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Online:Aksel Rockbiter

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Aksel Rockbiter is an NPC hireling that sends you blacksmithing materials via the in-game mail, after the first hireling, Valinka Stoneheaver, has sent all her letters to you. His correspondence begins while he is living with his abusive mother. He is eventually charmed by a girl namd Narasgi and decides to marry her. Unable to find an affordable hut, they both move together into his mother's house, and his correspondence ends when he remarks upon his now stable life with his mother and wife.


Aksel Rockbiter Correspondence
Number Author Message
101 Aksel Rockbiter Greetings! I am Aksel Rockbiter. I heard a lot about you. I am sure you have heard of me too. I am the greatest finder of things ever! I have made my first delivery. I hope you enjoy it. More will come soon! - Aksel
102 Aksel Rockbiter Hello. It is me again, Aksel. Aksel Rockbiter. I hope you used my first delivery to make swords that kill people. I like swords. Sharp ones are best, but sometimes I cut myself with them. Anyway, here are some supplies. Enjoy!
103 Aksel Rockbiter Aksel here. Thank you for the monies. I use them to buy potions for Mother. She has pains in her joints. The potions help. I rub them on her joints. Sometimes I do not like this, but she is my Mother. So I rub. I will write soon, Aksel Rockbiter.
104 Aksel Rockbiter Guess who this is. No, it is Aksel! I write you again to tell you I have found more supplies for you. You sound like a good blacksmith, so I think you need lots of supplies. And so I bring some. Your friend, Aksel Rockbiter.
105 Aksel Rockbiter You have needs, Aksel provides! Once again, supplies for you. I hope you are using them to make swords. Swords are nice. - Aksel
106 Aksel Rockbiter Sorry these supplies are late. Mother had her pains again. Much rubbing was needed. I was late filling your order. Please do not fire me. It will not happen again.
107 Aksel Rockbiter Someone tried to poke me with a sword today. I hope is was not one of yours, as it broke. I know you would not make such a bad sword, not with the good supplies I send you. Best wishes, Aksel.
108 Aksel Rockbiter Mother hit me today. She says my writing is not good. I say it is the thought that matters. She says my thoughts are not good too. I am sad but I still send supplies. I hope you are still my friend. - Aksel
109 Aksel Rockbiter I hope you are well. Mother says that maybe you do not make swords at all. May be you make armor. I like swords, but armor is good too. - Aksel Rockbiter
110 Aksel Rockbiter I am sorry if you ran out of supplies. Here are more. Please do not fire me. I had to travel very far to find them. I was late getting home and Mother was very worried. She hit me many times. - Aksel
111 Aksel Rockbiter Sometimes, I wonder about this line of work. Mother says it is not good for me. Too many people and monsters try to kill me when I look for your supplies. Do not worry, I am still alive. And I am still Aksel Rockbiter.
112 Aksel Rockbiter I hope you like what I found for you today. I am very proud of myself. I had to fight a big bear and two little bears for it! The little bears bit my ankles. That hurt but I can still walk. Slowly. Enjoy your supplies.
113 Aksel Rockbiter Greetings. Very sore today. Sent what I could find. Hope it is enough. - Aksel
114 Aksel Rockbiter Feeling much better today. I know you were worried. Worry no more, my friend. I hope you are happy with your supplies today. I was happy not to be so sore. I think we are both happy. That makes me happy. - Aksel
115 Aksel Rockbiter Sometimes, I wish you were a breadsmith. Bread is easy to find! Your supplies are not easy to find. Also, bread is easy to work with too! It is very soft. And if you make mistakes, you can eat them! Think of it, please.
116 Aksel Rockbiter Mother says I am dumb. She says that a lot. She says that you will think I do not want to bring you supplies anymore. That is not true! I love bringing you supplies. Here are some more. Please do not fire me. - Aksel (Aksel Rockbiter)
117 Aksel Rockbiter I do not like Mother, sometimes. She is mean. Could I come live with you? I could bring your supplies faster that way. Think of it. - Aksel
118 Aksel Rockbiter Forget I said that thing I said yesterday. I love Mother. She told me so and said I could not leave. I leave your supplies for you and now go home to Mother. -Aksel Rockbiter
119 Aksel Rockbiter Do you have someone to love? I hope so. I have Mother and she says that is all I need. A Mother's love is the best love, I am told. Enjoy your supplies. -Aksel
120 Aksel Rockbiter I worked extra hard today to get you your supplies. I hope you are happy. Mother sends her love. - Aksel Rockbiter
121 Aksel Rockbiter Today was a good day. Lots of supplies for you. And Mother has gone to visit her sister, so the hut is all mine. It is a very good day. -Aksel
122 Aksel Rockbiter Mother still visiting her sister. My friends visited last night. We drank a lot of mead, which Mother does not allow. It was a good night but today is a bad day. My head hurts but I still found supplies for you. -Askel Bockriter
123 Aksel Rockbiter Another bad day. Mother is back. She is mad. After drinking mead, my friends wore all her clothes. It was funny but now they are all ripped. Mother yelled at me. All night. Here are your supplies. I go to sleep now. -Aksel
124 Aksel Rockbiter Mother took all my monies! To buy new clothes! I say unfair but she hit me until I gave her the monies. Now I need more so here are some supplies. -Aksel
125 Aksel Rockbiter I am not speaking to Mother today. She has all new clothes. With my monies. It is not fair. I will not speak to her until she gives me my monies back. Enjoy your supplies.
126 Aksel Rockbiter I did not sleep in the hut last night. Mother yelled too much. I sleeped in a barn. A cow pooped on me during the night. A little got on your supplies but I scraped it off. -Aksel
127 Aksel Rockbiter I met a girl today! She is very nice. I like her. She says I am big and strong. Mother says I am little and weak. Her name is Narasgi. The girl, not Mother. I am very excited. - Aksel Rockbiter
128 Aksel Rockbiter Narasgi wrote her name on my arm. That is how I remember. She helped me get your supplies today. That is why they are here so soon. Your friend, Aksel.
129 Aksel Rockbiter I am very excited again. Tonight, I bring Narasgi home to Mother. Mother will love her, I am sure. I almost forget your supplies, I am so excited, but Narasgi reminded me. - Aksel
130 Aksel Rockbiter Mother did not like Narasgi. I am sure you are surprised. I was sure Mother would love her like I do. As soon as we got home, Mother yelled at me and hit me. Then Narasgi yelled at Mother and hit her. There was no dinner.
131 Aksel Rockbiter Today was a bad day. Mother was mad at me. Narasgi was mad at me. I hope you are not mad at me too. Have some supplies. -Aksel
132 Aksel Rockbiter Mother and Narasgi are not talking to me today. Not sure if this is a good day or a bad one. More supplies for you. -Aksel
133 Aksel Rockbiter Good day today. Good supplies for you. And Naragsi talked to me today! She told me to shut up and go away. She still likes me!
134 Aksel Rockbiter Hello again. Mother still not speaking to me. I like it. Naragsi helped me get your supplies. May be you can smell her perfume on them? That is the best smell. - Aksel
135 Aksel Rockbiter Mother spoke to me today. Very loudly. She does not like Narasgi. She says Narasgi wants to kill her and eat her. I do not think so. Narasgi is not Bosmer, I do not think. - Aksel
136 Aksel Rockbiter It is Aksel again. Narasgi says to ignore Mother. I cannot ignore Mother. I do not know what ignore means. I am confused. But I left supplies for you.
137 Aksel Rockbiter Narasgi is very good to me. She is teaching me to write better. You may have seen that writing is hard for me. But no more! I will still get supplies for you, never fear! - Aksel
138 Aksel Rockbiter It is me, Aksel. Narasgi taught me to spell the right way. I am very proud. I hope you enjoy your supplies very much. - Aksel
139 Aksel Rockbiter Mother still does not like Narasgi. She says she is bossy and mean. Narasgi tells me to ignore Mother. She told me what that means too, so now I will try. But Mother is hard to ignore. - Aksel Rockbiter
140 Aksel Rockbiter I am better now. Narasgi likes me again, I am sure. And when Mother talks about her, I do the ignore. This makes me happy. I hope you are happy with your supplies. - Your friend very much, Aksel
141 Aksel Rockbiter How is Mother like a tree? They are both best when they leave! Narasgi told me that joke today. I laughed so hard mead came out my nose. I did not tell Mother the joke. I think she would not like it. - Aksel
142 Aksel Rockbiter Mother is mad at me. Every time I see her, I think of Narasgi's joke and I laugh. But I can't tell Mother what is funny. That makes her mad. Enjoy your supplies!
143 Aksel Rockbiter I was bit by wolves today. I was looking for your supplies when I saw a tree. I thought of Mother and laughed again, very loud. Wolves heard me and bit me all over. Some blood is on your supplies. I hope you do not mind. - Aksel
144 Aksel Rockbiter Hello, my friend! Another good day today. I spent it with Narasgi. We looked for your supplies, of course. Enjoy your day! - Aksel
145 Aksel Rockbiter It is very strange, how happy I feel. May be it is Narasgi. May be it is Mother not speaking to me again. May be both. Anyway I am happy. I hope you are too. - Aksel
146 Aksel Rockbiter I like being Aksel very much. Every time Narasgi says my name, I feel funny in my stomach. Sometimes I throw up, which makes Narasgi laugh. I like to make her laugh but I do not like to throw up. - Aksel
147 Aksel Rockbiter I thought a lot today. Thinking hurts my head so I try not to do it. Narasgi is a nice girl. She reminds me of Mother. A lot. I got your supplies. Now I must lie down for awhile, then think some more. - Aksel
148 Aksel Rockbiter It is Aksel again. I think I will ask Narasgi to marry me. I think this is a good idea. I think I need to lie down again.
149 Aksel Rockbiter Hello friend. I am going to ask Narasgi to marry me. Today. My stomach feels very funny. I hope I do not throw up on Narasgi until after I ask her. Wish me lucks! - Aksel
150 Aksel Rockbiter Aksel here. I asked her. Then I threw up. That was a mistake. Narasgi asked for time to think. I hope it does not hurt her head. I got supplies for you while waiting for Narasgi to think.
151 Aksel Rockbiter Narasgi still thinking. I am worried. It does not take me that long to think. Mother says Narasgi does not like me. Sometimes I hate Mother. - Aksel
152 Aksel Rockbiter I am very sad. Narasgi is still thinking. Mother is right. She does not love me. Narasgi, not Mother. Mother loves me. She tells me all the time. May be a mother's love is best. I am still sad though. - Aksel
153 Aksel Rockbiter Happy, happy, happy! Narasgi will marry me! I am so happy. Mother was wrong! Here are your supplies, I must go see Narasgi again. - Aksel Rockbiter
154 Aksel Rockbiter I am happy, Narasgi is happy, Mother is mad. I hope you are happy not mad. Mother yells when she is mad. You do not yell at me. That is why I like you. Plus the monies you send me. - Aksel
155 Aksel Rockbiter Narasgi thinks we should get a hut of our own when we are married. Mother thinks Narasgi should get a hut and live there alone. I like Narasgi's idea better. More supplies for you!
156 Aksel Rockbiter This is Aksel. Sorry I was late with your supplies. Mother and Narasgi were fighting and my head hurt. Mother wants to live with us in our hut. Narasgi said over her dead body. Mother said that would be nice. Then they fought. My head hurts again.
157 Aksel Rockbiter They are still fighting. Mother and Narasgi. I stayed away all day, getting supplies for you. I am afraid to go back to the hut. I will sleep on the ground tonight and hope the bears do not eat me. - Aksel
158 Aksel Rockbiter The bears did not eat me. It is Aksel, if you could not tell. I have not gone home yet. The woods seem safer. I found lots of supplies for you. - Aksel
159 Aksel Rockbiter I went home today. Mother is not speaking to me again. But she did speak to tell me she was mad at me. Then she stopped. It was nice. Here are your supplies. - Aksel
160 Aksel Rockbiter Narasgi says that you are not interested in my personal life. I do not believe that as you are my friend. I will keep telling you things but not tell Narasgi. You do not tell her too please. - Aksel
161 Aksel Rockbiter Is blacksmith a dangerous job? Narasgi thinks my job is too full of danger. She wants me to do a safer job once we are married. But I like my job. Today I found some good supplies for you. - Aksel
162 Aksel Rockbiter Narasgi and me had our first fight. It was about you. I want to keep working for you. She does not want me to. We talked about it all day, sometimes very loudly. We are not talking now. - Aksel
163 Aksel Rockbiter Aksel here. We are talking again. Narasgi and me. She wants to get married right away. Mother says we should wait. I have to go lie down and think. I hope it does not hurt too much.
164 Aksel Rockbiter My head hurts today. Narasgi and me are getting married tomorrow. We found you some good supplies today and did not fight at all. - Aksel
165 Aksel Rockbiter I am married! To Narasgi! Oh, it is me, Aksel. Left you some supplies. Must go now. -Aksel
166 Aksel Rockbiter Married life is good! I do not know why I did not get married long ago. But no one would have me, I guess. Must go now. - Aksel
167 Aksel Rockbiter Now that I am married, I must provide for my family. Mother and Narasgi tell me this. So I am working extra hard to find you good supplies. - Aksel
168 Aksel Rockbiter Narasgi is with me all the time now. Mother has told her she must keep an eye on me. I do not know why. But we find supplies for you very fast now! Your friend, Aksel.
169 Aksel Rockbiter Hello. It is me. Aksel. Narasgi and me worked all morning to find supplies for you. Then we looked at huts. For us to live in. Huts cost a lot of monies. We need to find many more supplies for you.
170 Aksel Rockbiter Here are your supplies, early today. More hut shopping for me and Narasgi. Life was simpler when I lived with Mother but not as much fun. - Aksel
171 Aksel Rockbiter Huts, huts, huts. I am sick of looking at huts! I never want to see another hut! I said this to Narasgi and she growled at me. She never growled at me before we were married. More huts tomorrow I think. - Aksel.
172 Aksel Rockbiter I had a good idea. We could live in Mother's hut! With Mother! It would save lots of monies. Narasgi growled at me again. So I went out and found some supplies for you. - Aksel
173 Aksel Rockbiter Aksel Rockbiter here. I am sending your supplies before Narasgi and me go looking at huts again. I do not say I am sick of looking at huts anymore. Goodbye for now.
174 Aksel Rockbiter Today was a good day. Narasgi said she is sick of looking at huts! We spent all day finding your supplies. I hope you make some good swords with them! - Aksel
175 Aksel Rockbiter We are going to stay with Mother! Oh, this is Aksel. Narasgi says we will live with Mother until we can buy a hut of our own. Now to tell Mother the good news. I left supplies for you in the same place. - Aksel Rockbiter
176 Aksel Rockbiter Mother does not want us! I am very sad. Narasgi is very mad. She told me to find your supplies and she will talk to Mother again. I hope they do not hurt each other. - Aksel
177 Aksel Rockbiter Mother wants us! She and Narasgi talked and talked. Mother has black eyes from all the talking. And now she wants us to live in her hut! I am so happy. I almost forgot your supplies, but here they are. - Aksel
178 Aksel Rockbiter Narasgi moved into Mother's hut today. I moved back in too. Mother made me sleep outside with the pigs since me and Narasgi got married. I will have a good sleep tonight. Supplies are here for you. - Aksel Rockbiter
179 Aksel Rockbiter I had a good sleep. I hope you did too. Narasgi snores but I put mud in my ears and slept. Oh, this is Aksel Rockbiter again. I have your supplies, as always.
180 Aksel Rockbiter Mother complained about Narasgi snoring. She complained loudly. Then Narasgi looked at her and Mother stopped complaining. That has never happened before. I am happy they are getting along so good. - Aksel
181 Aksel Rockbiter A quiet hut is a happy hut. I made that up just now. Me, Aksel Rockbiter! Our hut is very happy. Mother is very quiet. Sometimes I forget she is even here. Life is good. Your supplies are good too. - Aksel
182 Aksel Rockbiter More supplies for you! Narasgi sent me out early today. She and Mother are moving furniture. We have only three tree stumps for chairs and one big stump for a table but it took them all day. I am just happy they are happy. - Aksel
183 Aksel Rockbiter Do you know any more blacksmiths? Narasgi wants me to make more monies. I will be very busy with more customers but Narasgi does not mind. She says it is good for me to be out in the fresh air. She is very good to me. - Aksel
184 Aksel Rockbiter I found another blacksmith! I am very happy. I will try very hard to not mix up your supplies with hers. Narasgi says Mother will help me. I left supplies for you. I hope they are yours. - Aksel
185 Aksel Rockbiter Narasgi found me two more blacksmiths to supply. She says we must diverspiffy...spread out. I am very very busy now. Your friend Aksel.
186 Aksel Rockbiter Do not worry. You are my best blacksmith. The others mean nothing to me. - Aksel
187 Aksel Rockbiter Are you happy with your supplies? Narasgi says your happiness is very important to us. Please let Mother know if you are not happy. She handles all our complaints. - Aksel of The Aksel Rockbiter Supply Company
188 Aksel Rockbiter I am sorry about my last note. Narasgi made me write it. I write this note in secret. I hope you are still my friend even though I find supplies for other blacksmiths. - Aksel
189 Aksel Rockbiter Too busy to write much. Your supplies are here. Your friend Aksel.
190 Aksel Rockbiter Narasgi and me had our first married fight. I am too tired from finding all the supplies. I can not do this any more. I said this to Narasgi and she said I am a bad husband. Today was a bad day. - Aksel
191 Aksel Rockbiter It is Aksel again. Narasgi and me are still fighting. I want to work only for you but Narasgi says that is not enough monies. Mother says she is on my side but when Narasgi is near she says nothing. but I still found supplies for you. -Aksel
192 Aksel Rockbiter Narasgi is mad at me. She says I must find supplies for two blacksmiths but I can stop finding supplies for the others. I am happy. I was getting very tired. You are one of the two of course. - Aksel
193 Aksel Rockbiter I am very happy today. I am not tired and have so much energy! I found good supplies for you. I think you will be very happy. - Aksel
194 Aksel Rockbiter Narasgi and Mother are looking for furniture today. I hope it does not cost too many monies. We do not have many monies. But Narasgi says we need a bed. Mother says straw on the floor is good enough for us. Then she and Narasgi had a fight. -Aksel
195 Aksel Rockbiter I do not like our new bed. It is too high off the ground. I worry about falling out at night and hurting myself. Or landing on Mother on the floor by the bed. Oh, this is Aksel. Your supplies are waiting.
196 Aksel Rockbiter I fell out of bed last night. Five times. My ankle hurts. I had to walk on it all day to find your supplies. I hope you are happy. - Aksel
197 Aksel Rockbiter My ankle is better today. I am getting used to the bed. I fell out only three times last night! but I stepped on Mother once and she is mad at me. More supplies for you. - Aksel Rockbiter
198 Aksel Rockbiter I like our new bed. You should get one. It is good to sleep in a bed. Or under it. Mother sleeps there now so I do not step on her at night. I get more rest now so I find you lots of supplies. - Aksel
199 Aksel Rockbiter Narasgi and me found supplies for you today. Narasgi told me she loves me. Then she hit me so it must be true. I am very happy. - Aksel
200 Aksel Rockbiter Today was a good day. I think tomorrow will be too. I am happy, Narasgi is happy, Mother is almost happy. I hope you are happy. As always, supplies for you. - Your friend always, Aksel Rockbiter