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Online:Beldun Andas

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Beldun Andas
Home Settlement Quarantine Serk
Race Dark Elf Gender Male
Health 25,974
Reaction Justice Neutral
Pickpocket Easy Profession Beggar
Beldun Andas

Beldun Andas is a Dark Elf beggar found at Quarantine Serk. His siblings are Ani, Sevilon, Balves and Quell Andas.


Before Bad Medicine is complete, he will hallucinate from his symptoms:

"Ani? Is that you? I hope they let me in soon. And I hope it's warm in there. I'm so cold."

After Bad Medicine is completed, he will be disappointed by the lack of a real cure:

"You mean there isn't any cure? I guess this is what true disappointment feels like."

After Quest for the Cure is completed, he will be drinking the suppressant to hold off the plague:

"Nilyne says that vile potion she made me drink will keep the plague from turning me into a zombie.
I guess it didn't taste that bad, after all."