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Oblivion talk:Arena (faction)/Archive 2

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This is an archive of past Oblivion talk:Arena (faction) discussions. Do not edit the contents of this page, except for maintenance such as updating links.

I'm Dizzy!!

I don't see any other mention of this, but as you are heading up out of the Red Room into the Arena, you are facing south when you activate the door, but you are facing north when you get into the Arena itself. So you go south to get out of the Arena, but are facing north when you actually enter the Red Room. And to make it even more weird, when you enter the Arena for the Grand Champion match, south and north reverse themselves (you now get back into the Red Room by going north).Marstinson 01:43, 8 October 2008 (EDT)

Although this is old, I have looked into the matter, and indeed, he is correct. When you enter the Arena, you are facing South before you activate the door, but you are facing north when you close the door. I am unsure about the Grand Champion match at this time, but I am wondering: does this happen with other locations in the game? For the Arena, it seems fairly easy for Bestheda to accidently mess up, especially since the Arena is symmetrical. But does this make the Arena unique? Mutated 15:48, 9 June 2009 (EDT)

Incorrect Combatant

The Pit Dog opponents list says you will fight an argonian which is not correct. I've been through the arena at least 10 times and have never fought an argonian until the 3 prisoners much later into the arena fights

Lord Eydvar 12:03, 3 November 2008 (EST)

I'm afraid you're mistaken. The first three matches are against a Bosmer, Imperial and Argonian in that order. –RpehTCE 12:17, 3 November 2008 (EST)
I want through it again just to check and no argonian! Lord Eydvar 09:33, 4 November 2008 (EST)
I just went through it again and the third bout - your first advancement match - is definitely against an Argonian archer. You must have installed a mod that changes things. –RpehTCE 13:08, 4 November 2008 (EST)
All i've got is what came on my GoTY Game for 360! Lord Eydvar 14:05, 4 November 2008 (EST)
Okay then, what do you think you get? –RpehTCE 14:15, 4 November 2008 (EST)
I can't remember exactly I know it is an Archer but its a human not either Khajiit or Argonian. I payed even more attention to it the last time since i was looking for Argonian blood for the Vampire Cure quest and i know it didn't have a tail whioch means it ain't an Argonian i think it might've been a female Imperial. Lord Eydvar 14:46, 4 November 2008 (EST)
Well having checked in the CS and the in-game, and having asked around on IRC, I'm afraid nobody agrees with you. Play it again and take a closer look at the archer. This is what you will see. That's an Argonian. –RpehTCE 16:34, 4 November 2008 (EST)
Yep I don't know how i missed it? Its a Female Argonian in a Heavy Rainment! I think its because the HR hides the tail a lot more than other armor that i kept missing it! Now all i have to figure out is why the dagger from the Vampire Cure quest didn't work when it had a full charge! Lord Eydvar 09:52, 5 November 2008 (EST)

Quest stages messed up?

Is this what it's supposed to say? 22:41, 1 January 2009 (EST)

Stage Journal Entry
20 Woot! I got the fletcher!
30 Stealth trainer for me!
40 Where my supplier at? Oh yeah, in my cave.
50 Security trainer and his box of locks are active!
60 Climb the fence! *groan*
100 I've got everything.
— Unsigned comment by Daedryon (talkcontribs) on 2 January 2009
Yes. I know it looks odd but those are the genuine quest stages. –RpehTCE 06:42, 2 January 2009 (EST)
Really? Those look like the stages for the Dunbarrow Cove mission (since you hire the fletcher, trainer, supplier, etc.)

Cleanup Complete

Well, I've done my cleanup. I've removed alot of tips, duplicate tips, personal opinions, etc. The page, before the cleanup was 37,319 bytes. After cleanup, it is now 31,507 bytes. Big difference. Alot smaller now.
Note to the admins: If I removed anything that you believe should stay, feel free to re-add it in DaedryonTCE 23:02, 1 January 2009 (EST)

A little more trimming, and the page is now down to 28,874 bytes! Not bad for my first cleanup, if I do say so myself! DaedryonTCE 23:09, 1 January 2009 (EST)

Wouldn't it be kind of hard to have a link to the combatants? They're all labeled "Yellow Team Combatant."--Darkheart 14:56, 1 March 2009 (EST)

Fighting the Grey Prince AND completing his quest

Just a little extra note thing, not sure whether to put it here, under Agronak's quest, or under his NPC page. Anyways, as you know completing his quest about his past gives you a bonus, but makes him non-hostile during the championship match. For PC players who would like to have both the reward and the pleasure of properly fighting the Grey Prince, simply kill him as you would regularly, then (save your game beforehand just in case) use the "resurrect" command (not "resurrect 1") and he'll appear back on his feet, hostile towards you. The only difference is that his dialogue will still be that of the 'self-loathing' Agronak, and despite trying to kill you will say things like, "Again... hit me again!" — Unsigned comment by (talk) on 12 January 2008

I cannot get past the bug on my 360. I used a cursed hood before the match and Malog collapses before the gates open. He still isn't entirely dead and I get the bug mentioned on the main page. However, in my case, after I talk to Ysabel he's still partially alive and will not give up the raiment. Siegfriedthenord 00:45, 12 July 2009 (UTC)

I am the one that put in the fix for the PS3 version. I tried all of that with the GOTY edition but could not pass the quest. I quit the game and then removed the install data. Loaded the original Oblivion disk and retried using the method above and was able to complete his quest as well as attaining Grand Champion. I hope this helps someone that was getting or has been as frustrated as I was. =) --Darkman35212 18:08, 7 September 2009 (UTC)

I recently experienced this bug on the PS3 myself. As I am using the original (not GOTY) version of the game, the bug is evidently not specific to any particular version. The fix outlined in the article could have indicated that the bug was specific to the GOTY version, but because it manifested in my game this is apparently not the case.
This seems to suggest that the fix is actually a result of removing the game data after the Origin of the Gray Prince quest and before completion of the Arena quest. Given that the bug does not occur unless one has completed Agronak's quest, it can be assumed that it is the likely origin of whatever erroneous code causes the bug in the first place.
Thus, my theory is that a reinstallation (of any version) replaces the faulty code with the original healthy data, allowing for proper and successful completion of the Arena quest. Before I test this, does anyone else have any additional information or insight on this bug? Ulthripe talk 00:02, 16 September 2009 (UTC)
Ok, after extensive trial and error testing, I have reached a conclusion and ultimately a solution to this bug. You must speak with Agronak prior to attacking and killing him. Understandably, many players immediately engage their arena opponent upon the gates being lowered. However, after learning of his true origin, Agronak is not much of an opponent and literally begs you to kill him - that is of course, if to speak to him. If you do not initiate his dialogue prior to knocking him unconscious, you will not be able to deal him fatal damage until speaking with him, triggering the bug and a whole bunch of wonky behavior.
  • Curiously, if you leave the arena before looting Agronak's corpse and instead speak with Ysabel, she will reply with the correct quest dialogue and instruct you to return to the body and retrieve Agronak's Raiment. Upon bringing her the raiment however, she will once again respond improperly as per the bug.
  • Leaving the arena after knocking Agronak unconscious but before dealing him fatal damage will cause him to be upright and conscious once again upon re-entering the arena. If you did not speak to him before knocking him unconscious the bug will manifest anyways.
  • Deleting the game data, then loading the save game (effectively re-installing) had no affect whatsoever. The behavior of the bug was consistent every time Agronak is attacked and killed before being spoken to.
  • Likewise, speaking with other characters, loading other cells, and leaving the arena before or after the announcer has finished speaking all had no affect on the bug.
Thus, my conclusion is that simply speaking to Agronak prior to commencing the battle is the only act which will prevent the bug and allow proper completion of the quest. I have edited the article accordingly. Ulthripe talk 07:33, 17 September 2009 (UTC)

I found the easiest way to get lethal damage without incurring murder, let him run up to you and use the Skull of Corruption, have the corrupt clone kill him. Sadly this is one of the very few options left for console players.Malum 03:16, 25 February 2010 (UTC)


I noticed a glitch in the Arena today. As usual I was bored waiting for the gate to open, so jumped impatiently. You can actually jump through a wall (when at the gate, turn, facing away from it and jump to the left of the arch, hitting the wall. If you can jump high enough you can actually jump through the wall). It doesn't do much really, you fall for a while and are spawned back in the Arena area. No damage appears to be done (this is the PS3 version). Good thing though is that when you fall, you can obviously control yourself when falling. When you fall you fall back into The Arena, as opposed to respawning there, so if you fall forwards you can get past the gate before it has opened.

Wondered if anyone else had done this. Would have added it to the main page but didn't know if it was needed.

I can confirm that this does happen. If any admins disagree, please post.It's a Teddy Lich! 21:22, 12 August 2009 (UTC)
Administrators don't have any more say in this than other editors. I understand it is confirmed that this clipping glitch is confirmed, but as clipping glitches are quite numerous, I feel it needn't mentioning. --Timenn-<talk> 12:20, 13 August 2009 (UTC)

I found a strange glitch. i managed to equip a bound quirass during the fight with the kajick, but as i got disqualified, my summoned spider killed him and i exited the door. now, when i go back, i must still kill him, but he does not appear and i am left in an empty arena. i cant get out either because i must kill the combatant in order to get out.

I have just now found a bug. I just reinstalled Oblivion on my new PC, and since I traditionally do the Arena first (since it's easy gold and fast to level you up), that's pretty much all I've been doing for the past 2 hours. I am now at the fight to name me Arena Champion, where Porkchop is supposed to help you. The only problem is, he doesn't. Half the time he attacks the other three combatants, and the other half the time he's attacking me! This has never happened to me before, and I'm wondering if there's any way one could fix this bug. I've noticed that as long as I never draw my weapon, he stays passive towards me. Maybe I should just run around and not attack anything?


The article says that winning a bet in the Arena is about 50/50, but if you observe the arena mathces, you'll see, more often than not, that one combatant has a weapon while the other is fighting with their fists. That sounds kind of fixed to me. Maybe the equipment roll is 50/50 as to which one gets the weapon, but as far as the fights go, they're usually pretty one sided. Also, it says that invisible walls block you from interfering with arena matches. I never had this problem, and even killed off a combatant with a fireball during one of the matches.

On top of that, how do you keep Agronak alive without completing the quest? In order to leave the arena you have to kill your combatant. You can use the 'resurrect' console command, but that connotates as cheating. --Darkheart 16:53, 28 February 2009 (EST)

Equipment each combatant enters with is random - I often see shortswords against warhammers and things like that, but rarely see them unarmed (even then I have seen an unarmed person win when I had 100 Luck and backed them. He literally had 3 health left, but he still won). However, your comments about not having problems with the invisible walls suggest to me that you may be using mods. See if you can jump out of the spectators' box that you view the fight from. The invisible walls line the spectators' box and even with 255 Acrobatics I wasn't able to leap over the wall into the arena.
As for Agronak, can you rephrase the question? It doesn't actually make sense as it currently stands. From what I assume you meant to say, Agronak's death is necessary for the Arena quest to come to an end and for you to become Grand Champion. You kill him and succeed him as Grand Champion, ending the quest, or you let him live by never challenging him to a fight. You can't have it both ways with you becoming Grand Champion AND letting him live. A console command to jump the quest to stage 50 without fighting Agronak in the first place might work (it's still cheating) but I don't know what effect that would have on the game --Dalimyr 23:43, 28 February 2009 (EST)

I quote: Agronak gro-Malog's body is purged from the arena once the quest is completed (turned in). If you want the weightless armor, a free training dummy, and the fuzzy feeling of keeping him alive, merely do not speak with Ysabel again. You lose access to Grand Champion status, the Adoring Fan, and the Exhibition matches. What does it mean by this? --Darkheart 10:35, 1 March 2009 (EST)

This is not the place for Strategies

It seems that the Arena (faction) page has far too many strategies scattered about it, many of which are untested or false. There really is no place for Arena strategies unless we decided to create a separate page for each Arena Match. If that was to occur then people would assume that the Arena is a questline when in fact it isn't. I don't know where these strategies should go but I'm happy to just remove them all. My only other idea would to create a Strategies section on the faction page itself.

What is the best way to deal with these Strategies? --Matthewest TCE 19:29, 10 April 2009 (EDT)

I'd say creating a separate page for the Arena Faction Quest, and putting all those strategies there. We don't put all the Fighter's Guild quests on the same page as the Fighter's Guild faction, so I don't see why we're doing this with the Arena. This would clean up the page right-quick. Making Oblivion:Arena a disambiguation would also be preferable. --Darkheart 13:01, 12 April 2009 (EDT)
I am going to go ahead and try to clean this page up. It is very Helter Skelter and I can see the issues rising. I will go ahead and try to create a page for the strategies as well. It should be done within the next two or three days (by May 7,2009). If you are currently doing something to this page, throw me a heads up here, please. --Mr. Oblivion 16:59, 4 May 2009 (EDT)
Ugh, there way too many parallels between this page and the combatants page. --Mr. Oblivion 18:52, 4 May 2009 (EDT)

Okay, I did a massive overhaul. Took me awhile, but I got it done. Please fix my mistakes if you find them. --Mr. Oblivion 23:47, 4 May 2009 (EDT)

Formula for Grand Champion Earnings

There was some whacked out formula on the page that I removed, but I was wanting to know if there was a true one that someone can pull out somewhere? Thanks. --Mr. Oblivion 00:40, 5 May 2009 (EDT)

Add a Note about Ysabel Andronicus and Shakespeare

You mention a little about the history of Myrmidons, I think it might also be interesting to add a note about the name "Andronicus." Ysabel Andronics appears to be named after "Titus Andronicus," the most gruesomely violent Shakespeare play. It's a story in which the title character's daughter is brutally raped and mutilated (her hands are cut off, forcing her to use branches as a medieval prosthetic) before his sons are murdered. He then embarks on a quest for vengeance. Read the play, or rent the movie version starring Anthony Hopkins. It's brutal. It makes "Resevoir Dogs" look like Disney.

As a side note, proving once again that violence in entertainment has always been popular, while "Hamlet" made Shakespeare respected, "Titus Andronicus," made him rich. Modern scholars try to pretend that someone else must have written it because the violence horrifies them so, ignoring the fact that Shakespeare had bills to pay.— Unsigned comment by (talk)

I don't think it seems to warrant a true mention on this page; possibly on the her page though. –Elliot talk 22:05, 21 August 2009 (UTC)

Moved From Article

On Xbox After starting a new game as a Bosmer with high magicka (all plugins), I noticed at level 2 in the arena (as I write this, I'm a level 4), my opponents were carrying silver, dwarven, and even elven weapons - and my character is only at steel level weapons. The few magick weapons I've found so far are only 5-points of damage, and low number of use type weapons. The worst part is that I can't scavange weapons from my dead opponents. — Unsigned comment by (talk)

The weapons that appear in The Arena are not leveled--Corevette789 03:22, 25 February 2010 (UTC)

Timed bouts

Just out of interest, are the weekly matches against monsters timed? I tried fighting with a low-level weapon (4 damage) which took a reasonably long time in order to increase my skills and consequently got Block, Blunt and Light Armour skill increases, but only about 700 gold as a reward. If I go in with my sword (10 damage) and make a quick job of it, I get around 1200-1300 each time but no skill bonuses. Are the amounts of gold you're paid linked to how long you spend in the ring? I've tried it a few times and it seems to be considerably less the longer I stay in there. Spikelovesmetal 00:36, 19 September 2009 (UTC)

Are you fighting the same animals? –Elliot talk 04:56, 20 September 2009 (UTC)
I'm currently fighting a Spriggan and two Mountain Lions, though I have tried it with just one or two lions! Spikelovesmetal 17:14, 21 September 2009 (UTC)
more monsters means more gold. fight the spriggan and mountain lions with the low-level weapon and then fight the exact same match with the sword. if you get more gold with the sword, it is timed. if not, then it's not timed. — Unsigned comment by (talk) on 6 May 2010
No they are not timed. I have used it in the past to boost block and got the same amount of money for it.--Corevette789 21:55, 6 May 2010 (UTC)
The details about this are on the page in the "As the Grand Champion" section. rpeh •TCE 04:43, 9 May 2010 (UTC)

Getting opponents' weapons using Skull of Corruption

On the main page I wrote that it is possible to pick up the opponents' shields/weapons by summoning a clone of the opponent and disintegrating their armor/weapons. I'll give you an example of how this works. I wanted to have the mystical dagger Shimmerstrike, but it's impossible to pick it up. At least not the original one. So here's what I did:

In the arena main room, pick up one of the iron claymores and enchant it with Azura's Star to deal additional 40 pts fire damage per strike.

Go into the Arena. As soon as the wood elf approaches, cast Paralyse in 25 feet for 1 second.

When he drops to the ground, quickly cast Weakness to Magic for 3 seconds coupled with paralyse for 3 seconds, both effects coupled in a single spell, on Touch.

Then cast Drain Strength + Burden in a single spell, on Touch, magnitude is amplified by weakness to magic, but reduced due to the stupid armor you have to wear, which reduces your spell effectiveness. You need to find for yourself what magnitudes are sufficient, it depends on which Fortify Magicka items you possess and what your mage is capable of. The goal here is simply to prevent the opponent from moving.

Now move away, wait until Magicka regenerates, use the Skull of Corruption on the opponent. As soon as the clone draws the copy of the Shimmerstrike, cast Paralyse for 3 second, Weakness to Magic as a single spell on him, followed by Disintegrate Weapon, both on Touch. Again, consider the proper magnitudes. Strangely enough, the clone doesn't turn hostile, even though you basically hit him 3 times (as every single effect counts separately - Paralyse, Weakness to Magic, Disintegrate Weapon - so he should actually turn hostile to you, but he doesn't).

Drop the enchanted iron claymore you created earlier from your inventory to the ground. The clone will pick it up and kill the opponent. He will then sheathe the claymore and disappear, so this weapon is gone. Who cares... Anyway, you can now pick up the copied dagger from the ground. Just repair it and you've got yourself a completely useless dagger with a weird enchantment! lol. WRFan 18:36, 11 October 2009 (UTC)

Porkchop piggy owned by reanimated corpse

There's this sweet little piggy called Porchop that's supposed to help you in a match. If one of the opponents in that match is killed and then reanimated using the Staff of Worms, it will attack the poor piggy first, after it's dead, it will turn on the enemies. A very strange bug. Reanimated npcs should only attack enemies of the player and Porchop is not hostile. There's something fishy about its faction setting. Might be worth a look in the toolset. WRFan 09:30, 29 October 2009 (UTC)

I am pretty sure its covered in the staff of worms page but in case it isnt, if you reanimate a corpse, it wont attack you. (staff of worms sets disposition to 100 i think)

summon a monster and it will attack porkchop.... probably code on porkchop.. Mikeyboy52 15:23, 19 April 2010 (UTC)

Useless tip

(moved from the article)

You can use the disarming perk in conjunction with a cursed weapon in order to make your opponent's attack completely useless against you. However, you will lose that weapon after the fight, as you cannot loot your opponent's corpse. Therefore, you should make weapons (preferablly iron daggers with petty soul gems) specifically for this purpose.

This is pointless. It may be true, but why would anybody actually use this technique? You need a minimum Blade skill of 50 and then have only a 5% chance of actually disarming the opponent. Additionally, why bother giving your opponent even a cursed weapon? Just force them to fight hand-to-hand. rpeh •TCE 04:36, 22 April 2010 (UTC)
Don't worry: it's as true as it is useful, i.e. not at all. :P --Aliana 07:34, 22 April 2010 (UTC)

Impossible Tip ?

Moved from the main page

  • If you active Hestra Rune Stone so you get the bound gauntlets and the bound dagger, you can take the raiment on but it won't equip it because of the gauntlets. Then you can equip any other armor and go into the arena and fight. You will even not being disqualified for not wearing the raiment.

How does this work the Hestra wears off too fast doesn't it ? Besides this is very unclear as to what you should do someone needs to "decode" this so it can be tested.--TheAlbinoOrc 22:13, 3 May 2010 (UTC)

activate a hestra runestone, then go to the arena district. equip the raiment. it wont really be equipped, but the game counts it as equipped. therefore, you can wear any armor you want except for gauntlets. and the bound weapon can simply be sheathed and the spell will immediately wear off, allowing you to use any weapon you want. and the hestra runestone is 2 minutes real time...which means you can have it for up to 3-4 matches before it wears off. — Unsigned comment by (talk) on 6 May 2010
yes or you could just use a bound armor spell--GUM!!! 22:07, 6 May 2010 (UTC)
I'd suggest Bound Boots for 300 seconds. MikeTalk 04:46, 15 June 2010 (UTC)


Do you earn infamy if you participate in the arena? — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 01:26 on 27 May 2010

No. As it says in the article, you gain fame, not infamy. Robin HoodTalk 02:56, 27 May 2010 (UTC)

Gaiden Shinji's Death

The phrase about Shinji's death is spoken by the Blue Team Gladiator: "Ironically, Shinji himself was killed, shortly after the Arena was completed. Even he could not survive the Thirty-Year Siege of Orsinium." So the Arena must have been finished some time before 1E980, when Orsinium fell. Owyn adds "The first Arena Blademaster. Best damned warrior that ever lived, served the Order of Diagna. Got killed fighting the Orcs, Azura rest his soul." rpeh •TCE 07:40, 6 June 2010 (UTC)

Stolen Goods?

During the second Bloodletter match (against the female Breton), I noticed after beating her that her shield is marked with the "steal" option instead of the usual icon. I still couldn't loot anything like normal, and the sword she dropped was marked with the normal icon instead of the red hand. Was this just some weird random bug? 02:01, 15 June 2010 (UTC)

Sometimes happens to me if I knock the weapon away. MikeTalk 04:43, 15 June 2010 (UTC)

Vampires and Sun Damage in the Arena

Is the bug noted in the main Arena faction page corrected with the latest official patch? I am playing an Argonian vampire on the 360, and have had to be very careful when I fight... My character takes sun damage as normal throughout, including in the tunnels afterward, before actually going through the door to the Bloodworks. It has occurred throughout his Arena career, and cost me many a health potion. 19:38, 13 August 2010 (UTC) Sam

Yeah, Shade has no effect on sun damage, and rain falls right through overhangs. SOunds like something the UOP should fix, but I am not sure if it does. 20:12, 13 August 2010 (UTC)
I've removed the bug because after testing, it doesn't appear to be true. rpeh •TCE 14:11, 15 August 2010 (UTC)

Easy money

I'm really not sure where to put this, but on the PC version only, when betting on a match you can use the console command "kill" to kill one of the combatants and win 100 gold at a time with no bounty or hostility. Hope this helps. 17:22, 23 August 2010 (UTC)

PS If you bet on the blue team you can kill the yellow team combatant before the fight even begins to speed up the process 17:25, 23 August 2010 (UTC)

We usually don't list cheats or console commands (unless needed to bypass a glitch), especially to make money. -- Jplatinum16 17:35, 23 August 2010 (UTC)
Besides, if you're going to cheat, you can just use the additem.F cheat... ~ Dwarfmp 02:15, 31 October 2010 (UTC)

Bug Preventing me from advancing

I just started a new game and I went to join the arena, after my second fight I go down to Oywn to collect my winnings, but he keeps giving me 50 coins every time I talk to him I've tried every possible console command I could think of, help would be appreciated.

This Glitch also prevents you from completing the KvatchRebuilt Mod, because once you get this glitch the NPC that takes bets thinks you are constantly in a match and will no longer accept any bets from you so you can not view a match either Help with this would be appreciated, as old saves are not an option as I am way to far beyond and this effectively breaks the arena and prevents you from completing the Kvatch Mod.

GATE is too annoying

How long does it take for the gate to open? I have tried clicking it but will only move down a notch occasionally, it is too annoying, is it a bug? So weird, using quicksave makes the gate lower.

You may have a glitch that happens after playing a long amount of hours with the same character. Are other doors also moving slowly, or towers in Oblivion? ~ Dwarfmp 02:28, 31 October 2010 (UTC)

Notes Section trivia

In the notes section, there are a bunch of bullet points that, while potentially interesting, might better fit somewhere else-- though I'm not sure if those hypothetical locations actually exist, otherwise I'd just move them there myself. So, here are some of my questions:

  • Is there a seperate page for things that you can only see using the CS? I'm thinking particularly about the note that mentions the arena possibly having been moved around.
  • Would the note about the Myrmidon (sp?) go under easter eggs? It's not even particularly relevant; except for "they're both fighters," and they share a name, they really don't have anything in common, as far as I can tell.
  • How about a page/section for the note about Kvatch's arena? It is mentioned on the Kvatch page, and it has nothing to do with the Arena faction, but I doubt people would even read Kvatch's page.
  • I've removed the line, "It should be noted that, even if you have 100% Chameleon, your opponent will still see you for a brief moment as the gates go down." I'm pretty sure that you can go down the steps to hide yourself. Also, does anybody find this note relevant? Maybe for a sneaky character, or something? What about if you're invisible? Why is it that your opponents can instantly see you? There should be some sort of explanation before just throwing the line out there. Um the Muse 04:14, 1 October 2010 (UTC)
  • CS observations should probably be noted on the building article.
  • Just my opinion, but I think the "Myrmidon" connection is feasible enough to be mentioned.
  • Again, perhaps the building article would be appropriate, but that's debatable.
  • It makes sense to me to remove that line if it's challenged (that is, if you're saying it's not true).
--GKtalk2me 04:28, 3 October 2010 (UTC)
I'd say the note about chameleon should be either re-added with a {{VN}} or moved to it's own section for checking. Either of those should get people to take a look at it and see if it's accurate.--Ghurhak gro-Demril or TAOYes? 17:59, 3 October 2010 (UTC)
I can verify this. I've done the entire Arena questline, before, with 100% chameleon (a helmet, shield, necklace, and two rings, all with 20% chameleon), and yes, the opponents DO see you for a brief moment as the gates go down. Only spellcasters will ever get in a single shot (even archers will never fire an arrow at you), but the sneak eye DOES light up for a brief moment.

arena easy glitch

i couldnt find anything relating to these glitches so, you can change the dificulty to the easiest setting for a quicker win in the arena, and if you go to your right after the gate opens you can jump on that part of the pillar that sticks out at about head height and then jump to the wooden spears and jump ontop of the pillar you should be standing closeto where the spectators sit then you can use ranged attacks to hurt your enemy while not getting hit. i have not tried this with ranged enemies such as the archers, ect. Lindenbrock 19:42, 10 October 2010 (UTC)

Arena gates do not lower

That´s too annoying! Whenever i go to fight agronak in the arena the gates do not lower! Anyone knows help?

Agronak Bug

Yet another arena bug... After defeating aragnorak, i obtained his armor went thru HIS starting gates door, I talk to the lady to be crowned grand champion but she keeps saying "all you have to do now is defeat the grand champion". I have attempted adding another aragnorak armor thru console but nothing works. She thinks i have not killed the grand champion. I am stuck as a champion and i deafted the grand champion. If i go in the arena, there is a skeleton and the crowed is cheering but i am in a never ending match.

I am not certain if this effects the bug; but I am leader of the dark brotherhood and i completed the grand champions quest to find his vampire father and returned to him before the match. After he said "kill me i don't wish to live anymore", i did so and took his armor. I am still stuck in a never ending match.

Owyn Bug

Alright, I just started a new character and I love the arena quests. So, I went to the arena and talked to the guy who does bets and he told me to go into the Bloodworks and talk to Owyn. I went down and he gave me the raiment. I put it on(And also the UV Compatibility ring as I have Unnecessary Violence) and talked to him again. This part was strange. he said, "You again?" then offered me another raiment, and I just took one anyways and his normal dialogue selection came up, so i clicked "Ready for a Match." then he says, at any time of day, day or night, "You may be ready for a match, but the Arena ain't. Come back between 9:00Am-9:00Pm." I resurrected him, reloaded from old saves, deactivated all of my mods that modify the time scale and everything, but to no avail. He continues to offer me raiments every time i talk to him and I accept and he always says the arena is not open. HELP!

Ulimited Raiments?

it doesnt look like u can use the arena for storage for very long, so does that mean every time the containers reset there are new sets of Raiment in them?--Tbone11 15:24, 10 December 2010 (UTC)

Yes. rpeh •TCE 14:07, 11 December 2010 (UTC)

Ungodly Speed

When I fight in the Arena, every combatant is hyped enough on the speed attribute that they literally bounce off the walls. Is this generally true of all combatants, and what makes them so? It seems to make keeping reasonable distances virtually impossible, though I found no mention nor warning of this in the article. Is it something that should be included? --DaedalusMachina 07:25, 15 December 2010 (UTC)

No and no. It sounds like a one-off problem with your game rather than a general glitch. rpeh •TCE 10:56, 15 December 2010 (UTC)
After looking around some more, I found the Arena Combatants page (I didn't know it was there earlier), which actually DOES state that all the combatants are getting a massive speed and athletics boost. Hardly seems sporting.--DaedalusMachina 06:28, 16 December 2010 (UTC)
I think the idea is a bit of RP'ing and is meant to represent the enemies, as they often do, getting round behind you and attacking you from there. ThePog 14:43, 28 January 2011 (UTC)

Former Champions

I'd like to include a table listing previous Arena champions, similar to the Blades page. Specifically Count Bravil, Mr Lemonds, Vandorallen Trebatius and the Battlehorn sparring partner. However, the Grey Prince being excluded from the other table presents a problem: is this page only for the actual faction? And if so, where should I add my table? Legoless 19:32, 7 March 2011 (UTC)

It might be better on a separate page. This one is already pretty disorganised. I like the idea though. Perhaps it could become a proper History of the Arena page, going right back to Gaiden Shinji? rpeh •TCE 06:00, 8 March 2011 (UTC)
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