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Oblivion talk:Oghma Infinium/Archive 1

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This is an archive of past Oblivion talk:Oghma Infinium discussions. Do not edit the contents of this page, except for maintenance such as updating links.

Issue with Blade Skill

Okay, I got this book and read it went for the path of steel. Afterwards my xombat level went to 26, and my blade is only level 93, I've killed many demons and it has not shown any sign of experience on the bar next to blade...what can I do? — Unsigned comment by (talk)

Installing the patch would fix this problem. Otherwise, just keep playing and eventually you will start to gain experience again (at the point when you would reached blade skill 93 without reading the Oghma). It means that the Oghma ends up really just being a temporary perk, giving you the benefits of skill=93 earlier than you would have got them otherwise, but longterm not helping you to get to skill>93 any faster. --Nephele 18:04, 28 January 2007 (EST)

Thanks....So I just keep playing until it's as I just got 93 without the book? So the book is only good if you are within 10 levels from 100 blade correct? I was about to start my game all over again because of this problem...but I have the 360 version of the game, anythign different because of that?

Alright, so If I just keep fighting I'll get back up to original blade level? what abotu rings that fortify it? Or skill books? — Unsigned comment by (talk)

Without the patch, the Oghma is definitely less useful than it is supposed to be. Being on Xbox 360 doesn't make a difference; the same problem occurs in the unpatched PC version of the game (although on the PC there are a few more cheats available to make up for the glitch). Rings and other types of fortify blade enchantments/spells will work as normal, and will have no effect upon the amount of time it takes to train your natural skill up to 94. Skill books and purchased training will increase your skill as expected, but your skill will still not start going up naturally until you've made up for all the fighting you skipped. --Nephele 18:38, 28 January 2007 (EST)
Quick question, is it possible to fix this with the console rather than installing the patch? By setting your skill level or doing an advskill or something? --Vilhazarog 13:32, 13 March 2007 (EDT)
I think it should be possible, although I've never experimented with it myself and the various console commands that alter skill levels are somewhat confusing. If I understand Console correctly, then you should be able to use setav. So if you were at blade=62 before using the Oghma and got a ten point increase to blade=72, then using player.setav blade 72 should set your experience to the right level. If you feel like experimenting with it, let us know what happens ;) --Nephele 01:21, 14 March 2007 (EDT)
I'll definitely be giving it a shot if I ever get all the shrine quests done and let you know. --Vilhazarog 11:07, 14 March 2007 (EDT)

My blade is 100 without the Oghma Infinium, and so is my strength. If I use it and choose the Path of Steel, will I do extra damage with swords (Umbra and Shadowrend already are very powerful, and a Bound Sword is just silly).

No, your blade skill is capped at 100. It can still be raised above 100, however, raising it above 100 will have no extra effect. Raising your strength past 100 will give you more fatigue and encumbrance points, however your melee damage will not get any higher (see here).--Willyhead/t 18:54, 13 April 2009 (EDT)


An exception is to train yourself between level ups. Training appears to be related to your numerical level, thus allowing you to gain some skill boosts above +1 for the second and third level ups.

Can anyone confirm this note (added in relation to "if you obtain a 2nd or 3rd level increase, those level increases only permit a +1 stat adjustment each")? In tests that I've done, attribute bonuses from training are not applied to your numerical level. Rather, those bonuses are applied to the level that you should have if you have slept enough to remove all level-up icons. (So if you're at level 10, but have trained major skills enough that you should be at level 15, any training will affect attribute bonuses when you level from 15 to 16). --Nephele 03:22, 13 March 2007 (EDT)

Less than three minutes ago I read the book, which gave me 20 major skill points (2 levels). After having slept off one level I went to a trainer and paid for 5 levels of athletics. Upon sleeping for the second level I had the option of taking a +3 to speed. I am under the opinion that skills bought from trainers are likely handled as an exception to the general system you described above. Thus I returned a similar ("some players have been able to...") statement to the main page. Whoever removed it needs to keep in mind that with a variety of patches and situations, that if you do not observe the same effect as another player has noted, it does not mean that player was wrong -Anon

I've removed it again. The official patches don't cause this effect and if it is caused by a mod, we don't mention it. Nephele doesn't just remove text on a whim. A few minutes' looking around the site will demonstrate to you that she is arguably the most knowledgeable user on the site. --RpehTCE 07:53, 28 October 2007 (EDT)
Could you provide more details on your leveling? Where were you in gaining experience for your new level when you read the book (how many major skill increases had you had since your last level up)? When you got the training, was the level-up icon already displayed on your screen? What other skill increases happened during these levelups, and when?
My comments about leveling are based on keeping track of nearly every detail of my characters' skill levels for three characters now (70+ level ups in all). I specifically tested whether the method of gaining skill levels makes a difference. From my tests, skill books, paid training, and natural experience are treated as equivalent for experience, attribute bonuses, and level-ups. And the original comment that I deleted was not completely accurate. In the example I used above (you're at level 10 but should be at level 15), I seriously doubt that any training that you do at that point is going to affect your attribute bonuses for level 10, whether or not you read the Oghma.
On the other hand, there aren't many situations where your character gains 20 skill levels instantaneously, so it is possible that there are some quirks in the code that get triggered when using the Oghma for two major skills. It would just be nice to have enough information to know what to test before experimenting more with the Oghma. That is the basic reason for moving comments like this to the talk page: to be able to gather enough information to figure out what really happened in these individual cases and therefore be able to make an accurate statement that does apply to all readers. I never said that the player was wrong. I'm just of the opinion that adding comments saying "sometimes X happens for unknown reasons" is not too useful to readers. I'd rather wait until it's possible to add a statement saying "if you do A and B, X will always happen." In the meantime, I try to use the talk page to gather relevant information. --NepheleTalk 19:36, 28 October 2007 (EDT)
I just had something similar happening to me. Out of curiosity I used the Oghma Infinium near the marksmanship trainer and received +10 for three major skills. As far as I remember, I was only missing one skillup for the next level. I bought five points in marksmanship before sleeping, slept, leveled and did it again and again. After I was finished, I raised from level 5 to level 10. I was able to buy +5 points inbetween every sleeping session, although it seemingly messed up the attributes a bit. --
I was also able to use trainers to gain larger attribute increases between level ups after using the Oghma. I also gained a skill level naturally, and found that the +2 to the related attribute was available. I am running Xbox 360 Oblivion vanilla, for what its worth. Shadowrose6663 02:54, 21 May 2011 (UTC)

Unable to Read Book

My game crashes every time I try and read the book - no matter what path I choose. I've changed the data files loaded to see if it was a clash with any mods and it works fine with all my mods except Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul (version 1.3 I think). I had to manually increase the stats and skills via the console. --— Unsigned comment by (talk)

I would think this would be something you'd want to report to Oscuro. We don't general deal with 3rd-party mods on this site. --TheRealLurlock Talk 11:22, 22 April 2007 (EDT)
Does the same thing to me. I'm really beginning to hate OOO
I don't mean to intrude in case I'm wrong, but couldn't you hotkey the book to use it?

Over 100

soo.. the only advantage to raising skills/attributes above 100 is increasing your level? 110 speed is no faster than 100 speed? because that's what i'm hearing.

SKILLS don't do much over 100, but ATTRIBUTES do. Speed, Strength, Endurance, etc. can all gain additional benefits from being raised above 100. Skills, with only two known exceptions (Acrobatics and Athletics) do not improve beyond 100. --TheRealLurlock Talk 14:08, 17 September 2007 (EDT)

Skills over 100?

If i read the book will my skills go over 100? I know they won't actually improve but it will allow me to raise my overall level, which would be handy seeing as ive maxed my major skills out. — Unsigned comment by (talk)

As it already says in the article: "Skills can be increased above the usual maximum of 100 points. This is of limited use, however, because skill increases over 100 do not grant special abilities and in general they do not increase damage/armor rating/spell effectiveness/etc. One advantage is that you are able to gain extra levels if the Oghma Infinium raises major skills.". I don't see that there's any information missing from the article requiring a discussion on the talk page. --NepheleTalk 16:42, 12 November 2007 (EST)

Just found a mistake in my own question lol. instead of "it will raise my overall level" i meant "will it raise my overall level?" so say i have blunt and blade as major skills and read the path of steel, will i gain 20 skill points and therefore 2 levels? or does it stick at 49?

OK, I'm still having a hard time figuring what you're asking that wasn't already answered in the article and in my previous answer. " are able to gain extra levels if the Oghma Infinium raises major skills." Where's the confusion or lack of information?? --NepheleTalk 02:01, 20 November 2007 (EST)

I beleive he is asking that because two skill effected by Oghma Infinium, will he get 2 extra lvls or just stay the same?

I believe the answer is in the text. It doesn't say, "" are able to gain AN extra level if the Oghma Infinium raises A major skill." It says, "" are able to gain extra LEVELS if the Oghma Infinium raises major SKILLS." It is amazing what you can learn by reading :). 01:50, 24 February 2011 (UTC)

PS3 Glitch

On the PS3, you will need to use a shortcut (see notes), else the game will freeze. This is caused by the PS3 needing to load all the images you have in your inventory, and all the stuff's ID's, making it overload, by using shortcuts the inventory isn't displayed.

I moved the previous text here from the main article to find out whether it could be confirmed by other PS3 users. I find it hard to believe that every single PS3 player has to use a workaround or else the game freezes up here. And the explanation provided doesn't really make any sense to me either: how is the PS3 any different in terms of needing to load images? And how does loading images make the game overload? The game doesn't overload every other time you open your inventory, so what's different when you activate the Oghma? If most of this information is not PS3 specific it needs to be rewritten (and/or incorporated into the existing note). And clear information on what is different between the PS3 version and other versions is really needed (especially since so far there is no evidence that glitches on the PS3 are fundamentally different from those on any other platform). --NepheleTalk 04:25, 8 January 2008 (EST)

I have tried. I am on the PS3, this bug never happened. DENIED. Kantor 01:07, 10 February 2008 (EST)
Bug happened to me too. 77BeTa77 21:55, 7 March 2008 (EST)
Just for clarification, the question here isn't whether there is a bug that occasionally occurs. Because there is a known bug that has been documented on PC and XBox 360, and therefore would presumably also happen on PS3. That bug is already described in the article, along with known workarounds.
The main question here is whether there is anything different about the PS3 than the other platforms. The original implication was that the bug always occurred on the PS3. However, given that at least one PS3 player has not encountered this bug it seems clear that the bug does not inevitably occur on the PS3. --NepheleTalk 22:48, 7 March 2008 (EST)

Bug patched?

Taking the Path of Spirit does not properly increase Willpower, because the script tries to raise it as a skill. This was not fixed by the v. 1.1.511 patch. On the PC, you can use a console cheat to get the willpower you deserve: modpca willpower 10

Can anyone confirm whether this is fixed by 1.2, so I know whether it is safe to take? I am on PS3. Kantor 23:30, 2 February 2008 (EST)

It is still there be warned, your willpower will stay the same. Kantor 01:06, 10 February 2008 (EST)
A PC patch has been found [link][link] this should fix the path of spirit.


I have been wondering if you were to permaclone yourself and then made the clone lootable, would you be able to get a (droppable) copy? 77BeTa77 18:51, 7 March 2008 (EST)

No. It is removed from your clone's inventory upon cloning.-- 22:09, 25 May 2008 (EDT)
Does this include the reanimated corrupt clones? [1] Because if it does, then it should state that that method can clone everything except Umbra, Wabbajack, AND the Oghma Infinium. 16:03, 15 July 2008 (EDT)
Would Scroll Duping work for cloning the Oghma or is it as the above comment stated undroppable?--LuciusZelgius 22:13, 19 November 2008 (EST)

hmmm, What about the clone that is created in the shivering isles??? during the quest Symbols of Office --VergilSparda 16:05, 31 March 2010 (UTC)

It looks like the clone there would probably have one, but the book would be non-functional. Note that this was tested only using console commands, not by doing the actual quest, but I see no reason it would work differently there. Robin HoodTalk 12:21, 21 April 2010 (UTC)


Has anyone managed to translate the text in the background? I was kind of wondering if it said anything interesting.

Actually, I believe the background is the same as the Mysterium Xarxes. On that page there is a link to the Imperial Library, where you can find a translation.--LordDagon 07:07, 21 May 2008 (EDT)

it is thy pulled a chepo and reused the pages from the xarxes Diobern 09:46, 3 November 2008 (EST)

shouldent it say on the page that the inside is the same as the xarxes? Diobern 09:49, 3 November 2008 (EST)

Yes. I've added it to the page.--LordDagonT|C 11:25, 3 November 2008 (EST)

thank you next question its a book so shouldent it at the very least get a rederect on the oblivion books page? Diobern 21:29, 5 November 2008 (EST)

XBox 360 version exploitable glitch

I saw this on youtube:

The main points I'm not sure on are needing THREE spells to drain the skill and using Wizard's tower instead of the Arcane University, also if the level cap is 225 (can someone verify this?)...but this is an INCREDIBLE glitch nonetheless - referring to the final paragraph involving getting clones of O.I. to get past level 225...also, I assume that his current level, 325, is the most possible cap (as I assume that at that level all attributes are at max, including felldew use, at this level, assuming you only increase 3 skills by 1 point each time you level up).

I'm also stumped as to HOW this glitch with O.I. only appears in the 360 version, and the fact that it requires 100 base luck makes it seem as if Luck had something to do with the chance of an enemy carrying an O.I. as 'ultra rare loot' in earlier versions of the game, but was never removed from the 360 version...

I can't playtest this as I have a PS3, but this seriously needs to be looked into, mainly for 'ultimate god character' kicks, to be honest.— Unsigned comment by (talk) on 24 July 2009

I have already been working on finding out if this is correct and I've found out a few things. First, his comment discription on how these glitches are supposed to work are not very clear and I have made mistakes that would have alowed me to get an even higher level if it would have been more clear. Also, the natural level cap is 53 and the glitch level cap is believed to have been 255. I am possitive that you need THREE spells for this to work because later on you would need to drain your skill by more than 200(200-255)and that would require 3 spells, and that he only went to Frostcrag Spire because he wanted to. Making three spells at the university would produce the same results. Right now I've been able to use these glitches to get to level 102. Level 325 could be the maximum level but I really don't think so. I believe that getting a bounty, going to jail, losing levels, then retraining those levels will always result in a higher level. 15:37, 28 July 2009 (UTC)

It appears that the 100 luck is the important part and not the level of the character, and if you could gain this many copies couldn't you donate one to Martin and then it would be classed as used and become dupeable ? 09:31, 26 October 2010 (UTC)

Maxed attributes bug

If all your attributes are maxed and you read the book, increasing major skills, the game will display a message stating that attributes cannot be increased any further ("perfection cannot be improved upon"). Sometimes the message will not go away, but will loop infinitely. I think this is caused by some mods, might be a problem with vanilla Oblivion too, I don't know. I solved this by feeding on someone, which reduced my vampire state to 25%, basically lowering my strength below 100. I then levelled up three times (all three skills increased by the book are my major skills, so I got a boost of +30 to my major skills) and increased my strength to 92 points. I then waited for 3 days and got an additional +15 to strength (100% vampire), which increased it above 100. Not bad. +7 Strength, +10 Int, +10 Willpower, +10 to 3 major skills respectively, +3 levels. Don't care much about strength, but increases to mage attributes are great. WRFan 19:54, 11 October 2009 (UTC)

Try it first without mods. The message exists in the game settings but it's helpful to test whether the looping problem is caused by your mods. --Timenn-<talk> 10:49, 12 October 2009 (UTC)

Bug not a Bug?

i was just thinking about the supposed bug that the Oghma Infinium stays a quest object, i believe that this was done on purpose to ensure the player can complete the main quest line(when he/she has accidentally sold/lost all of the other artifacts for example, this artifact would ensure they could complete it). is there anyone else who agrees with me, or am i wrong? Drane 20:17, 1 November 2009 (UTC)

You have a point, and, being the last artifact you can get, that is highly likely. Another possibility is so that, as lore states, it cannot be kept, ensuring that you read it and it disappears forever. 21:46, 1 November 2009 (UTC)
I agree, but the note itself doesn't state it's a bug, merely pointing it out. What does imply it is the Unofficial Oblivion Patch note, it seems the creators of the patch felt it was a bug. Since the default UOP note always says "This bug was fixed ..." it implies it. --Timenn-<talk> 13:30, 2 November 2009 (UTC)

Dropping/Not Using it Right Away?

I have the 360 version, and whenever I receive the Oghma Infinium, it prompts me right away to pick a path. Is there any way to opt out of it so I can drop the book somewhere in my home and come back to it later? I realize the main article states you don't have to choose right away, but I'm unaware how to opt out of it. Filia 22:26, 8 November 2009 (UTC)

I'm afraid you can't drop it since it is always a quest item, of course until you read it.--S'drassa 23:10, 8 November 2009 (UTC)
I see, well, what about opting out of it? In each game I've played, I'm always forced to choose as soon as I acquire it, and then it disappears. Filia 03:42, 9 November 2009 (UTC)

How to get Oghma Infinium more than once,

I was looting dungeons and killed a necromancer, when I looted her body I found the Oghma Infinium. My luck is 100 exactly, I thought it was a possible link, could someone tell me if its just necromancers or if this was just a problem with ps3 or game. by the way im using the game of the year edition. Mikeyboy52 12:37, 23 December 2009 (UTC)

Technically, it's impossible to get this book other than from the related quest. In the CS, its only uses are for the Hermaeus Mora quest, the Blood of the Daedra quest (if you choose to give it to Martin) and in a test container of all Daedric artifacts. Also, no necromancer holds this book or has a leveled list containing it. Are you 100% sure it was this specific book? --SerCenKing Talk 11:51, 25 December 2009 (UTC)
Im not absolutely sure, I just got the book, read it and slept 3 times, each time leveling up, the only other time I got that was when i read the oghma infinium Mikeyboy52 06:47, 29 December 2009 (UTC)
That's normal. You can level up more than one time if you don't sleep for awhile. You must've gained 30 levels in your major skills without sleeping. Probably doesn't have anything to do with the book. --Mptrj - - 21:34, 5 January 2010 (UTC)

I looked at that specific save file and indeed, that is correct, my major skills had been leveled up 30 times. Mikeyboy52 04:54, 12 January 2010 (UTC)

"You may not read this book at this time"?

So I just finished Hermaeus Mora's quest and got this book. But every time I try to "read" it ,through either inventory or hotkey, a message box pops out and alerts me "You may not read this book at this time". I've tried reloading, tried waiting till some other time, tried traveling to other places, and tried googling. Still can't find a solution. (Hope this isn't an idiotic noob problem...) --Pipgrandpa 13:10, 3 September 2010 (UTC)

You need to complete enough of the main quest to have given an artifact to Martin, then the book can be read. This item was intended to be a safeguard choice in case the player had obtained all of the other artifacts and possibly then lost them all. The UOP had broken this safeguard, which was restored later by the UOPS. Arthmoor 17:43, 3 September 2010 (UTC)
I don't see that safeguard in the original Oblivion, though it's clear as day in the UOPS. How was it done in the original? Robin Hoodtalk 03:40, 4 September 2010 (UTC)
Thanks for the replies. Hmm... It seems like this *is* an idiotic noob question after all. --Pipgrandpa 05:29, 4 September 2010 (UTC)
Not at all! I wasn't aware of it, and couldn't even find it until I downloaded a later UOPS than the one I had. Robin Hoodtalk 06:47, 4 September 2010 (UTC)
I guess Kivan would be the one to answer definitively, but the item was originally left tagged as a quest item by the devs, which would prevent you from being able to drop it. Somewhere along the way the UOP removed the quest item tag, but it got reported that this made it possible (however unlikely) that someone could lose every daedric artifact and end up breaking the main quest. So since the book was tagged once before, we tagged it again, and this time added a message to it to make it slightly more clear. Arthmoor 06:51, 4 September 2010 (UTC)
I'm not able to read this book, but I can still drop it. And this is after I installed UOPS. =) --Pipgrandpa 11:23, 4 September 2010 (UTC)

() Thanks, Arthmoor! I was looking all over for a similar message, not for it just being a quest item. :) Robin Hoodtalk 17:49, 4 September 2010 (UTC)

I intended on reading the book and then giving it to Martin for the quest. I'm getting the same stupid message >:( Does this mean that I'll have to give Martin another artifact, if I wanna read the book?!? Who the Hell thought of this??? — Unsigned comment by (talk)
Anyway, the book is consumed when you read it successfully. If you want to read it you have to give Martin another artifact. --Wizy (Talk/Contribs) 13:02, 19 December 2010 (UTC)
It is consumed?! :O OK I didn't know that! Thnx wiz! :) — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 10:19 on December 19, 2010


I know there's a big deal about going over 100 with attributes, But i'm just not seeing the difference. Seems like your sacrificing far too much to obtain this. Azura's Star alone should be a good argument. Someone want to give me an un-biased opinion on why I should pursue this hardship? Nosferuz 02:17, 25 September 2010 (UTC)

This sort of question is probably best asked in a forum. To give a brief answer, though, it seems self-evident why +10 to two abilities and three skills is worth the effort. I'm confused as to what you're sacrificing, though, other than a little time to kill one of each race. Robin Hoodtalk 03:09, 25 September 2010 (UTC)

Skills that should improve at Over 100?

I am holding off on reading the Oghma Infinium, but I have been reading up on this and its effects.

From what I've read and understand, wouldn't The Path of Spirit be the one to choose if one was looking for the most benefit? I'm already ridiculously powerful, and the things I seem to be focusing the most on now are my max Magicka, spell costs (in creating them), and how much crap I can carry.

Wouldn't the +10 increase beyond 100 be most beneficial (for just about anyone) in the stats Intelligence and Willpower? I'm leaving Strength out of this because I have a ton of Strength boost equipment (it seems redundant).

And wouldn't the +10 increase beyond 100 have a definite measurable effect in the magic skills (Conjuration, Destruction, Restoration) since those affect your spell casting costs?

It just seems obvious to me, so I'd like to hear some other view points and perspectives on this.

Thanks, 02:46, 24 October 2010 (UTC) Spot

Increasing skills above 100 has no effect, expect for Athletics and Acrobatics. Increasing Attributes above 100 has an effect, except for weapon damage. --Rigas Papadopoulos • TalkDeeds 06:24, 24 October 2010 (UTC)
As far as what's most beneficial, some people (incomprehensibly <g>) don't really care for magic and don't use it much. In those cases, the Intelligence and Willpower gains would be useless. Even for magic-light characters, the other gains may outweigh those of Intelligence and Willpower. Robin Hoodtalk 11:54, 24 October 2010 (UTC)

"Taking the Path of Spirit does not properly increase Willpower, because the script tries to raise it as a skill." It is however fixed in an UOP Source: --- Handofmace


I was looking at some videos when I saw one. I remember this happening to a friend of mine. You can find the video here After you reach level 255 and your luck is at 100, get the Oghma book, but don't use it or read it. Go and search some caves for bandits that have bows/arrows on them. When you kill them, they may have Oghma Infinium books on them. Don't use the book until you have as many as you need, because after you use a book it won't appear on anymore bandits. Can this be confirmed by anyone here? (Xbox 360) 23:16, 13 November 2010 (UTC)

Confirmed. Just happened to me. My game promptly proceeded to crap it's pants and bug out and froze, but there were ~70 Books on the guy (The Khajiit from the Roxley Inn) 360. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 22:31 on March 16, 2011

Moved Note about Curser

  • A bug after using the Oghma Infinium causes the aiming recticule to turn into the symbol for an action from further than it should e.g. it turns into the speech recticule while standing far from someone while aiming at them.

Seems unlikely to be related in any way. --DKong27 Talk Cont 00:47, 14 April 2011 (UTC)

255 really?

i dont know if this is true but can you really go up to level 255 without mods? thats awesome if its true sooo if it is true how exactly? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 15:28 on May 20, 2011

Well in theory you can rack up as many levels as you want if you use prison to lose skill points is there a limt? I'd guess so but at some point i think it would be high imposable to keep going, either that or you need a lot of will to find out. Wolfy 16:53, 21 May 2011 (UTC)

Not There

Um i completed the quest and it said i got the book but when i go to look for it in my inventory its not there — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 18:28 on May 21, 2011

If the game says that it was added, then it has to be there. It wouldn't likely just stop existing. --DKong27 Talk Cont 00:51, 22 May 2011 (UTC)

Won't increase willpower.

Okay, after completing the quest, I read the Oghma Infinium book and chose The Path Of The Spirit option. It increased all of the skills and attributes that it was meant to increase by 10, except for my willpower, which is still at 100. It doesn't seem to make any sense as my Intelligence increased fromm 100-110. Can someone please help and explain why this is, thanks. Note that I also leveled twice from 44-46, if that has anything to do with it.— Unsigned comment by (talk)

look at the bugs section (Eddie the head 14:31, 23 July 2011 (UTC))

No effect

I play the ps3 version and when i went to take the book it only allowed me to read and then it does not give me any options except turn page or take. No paths offered whatsoever.

Is it possible to get the oghma infinium back after being read?

Discussion moved to Skyrim talk:Oghma Infinium#Is it possible to get the oghma infinium back after being read?

Oghma - Notes

Oghma may be a reference to either the Irish mythological figure, as stated in the Notes on this page, or it MAY be a reference to the god of knowledge from the Forgotten Realms universe. Considering the background of Bethesda, and their usual homages to other games... I'm leaning more toward the latter. --MaskedCritic 18:50, 29 February 2012 (UTC)

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