Oblivion talk:Bothiel
Locked Inside Orrery[edit]
Hey everyone I was doing the quest Necromancers Black Moon and i needed to talk with Bothiel, the bosmer wizard that you do the same quest repairing the orrery for. Anyways she has literally locked herself inside the orrery and it says i need the key does such a key exist? or am i helpless in this case? Any input would be nice thanks. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 14:50 on 28 March 2008 (UTC)
ugggghhhhh dumb glitch[edit]
Im not even doing necroomancers moon yet she dissapeared while i was doing the Orrery. Im actually doing the wellspring cave mages quest, where I have to get Wood for my mage staff... really think someone should look into the whole thing... because it is apparently not only prevelant with " Necromancers Moon"..... 23:24, 6 July 2011 (UTC)~~ — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 23:24 on 6 July 2011 (UTC)
Another Possible way to activate Boethia's "Anti social" glitch[edit]
--Copied and pasted from my discussion on the Orrery section-- Actually I think this glitch has something to also do with The Mystic Emporium in the Market Place Imperial City. I -NEVER- experienced the reclusive Bothiel glitch in the SEVERAL characters I created until I created the last two. On XBOX 360 have all downloads and expansions. How I think it works: 1)Start a new character and go to the Imperial city after getting out of the tutorial area. 2)Do not start Frostcraig Spire house quest. 3)Do not join Mages Guild. 4)Visit Mystic Emporium as your very first store after you successfully lockpick the Hard lock with around 40 lockpicks. 5)Grab 2 of the same scroll type to begin the scroll duping glitch.
When I did these above things on my two newest characters, a khajiit and a dunmer, Boethia was ALWAYS being anti social in the orrery. However in the past when I went fishing at different open stores in the Market place because I wasn't confident in my lockpicking abilities nor did I have a good alteration lvl for open hard lock, I never had a problem with Boethia. It was only after the above did I have a problem with her. So instead of uninstalling the plugin, I moved it from my hardrive to my memory card and removed the memory card from my counsel. I then waited 24 hours for Boethia to come out and then I spammed around 40 paintbrushes and blocked off the orrery door to her so she couldn't go in before I put the Orrery expansion back in.
I seriously think it has something to do with the Mystic Emporium as this has never happened before in any of my characters
I went ahead and made another character. This time I did things the old fashioned way by browsing stores. First place I went to upon exiting the sewers for the first time was bravil, found some scrolls and bought them and joined the mages guild. Then I did the frostcraig house thing THEN went to the mystic emporium. Afterwards I did the Orrery quest. Boethia was in the lobby waiting for me and not being a hermit inside. PROOF you have to do it a certain way. Proof that she is out in the lobby on new characters. Did this with a female Khajiit-- 06:25, 28 August 2011 (UTC) unokitsune
Bothiel mentions that "the Orrery is the only one on Tamriel... barring the old one at Stros M'Kai. What about the one at Elden Root? Timeoin (talk)
- She doesn't actually say these are the only two in Tamriel, just that it's the only one in Cyrodiil, plus there's another (I originally thought the same thing). If she did say that, it would be contradicting Oblivion's own lore, since the orrery in Firsthold is first mentioned in Pocket Guide to the Empire, 3rd Edition. The best explanation here is she was giving another example and didn't want to list all of the orreries on the continent. —Dillonn241 (talk) 12:42, 12 October 2018 (UTC)