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Online:Crown Store/Dyes/Torrid

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First FrostForestNecroticShadowsAutumnHarvestWitchesHoarfrostAlchemicalObliviousMercifulFrostedMistyDarkeningElegiacMagnanimousGoldenMoltenRadiantMetallicSanguinaryBlushingPassionateFlourishingSeedlingSproutingBurgeoningSpringLordlyInsectileBlossomingRainingFledglingEuphoricPastelIntenseOpaqueCeruleanCoastalOceanicCloudyUnfetteredTorridSaucySunnyRustyNuptialDuskyDarklingDawningRipeVivid

Name Price In-game description Notes Date Added / Removed
ON-icon-dye stamp-Torrid Assorted Sweetmeats.png Torrid: Assorted Sweetmeats 00050Unavailable 50 Crowns Dyes all the channels of your currently equipped Costume and Hat.

Riften CopperRiften Copper
Wolf's Fur BrownWolf's Fur Brown
Senche-Tiger OrangeSenche-Tiger Orange

Contains the colors "Riften Copper", "Wolf's Fur Brown", and "Senche-Tiger Orange".
Torrid Week
13 July 2017
6 July 2017
ON-icon-dye stamp-Torrid Baked Flatbread.png Torrid: Baked Flatbread 00075Unavailable 75 Crowns Dyes all the channels of your currently equipped Costume and Hat.

Starlight GoldStarlight Gold
Senche-Tiger OrangeSenche-Tiger Orange
Obsidian BlackObsidian Black

Contains the colors "Starlight Gold", "Senche-Tiger Orange", and "Obsidian Black".
Torrid Week
13 July 2017
6 July 2017
ON-icon-dye stamp-Torrid Beige and Brown.png Torrid: Beige and Brown 00050Unavailable 50 Crowns Dyes all the channels of your currently equipped Costume and Hat.

Starlight GoldStarlight Gold
Wolf's Fur BrownWolf's Fur Brown
Raw Hide TanRaw Hide Tan

Contains the colors "Starlight Gold", "Wolf's Fur Brown", and "Raw Hide Tan".
Torrid Week
13 July 2017
6 July 2017
ON-icon-dye stamp-Torrid Burned the Biscuits.png Torrid: Burned the Biscuits 00075Unavailable 75 Crowns Dyes all the channels of your currently equipped Costume and Hat.

Riften CopperRiften Copper
Senche-Tiger OrangeSenche-Tiger Orange
Windhelm SteelWindhelm Steel

Contains the colors "Riften Copper", "Senche-Tiger Orange", and "Windhelm Steel".
Torrid Week
13 July 2017
6 July 2017
ON-icon-dye stamp-Torrid Burnt Oranges.png Torrid: Burnt Oranges 00075Unavailable 75 Crowns Dyes all the channels of your currently equipped Costume and Hat.

Senche-Tiger OrangeSenche-Tiger Orange
Riften CopperRiften Copper
Obsidian BlackObsidian Black

Contains the colors "Senche-Tiger Orange", "Riften Copper", and "Obsidian Black".
Torrid Week
13 July 2017
6 July 2017
ON-icon-dye stamp-Torrid Caramel and Camel.png Torrid: Caramel and Camel 00050Unavailable 50 Crowns Dyes all the channels of your currently equipped Costume and Hat.

Riften CopperRiften Copper
Starlight GoldStarlight Gold
Wolf's Fur BrownWolf's Fur Brown

Contains the colors "Riften Copper", "Starlight Gold", and "Wolf's Fur Brown".
Torrid Week
13 July 2017
6 July 2017
ON-icon-dye stamp-Torrid Cinnamon and Shadows.png Torrid: Cinnamon and Shadows 00075Unavailable 75 Crowns Dyes all the channels of your currently equipped Costume and Hat.

Senche-Tiger OrangeSenche-Tiger Orange
Obsidian BlackObsidian Black
Riften CopperRiften Copper

Contains the colors "Senche-Tiger Orange", "Obsidian Black", and "Riften Copper".
Torrid Week
13 July 2017
6 July 2017
ON-icon-dye stamp-Torrid Flour and Ashes.png Torrid: Flour and Ashes 00075Unavailable 75 Crowns Dyes all the channels of your currently equipped Costume and Hat.

Starlight GoldStarlight Gold
Obsidian BlackObsidian Black
Senche-Tiger OrangeSenche-Tiger Orange

Contains the colors "Starlight Gold", "Obsidian Black", and "Senche-Tiger Orange".
Torrid Week
13 July 2017
6 July 2017
ON-icon-dye stamp-Torrid Fox On Fire.png Torrid: Fox On Fire 00100Unavailable 100 Crowns Dyes all the channels of your currently equipped Costume and Hat.

Riften CopperRiften Copper
Senche-Tiger OrangeSenche-Tiger Orange
Starlight GoldStarlight Gold

Contains the colors "Riften Copper", "Senche-Tiger Orange", and "Starlight Gold".
Torrid Week
13 July 2017
6 July 2017
ON-icon-dye stamp-Torrid Ginger and Mandrake.png Torrid: Ginger and Mandrake 00050Unavailable 50 Crowns Dyes all the channels of your currently equipped Costume and Hat.

Senche-Tiger OrangeSenche-Tiger Orange
Raw Hide TanRaw Hide Tan
Starlight GoldStarlight Gold

Contains the colors "Senche-Tiger Orange", "Raw Hide Tan", and "Starlight Gold".
Torrid Week
13 July 2017
6 July 2017
ON-icon-dye stamp-Torrid Gold and Copper.png Torrid: Gold and Copper 00050Unavailable 50 Crowns Dyes all the channels of your currently equipped Costume and Hat.

Starlight GoldStarlight Gold
Riften CopperRiften Copper
Wolf's Fur BrownWolf's Fur Brown

Contains the colors "Starlight Gold", "Riften Copper", and "Wolf's Fur Brown".
Torrid Week
13 July 2017
6 July 2017
ON-icon-dye stamp-Torrid Homebrew and Honey.png Torrid: Homebrew and Honey 00100Unavailable 100 Crowns Dyes all the channels of your currently equipped Costume and Hat.

Senche-Tiger OrangeSenche-Tiger Orange
Starlight GoldStarlight Gold
Riften CopperRiften Copper

Contains the colors "Senche-Tiger Orange", "Starlight Gold", and "Riften Copper".
Torrid Week
13 July 2017
6 July 2017
ON-icon-dye stamp-Torrid Hot Metal.png Torrid: Hot Metal 00075Unavailable 75 Crowns Dyes all the channels of your currently equipped Costume and Hat.

Starlight GoldStarlight Gold
Windhelm SteelWindhelm Steel
Riften CopperRiften Copper

Contains the colors "Starlight Gold", "Windhelm Steel", and "Riften Copper".
Torrid Week
13 July 2017
6 July 2017
ON-icon-dye stamp-Torrid Hot Yams!.png Torrid: Hot Yams! 00100Unavailable 100 Crowns Dyes all the channels of your currently equipped Costume and Hat.

Senche-Tiger OrangeSenche-Tiger Orange
Riften CopperRiften Copper
Starlight GoldStarlight Gold

Contains the colors "Senche-Tiger Orange", "Riften Copper", and "Starlight Gold".
Torrid Week
13 July 2017
6 July 2017
ON-icon-dye stamp-Torrid Hotter Than Hegathe.png Torrid: Hotter Than Hegathe 00100Unavailable 100 Crowns Dyes all the channels of your currently equipped Costume and Hat.

Starlight GoldStarlight Gold
Riften CopperRiften Copper
Senche-Tiger OrangeSenche-Tiger Orange

Contains the colors "Starlight Gold", "Riften Copper", and "Senche-Tiger Orange".
Torrid Week
13 July 2017
6 July 2017
ON-icon-dye stamp-Torrid Molten Copper.png Torrid: Molten Copper 00100Unavailable 100 Crowns Dyes all the channels of your currently equipped Costume and Hat.

Riften CopperRiften Copper
Starlight GoldStarlight Gold
Senche-Tiger OrangeSenche-Tiger Orange

Contains the colors "Riften Copper", "Starlight Gold", and "Senche-Tiger Orange".
Torrid Week
13 July 2017
6 July 2017
ON-icon-dye stamp-Torrid Scorching Sand.png Torrid: Scorching Sand 00100Unavailable 100 Crowns Dyes all the channels of your currently equipped Costume and Hat.

Starlight GoldStarlight Gold
Senche-Tiger OrangeSenche-Tiger Orange
Riften CopperRiften Copper

Contains the colors "Starlight Gold", "Senche-Tiger Orange", and "Riften Copper".
Torrid Week
13 July 2017
6 July 2017
ON-icon-dye stamp-Torrid Tawny Tangerine.png Torrid: Tawny Tangerine 00050Unavailable 50 Crowns Dyes all the channels of your currently equipped Costume and Hat.

Senche-Tiger OrangeSenche-Tiger Orange
Starlight GoldStarlight Gold
Raw Hide TanRaw Hide Tan

Contains the colors "Senche-Tiger Orange", "Starlight Gold", and "Raw Hide Tan".
Torrid Week
13 July 2017
6 July 2017