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The Deadlands


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Home City Fargrave
Race Dark Seducer Gender Female
Health 39,959
Reaction Justice Neutral
Pickpocket Hard Profession Daedra
Dylandra looking out across the sand dunes

Dylandra is a Dark Seducer who can be found at the Nereid's Fountain in Fargrave.


"Your kind may call me a Dark Seducer, but I have very particular tastes when it comes to pleasure and pain. If I happen to see you again at the Bearer's Rest, perhaps I'll make some time to demonstrate."
"Now aren't you an interesting sight! Most mortals would never dare get this close to me.
Do you enjoy getting close to dangerous things, mortal? Like the moth circling the flame? Do you want to get burned? Can you handle my heat? I think not."
"Ah, you are a tempting morsel, but you should probably keep walking. When I'm finished, nothing much remains of my playthings."


  • After completing Destruction Incarnate, Madam Whim says "I do hope the accommodations are to you and Lyranth's liking. Dylandra and her harem wanted to rent the space for one of her sensual encounters, but I had to tell her it was unavailable. I hope whatever you did at Burning Gyre Keep was worth it."