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Online:Deadlands Brand

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Do you revel in cataclysmic forces? Is vindication best reflected in ruining all who thwart you? Perhaps you revere the destructive Daedric Prince Mehrunes Dagon. Whatever the case, this ruddy-hued skin reflects your true nature.
Deadlands Brand on a female Imperial
ON-icon-skin-Deadlands Brand.png
Deadlands Brand
Type Skin
Acquired From Frost Atronach Crate
Reward Level Legendary
Price 00100100 Crown Gems
036003,600 Seals of Endeavor

The Deadlands Brand skin is available as a Legendary-level reward in Frost Atronach Crates.

Physical Appearance[edit]

The wearer's skin takes on a scarlet hue, and their eyes turn bright red, developing slit pupils.
