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Online:Complete All Death Challenges

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ON-icon-achievement-UD Skill Master.png Complete All Death Challenges
Type Dungeons Achievements
Points 50
Dye Voidstone VioletVoidstone Violet
Complete the listed Death Challenges.

Complete All Death Challenges is awarded for (not surprisingly) completing all of the death challenges in what were originally the veteran levels of the Group Dungeons. They must now be done in Version II of each of these dungeons, but still at Veteran level.

Challenge Dungeon Requirements Notes
Closing the Book Elden Hollow II Defeat Bogdan the Nightflame after reading the Opus of Torment.
Compassionate Hero Spindleclutch II Defeat Vorenor Winterbourne without killing any of the innocent victims held captive in his lair.
Cursed Hero The Banished Cells II Defeat High Kinlord Rilis while three or more Daedroth still live. A good tank will be needed here to draw the attacks of the Daedroths while the rest of the party concentrates on Rilis. If Rilis is near-death and there are fewer than three Daedroths, you should hold off until more of them spawn.
Deadly Crypt Survivor Crypt of Hearts II Defeat all other mini-boss and boss enemies in Veteran Crypt of Hearts before defeating Nerien'eth without suffering a group member death.
Deadly Engineer Darkshade Caverns II Defeat the Engine Guardian without anyone in your group activating an Engine Lever. This means that during the poison-gas phases of the battle, you'll need good healing to survive, rather than eliminating the gas by pushing the levers.
Fearless Assaulter Fungal Grotto II Defeat Vila Theran without any member of your party using the protection of the Obsidian Husk. This requires effective healing, and it's best if everyone in the party remembers to block during her powerful beam attack.
Pellingare Ghoul Slayer Wayrest Sewers II Defeat 15 Zombies during the battle with Allene Pellingare and Varaine Pellingare before defeating the twins themselves in Veteran Wayrest Sewers. The trick here is to wait until the main battle starts before attacking the zombies. If you kill the zombies before the twins start attacking you, it will not count.
The Blade's Edge Crypt of Hearts II In Veteran Crypt of Hearts, allow four of Nerien'eth's Students to survive until he takes the Ebony Blade before defeating them all. He will take the Ebony Blade at around 35% health. If he is nearing that threshold and there are fewer than four ghosts, hold off and allow more to spawn. The tank should attempt to draw them away from the main battle to keep them alive.


  • As of Update 12, Deadly Crypt Survivor is no longer considered a "Death Challenge", but rather a "Survivor Challenge". However, for historical reasons it is still part of this achievement. Likewise, the many new Death Challenges that were added by that patch are not required for this achievement.