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Online:Digging Up Trouble

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This page is currently being rewritten as part of the Online Quest Project.
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Quick Summary: written by Ingura, not checked

Walkthrough: written by Ingura, not checked

Quest Stages: written by Talyyn, checked by Ingura

Help a pair of ghost hunters uncover the secret of the missing miners.
Zone: Blackreach: Greymoor Caverns
Objective: Dusktown — Solve the mystery of the missing miners in Dusktown.
Quest Giver: Phebe Peronard, Overseer Urlvar
Location(s): Dusktown
Reward: Bitterblade Mining Helmet
Average Leveled Gold
XP Gain: Standard Experience XP
ID: 6471
"Another case solved."
Claudina Ildene
Miners working in Blackreach have gone missing. Some of the miners believe spirits are to blame, and ghost hunters were hired to investigate. I should look into these disappearances.

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Talk to the ghosthunters.
  2. Set the traps for them.
  3. Tell the Overseer's wife.
  4. Investigate the Office.
  5. Investigate the cave.
  6. Talk to the Overseer.
  7. Track the culprit.
  8. Find evidence.
  9. Follow the culprit.
  10. Collect further proof.
  11. Return to Elle Bitterblade.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

While roaming around Dusktown, you may come across Overseer Urlvar in the northeast, muttering about something as he roams about.

You may talk to him to start the quest, if you so choose:

"Watch your step, stranger. A couple of so-called ghost hunters laid traps all over the place. They insist that it's to catch spirits haunting the mines.
They don't leave soon, the only thing they'll be catching is my boot to their backside."
Why are there ghost hunters here?
"Blackreach isn't for the faint of heart. When we first came down here, we lost people to animal attacks. That's gotten better, but now everyone's spooked about a few missing miners.
Most don't realize it's not uncommon for workers to wander off."
So you don't think there's a need for these ghost hunters?
"No. My wife, Elle, hired them. She said they'd ease people's minds, but the horkers are only making things worse.
You look capable. If you could expose them for the charlatans they are, Elle would kick them out. What do you say? It's a paying job."
I'll see what I can do.

The Ghost Hunters[edit]

The ghost hunters, Claudina and Phebe, are located at a campsite north of the stretch of lake in Dusktown. If you started the quest through the Overseer, you'll be directed to them. If not, you can talk to them directly to start the quest:

"Ah, hello! You're rather … strapping, aren't you?
Um, if you're here about the traps, there's no need to worry. Claudina fixed them right up! She's really quite good at this. I can almost guarantee that they won't trip anyone else today!"
What are those traps supposed to catch?
"Spirits, of course! Ideally, the ones that have been terrorizing these poor people.
My mentor and I have been given the important responsibility of investigating the mysterious disappearances down here. We're supernatural specialists, of a sort."
Have you found anything?
"We're perilously close! Claudina has been doing this for years, she's practically an expert. I'm just her apprentice, but so far there hasn't been a case that we couldn't solve!
Dusktown is in capable hands!"
The Overseer wants you to leave.
"Leave? But we're so close to figuring this out! If we just had a little more time... and maybe a set of extra hands.
You look very clever! I'm sure if you joined us, we'd solve this in no time. Interested? Claudina would reward you, I'm sure."
What needs to be done exactly?
"We identified a few spots with reported spiritual activity. Here, take Claudina's notes.
The hope is that placing traps here will increase our chances of capturing an entity, and figuring out what happened to the missing miners! Exciting, right?"

You may ask Phebe for further information on the operation, and how the traps function. Regardless of your choice, head to the designated areas marked on your map and interact with them to place the traps.

After you set the traps, talk to Phebe for further directives:

"You're back! Did you have any trouble setting up the traps?"
The traps are placed.
"Great work! You're a natural. Have you ever considered making this your life's work? It's really quite rewarding, and you certainly have the aptitude for it.
Anyway, I'm sure Elle will be relived to hear that they're all set up now."
Who is Elle?
"Elle Bitterblade, the head of Dusktown. She hired us, though she's been understandably doubtful since her husband, Overseer Urlvar, kicked us out of the mines earlier.
Maybe you could help smooth things over by telling her the traps are set up?"
I'll talk to Elle.
"Oh, thank you so much!
Claudina and I are good with the spirit side of things, but we struggle with people. If you talk to Elle and assure her that we're doing everything we can, she'd probably feel better! She should be right outside the mines."

Elle Bitterblade is located in the southern region of Dusktown, where the mine is located.

Investigating the Office[edit]

As you approach, you will see Elle, the Overseer, and Grumog conversing about the mines:

Elle Bitterblade: "Grumog, please! There's no need for alarm."
Grumog: "But Captain Ageran is missing now! Who will protect us?"
Overseer Urlvar: "We don't need protection, we're perfectly safe."
Grumog: "You're wrong! There's something evil haunting this place! And we're its next victims!"

Talk to Elle and deliver her the news you bear:

"I'm beginning to think hiring those ghost hunters was a mistake.
I thought it would make everyone feel a little safer to know we were looking into it, but it's just made everything worse."
I came to tell you that they finished setting up the traps.
"Are you another one of that woman's assistants? Look, when I hired those two, they assured me that they had things well in hand.
But we've got another person missing, and my people are scrambling over themselves in their fear."
Who's missing?
"My town guard, Captain Ageran. He was last seen at the administrative offices, but then he didn't show up for his posting.
He just up and vanished. Same as the others."
Do you think he wandered off?
"Possibly, but I wouldn't have taken Captain Ageran for a deserter.
If you're helping those ghost hunters, would you take a look in the offices? My people are scared … I'd like to have a working theory to give them, at least."
I'll check the offices.
"Here, take my keys. They'll get you access. But please, keep your investigation out of the mines. After that incident this morning, Urlvar only wants workers down there.
Best to keep everyone safe."

You may ask her more about the incidents or the Mining Consortium, if desired. After you're done talking to Elle, head up the stairs and to the office located near Ingfred the Tall. When you arrive there, the two ghosthunters will be there as well. Talk to Phebe to relay what you learned from Elle:

Phebe Peronard: "This is the place, Claudina! The locals say Captain Ageran disappeared from this very spot!"
Claudina Ildene: "It's locked. We must find a way inside."
"Oh good, you're just in time. We've hit a wall in the investigation …
How did it go with Elle?"
She gave me keys to investigate the offices.
"Oh! Great! That's wonderful! Now we don't have to find another way inside.
I keep telling Claudina you're a natural. You've just taken to all of this so splendidly. I'm thrilled you'll get to participate in the ceremony."
What ceremony?
"I envy you, getting to experience it for the first time!
Basically, if Captain Ageran disappeared here, there might be some kind of spiritual residue leftover from whatever took place. We need to conduct a ritual to try and harness it."
I'll help with the ceremony.
"Here, you take the Spirit Summoning Whistle. When I spread the salts, you blow it, and if there are any spirits remaining in the area, the tone will force them out of hiding!
It's a big responsibility, but I know you're ready for it."

Enter the Bitterblade Mining Consortium Office. As you walk in, Claudina and Phebe walk in behind you.

Phebe Peronard: "The energy in here is powerful, don't you think, Claudina? We're onto something!"
Phebe Peronard: "All right, here go the smelling salts! Get ready with the whistle."

Use the Spirit Summoning Whistle as Phebe scatters the smelling salts. Upon doing so, a bump is heard upstairs. Phebe rushes upstairs to see where the noise came from: follow suit, and interact with the basket near the writing desk.

Interacting with the basket has a cat jump out, as well as a note. Reading the note reveals a possible lead to the disappearances; talk to Claudina, who finds these events peculiar:

"You'll have to forgive Phebe. She's still young … and for all her scholarly knowledge, she's prone to startling at the slightest provocation.
Did you find anything worthwhile?"
I found proof that Captain Ageran was looking for the missing miners.
"Let me see that.
Hm, this is from Urlvar, the mine Overseer. Could it be mere coincidence that the town guard investigating the mystery of the miners just happens to be the next to go missing? I think not.
There is something amiss here."
Are you familiar with the cavern he mentions in the letter?
"I have some idea. There's one just below, tucked away in the back of the town.
Phebe may be … indisposed for the moment, so I'm counting on you to join me. Keep her whistle on you, we may need it."

Follow the lead north, and into a small cave with Dwemer flooring. Use the Spirit Whistle here, and a strange noise ends up echoing further into the cave. Descend into the cave's depths, paying mind that the Hoarvors inside do not cause you any issues. At the very bottom, you will see the Overseer standing over the body of Captain Ageran.

Arising Suspicion[edit]

Claudina will walk over to the body to observe it. Talk to the Overseer to learn of what happened here:

"Captain Ageran. He's … dead. How can he be dead?
This wasn't supposed to happen. None of this was supposed to happen."
What's going on here?
"I don't know. I was supposed to meet Captain Ageran, but as I passed the caves, I heard a cry. I ran in to find him bleeding out! He died before I could ask what happened.
Ageran was a fine man. He didn't deserve this fate. This is … unacceptable."
Did you see what attacked him?'
"No … I didn't.
You two need to leave. Stop investigating this. Gather your assistant, pack your things and get out of Blackreach. This is getting far too dangerous, and I don't want to see anyone else get hurt. Please."
What do you mean?

He then breaks the conversation and runs away:

Overseer Urlvar: "We're wasting time, just go."
Claudina Ildene: "We need to talk."

Talk to Claudina to hear her thoughts:

"I feel Overseer Urlvar knows more than he told us. The last thing we should do is heed his advice to quit now."
Why would Overseer Urlvar mislead us?
"That I do not know. But he seems to be increasingly agitated as we continue to investigate. I may deal in spirits more often than I deal with the living, but I know when I'm being led by the nose.
He's hiding something. Let's find out what."
How do we do that?
"Captain Ageran's wounds are fresh, which means the culprit can't have gone far. We didn't see anything on our way in, so whatever attacked him must have left through the other side of the cave.
We should see if we can pick up its trail."

Exit the cave from the other side, and you will see a broken trap at the entrance. Follow the tracks, and they will lead you to a trapdoor somewhere behind the Consortium Office. The trapdoor leads to an off-limits area of the mine, so make sure you keep out of sight. As you walk in, a strange mist appears: follow it deeper, and you find out what— or who— killed the captain.

Claudina Ildene: "It's Urlvar! Stay low!"
Overseer Urlvar: "Bruik! Killing Captain Ageran was not part of our deal!"
Bruik: "I am a vampire, Urlvar. I have needs. I made that clear when you hired me."
Overseer Urlvar: "I hired you to protect my people! This was not what we agreed … you've taken it too far!"
Bruik: "Who are you to reprimand me? You haven't seen too far! Just wait!"
Claudina Ildene: "It's all beginning to make sense."

Talk to Claudina to see what she thinks about this new information:

Should we tell Elle what we discovered?
"Not yet. Despite our ingenious detective work, right now it's still the Overseer's word against ours. And he's already given Elle reason to distrust us.
What we need is definitive proof. Then she'll have to listen."
How do we find that?
"I believe the Overseer's office is just across the mine. We should investigate!
Of course, we have to find a way in, first. Perhaps you could pick the lock, or steal his key? I'm somewhat out of my element now."
I'll find a way into the office.
"Excellent! You are truly the purveyor of justice Phebe made you out to be.
Just be careful. If we manage to get ourselves caught, we won't get the chance to prove anything."

You have two choices to get inside the office: either pick the lock or steal the key. Picking the lock is relatively straightforward— find the door, then pick the lock. Stealing the key is slightly more difficult, as the Overseer roams about. Despite appearing to be Neutral, however, he cannot be attacked, but the steal chance is easy.

Collecting Evidence[edit]

Whether you steal the key or pick the lock, enter the office. There is a single miner on the bottom floor to worry about, but it is easy to sneak by them. Go upstairs and grab the Letter to the Overseer that sits on a table next to a jewelry box. Reading it will reveal that the Overseer was using Bruik to guard the mine, in exchange for bodies.

Communicate this with Claudina:

"That look on your face … Tell me you found something."
This proves Overseer Urlvar gave miners to a vampire in exchange for the mine's protection.
"And explains what he was trying to protect his people from.
It is not enough to simply turn this evidence over to Elle. I was hired to help this town. Spirits or no, I have a responsibility. We must stop this horror."
So what do we do?
"The vampire seemed as though he was threatening Overseer Urlvar at the end of their altercation. Perhaps he's planning some kind of retaliation. If so, there's a chance we could catch him in the act if we find him."
Let's track him down.
"We need to investigate the mines. There has to be a clue that will point us in the direction of that monster. Let's leave here. Dusktown needs us!"

Claudina expects retaliation. Leave the office to see her suspicions proved right: there is a trail of corpses about the mine. Follow them to find the vampire, who turns into the same mist that you saw before. His evasiveness makes him hard to catch, and eventually he kills another miner within your vision.

Talk to Claudina:

"Curse him! We'll never be able to catch him like this!
How do we apprehend a man who can vanish into thin air right before our eyes?"
Do you have anything that can trap him?
"Vampires do not obey the same laws as specters and ghosts. My tools will be useless against him … unless!
Phebe's whistle! Do you still have it? It's designed to emit a tone that's unsavory to immortal creatures. Perhaps it will disturb him!"
Do you think it will work?
"It's impossible to say without evidence. But it wasn't made specifically with spirits in mind, so there is a chance!
Go on, try it! This is the only plan we've got!"

Claudina thinks that Phebe's spirit whistle will have an effect on Bruik, as its tone is unsavory to immortal creatures. Use the Spirit Whistle, and it will cause Bruik to reveal himself as he clutches his head in pain.

Continue your chase, following the bodies he drained in his wake. The trail leads into a cave, littered with spiders of many sorts. As you collect evidence of the Overseer's conspiration, Bruik will appear to stop you. Kill him, then collect the Vial of Blood and List of Targets nearby, the list being especially incriminating.

Leave the cave and head to the center of Dusktown, where Claudina accuses the Overseer of his crimes in front of Elle and a few other townsfolk. Present Elle with your evidence:

"You and your associates accuse my husband of outrageous actions. Making deals with monsters? Murder?
I hope you have a damn good reason."
It's true, we have proof.
"Let me see that.
Donors? But I don't understand. You can't mean … Urlvar was feeding innocent miners to a vampire in order to keep everyone safe? How could this happen? How could I have not known? These were my people!"
Overseer Urlvar tried to confront the vampire, but it was already too late.
"The fact that he realized he was in over his head doesn't excuse the abhorrent decision in the first place. This is sickening.
We both wanted to protect our people. But to think he'd resort to something so barbaric …."
At least you have answers now.
"You're right. We would have been left to wonder and kept losing people were it not for you and those two over here.
Just tell me one thing, did you kill the vampire responsible?"

You may respond to her question, if you'd like: if you killed Bruik, she will be grateful for it, but if you let him get away, she says that she will get it situated (and potentially use her husband as bait).

Talk to Claudina to finish the quest:

"Another case solved. Though we weren't dealing in spirits today, I have no doubt you'd make a fine ghost hunter. You have a natural talent for investigation.
Elle has my sympathy. It is not easy to condemn someone you love."
She seems to be taking it well.
"She's strong, she will be fine. Anyway, it was an honor to work with you. If you ever find yourself tangled in the world of spirits again, I do hope you 'll seek us out.
Here, take this for your time. You undoubtedly deserve it."


  • While investigating the Office with Claudina in tow, you can Steal everything in the office, Claudina doesn't seem to mind. Once you finish the quest though the occupants will be back in the office and will notice if you steal things.


  • Several times during the course of the quest, objective markers will be missing or pointing at the incorrect locations when viewing the zone map. ?
  • There is a possibility that Bruik won't kill Shulug when he should during the relevant objective step. ?

Quest Stages[edit]

Digging Up Trouble
Finishes Quest Journal Entry
I met the Overseer of the Bitterblade Mining Consortium. He says his wife hired a pair of ghost hunters to investigate the area after a few miners went missing. Apparently, they're doing more harm than good, and could use a talking to.
Objective: Talk to the Ghost Hunters
Latest start Phebe asked me to set up a few spirit traps in the area and gave me a list of specific locations that her mentor, Claudina, marked.
Objective Hint: I met the two ghost hunters, Claudina Ildene and Phebe Peronard. They seem to be intent on helping the miners rid this place of evil spirits. I've been asked to help set up spirit traps around Blackreach in order to capture them.
Hidden Objective: Place Trap Near Cave
Objective: Place Spirit Traps: 0/4
Hidden Objective: Place Trap On Hill
Hidden Objective: Place Trap On Bridge
Hidden Objective: Place Trap Near Crystals
I placed the traps in the areas specified. I should let Phebe know I'm finished.
Objective: Find Phebe Peronard
I should talk to Phebe about the traps.
Objective: Talk to Phebe
The settlement's leader, Elle Bitterblade, seems to have lost her patience for Claudina and Phebe. Perhaps I can smooth things over by delivering news that the traps are complete.
Objective: Talk to Elle Bitterblade
Elle asked me to investigate the place where the missing town guard was last seen. Hopefully, there will be some kind of clue to his whereabouts within.
Objective: Find the Mining Consortium Offices
I found Claudina and Phebe outside the office. I should tell them what I learned from Elle.
Objective: Talk to Phebe
Phebe says we need to perform a ceremony to summon the spirits within the mining office. I should enter the building and see if I can help.
Objective: Investigate the Mining Consortium Offices
Phebe gave me her spirit warding whistle. I should use it while she spreads the salts.
Objective: Use the Spirit Whistle
It seems the whistle might have attracted something after all. There's strange rattling coming from the second floor. I should investigate.
Objective: Search Upstairs
The mysterious rattling basket held only a cat and a note. I should see if this letter has any information we can use.
Objective: Read the Note
The contents of the letter point to a possible location for the missing town guard, Captain Ageran. I should tell Claudina what I discovered, since Phebe was scared off.
Objective: Talk to Claudina
Claudina and I need to investigate the location mentioned in the note.
Objective: Find the Cave Entrance
I should try using the Spirit Warding Whistle that Phebe gave me to see if it gets the attention of whatever is in the cave.
Objective: Use the Spirit Whistle
Using the whistle elicited a strange noise from inside the cave. I should investigate further.
Objective: Search the Cave
Investigating the location in the note led us to Captain Ageran's body and Overseer Urlvar. We need to find out what Overseer Urlvar knows.
Objective: Talk to Overseer Urlvar
Captain Ageran is dead. Overseer Urlvar told us to stop investigating and then ran off. I should talk to Claudina about what to do next.
Objective: Talk to Claudina
Whatever killed Captain Ageran can't have gone far. I should see if I can track it down.
Objective: Track the Culprit
Objective Hint: Exit Cave

(Once you find the Broken Trap)

Hidden Objective: Track the Footprints
Objective Hint: Follow the Footprints
Whatever killed Captain Ageran definitely went down into the mines. We should follow it.
Objective: Use the Trapdoor
The trapdoor led into the mines, which are off limits to us. Staying out of sight will make it easier to investigate.
Objective: Investigate the Mines
Objective: Listen to Conversation
Claudina and I overheard Overseer Urlvar talking to a vampire. It appears the two of them are working together. I should talk to Claudina about what to do next.
Objective: Talk to Claudina
I need to sneak into Overseer Urlvar's office to find evidence of him working with the vampire. To do that I, either need to steal his key or pick the lock on the door.
Complete one: Steal the Overseer's Key or Pick the Lock

(Changes once you make choice)

Objective: Enter Overseer's Office
I made it into Overseer Urlvar's office. I should look around to see if I can find anything incriminating.
Objective: Search the Office
The note I found proves that Overseer Urlvar is working with a vampire. It also seems to suggest that the vampire is the one responsible for the missing miners. I should talk to Claudina and tell her what I discovered.
Objective: Talk to Claudina
I need to locate the vampire before he goes into hiding again.
Objective: Find the Vampire
wWe've [sic] spotted the vampire, but he's moving fast through the mines. We need to follow him without being seen.
Objective: Follow the Vampire
The vampire keeps turning into a strange mist to evade us. I should talk to Claudina and see if she has any ideas about how to catch him.
Objective: Talk to Claudina
Phebe's spirit whistle might affect the vampire. I should use it and see if it helps us locate him.
Objective: Use the Spirit Whistle
Phebe's whistle worked. Claudina and I need to follow the vampire.
Objective: Follow the Vampire's Trail
Hidden Objective: Investigate the Cave
The vampire ran into a nearby cave. I should investigate and see if I can find any proof of Overseer Urlvar's plot within.
Objective: Find Proof: 0/2
Hidden Objective: Find Proof
Hidden Objective: Collect Vials
Hidden Objective: Kill the Vampire
I found a list of targeted victims in the vampire's hideout. This should be enough proof for Elle. I should find her and present this evidence.
Objective: Bring Proof to Elle
Elle won't believe us without proof. I should show her the evidence we collected.
Objective: Talk to Elle
Finishes quest☑ I revealed Overseer Urlvar's deception to Elle. I should speak with Claudina about our success.
Objective: Talk to Claudina
* Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g., <Alias=LocationHold>) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
  • Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
  • Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.