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Online:Farsight (skill)

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ON-icon-skill-Scrying-Farsight.png Farsight
Line Scrying
Skill Rank Line Rank
Rank I 1 6
Rank II 2 9
Farsight: Claim a line of facets, stretching out from your area of control. Consumes 1 Magicka Charge.
Farsight II: Claim a line of facets, stretching out from your area of control. New Effect: Range increased from 4 facets to 6. Consumes 1 Magicka Charge.

Farsight allows you to claim up to four facets in a line, from a facet contiguous to a facet of your control. This can be done in any direction, and you do not need to select four facets in order to use it (which means a misclick can waste it). You can touch the area of your control from the side, but it will not allow you to select unless the starting facet is within a hexagon of your area of control.

Farsight's upgrade increases the number of facets you can select to 6.
