Online:Crawling Chaos
This page is currently being rewritten as part of the Online Quest Project. The page is being both written and checked. All users are welcome to make changes to the page. If you make a change that is relevant to the project, please update this template accordingly, and make sure you have observed the project guidelines. Detail
Quick Summary: not written
Quest Stages: written by Talyyn, not checked |
Quick Walkthrough[edit]
- Talk to Kasal.
- Find Seqbar.
- Talk to Naluroen and feed the spiders.
- Find Shagora.
- Return to Kasal or Shagora.
Detailed Walkthrough[edit]
Missing Prospectors[edit]
When you arrive at Kulati Mines Kasal will be standing on a small dock outside the mines entrance. Speaking to Kasal will reveal the situation in the mine.
- "I was wealthy a month ago. And then the spiders came. Who knows what brought them, but it didn't stop our production.
Now the spiders are everywhere! I've closed the mines, but the last prospectors haven't come out. " - Someone's stuck in the mine?
- "The last prospector to go in was Seqbar. I warned him that the mine was dangerous, but he said he had to go.
After that, things got out of hand. I closed the whole operation down. Then that Orc showed up." - What Orc?
- "Shagora. Said she was Seqbar's betrothed. She went in after him, and that's the last person I've let in since.
That is, unless you see fit to go in after them?" - I'll see if I can find them.
Head west and enter the mines. At the first junction to the right there will be a knapsack with a journal inside.
- <Inside the knapsack is a rough map with directions from Sentinel to the mines. The pack also includes some old clothes, half-eaten rations, and a journal.>
- <Remove the journal>
Upon removal the journal you'll hear a voice shout out to you.
- "Is someone out there? I'm in a cocoon! Help!
Proceed west just a few steps to see a cocoon behind some wooden support beams.
- "Merciful Ruptga, my prayers are answered! Help me!
Please, get me out before that spider monstrosity comes back! I've been trapped in this cocoon for days!" - Are you Shagora or Seqbar?
- "Shagora's really here? I thought her voice came from a dream!
If she's gone deeper into the mines, I must find her! This spider's silk is tight, but I feel the threads moving ....Spiders or not, I've got to break free!" - Keep moving, it must be weakening.
- "Yes! I've been too afraid to move, too afraid of the spiders.
But I can't leave the mines without Shagora ... I think I felt something give. Yes, it's breaking open!"
Seqbar will now be following you and ask to escort him further into the mine to find his betrothed. Continue west into a large open chamber with a spider Daedra and two elder spiders. Seqbar will claim Naluroen is the beast that webbed him and to be cautious. Naluroen is non hostile and will converse with you.
- "What desire brings you here, mortal? You seek the Orc female, perhaps?
She is now an ornament to my... collection." - Let me speak to Shagora.
- "To do that, I propose a trade.
You may feed an elder spider, or you can let my children feed on your Redguard friend. His taste... pleased them greatly." - And if I refuse?
- "Then I shall not let you speak to her. It is simple.
Now, will you stand about doing nothing, or take my trade?"
You now have the choice of feeding an elder spider yourself...
- I'll feed an elder spider.
- "Wonderful. They wait just behind you.
Do not worry. The venom ensures there is little pain."
Or volunteering Seqbar to do so.
- Seqbar will feed your children.
- "Wonderful. My children did enjoy their first taste of him.
Take the Redguard to the alcove opposite us. And tell your friend to hold very still."
Approach an elder spider, or lead Seqbar to the western alcove to let the spider feast. Approach Naluroen and speak with her again to request access to her domain.
- "Such sweet nectar you mortals carry in your veins. A shame it goes to waste."
- I've done what you asked.
- "Indeed. The way is open to you and your Redguard friend.
And if you desire to stay, I shall have no objections. Go in!"
Enter the portal behind Naluroen and you will be teleported to her web where Shagora is being kept. Seqbar has run ahead of you, but Shagora cannot seem to hear or see him. Talk with her.
- "Curse this darkness! I can't see a thing!
Are you another one of Naluroen's illusions? Don't think I'm a fool- I know your tricks! Where is Seqbar?" - Seqbar and I came to rescue you.
- "If that's the case, then where is he? No, you're just another one of Naluroen's puppets. But you can't get into my mind! I'll never let you copy my Seqbar!"
- You can't see him? He's right in front of you.
- "What? Where? Stop lying, illusion!
When i get out of this place, I'll torch it, and squash anything that manages to crawl out. Just you wait!"
Naluroen becomes visible and is seen distorting Shagora's mind, although Shagora is resisting. Talk to Seqbar and he will state that while he was getting cold feet before he's willing to do anything to rescue Shagora and offer to swap places with Shagora. Talk with Naluroen, but your only options are to trade Seqbar for Shagora, or to leave them both with Naluroen together.
- "The Orc woman is strong-willed. A challenge, but one that I will conquer nonetheless.
What do you think of my menagerie, mortal? Would you like to take your place within? - You'll release us all from your nest.
- "Ah, threats are next perhaps? Dear mortal, I have not harmed any of my collection. They provide me with comfort and entertainment, and my children with sustenance every now and again. In return, I care for their every need."
- If you won't release us, I'll force you.
- "I do not fear you, mortal. You are in my lair. I allow you to see me because it is convenient.
Oh, I'm sure you could escape my nest, in time. But these two would surely not survive." - Is there any way I can convince you to let these two go?
- "As you can tell, the Orc is resistant to my charms. She has not made a good specimen.
I propose a trade of sorts. Give me the redguard and I will give you the Orc." - No deal. These two belong together.
- Deal. Take the Redguard, then.
If you choose that they belong together Naluroen will state that she can arrange that and give them both a long and happy life together if you hand over both. If you retort that you refuse to hand both over Naluroen will state that you both are at an impasse and the dialogue will cycle back to the beginning. If you tell Naluroen they can both stay under the condition she keeps her word, Naluroen will comment that she is always true to her word and that the pair won't even know you existed. You are free to leave her domain in peace. If you wait a few seconds you'll see that Shagora can now see Seqbar and they comment being confused as they were just in the mine, but now are outside her fathers house. They are both in the same dream Naluroen has woven for them. Leave the area and return to Kasal outside the mines.
- "I never should've listened to Seqbar. Look at all the trouble he's caused!"
- 'He's... safe now."
- "Safe? Then where is he?
Do you mean he has met his ancestors? Did the spiders kill him and Shagora?" - It's more than spiders. They were taken by a spider Daedra.
- "A spider Daedra? Could these mines be anymore cursed? This was a fool's errand. Once I return to Sentinel I'll never leave again!
Sep's coils are never-ending, friend. I'm sure you did what you could for them."
If you choose to trade Seqbar for Shagora, Naluroen will be satisfied and will state that she will weave a dream of sweetness for him as her children love a treat every once in a while. Seqbar will attempt to reject Naluroen's influence at first, but will fall prey to it as Shagora slowly makes her way out of the domain. Follow her out and speak to her outside the mine by a tent past Kasal.
- "Why am I so out of breath? How far have I run?"
- We're outside the mine where the Daedra captured you.
- "Daedra? What are you talking about? I came out here to... well, anyway, I've never met you or a Daedra before in my life!
Did you poison me?" - You don't remember anything? Even Seqbar?
- "Who? That's a silly name. I don't owe him money do I?
Sorry. I don't know you or your buddy Seqbar. Guess you did something to help me, though, or you wouldn't be talking to me."
Both Kasal or Shagora will give you the same reward. If you rescued Shagora, Kasal will vow to never open the mine doors again, hopefully preventing any others from becoming trapped in Naluroen's web.
- While it can be accessed then, Seqbar, Shagora and Naluroen won't exist inside the cave before starting the quest.
Quest Stages[edit]
Crawling Chaos | |
Finishes Quest | Journal Entry |
Kasal asked me to look for the last two prospectors who entered the mines.
Objective: Find Seqbar and Shagora
Hidden Objective: Find the Lost Suitor
I heard a muffled yell. I should find the source and see if it's from one of the prospectors I was sent to find.
Objective: Free Seqbar from the cocoon
Optional Step: Read the Journal
Seqbar is out of his cocoon captivity only to find out that Shagora passed by him some time ago. We should go deeper into the mines to look for her.
Objective: Take Seqbar deeper into the Mine
At the bottom of the mines, I found the creature most likely responsible for Seqbar's capture - a spider daedra! It doesn't seem hostile - I should see if I can talk to it.
Objective: Talk to Naluroen
The Daedra admitted holding Shagora hostage, and has demanded one of us feed her spiders before she allows us to enter her nest.
Objective: Convince Naluroen to Let You enter Her Nest
Objective Hint: Feed an Elder Spider
The Daedra granted us entry into her lair. I should enter and find out what's become of Shagora.
Objective: Enter Portal to Naluroen's Web
The Daedra has granted us entry into her lair. I should find out what's become of Shagora.
Objective: Find Shagora
I've found Shagora, but she doesn't seem to be aware of my presence. I should see if she will respond to me.
Objective: Talk to Shagora
It seems the Daedra has ensorcelled Shagora. I'll need to find a way to get her out of the Daedra's clutches using my wits.
Objective: Rescue Seqbar and Shagora
(At this point you have a choice which effects the ending of the quest.) |
Objective: Leave the Nest without Seqbar and Shagora
The Daedra promised to keep the pair safe together in her nest. Though this means the two won't have their freedom, they will be together. I should tell Kasal their fate.
Objective: Talk to Kasal outside the Mine
Seqbar exchanged himself for Shagora to have her freedom. Though it means he will be under the thrall of the Daedra, Shagora is free.
Objective: Leave the Nest with Shagora
Seqbar exchanged himself for Shagora's freedom. Now we're outside the mine, I need to see how she feels about what's happened.
Objective: Talk to Shagora outside the Mine
) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
- Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
- Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.