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Oblivion talk:Roxey Inn

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What sort of cleanup does this page need? --GuildKnight 18:16, 27 February 2007 (EST)

Good question, and I don't really know. There aren't any glaring issues and we don't really have a standard inn layout. So I'll just go ahead and delete the tag. If someone has more info, they can put it back with some suggestions. --Nephele 23:59, 27 February 2007 (EST)


I for some reason can't edit it in, but just for a tip, shouldn't somebody say that at level 20, there is a 100% chance that you will get Full Daedric and (almost) Full Glass (probably with a helmet, possibly not) — Unsigned comment by Ddpacker (talkcontribs) on 12 July 2008

Interesting details. You can add them yourself if you'd like. Anyone can edit a page, as far as I know. Apophis2412 06:25, 1 August 2008 (EDT)
Although those details belong on the pages of the individual NPCs wearing the armor, not on the place page, especially since the NPCs in question are not always found in the Roxey Inn. And as far as I know, the NPC pages already contain the information (e.g., Claude Maric, Rigmor). --NepheleTalk 11:20, 1 August 2008 (EDT)


Should it be worth mentioning the Umbacanno quests being related to here, since the bandits you encounter on it, along with Claude, live here? Lucky the Cat Guy. 23:28, 30 December 2008 (EST)

I don't think so. You never come to the inn as part of those quests, only as a side-show if you, for instance, choose to chase Claude all the way back from Malada. –RpehTCE 00:43, 31 December 2008 (EST)
I think it seems notable, but may belong on the NPCs specific listings. 02:44, 13 March 2009 (EDT)

Too late?[edit]

I was trying to write down the schedules for all the regulars of this inn (including Brucetus Festinius, Claude Maric, Rigmor and S'razirr) , but I'm in the middle of the Nothing You Can Possess-quest, with no save before that. Im at the point, where they are waiting for me at the entrance to Malada. Too late for me to get them back to the Inn? Krusty 16:23, 10 March 2009 (EDT)

Umm, I think so. If you've gotten to the point that they are actually waiting for you outside then the quest script will make it impossible for them to return to the inn. --SerCenKing 16:31, 10 March 2009 (EDT)
Too bad! And thanks for the quick reply! Krusty 16:33, 10 March 2009 (EDT)

Moved from Oblivion talk:Glarthir:

I have a feeling, they become unavailable after the quest have started. Nevermind, I started a new game, and are watching them at the Inn right now. Krusty 10:57, 11 March 2009 (EDT)
Thats not true about the script making it impossible for them to return becasue on my game they returned there(if the're alive)..but ive only checked after ive finished the "secrets of the ayleids".. — Unsigned comment by (talk) on 9 April 2009

Zero Visibility Regulars[edit]

Has anyone else noticed the completely cloaked guy talking to the other regulars? I think it was Ancotar. Can anyone else verify who it is? 02:40, 13 March 2009 (EDT)

Probably Claude Maric. I've often seen him with a chameleon-enchanted cuirass. –RpehTCE 03:37, 13 March 2009 (EDT)
Seconded. If you let him survive the quest Nothing You Can Possess, he will return to the Inn, still wearing full chameleon, as he did when he ambushed you at Malada. Krusty 04:59, 14 March 2009 (EDT)


It says that the chest in your room won't respawn. I'm guessing this means the room that you can rent. Can anybody confirm that the chest doesn't respawn? I'd like to know before I put stuff in it. — Unsigned comment by (talk) on 17 August 2009

Its contents don't respawn. It's the empty chest in your rented room. --Timenn-<talk> 12:02, 17 August 2009 (UTC)

Broken Quest?[edit]

If i choose to do None Which you can possess, will it be effected by the fact that the some of regulars died during an accidental frenzy incident, Claude didn't die, but the three goons did. --SneakyPenguin77 (also my Gamertag) 03:55, 4 October 2009 (UTC)

Given the line in the notes section here, Specifically: There is an Inn along the red ring road north of Imperial City called the Roxey Inn. Claude's henchmen hang out here when not adventuring. Killing them there prior to this quest may not be the smartest thing to do as there are Imperial Guards and other locals present at the inn. If you lower any of their dispositions enough, they will attack you, allowing you to kill them in advance with no ill effects to the questline and no bounty. Claude flees to this inn if he survives the fight outside the ruin. I don't think there will be an issue.— Unsigned comment by Dlarsh (talkcontribs) at 04:14 on 4 October 2009
Excellent, thanks. --SneakyPenguin77 (also my Gamertag) 05:30, 4 October 2009 (UTC)

Bar Brawl?... Sort of..?[edit]

Has Anyone noticed that if you wait in the Roxey Inn long enough S'razir will steal something and then the Guard, S'razir, and the other thugs will begin to fight?... Just something i felt like noting.. 18:44, 25 September 2010 (UTC)F.O.C.

S'razirr has low responsibility, which means that he will sometimes try to steal food when his eating time kicks in. The guard tried to "arrest" him but since NPCs can't decide to go to jail or resist arrest, the guard attacked him instead. The other thugs decided to ally with him rather than with the guard since they have higher disposition with S'razirr. Nothing special, just the normal game mechanics doing their job. --S'drassa T2M 18:59, 25 September 2010 (UTC)

Respawning Regulars?[edit]

Okay, so I started a fight and got everyone killed in Armor (meaning Meric and his thugs and the Legion soldier) on two games. Last night I accidentally deleted my first game. Do the guys in armor that I mentioned respawn?

broken chest outside of the rented rooms[edit]

I'm not sure why I haven't found any mention of this on the web, but upstairs just outside the rooms there is a chest that looks like it's been blown up or smashed. and I'm not sure if this is scripted or happened by chance, but when i was walking past it for the first time there was a bang (generic collision sound) and the lid went flying off.this chest doesn't work as a container and doesn't appear to have anything inside, but I believe it deserves a place in this article because it is a little quirk that makes this location stand out. I'm not sure if broken chests appear elsewhere but they are not common as this is the first i have seen — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 20:59 on 21 April 2013 (GMT)

I'm going to guess the banging was caused by a collision error that caused the lid to fly off. The chest is broken by default. As for how common the chest is? There are 10 of those specific chests in Oblivion (but only 7 of the smashed lids on the chest). It is not sufficiently interesting to deserve much attention. If someone wanted to do a thourough write up of this place, it might deserve a brief reference, but that is it. --AKB Talk Cont Mail 20:59, 21 April 2013 (GMT)