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Online:Flames of Forge and Fallen

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Quick Summary: not written

Walkthrough: not written

Quest Stages: not written

Fulfill the duty of a dying priest of Malacath.
Zone: Wrothgar
Objective: Old Orsinium — Light Malacath's pyre at the heart of Old Orsinium.
Quest Giver: Nashruth
Location(s): Old Orsinium
Reward: Blade of the Bloody Tusk
Malacath's Wrathful Flame
Average Leveled Gold
XP Gain: Standard Experience XP
ID: 5520
Rekindle Malacath's flame of vengeance
Before he died, I met an Orc named Nashruth. He belonged to a holy order that lights Malacath's pyre once every decade, but was ambushed before he could do so. I swore to head to the heart of Old Orsinium and light Malacath's pyre.

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Speak to Nashruth at the entrance of Old Orsinium.
  2. Begin the rites.
  3. Talk to the aspect of Malacath.
  4. Find a way into Hammer's Bypass.
  5. Talk to the aspect of Malacath.
  6. Find a way into Temper's Fork.
  7. Light the Great Pyre of Malacath.
  8. Speak to the aspect of Malacath to receive your reward.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

"We must always remember what led us to our doom."

"The Pyre—It Must Burn!"[edit]

Find your way to Old Orsinium, located in the far western side of Wrothgar. After you've entered the delve, you will see a weary Orc priest named Nashruth sitting on the ground near the entrance, gasping, "The pyre—it must burn!"

What pyre?
"Malacath's pyre, at the heart of Old Orsinium. My order lights it every decade, but those of us chosen to set it aflame were ambushed."
Who did this to you?
"Doesn't matter. Light the brazier to begin the Rites of Praise and Scorn. Malacath will guide you through Hammer's Bypass and Temper's Fork, if you are worthy of his regard.
Vengeance, for Malacath. Promise me you'll light the pyre—swear it!"
I swear it.

At this point you can ask Nashruth more about the ritual pyre and his order, or tell him to rest. Either way Nashruth dies shortly after, whispering, "My soul to the Ashen Forge ..."

Communicate with the aspect of Malacath to receive further instructions

To proceed with the ritual, you first need to light a brazier found near Nashruth. The disimbodied voice of Malacath thunders: "Another seeks to light my pyre. Weaker than those who fell? We shall see."

Make your way through the tunnels towards the open area. It does not matter which way you choose but the upper passage contains several bears, whereas the lower part of the tunnels has some groups of spiders waiting for you. Out in the open, you need to speak to the Aspect of Malacath by activating a stone shrine. The shrine depicts a hand holding aloft Scourge.

According to the aspect of Malacath, you need to honor the founding clans of Old Orsinium in order to unlock Hammer's Bypass. If you have completed God of Schemes, you can mention to the aspect of Malacath that you defeated Molag Bal, though it will be unimpressed because he still remains and says that you should have finished the job:

"You stand before Malacath, Daedric Prince of Vengeance. Mortals often gawk and grovel. You do not."
You want me to bow?
"Bow? Never bow! Only show the top of your head when you smash in your enemy's face!
Do you think I require supplication? Do you mistake me for Molag Bal?"
Actually, I escaped Coldharbour.
"You fled. You didn't stoke the flames of vengeance in your heart and cast Molag Bal into the deepest pit of his own realm.
Typical mortal … no ambition."
Actually, I defeated Molag Bal.
"Yet he still remains. You should have finished the job."
What do you want?
"Light the great pyre so my wrath can smolder for another generation.
Breach the gates as invaders breached Old Orsinium."
Why can't you just open it?
"You wish the Daedric Prince of Vengeance to help you open a door? "Jiggle the handle?"
Life is a struggle, mortal. Use what little sense you have and surpass this mighty ordeal. Or bite out your tongue and bleed to death."
How do I open the gate?/All right. How do I open the gate?
"Honor the clans who carved out a mountainside to raise these walls—those who armed, fed, and ruled this city in its prime.
Honor the clans who built a city worthy of my attention."

The Honored and the Scorned[edit]

Honor the founding clans of Old Orsinium

To honor the founding clans, light the braziers of each of the founding clan and listen to the aspect of Malacath telling you about each clan:

"Praised are Tumnosh, the great builders. The did not fear the weight of mountains as they carved and shaped Orsinium."
"Praised are Morkul, unrivaled in their craft. Their steel was as legendary as their tempers. The second pillar of strength in Orsinium. "
"Praised are Shatul, the peerless hunters. They strengthened the Orcs who worked steel and stone for the glory of Orsinium."
"Praised are Igrun, who ruled with steel blade and iron will. Ruthless, fearless leaders strengthen all who follow."

The next step is to press the stone plates in front of the giant locked door. Near the door there is a note that will help you regarding the order of the pressure plates. The note reads,

"First came those who built her walls
Next is the clan who armed her halls
Third were they who kept her fueled
Last whom o'er all others ruled"

The correct order is: Tumnosh, Morkul, Shatul, Igrun. After entering the correct order, Malacath booms: "If there are not tools to build strong walls, then there is no need for weapons to defend. And if you cannot feed your people, there will be nothing to rule. A strong ruler is nothing if he stands alone."

Once inside the Hammer's Bypass, speak to the Aspect of Malacath again; he now instructs you to scorn the fallen clans that caused the fall of Orsinium:

"You honored those who forged Old Orsinium from nothing. Now you will curse those who caused her fall."
Why would I curse the clans?
"Those who cannot unite against a common enemy will fall. Thus the fate of Old Orsinium. For this, they earned my scorn. Beyond are the guardians of my wrath. They will keep you from lighting my pyre."
Why would your own guardians try to stop me?
"Mortal lives are a litany of despair and treachery. Only wrath can see you through the darkest days. Succeed, despite all those who oppose you. Grasp at a most spiteful triumph!"

The manner of cursing is much similar to the honoring - you need to light the braziers of each clan and learn which clans are deemed responsible for the downfall of Old Orsinium. After lighting each brazier, Malacath says:

"Cursed are Bagrakh for lighting the fire that engulfed Orsinium. Warriors should raid the weak to draw out worthy opposition — they should not grow to enjoy it"
"Cursed are Igrun who praised the raiding done in their name. They hid behind these walls when called to account, rather than face their opponents directly."
"Cursed are Shatul who hoarded the food amidst the siege. Their greed weakened all clans in body and spirit, sealing Orsinium's doom."
"Cursed are Fharun for not fighting to the death. At the first suggestion from the others, they slipped away so one clan might survive Orsinium's fall. Their departure was Orsinium's true betrayal. "

On your way deeper into the old city you will have to defeat several groups of Winterborn and some hagraven. Near the next door there is another note that will help you regarding the order of the pressure plates. To open the door to next area, Temper's Fork, the correct order of the pressure plates is: Bagrakh, Igrun, Shatul, Fharun.

The Wrath of Malacath[edit]

The shrine of Malacath inside Old Orsinium

In the depths of the old city, you need to face the cultists of Malacath who are trying to stop you from lighting the pyre as part of the ritual itself. When you have finally arrived to the Old Orsinium Shrine, there is a magnificent unlit pyre in the middle of the shrine room. Light the pyre and then approach the shrine of Malacath behind the pyre. He approves of you completing the ritual, saying,

"The great pyre burns. Its ashes will smolder for years. You did this, despite all arrayed against you."
What does that mean?
"Today you rekindled the simmer of hatred at the heart of the Orcs. May it fuel their vengeance for another generation.
Go. Spread my wrath to the corners of the world!"

or if you're orc:

"Do you feel it within your own heart—that righteous simmer of hatred? It is the gift you earned today.
Go. Avenge yourself of every slight and transgression. Spread my wrath!"


  • The Hammer of Glass, one of the trophies for the House of Orsimer Glories, is located in the far northern part of Old Orsinium where the Great Pyre is. It can easily be obtained on the way out after completing this quest, in a side room on the way to the exit. The hammer is located in an alcove on the northern side of the room, next to a bed and slightly hidden behind a dresser.
  • Ushutha's journal won't exist next to her skeleton before activating the braziers.
  • The exit door to the shrine is one-way only so make sure to not use it before having lit the shrine, otherwise you have to make your way back there from the hub area.

Quest Stages[edit]

Flames of Forge and Fallen
Finishes Quest Journal Entry
I need to light a brazier to begin the "Rites of Praise and Scorn." If the Daedric Prince Malacath deems me worthy, he will supposedly guide me through something called Hammer's Bypass and Temper's Fork.
Objective: Begin the Rites of Praise and Scorn
I should seek the guidance of Malacath to get me through Hammer's Bypass.
Objective: Talk to the Aspect of Malacath
I must honor the clans who built Old Orsinium to unlock Hammer's Bypass. I should light the braziers to learn the founding clans.
Objective: Honor Orsinium's Founding Clans: 0/4
The four honored clans who built Old Orsinium are the key to unlocking Hammer's Bypass. I should press the floor panels matching the honored clans.
Objective: Unlock Hammer's Bypass
Objective Hint: Choose the Honored Clans
I should seek the guidance of Malacath to get me through Temper's Fork.
Objective: Talk to the Aspect of Malacath
I must curse the clans who cause Old Orsinium's downfall to unlock Temper's Fork. I should light the braziers to learn which clans failed Malacath.
Objective: Curse Orsinium's Fallen Clans: 0/4
The four cursed clans who caused Old Orsinium's downfall are the key to unlocking Temper's Fork. I should press the floor panels matching the cursed clans.
Objective: Unlock Temper's Fork
Objective Hint: Choose the Scorned Clans
I must light the great pyre at the heart of Old Orsinium to complete the Rites of Praise and Scorn. Nashruth's order will try to stop me, as part of the rites.
Objective: Light the Great Pyre
Finishes quest☑ I lit the great pyre at the heart of Old Orsinium. It seems Malacath, the Daedric Prince of Vengeance, has something to say to me. I should speak with him.
Objective: Talk to Aspect of Malacath
* Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g., <Alias=LocationHold>) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
  • Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
  • Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.