Online:Beyond a Veil of Twilight
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Zerith-var received a letter from Cantor Krin'ze asking us to meet with her. Zerith believes it might have something to do with the Rajaska.
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Beyond a Veil of Twilight | |
Finishes Quest | Journal Entry |
Cantor Krin'ze asked to meet with us at Redfur Trading Post in Grahtwood. We should head there now.
Objective: Meet Cantor Krin'ze at Redfur Trading Post
Zerith and I found Cantor Krin'ze at Redfur Trading Post. I should speak with her.
Objective: Talk to Cantor Krin'ze
Cantor Krin'ze told us that a cantor named Izalgo disappeared after being summoned to attend an exorcism in the area. Zerith and I should ask around the Redfur Trading Post for any information on his whereabouts.
Objective: Talk to the Residents of Redfur Trading Post
Hidden Objective: Question Residents of Redfur
Zerith and I questioned the residents of Redfur about Cantor Izalgo. We learned that he and the Inquisitors of the Torval Curiata accompanying him headed for Goldfolly, just south of Redfur Trading Post.
Objective: Go to Goldfolly
Zerith and I arrived at Goldfolly in search of the missing Twilight Cantor Izalgo and his Inquisitor escorts. We should search Goldfolly for more information.
Objective: Search Goldfolly
Zerith and I found a recently deceased Inquisitor of the Torval Curiata. Zerith believes he can communicate with the Inquisitor's spirit to get more information about what happened here.
Objective: Wait for Zerith-var
Zerith called forth the spirit of a recently deceased Inquisitor of the Torval Curiata. I should speak with the spirit to get more information on what happened to it and the rest of Cantor Izalgo's party.
Objective: Talk to the Spirit
Zerith and I learned from a deceased Inquisitor that Izalgo, the missing Twilight Cantor, was apparently lured beneath Goldfolly by a Rajaska. I should search behind the stables for the entrance.
Objective: Find the Door Behind the Stables
It seems there's an old mining tunnel beneath Goldfolly. I should search it for any sign of Cantor Izalgo and the missing Inquisitors.
Objective: Search the Abandoned Mining Tunnel
Zerith and I discovered a journal belonging to the missing Twilight Cantor, Izalgo. We should return to Cantor Krin'ze at Redfur Trading Post and tell her what we learned.
Objective: Meet Cantor Krin'ze at Redfur Trading Post
(Appears when High Cantor Viti appears.)Optional Step: Talk to High Cantor Viti
Zerith and I discovered a journal belonging to the missing Twilight Cantor, Izalgo. We should return to Cantor Krin'ze at Redfur Trading Post and tell her what we learned.
Objective: Talk to Cantor Krin'ze
Cantor Krin'ze suggests we learn more about Ravith-morna. I should speak to Zerith-var and find out what he knows about the leader of the Rajaska.
Objective: Talk to Zerith-var
Zerith wants to share his memories of Ravith-morna with me and Krin'ze. We need to travel to Jode's Light in Reaper's March, where he can enact a ritual to show us his memories.
Objective: Go to Jode's Light
Zerith and I made it to Jode's Light. I should make my way to ritual room to witness Zerith's memories.
Objective: Enter the Ritual Chamber
Cantor Krin'ze made it to the ritual chamber in Jode's Light before us. She prepared the chamber for Zerith, who has instructed me to ignite the braziers to begin the ritual.
Objective: Ignite the Braziers: 0/2
Cantor Krin'ze and I are going to witness Zerith's memories of Ravith-morna through a ritual. I should kneel before the meditation altar to begin.
Objective: Kneel Before the Altar and Meditate
I entered Zerith's first memory of Ravith-morna. Zerith told me by peering into the light of memory we can walk through his past, side by side. I should touch the light of memory to experience this event.
Objective: Explore the First Memory
(Appears after witnessing the two scenes in memory)Objective Hint: Talk to Zerith-var
I entered Zerith's second memory of Ravith-morna. By peering into the light of memory, we can walk through his past. I should touch the light of memory to experience the next event.
Objective: Explore the Second Memory
(Appears after witnessing the two scenes in memory)Objective Hint: Talk to Zerith-var
I entered Zerith's third memory of Ravith-morna. By peering into the light of memory, we can walk through his past. I should touch the light of memory to experience the next event.
Objective: Explore the Third Memory
(Appears after witnessing the two scenes in memory)Objective Hint: Talk to Zerith-var
Zerith abruptly ended the memory and demanded we stop the ritual. He needs a moment to gather himself and suggested I speak with Cantor Krin'ze. Maybe she understands what we just saw and knows what we should do next.
Objective: Talk to Cantor Krin'ze
After witnessing Moon-Singer Talbira's control over the Rajaska, Cantor Krin'ze wants to visit the Tomb of the Moon-Singers in Rimmen Necropolis. There we can try to commune with Talbira's spirit. Zerith opened a portal. Time to step inside.
Objective: Go to Rimmen Necropolis
We arrived at the Rimmen Necropolis. We should search for the Tomb of the Moon-Singers, which lies somewhere to the northeast.
Objective: Find the Tomb of the Moon-Singers
We entered the Tomb of the Moon-Singers. Now we need to find Moon-Singer Talbira's resting place.
Objective: Search for Moon-Singer Talbira's Resting Place
We found the remains of Moon-Singer Talbira. Zerith instructed me to examine her remains so he can invite her spirit to talk to us.
Objective: Examine Moon-Singer Talbira's Remains
Something strange happened when Zerith summoned the spirit of Moon-Singer Talbira. I should speak to Cantor Krin'ze to find out more.
Objective: Talk to Cantor Krin'ze
Izalgo-morna, the fallen Twilight Cantor we sought at Goldfolly, ambushed us in Rimmen Necropolis. I should help Zerith defeat him so we can free him from Ravith-morna's control.
Objective: Defeat Izalgo-morna
Cantor Krin'ze went through a portal that Zerith-var opened for her. Now that we dealt with Cantor Izalgo's spirit, we should follow through the portal and meet up with Krin'ze.
Objective: Follow Cantor Krin'ze Through the Portal
I should speak with Cantor Krin'ze about what happened in the Tomb of the Moon-Singers.
Objective: Talk to Cantor Krin'ze
Moon-Singer Talbira's spirit apparently now resides within Cantor Krin'ze. I should speak to Zerith about what this means for us.
Objective: Talk to Zerith-var
We strengthened our bond of friendship and recovered Moon-Singer Talbira's song. Now all we need to do is figure out how to find Ravith-morna. I should talk to Zerith-var.
Objective: Talk to Zerith-var
* Any text displayed in angle brackets (e.g.,
) is dynamically set by the game and will be filled in with the appropriate word(s) when seen in game.
- Not all Journal Entries may appear in your journal; which entries appear and which entries do not depends on the manner in which the quest is done.
- Stages are not always in order of progress. This is usually the case with quests that have multiple possible outcomes or quests where certain tasks may be done in any order. Some stages may therefore repeat objectives seen in other stages.