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Location A treehouse west of Karthdar
Race Redguard Gender Male
Health 39,959
Reaction Friendly
Old look

Afwa is a Redguard seated inside a treehouse west of Karthdar. He lives there together with Rinces and Tholor the Dreg.

Related Quests[edit]

Quest-Related Events[edit]

Approaching him:


Speaking to him:

"Don't get many visitors. If you're here for the ruin, best turn back. No good's come outta that place in … oh, several hundred years. Give or take a decade or so."
What ruin?
""What ruin?" As if any other mattered. Laeloria. Sealed up tighter than an Ansei tomb. Twice as dangerous.
That's the kind of thing that happens when Daedric Princes start feuding with one another. Shame what happened to Culanwe, though."
Who is Culanwe?
"Priestess of Azura. Molag Bal's been torturing her longer than you, me, maybe even those trees have been alive—and he's not likely to stop unless someone makes him.
Old Vastarie tried, Haven't seen her since."
Molag Bal? I'll make him stop.
Afwa and Rinces

You can ask him a few more questions after accepting the quest.

"Best of luck to you. Laeloria's sealed up tight, and by Azura's own hand. It'll take some doing to get in, never mind thwart Molag Bal, rescue Culanwe, and make your way back here.
Say hello to Vastarie if she's still kicking, will you? It's been an age."
How do you know so much about Laeloria?
"Used to study magic, back in the day, Under a powerful mage named Vastarie. Taught Tholor and me everything we know.
We were her best students, so when she walked into Laeloria, she told us what to do if things went wrong."
What did she say?
"She gave us a crystal. Told us if the beacon on her tower ever turns red, we're to break it, no questions asked. When we do, everything around her tower—trees, Laeloria, all of it—will be unmade.
If we don't … well. We're in trouble."
What sort of trouble?
"Well, we're not sure exactly, but when Vastarie went down there, Daedra poured out and killed all our fellow students. It was all we could do to make it to a safe vantage point. But the tower never turned, so here we are."
How long have you been waiting?
"Tholor says it's a hundred years this Rain's Hand, but me? I'd put it more at ninety-seven—give or take a few."

If you start the question through Azura, he will alternatively say:

"Any luck?" (Leads to same questions being asked)

Returning to him after the quest:

"Never thought I'd see the day. And here Tholor and I were thinking of taking on apprentices of our own! Haha! Could you imagine?
Thanks, wayfarer. You're certainly a force to be reckoned with."
