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Oblivion talk:Vinicia Melissaeia

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Can't Find Vinicia[edit]

I'm trying to buy the waterfront shack and I can't find this person anywhere. She's not in the commerce office, its unlocked at all hours and the door icon is red, but no one is there. — Unsigned comment by Bluelf88 (talkcontribs) at 02:58 on 13 June 2008‎

I can't imagine how, but it's possible that she's died or something. If you have a PC, open the Oblivion:Console and enter player.moveto 0004798B, which will take you directly to her no matter where she is. If you're using an XBox or PS3, then there's no way I know of to determine what the problem is...try looking around the streets to see if she's somehow run from house and been killed. Normally, she never leaves that house, though, so it would be almost impossible for her to get injured or killed unless you did so yourself. The only exception to her routine that I can see is during Oblivion:Light the Dragonfires, where I believe her doors stay locked the whole time the city is under attack. --Robin Hood (TalkE-mailContribs) 13:43, 18 June 2008 (EDT)

Disposition Problem?[edit]

from the main page:

Vinicia may refuse to sell you the the house and say she doesn't trust you enough. She may do so even with her disposition maximized. In that case try to bribe her once or twice.

I can't trigger this problem at all, so I thought I would put it here for now. In my game, she will sell me the house if her disposition is 50 or over. Could anybody look this up in the CS and check, if it is possible for her disposition to be "maxed", even if it is under 50? --Krusty 22:19, 17 November 2009 (UTC)

It's true that once a person's disposition gets to a certain point you can no longer play the persuasion minigame with them, in which case bribing would be a sensible option. However, it's not a bug and doesn't belong on the main page. Legoless 12:21, 11 June 2010 (UTC)

"Vinivia" Melissaeia[edit]

So is some sort of glitch or recording mistake behind all the NPCs in the Imperial City referring to Vinicia as "Vinivia" with a 'v'? As far as I can tell Vinicia herself is the only NPC that actually knows her real name.Lord Nordeck 08:27, 26 May 2011 (UTC)

I don't know what dialogue you mean - having just checked the sound files it's all clearly "Vinicia". Interesting that female Nords say "I understand that she takes a lot of complaints, but nothing ever comes of them." instead of "I understand that Vinicia takes a lot of complaints, but nothing ever comes of them." though. I checked all those, all the "Vinicia may have the worst job in Cyrodiil. She takes complaints all day, and nothing ever comes of them.", and the "If there's a complaint about a merchant, speak to Vinicia Melissaeia." (only Redguards say that one). Nobody says "Vinivia". rpeh •TCE 08:48, 26 May 2011 (UTC)
Odd, maybe it's just my game for some reason (I'm playing on the PS3 GotY version). Oh well, thanks anyway! Lord Nordeck 05:39, 29 May 2011 (UTC)
I found a specific dialogue now, from Rindir in the Market District: "Vinivia Melissaeia takes all the merchant complaints in the city." He even pronounced the extra 'v'. And then Phintias at the book store said her name properly. Oh well, I still think it might just be the game version I'm using. Lord Nordeck 04:04, 19 June 2011 (UTC)
Oh yes. Found it this time, although I'm not sure why I didn't find this one last time. rpeh •TCE 10:15, 20 June 2011 (UTC)