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Location Infinite Archive — Destozuno's Library
Race Imperial Gender Female
Reaction Friendly
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Faction(s) Ciphers of the Eye

Destozuno is an Imperial member of the Ciphers of the Eye who can be found within their library in the Infinite Archive. She can be reached by entering an Unknown Portal and randomly encountering her.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

A Bookbinder's Bind[edit]

Once you reach Destozuno's Library, you can speak with its sole inhabitant. As you approach Destozuno you may hear her say:

"Shelved by author's last name? Or was it by era?"

Speak with her to see what is going on:

"Are you real? With those clothes you must be. Next question. Can you find things? Have you lost things before? A sock, your memory, the love of the gods?
Doesn't matter. I have and I will and I need to not lose that last one."
What have you lost?
"What haven't I lost?
I need you to find Fynboar the Resurrected. A book! It's about a Reachfolk who became the servant of Hermaeus Mora in exchange for a book of necromancy. A horrid practice. All those organs. Very unclean."
How can I find this book?
"Not the book, the pages. I lost the pages! The sheaves of paper are scattered throughout the archive.
I have some tricks I picked up from living here. Verses. Things to make you stronger, quicker, sturdier. Bring me the pages and I'll give you one."
I'll keep an eye out for the lost pages.
"I don't know exactly where the pages ended up. This place is a maze. So much to organize. So many books ….
Without the pages, I'll never complete my translation and the account of Fynboar the Resurrected will be lost forever. Find them. Please."

Before you leave, you can ask Destozuno some questions:

How will I know which pages are the ones you want?
"This is an archive for books, not unbound sheaves. If you have doubts or are fluent in the ancient languages of the Reachfolk, perhaps you could read the pages as they are. If not, you'll have to wait for the translation."
Why are you translating Fynboar the Resurrected?
"It's an important tome of ancient Reachfolk lore.
Besides, translation's an aspect of my duties here. My work preserves knowledge contained within the books."
How many languages can you speak?
"Almost none. I can read infinitely more than I speak. Understanding the meaning of written Jel is so vastly different than hearing the sounds and making sense of them.
Written translation is as far as my skills go, I'm afraid."
You seem a little on edge. Are the missing pages the only thing that's wrong?
"This room, this archive, it's so … scattered. Are we following authors? Eras? Geographical locations? Subject matter? Binding materials? Ink types?"
This room is making you uncomfortable?
"The only time it's bearable is when I'm reading or working. Otherwise I just want to tear all the books from their shelves and restock them correctly!"
So, why don't you organize the shelves to your liking?
"What if I organize them by the wrong category? Have you seen an archive organized by spine color? Or by date written? No.
Besides, this is Hermaeus Mora's archive. I don't want to inadvertently upset the Prince of Knowledge."

If you talk to her when you collected all the pages:

"Who are you?
Wait, you're that adventurer I sent to help me … do something. What was it again?"
I have the pages from the book, Fynboar the Resurrected.
"Oh yes! I knew I could count on you. Now I can finally make some progress on my long-awaited translation!
I promised you a Verse for your incredible work. Here, it's a suitable reward for you."

Restoring the Resurrected[edit]

After you have helped her find the book's pages she will need further assistance, if you approach her before starting the quest she may say:

"There has to be something here I can use. But it's a mess. Too cluttered. Can't think."

She will need more assistance from you to turn the pages into a book:

"How interested are you in the tale of Fynboar the Resurrected? Was this just something you did to get a Verse? Or are you dedicated to adding to Hermaeus Mora's collection?
There's more to do and I will pay you for it. It means a lot to me."
I'm open to helping. What can I do?
"You helped retrieve the pages, yes. But that's not all a book is. I need a thread, a sharp knife, and a cover. Items with the power to turn these sheets of paper into a book. It's a magical process.
Do you think you could keep an eye out for them?"
Do you know where I can find the supplies you need?
"All bookbinding supplies are kept in small lockboxes. It keeps the filers away. They think bookbinding supplies should get filed outside the archive. They make me nervous.
Look for lockboxes."
I'll look for lockboxes and try to find the supplies you need.

You can ask her why she's nervous about assembling the book, the translation process and her distrust of filers:

"So many hiding places in the archive. Too much chaos. Even Master Malkhest doesn't know where everything is. If only the filers were better!
Sorry, it's just so overwhelming. I'm sure you'll find everything. Then I can finish my translation."
You seem a little on edge. Are the missing pages the only thing that's wrong?
"This room, this archive, it's so … scattered. Are we following authors? Eras? Geographical locations? Subject matter? Binding materials? Ink types?"
This room is making you uncomfortable?
"The only time it's bearable is when I'm reading or working. Otherwise I just want to tear all the books from their shelves and restock them correctly!"
So, why don't you organize the shelves to your liking?
"What if I organize them by the wrong category? Have you seen an archive organized by spine color? Or by date written? No.
Besides, this is Hermaeus Mora's archive. I don't want to inadvertently upset the Prince of Knowledge."
How's the translation going?
"Not terrible. I just finished my literal version. Now all that's left is to transfer the literal translation into the proper rhythm, meter, and poetic lyricism of the original text.
The easy part is behind me. Now begins the real work."
Fynboar the Resurrected is a poem?
"Technically it's an epic poem. Starts with an invocation and everything.
I wish poetry were easier to translate. There's so much extra work that goes into making it match the author's intent."
You really don't like the filers.
"Why should I? Their entire purpose here is to keep the Endless Archive organized. Does it look organized to you?
When you ask them, they say that it is organized and your silly mortal mind just can't comprehend it. Lazy spheres."

Once you meet her again after collecting all the bookbinding supplies:

"You're back! Do you have the supplies? Can I make my translation? Will I finally be done with this project?"
I found the bookbinding supplies you wanted.
"Excellent! Exactly the supplies I needed. I can't thank you enough, friend.
Oh, Wait! I can! Here, take this."
"I'll be placing my full translation of Fynboar the Resurrected by the Index for the filers to find. Look there if you want to read it."

Restorer of Theories[edit]

"More pages are missing. I'd go find them myself, but you know how the archive is. I could be impaled, bitten, skewered, or charred alive by magic. I'm a translator! I can't just go around getting attacked.
But you … you did this before. You can."
You lost more pages?
"Theories on Apocrypha. It's an enormous work spanning multiple volumes, written by multiple authors, and containing countless incredible thoughts. It's a seminal piece!
Please, don't let this book be lost. Find the missing pages. I'll pay you!"
How will I know which pages you want?
"You'll find them throughout the Endless Archive. Personally, I'd look in places where the maligraphies aren't trying to mangle you.
I have more rewards. Promise me you'll help!"
All right. I'll look for more pages.

You can talk to her afterwards. She may say one of the following:

"Come back soon, all right?
My next project is stymied until I get more of those pages."
"Good luck. Stay vigilant out there. I'd be very disappointed if you valiantly slew the enemies outside only to miss the pages I needed."
"I wish I could go with you, but that involves going out there. With all the chaos. And the disorder. Books everywhere. No thank you.
I'd rather translate Goblin folk tales."
"I hope your quest is successful, friend.
If you run into any Daedroths out there, show them no mercy. They like to eat my quill nibs."

Once you return with all pages:

"Good to see you well and not dismembered, adventurer. Were you successful? Do you have them?"
Here, I found these pages.
"Marvelous! This is great progress toward assembling every volume of Theories on Apocrypha. Thank you. You're a true friend to the archive.
I promised you a reward, didn't I? Here you go."

After the quest is completed she may say one of the following:

"There's nothing else missing … that I know of. Oh no. Now I'm worried that's not the case.
Please, come back later. I need to do an audit of every volume in here."
"You're here? But there's nothing I need you for right now. You're not supposed to be here unless I need you. This isn't where you're supposed to be. You have to leave. Now.
"This is an archive filled with things to fight. I'm sure it's much more entertaining out there than it is in here. So please … go have fun somewhere else. And don't disturb anything in my space here. It's just how I want it."
"Uh, sorry. No. I don't let anyone hang around while I'm working. You're going to have to wait out there for the next translation."