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For collectible emotes, see Collectible Emotes.

A character using an emote

Emotes are chat commands that cause your character to perform an animation. They are simply aesthetic, and add an extra level to in-game socialization. Personalities can be used to change certain emotes.

On PC and Mac, all emotes are activated by bringing up the chat window, then typing in the emote command and nothing else. These commands do not appear in the chat log of other players. On PS4 and Xbox, emotes must be selected through the "Social" menu, and up to eight emotes can be assigned to quick-slots accessed using D-pad Right. Playing in Gamepad Mode on PC and Mac also enables the use of this menu by long pressing D-pad Right.

For a list of collectible emotes, see Collectible Emotes.

Quick Chat[edit]

There are 22 premade phrases that can be selected and assigned to the emote quick-slots. When you use a Quick Chat phrase, it will appear as a text chat bubble, visible to those around you. A few phrases also have an accompanying emote. Quick Chat is available by default on consoles, and on PC with the Gamepad UI mode.

Phrase Text Emote
Hello Hello. Greet
Goodbye Goodbye. Greet
Heal Me Heal me. None
Low on Magicka I am low on Magicka. None
Low on Stamina I am low on Stamina. None
No No. No
Yes Yes. Nod head
Group up? Would you like to join a group? None
Trade Would you like to trade? None
Spread out Spread out. None
Get close Get close to one another. None
Phrase Text Emote
Attack the boss Attack the boss. None
Handle the adds Handle the adds. None
Synergy Synergy ability is cast. None
Move away Move away from me. None
Is everyone ready? Is everyone ready? Follow me
Pulling I am pulling. None
Tank the boss Tank and taunt the boss. None
Ignore the adds Ignore the adds. None
Sorry I'm sorry about that. Humble
Good job. Good job, everyone. Celebration
Self-congratulate That's right, I'm pretty amazing. Brush off shoulder

Standard Emotes[edit]

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These emotes are available to all characters and do not require achievements or Crown Store purchases.

Emote only available on PC
MEmote used by male characters*
This version appears with certain Personalities
FEmote used by female characters*
*Most emotes are the same for both genders. In these cases only one is shown.

In-game Image Emote Slash Command Group Description Loop¹ Audio
ON-emote-Attention.jpg Attention /attention Ceremonial Stand at attention Loop☑  
ON-emote-Bless.jpg Bestow Blessing /bestowblessing Ceremonial Long blessing
Bless /bless Ceremonial Short blessing
This animation is altered by the Worm Wizard Personality.
Blessing /blessing Ceremonial Looping blessing Loop☑  
ON-emote-Bless (Worm Wizard) 01.jpgON-emote-Bless (Worm Wizard) 02.jpgON-emote-Bless (Worm Wizard) 03.jpg Bless (Worm Wizard) /bless Ceremonial Conjure energy between your hands
ON-emote-Bow.jpg Bow (male)M /bow Ceremonial A polite bow
This animation is altered by the Factotum and Jester Personalities.
ON-emote-Bow (female).jpg Bow (female)F /bow Ceremonial A polite bow
This animation is altered by the Factotum and Jester Personalities.
ON-emote-Bow (Factotum) 01.jpgON-emote-Bow (Factotum) 02.jpgON-emote-Bow (Factotum) 03.jpg Bow (Factotum) /bow Ceremonial A stiff, mechanical bow
ON-emote-Bow (Jester) 01.jpgON-emote-Bow (Jester) 02.jpgON-emote-Bow (Jester) 03.jpg Bow (Jester) /bow Ceremonial An overly ostentatious bow
ON-emote-Bow2 01.jpgON-emote-Bow2 02.jpg Bow 2 /bow2 Ceremonial A flourishing bow
ON-emote-Hand to Heart.jpg Hand to heart /handtoheart Ceremonial Place a fist to your heart
ON-emote-Honor.jpg Honor /honor Ceremonial A deep respectful bow
ON-emote-Kneel.jpg Kneel /kneel Ceremonial A kneeling pose
This animation is altered by the Scholar Personality.
ON-emote-Kneel (Scholar).jpg Kneel (Scholar) /kneel Ceremonial Kneel while scanning a book. Loop☑  
ON-emote-Kneel Pray.jpg Kneel praying /kneelpray Ceremonial Kneeling and praying pose Loop☑  
ON-emote-Kowtow 01.jpgON-emote-Kowtow 02.jpg Kowtow /kowtow Ceremonial Kneeling and repeatedly raising arms and lowering them to the ground Loop☑  
ON-emote-Pray.jpg Pray /pray Ceremonial Put your hands together in prayer Loop☑  
ON-emote-Ritual 01.jpgON-emote-Ritual 02.jpg Ritual /ritual Ceremonial Hold your arms out in a summoning ritual
This animation is altered by the Telvanni Magister and Worm Wizard Personalities.
ON-emote-Ritual (Telvanni Magister) 01.jpgON-emote-Ritual (Telvanni Magister) 02.jpgON-emote-Ritual (Telvanni Magister) 03.jpg
ON-emote-Ritual (Telvanni Magister) 04.jpgON-emote-Ritual (Telvanni Magister) 05.jpgON-emote-Ritual (Telvanni Magister) 06.jpg
Ritual (Telvanni Magister) /ritual Ceremonial Conjure a ball of glowing energy and perform several dramatic sweeping gestures
ON-emote-Ritual (Worm Wizard) 01.jpgON-emote-Ritual (Worm Wizard) 02.jpgON-emote-Ritual (Worm Wizard) 03.jpg
ON-emote-Ritual (Worm Wizard) 04.jpgON-emote-Ritual (Worm Wizard) 05.jpgON-emote-Ritual (Worm Wizard) 06.jpg
Ritual (Worm Wizard) /ritual Ceremonial Conjure a skeleton from the earth, which then disintegrates into dust
ON-emote-Salute.jpg Salute 1 /salute Ceremonial Salute with your fist to your heart
This animation is altered by the Swashbuckler Personality.
Salute Loop 1 /saluteloop Ceremonial A looping version of Salute Loop☑  
ON-emote-Salute (Swashbuckler).jpg Salute (Swashbuckler) /salute Ceremonial Salute with two fingers pointed in someone else's direction
ON-emote-Salute2.jpg Salute 2 /salute2 Ceremonial Salute with both fists on your chest
This animation is altered by the Swashbuckler Personality.
Salute Loop 2 /saluteloop2 Ceremonial A looping version of Salute2 Loop☑  
ON-emote-Salute 2 (Swashbuckler).jpgON-emote-Salute 2 (Swashbuckler) 02.jpgON-emote-Salute 2 (Swashbuckler) 03.jpg
ON-emote-Salute 2 (Swashbuckler) 04.jpgON-emote-Salute 2 (Swashbuckler) 05.jpg
Salute 2 (Swashbuckler) /salute2 Ceremonial Salute by waving a cutlass around in front of you
ON-emote-Salute3.jpg Salute 3 /salute3 Ceremonial Salute with your fist clasped in your hand
Salute Loop 3 /saluteloop3 Ceremonial A looping version of Salute3 Loop☑  
ON-emote-Approve.jpg Approve /approve Cheers and Jeers Give a thumbs-up
This animation is altered by the Breton Hero Personality.
ON-emote-Boo.jpg Booing /boo Cheers and Jeers Give a thumbs-down
ON-emote-Cheer 01.jpgON-emote-Cheer 02.jpg Cheer /cheer Cheers and Jeers Throw your hands in the air and cheer
This animation is altered by the Drunk and Jester Personalities.
ON-emote-Cheer (Drunk) 01.jpgON-emote-Cheer (Drunk) 02.jpg Cheer (Drunk) /cheer Cheers and Jeers Raise your mug and cheer   Audio☑
ON-emote-Cheer (Jester) 01.jpgON-emote-Cheer (Jester) 02.jpgON-emote-Cheer (Jester) 03.jpg Cheer (Jester) /cheer Cheers and Jeers Blow confetti out your nose   Audio☑
ON-emote-Clap.jpg Clap /clap Cheers and Jeers Clap your hands repeatedly Loop☑ Audio☑
ON-emote-Disapprove.jpg Disapprove /disapprove Cheers and Jeers Raise both hands in disapproval
ON-emote-Dishonor 01.jpgON-emote-Dishonor 02.jpg Dishonor /dishonor Cheers and Jeers Stomp on the ground in disgust
This animation is altered by the Worm Wizard Personality.
ON-emote-Dishonor (Worm Wizard) 01.jpgON-emote-Dishonor (Worm Wizard) 02.jpg
ON-emote-Dishonor (Worm Wizard) 03.jpgON-emote-Dishonor (Worm Wizard) 04.jpg
Dishonor (Worm Wizard) /dishonor Cheers and Jeers Conjure energy with your hands
ON-emote-Dismiss.jpg Dismiss 1 /dismiss Cheers and Jeers Wave one hand dismissively
ON-emote-Go Away 01.jpgON-emote-Go Away 02.jpg Dismiss 2 /goaway Cheers and Jeers Wave both hands dismissively
ON-emote-Leave Me.jpg Dismiss 3 /leaveme Cheers and Jeers Wave one hand dismissively
ON-emote-Doom.jpg Doom /doom Cheers and Jeers Put your thumb to your throat with a slicing gesture
This animation is altered by the Telvanni Magister and Worm Wizard Personalities.
ON-emote-Doom (Telvanni Magister) 01.jpgON-emote-Doom (Telvanni Magister) 02.jpgON-emote-Doom (Telvanni Magister) 03.jpg
ON-emote-Doom (Telvanni Magister) 04.jpgON-emote-Doom (Telvanni Magister) 05.jpgON-emote-Doom (Telvanni Magister) 06.jpg
Doom (Telvanni Magister) /doom Cheers and Jeers Conjure a glowing ball of energy that grows until it explodes in your face   Audio☑
ON-emote-Doom (Worm Wizard) 01.jpgON-emote-Doom (Worm Wizard) 02.jpg
ON-emote-Doom (Worm Wizard) 03.jpgON-emote-Doom (Worm Wizard) 04.jpg
Doom (Worm Wizard) /doom Cheers and Jeers Conjure a glowing skull that laughs menacingly   Audio☑
ON-emote-Exasperated 01.jpgON-emote-Exasperated 02.jpg Exasperated /exasperated Cheers and Jeers Throw your arms in the air and slump over in disappointment
ON-emote-Face Palm.jpg Facepalm /facepalm Cheers and Jeers Smack your forehead derisively
ON-emote-Fist Pump.jpg Fistpump /fistpump Cheers and Jeers Pump your fist in triumph   Audio☑
ON-emote-Grats 01.jpgON-emote-Grats 02.jpg Grats /grats Cheers and Jeers Clap your hands and give a thumbs-up
ON-emote-Hands on Hips.jpg Hands on hips /handsonhips Cheers and Jeers Put your fists on your hips
This animation is altered by the Commander Personality.
ON-emote-Hands on Hips (Commander).jpg Hands on hips (Commander) /handsonhips Cheers and Jeers Put your fists on your waist Loop☑  
ON-emote-Impatient.jpg Impatient /impatient Cheers and Jeers Fold your arms on your chest and tap your foot impatiently Loop☑  
ON-emote-Rude 01.jpgON-emote-Rude 02.jpg Rude gesture /rude Cheers and Jeers Bump your fists together and thrust your hands out rudely
This animation is altered by the Heroic Personality.
ON-emote-Rude (Heroic) 01.jpgON-emote-Rude (Heroic) 02.jpgON-emote-Rude (Heroic) 03.jpg Rude gesture (Heroic) /rude Cheers and Jeers Point to the person in front of you, then point to your right as if telling them to leave
ON-emote-Shake Fist.jpg Shake fist /shakefist Cheers and Jeers Shake your fist at the sky in anger
ON-emote-Shout.jpg Shout /shout Cheers and Jeers Put your hands to your mouth and shout   Audio☑
ON-emote-Shh.jpg Shush /shh Cheers and Jeers Put your finger to your lips and shh
ON-emote-Spit 01.jpgON-emote-Spit 02.jpg Spit /spit Cheers and Jeers Spit on the ground derisively
This animation is altered by the Jester Personality.
ON-emote-Spit (Jester) 01.jpgON-emote-Spit (Jester) 02.jpgON-emote-Spit (Jester) 03.jpg
ON-emote-Spit (Jester) 04.jpgON-emote-Spit (Jester) 05.jpgON-emote-Spit (Jester) 06.jpg
Spit (Jester) /spit Cheers and Jeers Take out two torches and breathe fire   Audio☑
ON-emote-Rude 01.jpgON-emote-Rude 02.jpg Taunt /taunt Cheers and Jeers Bump your fists together and thrust your hands out rudely
(Identical to /rude)
ON-emote-Thank 01.jpgON-emote-Thank 02.jpg Thanks /thanks Cheers and Jeers Clasp your hands in thanks and give a thumbs up
Thank You /thank
Cheers and Jeers
ON-emote-Threaten 01.jpgON-emote-Threaten 02.jpgON-emote-Threaten 03.jpg Threaten /threaten Cheers and Jeers Point forward, then put your thumb to your throat and make a slicing motion
This animation is altered by the Scholar Personality.
ON-emote-Threaten (Scholar) 01.jpgON-emote-Threaten (Scholar) 02.jpg Threaten (Scholar) /threaten Cheers and Jeers Look up menacingly from your book
ON-emote-Thumbs Down.jpg Thumbs down /thumbsdown Cheers and Jeers Give a thumbs down
ON-emote-Thumbs Up.jpg Thumbs up /thumbsup Cheers and Jeers Give a thumbs up
ON-emote-Wag Finger.jpg Wag finger /wagfinger Cheers and Jeers Wag your finger
ON-emote-Whistle.jpg Whistle /whistle Cheers and Jeers Put your fingers to your lips and give a whistle   Audio☑
ON-emote-Angry.jpg Angry /angry Emotion Throw your arms to the side and snarl
ON-emote-Annoyed 01.jpgON-emote-Annoyed 02.jpg Annoyed /annoyed Emotion Throw your arms in the air and slump your head, then fold your arms on your chest
This animation is altered by the Scholar Personality.
ON-emote-Annoyed (Scholar) 01.jpgON-emote-Annoyed (Scholar) 02.jpgON-emote-Annoyed (Scholar) 03.jpg Annoyed (Scholar) /annoyed Emotion Look up distractedly from your book
ON-emote-Arms Crossed.jpg Arms crossed /armscrossed Emotion Fold your arms on your chest
This animation is altered by the Brassy Assassin, Furious, and Telvanni Magister Personalities.
ON-emote-Arms Crossed (Furious).jpg Arms crossed (Furious) /armscrossed Emotion Fold your arms on your chest grumpily Loop☑  
ON-emote-Arms Crossed (Telvanni Magister).jpg Arms crossed (Telvanni Magister) /armscrossed Emotion Fold one arm on your chest and scratch your chin with the other Loop☑  
ON-emote-Heartbroken 01.jpgON-emote-Heartbroken 02.jpg
ON-emote-Heartbroken 03.jpgON-emote-Heartbroken 04.jpg
Broken Hearted /heartbroken Emotion Cry effusively with your face in your hands Loop☑  
ON-emote-Confused 01.jpgON-emote-Confused 02.jpg Confused /confused Emotion Shrug your shoulders
ON-emote-Cry 01.jpgON-emote-Cry 02.jpg
ON-emote-Cry 03.jpgON-emote-Cry 04.jpg
Cry /cry Emotion Cry a little bit, but in a dignified way Loop☑  
ON-emote-Cuckoo.jpg Cuckoo /cuckoo Emotion Point to your head and give the twirly-gesture
ON-emote-Disgust.jpg Disgust /disgust Emotion Raise your hands in disgust
ON-emote-Downcast.jpg Downcast /downcast Emotion Lower your head in shame or sadness Loop☑  
ON-emote-Drunk.jpg Drunk /drunk Emotion Teeter and reel in a drunken stupor Loop☑  
ON-emote-Lol 01.jpgON-emote-Lol 02.jpg Guffaw /lol Emotion Laugh uproariously and wipe away a tear   Audio☑
ON-emote-Humble.jpg Humble /humble Emotion Kneel and bow your head Loop☑  
ON-emote-Laugh.jpg Laugh /laugh Emotion Give a chuckle
This animation is altered by the Drunk Personality.
ON-emote-Laugh (Drunk) 01.jpgON-emote-Laugh (Drunk) 02.jpg
ON-emote-Laugh (Drunk) 03.jpgON-emote-Laugh (Drunk) 04.jpg
Laugh (Drunk) /laugh Emotion Laugh loudly and slap your knee   Audio☑
ON-emote-Sad.jpg Sad /sad Emotion Bow your head in sadness
ON-emote-Scared.jpg Scared /scared Emotion Flinch in fear
ON-emote-Scratch.jpg Scratch head /headscratch Emotion Scratch your neck in confusion
ON-emote-Sigh 01.jpgON-emote-Sigh 02.jpg Sigh /sigh Emotion Throw your head back and sigh, then hang your head in disappointment
This animation is altered by the Melancholy Personality.
ON-emote-Sigh (Melancholy) 01.jpgON-emote-Sigh (Melancholy) 02.jpg Sigh (Melancholy) /sigh Emotion Sigh in despair
ON-emote-Surprised.jpg Surprised /surprised Emotion Flinch in shock
ON-emote-Surrender.jpg Surrender /surrender Emotion Hold your hands up in surrender (as if being arrested)
ON-emote-Crying 01.jpgON-emote-Crying 02.jpg Weep /crying Emotion Cry a lot, head in hands, overcome with emotion
ON-emote-Applaud.jpg Applaud /applaud Entertainment Cheer and clap your hands a few times
ON-emote-Horn.jpg Blow horn /horn Entertainment Blow a horn   Audio☑
ON-emote-Bored 01.jpgON-emote-Bored 02.jpg
ON-emote-Bored 03.jpgON-emote-Bored 04.jpg
Bored /bored Entertainment An assortment of fidgety poses Loop☑  
ON-emote-Celebrate 01.jpgON-emote-Celebrate 02.jpg
ON-emote-Celebrate 03.jpgON-emote-Celebrate 04.jpg
Celebration /celebrate Entertainment Cheer, pump your fist, clap your hands Loop☑  
ON-emote-Dance Drunk 01.jpgON-emote-Dance Drunk 02.jpgON-emote-Dance Drunk 03.jpg
ON-emote-Dance Drunk 04.jpgON-emote-Dance Drunk 05.jpgON-emote-Dance Drunk 06.jpg
Dance drunk /dancedrunk Entertainment Dance like a drunk Loop☑  
Dance /dance Entertainment Perform one of the dances below that corresponds to your race
This animation is altered by the Factotum Personality.
ON-emote-Dance Argonian 01.jpgON-emote-Dance Argonian 02.jpgON-emote-Dance Argonian 03.jpg
ON-emote-Dance Argonian 04.jpgON-emote-Dance Argonian 05.jpgON-emote-Dance Argonian 06.jpg
Dance Argonian (male)M /danceargonian Entertainment Dance like an Argonian Loop☑ Audio☑
ON-emote-Dance Argonian (female) 01.jpgON-emote-Dance Argonian (female) 02.jpgON-emote-Dance Argonian (female) 03.jpg
ON-emote-Dance Argonian (female) 04.jpgON-emote-Dance Argonian (female) 05.jpgON-emote-Dance Argonian (female) 06.jpg
Dance Argonian (female)F /danceargonian Entertainment Dance like an Argonian Loop☑ Audio☑
ON-emote-Dance Breton 01.jpgON-emote-Dance Breton 02.jpgON-emote-Dance Breton 03.jpg
ON-emote-Dance Breton 04.jpgON-emote-Dance Breton 05.jpgON-emote-Dance Breton 06.jpg
Dance Breton (male)M /dancebreton Entertainment Dance like a Breton Loop☑ Audio☑
ON-emote-Dance Breton (female) 01.jpgON-emote-Dance Breton (female) 02.jpgON-emote-Dance Breton (female) 03.jpg
ON-emote-Dance Breton (female) 04.jpgON-emote-Dance Breton (female) 05.jpgON-emote-Dance Breton (female) 06.jpg
Dance Breton (female)F /dancebreton Entertainment Dance like a Breton Loop☑ Audio☑
ON-emote-Dance Dunmer 01.jpgON-emote-Dance Dunmer 02.jpgON-emote-Dance Dunmer 03.jpg
ON-emote-Dance Dunmer 04.jpgON-emote-Dance Dunmer 05.jpgON-emote-Dance Dunmer 06.jpg
Dance Dark Elf (male)M /dancedarkelf
Entertainment Dance like a Dunmer Loop☑ Audio☑
ON-emote-Dance Dunmer (female) 01.jpgON-emote-Dance Dunmer (female) 02.jpgON-emote-Dance Dunmer (female) 03.jpg
ON-emote-Dance Dunmer (female) 04.jpgON-emote-Dance Dunmer (female) 05.jpgON-emote-Dance Dunmer (female) 06.jpg
Dance Dark Elf (female)F /dancedarkelf
Entertainment Dance like a Dunmer Loop☑ Audio☑
ON-emote-Dance Altmer 01.jpgON-emote-Dance Altmer 02.jpgON-emote-Dance Altmer 03.jpg
ON-emote-Dance Altmer 04.jpgON-emote-Dance Altmer 05.jpgON-emote-Dance Altmer 06.jpg
Dance High Elf (male)M /dancehighelf
Entertainment Dance like an Altmer Loop☑ Audio☑
ON-emote-Dance Altmer (female) 01.jpgON-emote-Dance Altmer (female) 02.jpgON-emote-Dance Altmer (female) 03.jpg
ON-emote-Dance Altmer (female) 04.jpgON-emote-Dance Altmer (female) 05.jpgON-emote-Dance Altmer (female) 06.jpg
Dance High Elf (female)F /dancehighelf
Entertainment Dance like an Altmer Loop☑ Audio☑
ON-emote-Dance Imperial 01.jpgON-emote-Dance Imperial 02.jpgON-emote-Dance Imperial 03.jpg
ON-emote-Dance Imperial 04.jpgON-emote-Dance Imperial 05.jpgON-emote-Dance Imperial 06.jpg
Dance Imperial (male)M /danceimperial Entertainment Dance like an Imperial Loop☑ Audio☑
ON-emote-Dance Imperial (female) 01.jpgON-emote-Dance Imperial (female) 02.jpgON-emote-Dance Imperial (female) 03.jpg
ON-emote-Dance Imperial (female) 04.jpgON-emote-Dance Imperial (female) 05.jpgON-emote-Dance Imperial (female) 06.jpg
Dance Imperial (female)F /danceimperial Entertainment Dance like an Imperial Loop☑ Audio☑
ON-emote-Dance Khajiit 01.jpgON-emote-Dance Khajiit 02.jpgON-emote-Dance Khajiit 03.jpg
ON-emote-Dance Khajiit 04.jpgON-emote-Dance Khajiit 05.jpgON-emote-Dance Khajiit 06.jpg
Dance Khajiit (male)M /dancekhajiit Entertainment Dance like a Khajiit Loop☑ Audio☑
ON-emote-Dance Khajiit (female) 01.jpgON-emote-Dance Khajiit (female) 02.jpgON-emote-Dance Khajiit (female) 03.jpg
ON-emote-Dance Khajiit (female) 04.jpgON-emote-Dance Khajiit (female) 05.jpgON-emote-Dance Khajiit (female) 06.jpg
Dance Khajiit (female)F /dancekhajiit Entertainment Dance like a Khajiit Loop☑ Audio☑
ON-emote-Dance Nord 01.jpgON-emote-Dance Nord 02.jpgON-emote-Dance Nord 03.jpg
ON-emote-Dance Nord 04.jpgON-emote-Dance Nord 05.jpgON-emote-Dance Nord 06.jpg
Dance Nord (male)M /dancenord Entertainment Dance like a Nord Loop☑ Audio☑
ON-emote-Dance Nord (female) 01.jpgON-emote-Dance Nord (female) 02.jpgON-emote-Dance Nord (female) 03.jpg
ON-emote-Dance Nord (female) 04.jpgON-emote-Dance Nord (female) 05.jpgON-emote-Dance Nord (female) 06.jpg
Dance Nord (female)F /dancenord Entertainment Dance like a Nord Loop☑ Audio☑
ON-emote-Dance Orc 01.jpgON-emote-Dance Orc 02.jpgON-emote-Dance Orc 03.jpg
ON-emote-Dance Orc 04.jpgON-emote-Dance Orc 05.jpgON-emote-Dance Orc 06.jpg
Dance Orc (male)M /danceorc Entertainment Dance like an Orc Loop☑ Audio☑
ON-emote-Dance Orc (female) 01.jpgON-emote-Dance Orc (female) 02.jpgON-emote-Dance Orc (female) 03.jpg
ON-emote-Dance Orc (female) 04.jpgON-emote-Dance Orc (female) 05.jpgON-emote-Dance Orc (female) 06.jpg
Dance Orc (female)F /danceorc Entertainment Dance like an Orc Loop☑ Audio☑
ON-emote-Dance Redguard 01.jpgON-emote-Dance Redguard 02.jpgON-emote-Dance Redguard 03.jpg
ON-emote-Dance Redguard 04.jpgON-emote-Dance Redguard 05.jpgON-emote-Dance Redguard 06.jpg
Dance Redguard (male)M /danceredguard Entertainment Dance like a Redguard Loop☑ Audio☑
ON-emote-Dance Redguard (female) 01.jpgON-emote-Dance Redguard (female) 02.jpgON-emote-Dance Redguard (female) 03.jpg
ON-emote-Dance Redguard (female) 04.jpgON-emote-Dance Redguard (female) 05.jpgON-emote-Dance Redguard (female) 06.jpg
Dance Redguard (female)F /danceredguard Entertainment Dance like a Redguard Loop☑ Audio☑
ON-emote-Dance Bosmer 01.jpgON-emote-Dance Bosmer 02.jpgON-emote-Dance Bosmer 03.jpg
ON-emote-Dance Bosmer 04.jpgON-emote-Dance Bosmer 05.jpgON-emote-Dance Bosmer 06.jpg
Dance Wood Elf (male)M /dancewoodelf
Entertainment Dance like a Bosmer Loop☑ Audio☑
ON-emote-Dance Bosmer (female) 01.jpgON-emote-Dance Bosmer (female) 02.jpgON-emote-Dance Bosmer (female) 03.jpg
ON-emote-Dance Bosmer (female) 04.jpgON-emote-Dance Bosmer (female) 05.jpgON-emote-Dance Bosmer (female) 06.jpg
Dance Wood Elf (female)F /dancewoodelf
Entertainment Dance like a Bosmer Loop☑ Audio☑
ON-emote-Juggle Flame 01.jpgON-emote-Juggle Flame 02.jpg
ON-emote-Juggle Flame 03.jpgON-emote-Juggle Flame 04.jpg
Juggle flame /juggleflame Entertainment Play around with a floating flame
This animation is altered by the Telvanni Magister Personality.
Loop☑ Audio☑
ON-emote-Juggle Flame (Telvanni Magister) 01.jpgON-emote-Juggle Flame (Telvanni Magister) 02.jpg
ON-emote-Juggle Flame (Telvanni Magister) 03.jpgON-emote-Juggle Flame (Telvanni Magister) 04.jpg
Juggle flame (Telvanni Magister) /juggleflame Entertainment Play around with two glowing balls of energy Loop☑ Audio☑
ON-emote-Drum.jpg Play drum /drum Entertainment Play a drum Loop☑ Audio☑
ON-emote-Flute.jpg Play flute /flute Entertainment Play a flute Loop☑ Audio☑
ON-emote-Lute.jpg Play lute /lute Entertainment Play a lute Loop☑ Audio☑
ON-emote-Drink3 01.jpgON-emote-Drink3 02.jpgON-emote-Drink3 03.jpg Drinking from bottle /drink3 Food and Drink Take a hearty swig from a bottle, and wipe your mouth on your sleeve Loop☑  
ON-emote-Drink2 01.jpgON-emote-Drink2 02.jpg Drinking from chalice /drink2 Food and Drink Take a dainty sip and wipe your lip with your finger Loop☑  
ON-emote-Drink 01.jpgON-emote-Drink 02.jpgON-emote-Drink 03.jpg Drinking from flagon /drink Food and Drink Take a hearty swig from a flagon, and wipe your mouth on your sleeve
This animation is altered by the Drunk and Heroic Personalities.
ON-emote-Drink (Drunk) 01.jpgON-emote-Drink (Drunk) 02.jpg
ON-emote-Drink (Drunk) 03.jpgON-emote-Drink (Drunk) 04.jpg
Drinking from flagon (Drunk) /drink Food and Drink Down an entire flagon all at once
ON-emote-Drink (Heroic) 01.jpgON-emote-Drink (Heroic) 02.jpg
ON-emote-Drink (Heroic) 03.jpgON-emote-Drink (Heroic) 04.jpg
Drinking from flagon (Heroic) /drink Food and Drink Drink from a flagon, wipe your mouth, then point around the room
ON-emote-Potion 01.jpgON-emote-Potion 02.jpg Drink potion /potion Food and Drink Take a dainty sip and wipe your lip with your finger
(This is just a non-looping version of drink2)
ON-emote-Meal 01.jpgON-emote-Meal 02.jpg Eat a meal /meal Food and Drink Eat a few bites from a plate of food
ON-emote-Eat3 01.jpgON-emote-Eat3 02.jpg Eat apple /eat3 Food and Drink Eat an apple
This animation is altered by the Assassin and Zombie Personalities.
Loop☑ Audio☑
ON-emote-Eat3 (Assassin) 01.jpgON-emote-Eat3 (Assassin) 02.jpg Eat apple (Assassin) /eat3 Food and Drink Eat an apple, using the Blade of Woe to slice it Loop☑ Audio☑
ON-emote-Eat3 (Zombie) 01.jpgON-emote-Eat3 (Zombie) 02.jpg
ON-emote-Eat3 (Zombie) 03.jpg
Eat apple (Zombie) /eat3 Food and Drink Fall to your knees and act like you're kneeling over a corpse, tearing chunks of flesh off and devouring them Loop☑ Audio☑
ON-emote-Eat2 01.jpgON-emote-Eat2 02.jpg Eat bread /eatbread Food and Drink Eat some bread (quickly) Loop☑  
Eat bread 2 /eat2 Food and Drink Eat some bread (slowly) Loop☑  
ON-emote-Eat4 01.jpgON-emote-Eat4 02.jpg Eat from bowl /eat4 Food and Drink Eat some soup Loop☑  
ON-emote-Pie 01.jpgON-emote-Pie 02.jpg Eat pie /pie Food and Drink Eat a few bites from a pie
ON-emote-Small Bread 01.jpgON-emote-Small Bread 02.jpg Eat roll /smallbread Food and Drink Take a few bites from a bread roll
ON-emote-Soup Bowl 01.jpgON-emote-Soup Bowl 02.jpg Eat soup /soupbowl Food and Drink Take a few spoonfuls from a bowl of soup
ON-emote-Eat 01.jpgON-emote-Eat 02.jpg Eat turkey /eat Food and Drink Eat a turkey drumstick Loop☑  
ON-emote-Pour.jpg Pour /pour Food and Drink Pour from a bottle
ON-emote-Prov 01.jpgON-emote-Prov 02.jpg Stir Bowl /prov Food and Drink Stir in a bowl and take occasional sniffs
Taste from bowl /bdcake Food and Drink (?)
ON-emote-Beckon.jpg Beckon /beckon Give Directions Wave your arm to call someone in front of you
This animation is altered by the Brassy Assassin Personality.
ON-emote-Come.jpg Beckon 2 /come Give Directions Wag your fingers to call someone in front of you
ON-emote-Follow Me.jpg Follow me /followme Give Directions Wave your arm to call someone behind you
ON-emote-Point Back.jpg Point behind /pointb Give Directions Point behind you
ON-emote-Point Down.jpg Point down /pointd Give Directions Point below you
ON-emote-Point.jpg Point forward /point Give Directions Point in front of you
This animation is altered by the Swashbuckler Personality.
ON-emote-Point (Swashbuckler).jpgON-emote-Point (Swashbuckler) 02.jpg
ON-emote-Point (Swashbuckler) 03.jpgON-emote-Point (Swashbuckler) 04.jpg
Point (Swashbuckler) /point Give Directions Point upwards with a cutlass
ON-emote-Point Left.jpg Point left /pointl Give Directions Point to your left
ON-emote-Point Right.jpg Point right /pointr Give Directions Point to your right
ON-emote-Self.jpg Point to self /self Give Directions Point at yourself
ON-emote-Point Up.jpg Point upward /pointu Give Directions Point above you
ON-emote-Rally 01.jpgON-emote-Rally 02.jpgON-emote-Rally 03.jpg
ON-emote-Rally 04.jpgON-emote-Rally 05.jpgON-emote-Rally 06.jpg
Rally /rally Give Directions Wave your arms and yell, beckon people to come join you Loop☑ Audio☑
ON-emote-Search 01.jpgON-emote-Search 02.jpg Search /search Give Directions Put your hand above your eyes and look around
This emote is altered by the Swashbuckler Personality
ON-emote-Search (Swashbuckler).jpgON-emote-Search (Swashbuckler) 02.jpg
ON-emote-Search (Swashbuckler) 03.jpgON-emote-Search (Swashbuckler) 04.jpg
Search (Swashbuckler) /search Give Directions Pull out a spyglass and take a closer look at what's in the distance
ON-emote-Stop.jpg Stop /stop Give Directions Hold your hand up in a "halt" pose
ON-emote-You.jpg You /you Give Directions Point at someone in front of you
ON-emote-Smash 01.jpgON-emote-Smash 02.jpgON-emote-Smash 03.jpg Break Object /smash Physical Smash an object in front of you with a hammer
ON-emote-Cower.jpg Cower /cower Physical Cower in fear Loop☑  
ON-emote-Crouch.jpg Crouch /crouch Physical Crouch on the ground (similar to sneaking) Loop☑  
ON-emote-Jumping Jacks 01.jpgON-emote-Jumping Jacks 02.jpgON-emote-Jumping Jacks 03.jpg Jumping jacks /jumpingjacks Physical Do some jumping jacks Loop☑  
ON-emote-Kick.jpg Kick /kick Physical Kick the dirt in front of you
ON-emote-Knock.jpg Knock on door /knock Physical Knock on a vertical surface in front of you
(Works best if there is a door or wall in front of you)
ON-emote-Look Up.jpg Look up /lookup Physical Look up in at the sky Loop☑  
ON-emote-Poke.jpg Poke /poke Physical Poke your finger in front of you
(Similar to Point but lower)
ON-emote-Push.jpg Push /push Physical Push your hand in front of you (as if shoving someone)
ON-emote-Pushups 01.jpgON-emote-Pushups 02.jpg Push-ups strong /pushups Physical Do some pushups
(with ease)
ON-emote-Pushup 01.jpgON-emote-Pushup 02.jpg Push-ups weak /pushup Physical Do some pushups
(struggling a bit)
ON-emote-Sit.jpg Sit ground /sit Physical Sit on the ground with your arms on your chest
(Works best if your back is to a wall)
ON-emote-Sit2.jpg Sit ground 2 /sit2 Physical Kneel on the ground with your hands on your legs Loop☑  
ON-emote-Sit3.jpg Sit ground 3 /sit3 Physical Sit on the ground in a casual pose Loop☑  
ON-emote-Sit4.jpg Sit ground 4 /sit4 Physical Sit with your legs outstretched and your hands behind you Loop☑  
ON-emote-Sit5.jpg Sit ground 5 /sit5 Physical Sit with your hands around your knees Loop☑  
ON-emote-Sit6.jpg Sit ground 6 /sit6 Physical Sit with your knees bent and your hands behind you Loop☑  
ON-emote-Situps 01.jpgON-emote-Situps 02.jpg Situps /situps Physical Do some situps Loop☑  
ON-emote-Sleep2.jpg Sleep back /sleep2 Physical Sleep on your back Loop☑  
ON-emote-Sleep.jpg Sleep side /sleep Physical Sleep on your side
This animation is altered by the Factotum Personality.
ON-emote-Sleep (Factotum).jpg Sleep side (Factotum) /sleep Physical Shut down and sleep standing up Loop☑  
ON-emote-Stagger 01.jpgON-emote-Stagger 02.jpg Stagger /stagger Physical Stagger in shock, then slap your forehead
ON-emote-Stomp 01.jpgON-emote-Stomp 02.jpg Stomp /stomp Physical Stomp on the ground and grind your foot in the dirt
ON-emote-Take.jpg Take /take Physical Hold out your hand as if taking something
ON-emote-Tap.jpg Tap /tap Physical Fold your arms on your chest and tap your foot impatiently Loop☑  
ON-emote-Touch.jpg Touch /touch Physical Reach out your hand and touch something in front of you
ON-emote-Breathless 01.jpgON-emote-Breathless 02.jpg Breathless /breathless Poses and Fidgets Hunch over with your hands on your knees and pant Loop☑  
ON-emote-Knuckles 01.jpgON-emote-Knuckles 02.jpg Crack Knuckles /knuckles Poses and Fidgets Crack your knuckles threateningly
ON-emote-Dust Off 01.jpgON-emote-Dust Off 02.jpg
ON-emote-Dust Off 03.jpgON-emote-Dust Off 04.jpg
Dust off /dustoff Poses and Fidgets Brush dust of your chest and legs
ON-emote-Faint 01.jpgON-emote-Faint 02.jpg Faint /faint Poses and Fidgets Wobble and pass out, then get back up
ON-emote-Headache 01.jpgON-emote-Headache 02.jpg Headache /headache Poses and Fidgets Clutch your head in agony
ON-emote-Head Scratch.jpg Head scratch /scratch Poses and Fidgets Scratch your head in confusion
ON-emote-Huh.jpg Huh /huh Poses and Fidgets Shrug your shoulders
ON-emote-Idle.jpg Idle /idle Poses and Fidgets Just standing around
This animation is altered by all Personalities. Note that typing /idle with a personality active will use still use the default Idle animation. Personalities only change the Idle that you return to after completing other (non-looping) emotes or after moving.
ON-emote-Idle4.jpg Idle angry /idle4 Poses and Fidgets Standing around with a grimace
This animation is altered by the Jester, Scholar, Telvanni Magister, and Zombie Personalities.
ON-emote-Idle4 (Jester).jpg Idle angry (Jester) /idle4 Poses and Fidgets Standing around with your right hand dramatically raised Loop☑  
ON-emote-Idle4 (Telvanni Magister).jpg Idle angry (Telvanni Magister) /idle4 Poses and Fidgets Standing around tenting your fingers Loop☑  
ON-emote-Idle4 (Zombie).jpgON-emote-Idle4 (Zombie) 02.jpg Idle angry (Zombie) /idle4 Poses and Fidgets Standing around hunched over Loop☑  
ON-emote-Idle3.jpg Idle casual /idle3 Poses and Fidgets Standing around casually
This animation is altered by the Breton Hero, Duchess, Jester, Scholar, Thief, Zombie and Swashbuckler Personalities.
ON-emote-Idle3 (Duchess).jpg Idle casual (Duchess) /idle3 Poses and Fidgets Standing around daintily Loop☑  
ON-emote-Idle3 (Jester).jpg Idle casual (Jester) /idle3 Poses and Fidgets Standing around with your hands dramatically at your hips Loop☑  
ON-emote-Idle3 (Thief) 01.jpgON-emote-Idle3 (Thief) 02.jpgON-emote-Idle3 (Thief) 03.jpg Idle casual (Thief) /idle3 Poses and Fidgets Standing around keeping a lookout Loop☑  
ON-emote-Idle 3 (Swashbuckler).jpgON-emote-Idle 3 (Swashbuckler) 02.jpg Idle casual (Swashbuckler) /idle3 Poses and Fidgets Standing around with a cutlass pointed into the ground Loop☑  
ON-emote-Idle 3 (Zombie).jpgON-emote-Idle 3 (Zombie) 02.jpg Idle casual (Zombie) /idle3 Poses and Fidgets Standing around looking to the side Loop☑  
ON-emote-Idle5.jpg Idle heroic /idle5 Poses and Fidgets Standing around looking heroic
This animation is altered by the Scholar Personality.
ON-emote-Idle2.jpg Idle royalty /idle2 Poses and Fidgets Standing around with your hands behind your back
This animation is altered by the Assassin, Brassy Assassin, Breton Hero, Cheerful, Duchess, Jester, Scholar, Telvanni Magister, Thief, Zombie and Swashbuckler Personalities.
ON-emote-Idle2 (Assassin) 01.jpgON-emote-Idle2 (Assassin) 02.jpgON-emote-Idle2 (Assassin) 03.jpg Idle royalty (Assassin) /idle2 Poses and Fidgets Standing around idly playing with the Blade of Woe Loop☑  
ON-emote-Idle2 (Cheerful).jpg Idle royalty (Cheerful) /idle2 Poses and Fidgets Standing around tunelessly whistling Loop☑ Audio☑
ON-emote-Idle2 (Duchess).jpg Idle royalty (Duchess) /idle2 Poses and Fidgets Standing around with one hand held up daintily Loop☑  
ON-emote-Idle2 (Jester).jpg Idle royalty (Jester) /idle2 Poses and Fidgets Standing around with your arm dramatically raised Loop☑  
ON-emote-Idle2 (Telvanni Magister).jpg Idle royalty (Telvanni Magister) /idle2 Poses and Fidgets Standing around aloofly Loop☑  
ON-emote-Idle2 (Thief) 01.jpgON-emote-Idle2 (Thief) 02.jpgON-emote-Idle2 (Thief) 03.jpg Idle royalty (Thief) /idle2 Poses and Fidgets Standing around trying to look innocent Loop☑  
ON-emote-Idle 2 (Swashbuckler).jpg Idle royalty (Swashbuckler) /idle2 Poses and Fidgets Standing around with one hand behind your back and the other free at your side Loop☑  
ON-emote-Idle 2 (Zombie).jpg Idle royalty (Zombie) /idle2 Poses and Fidgets Standing around slack-jawed Loop☑  
ON-emote-Knocked Down.jpg Knocked down /knockeddown Poses and Fidgets Fall to the ground as if struck from behind,
then get up again. They ain't ever gonna keep you down.
ON-emote-Play Dead.jpg Play dead /playdead Poses and Fidgets Fall to the ground as if struck from the front Loop☑  
ON-emote-Preen 01.jpgON-emote-Preen 02.jpg Preening /preen Poses and Fidgets Polish your nails on your chest
This animation is altered by the Duchess Personality.
ON-emote-Preen (Duchess) 01.jpgON-emote-Preen (Duchess) 02.jpgON-emote-Preen (Duchess) 03.jpg
ON-emote-Preen (Duchess) 04.jpgON-emote-Preen (Duchess) 05.jpgON-emote-Preen (Duchess) 06.jpg
Preening (Duchess) /preen Poses and Fidgets Fiddle with your hair and pose as if looking at yourself in a full body mirror
ON-emote-Rub Hands.jpg Rub hands /rubhands Poses and Fidgets Rub your hands together
This animation is altered by the Commander and Thief Personalities.
ON-emote-Rub Hands (Commander).jpg Rub hands (Commander) /rubhands Poses and Fidgets Brush your hands together briskly
ON-emote-Rub Hands (Thief).jpg Rub hands (Thief) /rubhands Poses and Fidgets Rub your hands together furtively
ON-emote-Shield Eyes.jpg Shield eyes /shieldeyes Poses and Fidgets Shield your eyes as if from a blinding light
ON-emote-Cold.jpg Shiver cold /cold Poses and Fidgets Hug your hands to your chest and shiver
ON-emote-Colder 01.jpgON-emote-Colder 02.jpgON-emote-Colder 03.jpg Shiver cold 2 /colder Poses and Fidgets Shiver, stamp your feet, blow on your hands and rub them together to keep warm Loop☑  
ON-emote-Shrug.jpg Shrug /shrug Poses and Fidgets Shrug your shoulders
ON-emote-Sick.jpg Sickened /sick Poses and Fidgets Heave over and vomit
This animation is altered by the Drunk Personality.
ON-emote-Sick (Drunk) 01.jpgON-emote-Sick (Drunk) 02.jpgON-emote-Sick (Drunk) 03.jpg Sickened (Drunk) /sick Poses and Fidgets Search around urgently for somewhere to vomit
ON-emote-Stretch 01.jpgON-emote-Stretch 02.jpg
ON-emote-Stretch 03.jpgON-emote-Stretch 04.jpg
Stretch /stretch Poses and Fidgets Do a series of stretches
This animation is altered by the Cheerful Personality.
ON-emote-Stretch (Cheerful) 01.jpgON-emote-Stretch (Cheerful) 02.jpg Stretch (Cheerful) /stretch Poses and Fidgets Do some jaunty stretches
ON-emote-Tilt.jpg Tilt head /tilt Poses and Fidgets Tilt your head to the side
This animation is altered by the Duchess and Scholar Personalities.
ON-emote-Tilt (Duchess) 01.jpgON-emote-Tilt (Duchess) 02.jpgON-emote-Tilt (Duchess) 03.jpg Tilt head (Duchess) /tilt Poses and Fidgets Look at yourself in a hand mirror and touch up your hair
ON-emote-Tilt (Scholar) 01.jpgON-emote-Tilt (Scholar) 02.jpg Tilt head (Scholar) /tilt Poses and Fidgets Look up from your book and tilt your head
ON-emote-Lean Back.jpg Wall lean (back) /leanback Poses and Fidgets Lean back
(Works best with a wall behind you)
This animation is altered by the Assassin Personality.
ON-emote-Lean Back (Assassin).jpg Wall lean (back) (Assassin) /leanback Poses and Fidgets Lean back with your hand visibly by the dagger on your hip Loop☑  
ON-emote-Lean Back Coin 01.jpgON-emote-Lean Back Coin 02.jpgON-emote-Lean Back Coin 03.jpg Wall lean (back, coinflip) /leanbackcoin Poses and Fidgets Lean back and flip a coin repeatedly
(Works best with a wall behind you)
Loop☑ Audio☑
ON-emote-Lean Side.jpg Wall lean (side) /leanside Poses and Fidgets Lean to the side
(Works best with a wall to your left)
This animation is altered by the Assassin and Jester Personalities.
ON-emote-Lean Side (Assassin).jpg Wall lean (side) (Assassin) /leanside Poses and Fidgets Lean to the side with your hand on your dagger Loop☑  
ON-emote-Lean Side (Jester).jpg Wall lean (side) (Jester) /leanside Poses and Fidgets Lean to the side a dramatic pose Loop☑  
ON-emote-Phew 01.jpgON-emote-Phew 02.jpg Wipe brow /phew Poses and Fidgets Wipe the sweat from your brow
ON-emote-Yawn 01.jpgON-emote-Yawn 02.jpg Yawn /yawn Poses and Fidgets Stretch your arms and yawn   Audio☑
ON-emote-Control Rod.jpg Dwarven control rod /controlrod Prop Hold out a Dwemer Control Rod Loop☑  
ON-emote-Hammer 01.jpgON-emote-Hammer 02.jpg Hammer crate /hammer Prop Hammer on a horizontal surface
(Works best if there is a table or crate in front of you)
Loop☑ Audio☑
ON-emote-Hammer Low 01.jpgON-emote-Hammer Low 02.jpg Hammer kneel /hammerlow Prop Kneel and hammer on a vertical surface
(Works best if there is a vertical surface in front of you)
This animation is altered by the Factotum Personality.
Loop☑ Audio☑
ON-emote-Hammer Wall 01.jpgON-emote-Hammer Wall 02.jpg Hammer wall /hammerwall Prop Stand and hammer on a vertical surface
(Works best if there is a vertical surface in front of you)
This animation is altered by the Factotum Personality.
Loop☑ Audio☑
ON-emote-Rake 01.jpgON-emote-Rake 02.jpg Rake /rake Prop Rake leaves or dirt on the ground Loop☑  
ON-emote-Read.jpg Read book /read Prop Read from a book
This animation is altered by the Telvanni Magister Personality.
ON-emote-Read (Telvanni Magister).jpg Read book (Telvanni Magister) /read Prop Read two summoned floating books Loop☑  
ON-emote-Letter.jpg Read letter /letter Prop Read from a letter Loop☑  
Read letter (looking up) /letterlookup Prop (?)
ON-emote-Torch 01.jpgON-emote-Torch 02.jpg Set fire with torch /torch Prop Hold a torch out as if to set fire to something, then hold it at your side Loop☑  
ON-emote-Shovel 01.jpgON-emote-Shovel 02.jpg
ON-emote-Shovel 03.jpgON-emote-Shovel 04.jpg
Shovel /shovel Prop Dig in the dirt with a shovel Loop☑  
ON-emote-Sit Chair.jpg Sit chair /sitchair Prop Sit in a chair Loop☑  
ON-emote-Sweep 01.jpgON-emote-Sweep 02.jpg Sweeping /sweep Prop Sweep with a broom Loop☑  
ON-emote-Twiddle.jpg Twiddle /twiddle Prop Fold your arms to your chest and tap your foot impatiently
This animation is altered by the Factotum Personality.
ON-emote-Twiddle (Factotum) 01.jpgON-emote-Twiddle (Factotum) 02.jpgON-emote-Twiddle (Factotum) 03.jpg Twiddle (Factotum) /twiddle Prop Tighten some bolts in your arm
ON-emote-Wand 01.jpgON-emote-Wand 02.jpg Use wand once /wand Prop Wave a wand in the air
Use wand /wand2 Prop Looping version of wand Loop☑  
ON-emote-Bucket Splash 01.jpgON-emote-Bucket Splash 02.jpg Water bucket /bucketsplash Prop Splash a bucket of water in front of you   Audio☑
ON-emote-Write.jpg Write /write Prop Write on a clipboard Loop☑  
ON-emote-Crown Store.jpg Open Chest /crownstore Prop Kneel and rummage through a glowing chest on the ground
(This animation also plays while you are looking through the Crown Store, though only other players will see it.)
ON-emote-Beg 01.jpgON-emote-Beg 02.jpg Beg /beg Social Hold out your hands and beg Loop☑  
ON-emote-Beggar 01.jpgON-emote-Beggar 02.jpgON-emote-Beggar 03.jpg Beggar /beggar Social Get on your knees, hold out your hands and beg Loop☑  
ON-emote-Kiss 01.jpgON-emote-Kiss 02.jpg Blow Kiss /blowkiss
Social Blow a kiss
ON-emote-Brush Off.jpg Brush off shoulder /brushoff Social Brush some dust off your shoulder
This animation is altered by the Commander Personality.
ON-emote-Brush Off (Commander).jpg Brush off shoulder (Commander) /brushoff Social Brush some dust off your shoulder, briskly
ON-emote-Come Here 01.jpgON-emote-Come Here 02.jpg Come here /comehere Social Point in front of you and wag your fingers to call someone in front of you.
This emote is altered by the Swashbuckler Personality.
ON-emote-Come Here (Swashbuckler).jpgON-emote-Come Here (Swashbuckler) 02.jpg
ON-emote-Come Here (Swashbuckler) 03.jpgON-emote-Come Here (Swashbuckler) 04.jpg
Come here (Swashbuckler) /comehere Social Point a cutlass at whoever's in front of you and wave it at them
ON-emote-Congrats 01.jpgON-emote-Congrats 02.jpg
ON-emote-Congrats 03.jpgON-emote-Congrats 04.jpg
Congrats /congrats Social Wave your arms, clap, throw a fist in the air, and give a thumbs up   Audio☑
ON-emote-Congratulate 01.jpgON-emote-Congratulate 02.jpg Congratulate /congratulate Social Open your arms wide and clap your hands   Audio☑
ON-emote-Curtsey.jpg Curtsey (male)M /curtsey Social Perform a respectful bow
This is identical to /bow
ON-emote-Bow (female).jpg Curtsey (female)F /curtsey Social Perform a respectful bow
This is identical to /bow
ON-emote-Kiss 01.jpgON-emote-Kiss 02.jpg Flirt /flirt Social Blow a kiss
This animation is altered by the Duchess Personality.
ON-emote-Flirt (Duchess) 01.jpgON-emote-Flirt (Duchess) 02.jpgON-emote-Flirt (Duchess) 03.jpg Flirt (Duchess) /flirt Social Wave a fan coquettishly, occasionally touch your hair and pout
ON-emote-Give.jpg Give /give Social Hold out your hand as if dropping something in someone's hand.
ON-emote-Greet.jpg Greet /greet Social Hold your right arm at shoulder-height and wave
This animation is altered by the Assassin, Heroic, and Zombie Personalities.
ON-emote-Greet (Assassin).jpg Greet (Assassin) /greet Social Wave the Blade of Woe in greeting
ON-emote-Greet (Heroic).jpg Greet (Heroic) /greet Social Throw your arms in the air in greeting
ON-emote-Greet (Zombie).jpgON-emote-Greet (Zombie) 02.jpg
ON-emote-Greet (Zombie) 03.jpg
Greet (Zombie) /greet Social Throw your arms in front of you in greeting
ON-emote-Hail.jpg Hail /hail Social Wave your right hand at shoulder-height
ON-emote-Hello.jpg Hello /hello Social Wave your left hand at shoulder-height
ON-emote-Kowtow 01.jpgON-emote-Kowtow 02.jpg Kowtow /kowtow Social Kneeling and repeatedly raising arms and lowering them to the ground Loop☑  
ON-emote-No 01.jpgON-emote-No 02.jpg No /no Social Shake your head no
This animation is altered by the Melancholy Personality.
ON-emote-No (Melancholy) 01.jpgON-emote-No (Melancholy) 02.jpg No (Melancholy) /no Social Pause for a few seconds, then shake your head no
ON-emote-Nod.jpg Nod head /nod Social Nod your head down in assent
ON-emote-Over Here 01.jpgON-emote-Over Here 02.jpg Over here /overhere Social Wave your arms in the air to draw attention
ON-emote-Pay Me.jpg Pay me /payme Social Point to your hand requesting payment
ON-emote-Plead.jpg Plead /plead Social Clasp your hands together in a plea
ON-emote-Wave.jpg Waving /wave Social Wave your left hand at shoulder-height
This animation is altered by the Factotum and Swashbuckler Personalities.
ON-emote-Wave (Factotum) 01.jpgON-emote-Wave (Factotum) 02.jpgON-emote-Wave (Factotum) 03.jpg Waving (Factotum) /wave Social Wave in a jerky mechanical manner
ON-emote-Wave (Swashbuckler) 02.jpg Waving (Swashbuckler) /wave Social (?)
ON-emote-Welcome.jpg Welcome /welcome Social Open your arms in a welcoming gesture
ON-emote-Whisper.jpg Whisper /whisper Social Put one hand to your mouth and lean over as if whispering
ON-emote-Yes.jpg Yes /yes Social Nod your head yes
This animation is altered by the Scholar Personality.
ON-emote-Yes (Scholar).jpg Yes (Scholar) /yes Social Briefly look up from your book and nod your head yes
¹Most emotes will return to /idle after they complete. Looping emotes do not. Some will loop the entire animation indefinitely, while others will play an introductory animation and then settle into a loop. Still others will continuously display a series of random animations.