Estate since before the time of Emperor Leovic. He can first be found in his home.
Related Quests[edit]
- The Missing Cohort: Investigate the fate of the missing cohort and servants at Rustwall Estate.
Quest-Related Events[edit]
If you have started Paths of Chaos from Leramil the Wise, the Rustwall Estate will be one of the locations she asks you to investigate. Once there, you will assist Tribune Alea Idolus in finding out what has happened to the missing Rustwall staff and legion cohort assigned to guard the area. After investigating the Manor and Legionary Barracks a letter will direct you to look for Groundskeeper Gaius and see what he knows.
Once you enter his home, Tribune Alea will call out to him:
- Tribune Alea Idolus: "Gaius? Are you here? It's Tribune Alea."
- <Groundskeeper Gaius comes out from behind some furniture.>
- Groundskeeper Gaius: "Tribune? Thank the Divines! Are they gone?"
- Tribune Alea Idolus: "Who, Gaius? Who attacked Rustwall?"
Speak with Groundskeeper Gaius for more information:
- "I'm glad to see Tribune Alea, but she certainly took her sweet time! We've had all sorts of problems here!
Did you bring reinforcements? Captain Leronus sent the remaining legionaries and staff into the catacombs. Then he was going to call for help." - Captain Leronus is dead. Me and Tribune Alea are the only reinforcements.
- "Dead? Damn shame. He was tolerable, as far as Legion officers go. He had a good plan, too. While he hid everyone who was left in the catacombs, I was to keep watch until help arrived. I even stashed the key in a safe place in case the enemy found me."
- What happened to the legionaries who disappeared?
- "It had to be some sort of enemy army, but all I ever saw were a few Wood Elves sneaking around the grounds. We need to let everyone in the catacombs know it's safe to come out. Can you go retrieve the key and take care of that?"
- All right, we'll go get the survivors. Where did you hide the catacomb key?
- "I stashed the key inside the old statue in the garden. Don't worry. I'll draw you a map.
Just be careful wandering in the garden. We've had an infestation of odd bugs recently. Odd and dangerous."
You can ask him some questions before continuing:
- What led up to everyone fleeing to the catacombs to hide?
- "When the legionaries showed up, we felt a lot safer. A little security in these troubled times.
Then, one by one, soldiers started disappearing. We weren't sure if they were deserting or what. Then I found the bloody legionary armor." - Then what happened?
- "Captain Leronus suspected an enemy was picking the cohort off one-by-one. He expected a full-scale attack, so he sent the staff into the catacombs with the remaining legionaries to protect them.
I hid here until you and the tribune showed up."
- "Captain Leronus suspected an enemy was picking the cohort off one-by-one. He expected a full-scale attack, so he sent the staff into the catacombs with the remaining legionaries to protect them.
- "When the legionaries showed up, we felt a lot safer. A little security in these troubled times.
- You mentioned something about Wood Elves?
- "Other than the Wood Elves I spotted sneaking around, we never saw the enemy. And the only evidence of foul play was the bloody armor I found.
Captain Leronus assumed it was brigands looking to rob the estate, but would brigands challenge a cohort?"
- "Other than the Wood Elves I spotted sneaking around, we never saw the enemy. And the only evidence of foul play was the bloody armor I found.
- How long have you been working at the Rustwall Estate?
- "I've been supervising the outdoor staff since Leovic was a cub! Gardeners, masons, they all answer to me. No easy job, especially when we're all frightened out of our wits.
I know Rustwall inside and out. Made it easy to find a spot to hide my key."
- "I've been supervising the outdoor staff since Leovic was a cub! Gardeners, masons, they all answer to me. No easy job, especially when we're all frightened out of our wits.
Once you have finished speaking to him, he and Tribune Alea will walk over to the kitchen table where Gaius will draw a map for you. Speaking to him afterwards:
- "I know Rustwall's grounds like the back of my hand. That map shows right where I hid the key.
I'll stay here and continue to watch, just like Captain Leronus told me to do."
Speaking to him before you find the statue:
- "Day after day, I toil to make this place perfect for Count Calantius. Now these invaders appear and tear it all up!"