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Online:Gate of Alma Ruma

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ON-mapicon-ArtifactGate (DC).png
Artifact Gate:
Gate of Alma Ruma
(view on map)
Discoverable No
Daggerfall TerritoryCyrodiil
Southeast of Southern High Rock Gate
Gate of Alma Ruma

The Gate of Alma Ruma is the gate guarding the Scroll Temple of Alma Ruma. It is under the protection of Fort Rayles. To open the gate, Fort Rayles and Fort Glademist must both be captured, although they do not need to be held by the same alliance. While closed, the gate can only be used by members of the Daggerfall Covenant, who frequently pass through when traveling between the contested areas in Cyrodiil and their safe zone at the Southern High Rock Gate. The gate is guarded by a number of boss-level soldiers who have a high range of stealth detection, so it is inadvisable for members of enemy alliances to venture too close when the gate is closed. Similarly, assaulting the gate while it is open is best tackled by a group, as the guards respawn relatively quickly. It should also be noted that it is no longer possible for enemy alliance members to become trapped inside the Scroll Temple grounds if the Covenant recaptures Rayles or Glademist, thereby closing the Artifact Gate, as there are now steps up to the higher level of the gate, from which you can jump down to exit the area.