
Online:By Love Betrayed

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Quick Summary: written by MolagBallet, not checked

Walkthrough: written by MolagBallet, not checked

Quest Stages: written by HoodBot, checked by MolagBallet
Help Adusa-daro recruit a lost friend for House Ravenwatch.
Zone: The Reach
Objective: Reachwind Depths — Help Adusa-daro rescue a lost friend.
Quest Giver: Adusa-daro, Quintor
Location(s): Reachwind Depths
Reward: Deep Folk Shortblade
Average Leveled Gold
XP Gain: Standard Experience
ID: 6565
Help Adusa at Reachwind Depths
Adusa-daro needs my help to rescue her friend Kathad from a clan of evil vampires known as the Lothid, and their leader, Boss Trenlor.

Quick Walkthrough[edit]

  1. Talk to Adusa-daro.
  2. Enter Reachwind Depths and talk to Adusa.
  3. Find Adusa, then search for Kathad.
  4. Enter the Blinds and find the mushroom.
  5. Put on the disguise and navigate the Upper Halls.
  6. Infiltrate the party.
  7. Talk to Freyleth.
  8. Talk to Kathad and Adusa outside.

Detailed Walkthrough[edit]

You may find a mercenary named Quintor by the riverbank north of the Nalzthdbar Great Lift. You can accept the quest from him, or bypass him and speak with Adusa-daro outside Reachwind Depths. Speak with Adusa to get the lay of the land.

"Five-claw? Adusa doesn't know what twist of the tail brought you here, but she finds your presence most fortuitous.
I could use an extra set of eyes to watch my back. What say you, my friend? Are your eyes still sharp? Will you aid this one again?"
What do you need help with?
"The Lothid, a local clan of vampires, terrorizes the countryside from their lair in the ruins below us. This one convinced young Kathad to leave this clan of criminals. Or so I thought.
For some reason, he returned to them. This troubles me."
Why is his return to his old clan a problem?
"Adusa-daro was close to saving a vampire from a life of crime. Why Kathad went back to his clan, I do not know. But I am not ready to give up on him just yet.
Will you help me extract Kathad from the Lothid clan, five-claw?"
I'll help you save Kathad.
"The Dwarven apparatus will take us into the bowels of the mountain. To the Reachwind Depths, the ruins that now serve as the lair of the Lothid clan and their leader, Boss Trenlor.
Meet Adusa there, five-claw, and we will find Kathad together."

Adusa wants you to help her convince an old friend, Kathad, to leave a clan of vampires known for criminal activity. She came close to saving him, but he returned to Reachwind Depths for reasons Adusa has yet to uncover.

Head over to the tower up the path and take the lift down into Reachwind Depths. Once inside, talk to Adusa.

"Adusa has scouted these ruins and come up with a plan. This one will barge in through the front door, confront Boss Trenlor, and try to determine where Kathad is.
Meanwhile, you go in through the sluice gate along the wall to the southwest."
Shouldn't I go with you to confront Boss Trenlor?
"No, five-claw. Even the two of us would be hard-pressed to defeat the entire Lothid clan. While this one figures out where Kathad is, you quietly find a vantage point and see what happens.
You're my safeguard in case something unfortunate occurs."
Something unfortunate?
"If the meeting goes well, Adusa will signal you to join her. If not ….
There is a good chance this one will be tossed into the deep prison. If that happens, you will come to my rescue, yes? Either way, we should learn where they're keeping Kathad."
Adusa doesn't need saving

While Adusa confronts the Lothid Clan's leader, Boss Trenlor, you're going to take a side path to find a vantage point from which to observe the meeting. You're Adusa's backup: if things go south, she needs you to give her a hand.

Head south towards the lift and take a right turn once you're in front of it: you'll find yourself a dirt path with a sluice gate for you to slip through, enabling you to delve within Reachwind Depths Ruins. Travel all the way to the end of this section to find Boss Trenlor's Court and witness the meeting.

Boss Trenlor: "Ah, Adusa-daro of the Ravenwatch. Kathad told me to expect you."
Adusa-daro: "Let me talk to Kathad, Trenlor."
Boss Trenlor: "Kathad returned for his love, so I sent him to her. I banished them to the Deep Tombs."
Adusa-daro: "His love … you mean Freyleth? She's here, too?"
Boss Trenlor: "Freyleth bit above her station. As for Kathad, you can join him. Toss her in the Deep Tombs!"

<Adusa-daro is led to the dungeon gate and thrown down into the pit>

Boss Trenlor: "Try not to die too quickly, Ravenwatch cur!"

As Adusa predicted, she was tossed down into the Deep Tombs. Head down the hallway leading south and take the lift to the Deep Tombs. As soon as you enter the Lothid Clan's prison, you'll witness Kathad killing another vampire:

Kathad: "You should have listened to reason, Marg. I'm trying to save the clan."
...neither does Kathad.

He transforms into a cloud of mist and darts down a hall. Pursue him through the ruin. The path is fairly linear. Once you hear Adusa call to you, approach and speak with her. She's surrounded by vampire corpses.

"Adusa loves it when a plan comes together! This worked out better than I expected! Now, we just have to find Kathad.
And Freyleth."
Your plan was to get thrown into this ancient prison?
"No, not exactly. This one hoped not to get overpowered by Boss Trenlor's lackeys and flayed alive. After that, I was going to improvise.
This is much better, yes? We are in the Deep Tombs. Kathad is here somewhere. We should find him."
I spotted Kathad. He's looking for Freyleth.
"Good. I didn't think these monsters could overpower Kathad.
Let's hurry and catch up to him, five-claw."
And then what?
"Convince him to leave. Lothid clan is no place for a sane and honorable vampire. No place at all.
Be cautious, though. If we run into Freyleth, remember that she twists words and tells lies that sound like the most beautiful truths."

It's time to find Kathad. The way forward is fairly linear. Continue on and you'll eventually see Kathad slay a Bloodfiend before escaping once again:

Adusa-daro: "There, five-claw! Kathad went down the east corridor!"

Head on through the door to the east. You'll find Kathad standing over some dead vampires and a wounded Freyleth sitting against a wall.

Kathad: "Stay behind me, beloved! Oh, Adusa? What are you doing here?"
Adusa-daro: "We came to save you, Kathad. Talk to him, five-claw. I'll watch the door."
Pick a peck of potent poison

Talk to Kathad. He came to Reachwind to save Freyleth, who has a plan to overthrow Boss Trenlor and lead the Lothid Clan in a better direction. Trenlor has turned the clan into little more than a gang of criminals: they plunder the countryside, kidnapping mortals for blood. Trenlor tosses all naysayers down in the Deep Tombs to starve them. You're directed to talk to Freyleth so she can explain her plan to you.

"I apologize for my horrid appearance. I assure you, if I wasn't half-starved because of that bastard, Trenlor, I'd make a much better impression.
Will you and Adusa help us save the Lothid clan?"
Tell me what you have planned.
"Among Boss Trenlor's many vices, he loves to be entertained. So every night they throw him a party. A celebration of blood using a captured mortal, a wild beast, or one of the clan he abandoned down here.
After we turn feral, of course."
I get it. Boss Trenlor is evil.
"Not just evil. Deranged. And cruel. He treats our clan as though we were his personal playthings. Toys to be used and abused for no other reason than he enjoys it.
But he's also powerful. No one has ever challenged him and survived."
So how do you plan to save the clan from this powerful, deranged vampire?
"If you go down into the Blinds and get me a darkcap mushroom, I can use it to weaken Trenlor. Then I can challenge him.
After you find it, there's a lift down there. It connects to an abandoned corner in the servant's quarters. We'll meet you there."

You're to nab a darkcap mushroom from a section of the ruin called the Blinds. Exit through the door and head on over to the lift Freyleth mentioned: it's through the southern hallway. Head west through the caverns until you reach a large cavern: there, you'll find your darkcap mushroom. They like to grow at the base of giant, glowing blue mushrooms with wavy caps: the darkcaps themselves are small, glowing green mushrooms. Once you've got your darkcap, head through the tunnels to the north or west (they both lead to the same place) to find the lift out of the Blinds. You'll have to fight your way through the tunnels' Falmer inhabitants to reach it, and the lift itself is guarded by a Dwarven Dynastor. The dynastor is easy enough to sneak around: If you're approaching it from the east (having taken the tunnel north out of the previous room), you can just walk over to the lift from the ledge and zip your way around the construct. You may not even have to crouch: just sprint for the goal.

Kathad is disappointed, but the plan must go on

The lift will take you to the Servant's Quarters. Talk to Adusa once you're out.

"Before we hand over the mushroom, this one feels she must tell you something.
It concerns my history with Freyleth."
What about your history with Freyleth?
"When this one first became a vampire, she was alone, confused. Frightened. Adusa did some terrible things before she understood exactly what was happening.
Then I met Freyleth."
Then what happened?
"Freyleth took Adusa under her wing. Trained her. Guided her. She was exactly what I needed. But she also wasn't.
Freyleth is wild, chaotic. She loves both the power and the freedom that vampirism provides. I don't want her to lead Kathad astray."
What do you mean, astray?
"Freyleth may not be the monster that Trenlor is, but she's no fragile flower. She led me to places … actions … that seemed like a good idea at the time.
I see much promise in Kathad. He can be an asset to the Ravenwatch. If he isn't corrupted."

Freyleth and Kathad are at the other end of the room, standing over a blood-drained guard.

Kathad: "She didn't have to die, Freyleth."
Freyleth: "We couldn't have her raise the alarm, Kathad. This only works if Trenlor suspects nothing."
The disguise

Talk to Kathad.

"There was no reason for another member of the clan to die, but Freyleth refuses to see it that way. Still, we need to press on.
Were you successful? Did you find a darkcap mushroom?"
Yes, I acquired a darkcap mushroom.
"Good. Then we're that much closer to completing Freyleth's plan and replacing Boss Trenlor. Obviously, none of us can walk in and join the Lothid celebration. Everyone knows we were cast into the Deep Tombs.
You'll have to perform the next step."
The next step?
"You need to get past the clan members to reach Trenlor's throne. Then just drop the mushroom into his chalice of blood. We'll take care of the rest.
You'll need a disguise, though. Lothid celebrations are chaotic, but they'd easily spot an outsider."
What kind of disguise?
Do NOT pet the dog
"Already taken care of. Here. Put on these servant's clothes. The clan will ignore you if you look like one of the mortal servants.
The chalice sits on the table near the throne. Place the mushroom in the chalice. Then step back and wait for us."

The plan is for you to disguise yourself as one of the clan's mortal servants long enough to get close enough to Boss Trenlor and spike his chalice with the mushroom. Put on the Servant Disguise and activate the eastern lift to reach the Upper Halls. You'll find a Lothid Enforcer with a death hound patrolling the first room. The dog is easy enough to avoid, but if you get too close, it'll break your disguise. Then, any vampires and servants in the area that see you will attack.

Don't panic if you lose your disguise to the first dog: there's a safebox containing Lothid servant uniforms in the next corridor, which is populated with three of the clan's servants: two are gambling at the far end of the hall, and one is eating soup by a bedroll and a campfire. Head up the stairs beyond the gamblers, be careful not to come face-to-snout with the next death hound as you're rounding the corner out of that doorway, and head northwest around the balcony to make it to the northern hallway. You'll find yourself in another safe corridor before finding yourself in a large open room with another death hound guard. This one accompanies a Lothid Battlemage: your chance to make a break for the western door is when the hound and its handler go to look through the barred gate on the east side of the room.

Infiltrate the party

Through this door lies Boss Trenlor's Court. All you need to do is act natural and find his chalice. The party is in full swing, and the Lothid Courtiers are too inebriated to realize you don't belong. As you approach Boss Trenlor's throne, he calls to you specifically:

Boss Trenlor: "Slave! Bring me my chalice! I thirst!"

This is your chance. The chalice is on a table west of the throne. Secure the mushroom, pick up Boss Trenlor's Chalice, and deliver it to the boss-man himself. He takes a huge swig and doubles over.

Boss Trenlor: "Bah! Stupid slave! You gave me spoiled blood!"

Adusa, Freyleth, and Kathad enter the hall:

Freyleth: "It's not spoiled, you bastard. That's darkcap!"
Kathad: "Freyleth? You … poisoned …."
One small chalice, one giant swig for mankind

Trenlor suddenly slumps down into his throne, dead.

Adusa-daro: "Murder, Freyleth? Where is your honor?"
Freyleth: "Boss Trenlor got exactly what he deserved. And now I want to talk to our friend here."
Adusa-daro: "Let's go, Kathad. Freyleth has chosen her path. It's time you took another."

Talk to Freyleth.

"Did you see the expression on that bastard's face? We made him pay for all the pain and suffering he caused.
As for you, I thank you. I could use someone like you when I take Trenlor's place as leader of the clan."
I thought the darkcap mushroom was only supposed to weaken Boss Trenlor.
"And it did its job splendidly! He certainly looks infinitely weaker to me.
I'm sorry I deceived you, but look around. Do you see one face that mourns Trenlor? No. They will cheer your name for saving the Lothid clan. Your name … and mine."
Why did you trick me into murdering Boss Trenlor?
"Trenlor was a monster. This was the only safe way to put an end to his reign of terror. Now someone truly worthy can take command of the Lothid clan.
Someone exactly like me."
What about Kathad? Will you try to stop him from joining the Ravenwatch?
"Oh, darling, no. Kathad has too much damn virtue in his blood for my taste. Gets it from Adusa, no doubt. Lothid is my clan. It always has been. I will lead it with vision and purpose. Make it truly great again.
Now, if you will excuse me …."

She'll then turn to the gathered crowd:

Freyleth: "We are free, my brothers and sisters! Let us drink to the Lothid clan and its new leader—me!"
Freyleth: "Oh, don't worry. I didn't poison all of the chalices!"
Kathad: "I wanted to save the clan, but not like this."
Freyleth: "Leaving me, Kathad? Fine. Go join your precious cat and pretend not to be the monster you are."

It's time to leave. The lift to the north will take you back up to the entrance. You'll find Adusa and Kathad outside.

Kathad: "Freyleth lied to us, but the clan is better off in her hands than Boss Trenlor's. I'm ready to join the Ravenwatch now."
Adusa-daro: "That's her way, Kathad. Five-claw, a word."

Talk to Adusa to receive your reward for helping her retrieve Kathad.

"This one hates being used. Boss Trenlor needed to be dealt with, but there was no honor in how that played out. I should have expected Freyleth's deception. Still, it twists Adusa's tail.
At least Kathad seems ready to move on now."
Do you still plan to induct Kathad into the Ravenwatch?
"Absolutely. Kathad risked everything to save his clan. He performed admirably, despite Freyleth's dark influence. He will make a fine addition to our family.
And Adusa appreciates your help, five-claw. The Ravenwatch will not forget your service."


  • After agreeing to help Adusa-daro, her pathing may break when she says that she to follow her into the tower, and will instead remain standing still at the pillar she is initially found leaning on. ?
  • While Adusa-daro is your follower, despite being armed with a bow, she won't attack enemies during combat, and will simply continue to follow you around while crouching. ?
  • Interacting with the boxes of disguises while disguised results in the looting animation playing out, with nothing occurring at the end of it. ?
    • Unlike other quests with disguises involved, being spotted and entering combat doesn't remove the disguise, rending the boxes of disguises pretty much pointless. ?

Quest Stages[edit]

By Love Betrayed
Finishes Quest Journal Entry
I should find Adusa-daro near the old Dwarven lift and find out more about what she needs help with.
Objective: Find Adusa-daro
I located Adusa-daro. Now I should talk to her and ask her about Kathad and the Lothid clan.
Objective: Talk to Adusa-daro
Latest start Adusa-daro wants me to meet her down below in the Dwarven ruins so we can find Kathad. The lift should descend into the cavern that houses the ruins of Reachwind Depths.
Objective: Use the Dwarven Lift
I should talk to Adusa-daro and ask her about her plan for entering the Reachwind Depths Ruins.
Objective: Talk to Adusa-daro
Adusa wants me to find an old sluice gate and use that to get inside the ruins the locals call the Reachwind Depths.
Objective: Enter the Reachwind Depths Ruins
I entered the Dwarven ruins. Now I need to find a place where I can observe Adusa-daro's confrontation with the leader of the Lothid clan, Boss Trenlor.
Objective: Find Boss Trenlor's Court
I found a place that overlooks Boss Trenlor's court. I should observe as Adusa talks to him.
Objective: Observe the Confrontation
Boss Trenlor had Adusa-daro tossed into the Deep Tombs. Adusa said that if that happened, it would be up to me to find her and rescue her.
Objective: Find Adusa-daro
I found Adusa-daro in the Deep Tombs. I should talk to her.
Objective: Talk to Adusa-daro
Adusa-daro wants to search the Deep Tombs and locate Kathad. I should help her find him.
Objective: Search for Kathad
Hidden Objective: Find Kathad
We found Kathad in a storage chamber with another vampire. Adusa wants me to talk to him.
Objective: Talk to Kathad
Kathad refuses to leave until he helps Freyleth accomplish her plan to overthrow Boss Trenlor and provide a new direction for the Lothid clan. I should talk to Freyleth and learn about this plan.
Objective: Talk to Freyleth
Kathad won't leave until he's sure the clan has a new leader. I agreed to help Freyleth accomplish her plan by acquiring a mushroom that grows in the Blinds, the caverns beneath the Deep Tombs. She can use the mushroom to weaken Boss Trenlor.
Objective: Enter the Blinds
I need to search the Blinds, the caves beneath the Deep Tombs, to find the darkcap mushroom that Freyleth needs to weaken Boss Trenlor and accomplish her plan.
Objective: Find the Darkcap Mushroom
This huge section of the Blinds seems the likely place to find a darkcap mushroom. I should look around.
Objective: Gather the Darkcap Mushroom
I gathered the darkcap mushroom for Freyleth. Now I need to find the lift that leads to the servant's quarters so I can meet Kathad and Freyleth.
Objective: Find the Lift
Hidden Objective: Find a Path Up
I found the lift that Freyleth mentioned. I should use it so I can meet her and Kathad in the servant's quarters.
Objective: Use the Lift
Adusa wants to talk before we meet with Kathad and Freyleth.
Objective: Talk to Adusa-daro
We found Kathad and Freyleth in the servant's quarters. I should talk to him.
Objective: Talk to Kathad
Kathad gave me a disguise so I can blend in as one of Boss Trenlor's servants. I should put it on before I leave this chamber.
Objective: Put on the Servant Disguise
Now that I'm wearing the disguise, I need to sneak past the clan vampires and reach Boss Trenlor's court so I can drop the darkcap mushroom into his chalice of blood.
Objective: Go to Boss Trenlor's Court
Now that I reached Boss Trenlor's court, I should place the darkcap mushroom in his chalice of blood.
Objective: Place the Darkcap Mushroom in the Chalice
I placed the darkcap mushroom in Boss Trenlor's chalice of blood. Now I should take the chalice and present it to him.
Objective: Take Boss Trenlor's Chalice
I should give the chalice of blood tainted with the darkcap mushroom to Boss Trenlor.
Objective: Give Boss Trenlor the Chalice
I should wait and see what the blood tainted with darkcap mushroom does to Boss Trenlor.
Objective: Wait for Boss Trenlor
Freyleth lied to us. The darkcap mushroom didn't weaken Boss Trenlor. It killed him! I should talk to her and get an explanation.
Objective: Talk to Freyleth
After Freyleth tricked us into poisoning Boss Trenlor and took over the Lothid clan, Adusa left in disgust. I should meet her outside.
Objective: Meet Adusa-daro Outside
Finishes quest☑ I helped Adusa-daro convince Kathad to leave the Lothid clan. I should talk to her.
Objective: Talk to Adusa-daro
* Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g., <Alias=LocationHold>) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
  • Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
  • Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.