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Oblivion talk:A Shadow Over Hackdirt/Archive 1

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This is an archive of past Oblivion talk:A Shadow Over Hackdirt discussions. Do not edit the contents of this page, except for maintenance such as updating links.

Extra Material

This material on this quest needs to be incorporated into the quest's page (it was originally entered onto Dar-Ma's page). I'll try to get to it eventually, but if anyone else feels like doing it, feel free!--Nephele 15:40, 7 July 2006 (EDT)

I've merged all the info together, so I deleted the block of text that had beeen here.--Nephele 15:54, 9 July 2006 (EDT)

The book "The Children's Aunaud" mentions that The Deep Ones are the Dwemer. Makes sense if you played the Tribunal expansion pack... Pirateskhajiit 12:45, 5 August 2006 (EDT)


I don't know if others experienced this, but when I did this quest, Blossom was nowhere to be found. Much later on, when doing Legacy Lost for the Jemanes, Blossom turned up right outside of Weatherleah. This quest finished fine without reuniting Dar-Ma with her horse, though. –Dvandersluis 09:46, 10 February 2007 (EST)

That's odd... I bet she (Blossom) was attacked by something and had to flee.--Ratwar 13:39, 10 February 2007 (EST)

I just completed this quest and Blossom was to the west of Moslin's Dry Goods, behind it actually, rather then the East given in the write-up. It's to the left on the map, which I've always assumed has north to the top. Does anybody know if the Blossom's position is fixed or random? --FrankBoth 16:02, 2 July 2007 (EDT)

You're right - it's to the West. I must confess that when I first saw your post I thought you were wrong. I think it's because when you come out of Moslin's Inn, Blossom is to your right because you're heading South. --RpehTalk 09:57, 5 July 2007 (EDT)

The Brethren Cave

I hadn't activated the quest in Chorrol, but I started poking around Hackdirt after the angry reception. I wound up finding the cave on my own, and slaughtered all of the Brethren present (there were several). I'm not sure how this will affect eh side quest (I'll report my result). 18:35, 19 February 2007 (EST)

I once did this without activating the quest by just going cave rescuing her, walking back to Chorrol and visiting Seed-Neeus. Results are: Seed-Neeus thanks me to rescuing Dar-Ma, I didn't get the skill-boost and quest is still active no mater what I do. I also didn't encounter any monster's when traveling thru forest, but I could walk all the way becouse Blossom got stuck in one of the hills and I have to use map to travel. 19:35, 5 August 2007 (EEST)

Crouching dialogue

If you open the door on Dar-Ma's cage before she automatically talks to you, she should start talking to you as if the bars were still in place. After that, she immediately crouched and thanked me, while still in dialogue. I can't remember ever seeing another NPC do something other than stand up straight or sit while talking to me, let alone go into stealth mode. --Edwin Herdman 03:12, 14 March 2007 (EDT)

Thirty years?

How was this date for the Imperial Legion's attack found? I have tried talking to everybody and while you get good ideas when it happened, nobody was willing to give me a specific date. Jav Hirel was a kid at the time, but it's hard to say how old he was at the time - thirty years before would possibly make him forty, or older. --Edwin Herdman 03:18, 14 March 2007 (EDT)

The info comes from talking with Honditar, in Chorrol. If you ask him about Hackdirt he says:
Not a nice place to visit. Those that remember still tell stories about the bad old days. About thirty years back, there was some trouble out there. Bad trouble. Legion had to be called in, people killed. Some say the Legion burned the town to the ground, but it's still there, for those that go looking for trouble. Still folks living up there, but no one you'd like to meet after dark.
--Nephele 04:05, 14 March 2007 (EDT)
Well, it's obvious which part of the quest I skipped. Oops! --Edwin Herdman 06:09, 14 March 2007 (EDT)

Stealing and tresspassing bug

I encountered an odd glitch last night playing this quest, even though most of the doors and chests don't have a red hand on them, if someone sees you take something it can be considered stealing. The first thing that happened was I was in the trader shop and I found 5 lion plets in a chest while the women in the shop was there and then sold them straight to her, but then I took a repair hammer from a crate and she called out "thief!". I reloaded the game and did it without stealing but then in the tunnels after I killed all the Brethren, Jiv was following me around and every time I took something from a chest he said "ah seems we have a thief" and then had a 120 gold bounty. I've added this glitch to the Notes section. Has anyone else encountered this? Maybe I should add a Bugs section instead? Grandmaster z0b 01:36, 21 March 2007 (EDT)

I really don't think it was necessary to edit the grammar of the sentence to add ", however,". I don't think we need two commas there the rest is fine. Grandmaster z0b 02:07, 21 March 2007 (EDT)
What's a Moslin? Grandmaster z0b 02:45, 28 March 2007 (EDT)
The Moslins are one of the main families in Hackdirt, i.e., Etira Moslin, Vlanhonder Moslin. --Nephele 23:54, 29 March 2007 (EDT)
I've got Dar-ma's diary, and it's marked as Stolen, which I thought was fairly strange. In her room at the inn, the chest with her belongings is the only chest marked as illegal. Amusingly, as a Quest Item, it can't be sold or removed from inventory via scripts; I carried it around for a while, and when I got arrested for the Brotherhood Betrayed quest in Bruma, they took everything from me except the diary. --TheRayven 17:24, 11 July 2007 (EDT)

Hackdirt bugged?

I stumbled upon Hackdirt after doing the Lost Legacy quest. There was a dead horse in the town, and two dead people standing up like scarecrows. I entered the church to be greeted by a Spriggan and a bear cub who attacked me. There was also Jiv Hiriel there who offered a bed for 30 gold. Anyways I left and broke into a house, and found a trap in the floor. I entered the cave and killed everyone inside. I went back to the church, killed the Spriggan. Jiv was dead (killed by Spriggan?) and I also foind the corpse of Etira Mostin there. Jiv was the only townfolk I found alive (except for the cave dwellers) *As I was writing this some other Mostlin guy showed up...Anyways, let's see if I can still do this quest. Looks like someone butchered the town before I got to =(

That's the power of Radiant AI, for you :P Seriously though, I've never ever seen anything that totally random happen in my game before! -- 13:37, 5 August 2007 (EDT)

Travel Glitch

I fast travelled when i got her out of the cave before she talked to me and i couldn't finish the mission. put this in — Unsigned comment by (talk)

If you have a suggestion about information that needs to be added to the article, it would help if you could be a lot more specific about what happened. --NepheleTalk 02:22, 28 June 2007 (EDT)
after i had gone into the caves, and come out the wasy i came in, the tavern i think, i fast travelled to whereever dar-ma had to go. after this the message saying i needed to get dar-ma safely back home came up, but she was already home. i went back to hackdirt to see if here was anything i could do, bu i go attacked by those four followers. i killed them and checked on blossom who was still there. i went into the church and got attackd by most of the village, who i killed. there's no way i can fix it.

thats all i can remember now. hopefully thats enough 08:09, 1 July 2007 (EDT)

I've tried fast-traveling after getting Dar-Ma onto Blossom and it works fine. I think our anonymous friend is saying that if you FT before reuniting Dar-Ma and Blossom, you get the bug. I don't have a character in a position to try, though. --RpehTalk 04:52, 3 July 2007 (EDT)

No, I'm in the same situation. Dar Ma headed off on Blossom towards home and I had to hang around and fend off some wildlife. I chased around looking for her, couldn't find her so fast traveled to find her already home. Now her mother thinks the quest is over, Dar-ma thanks me for saving her, but the quest is still active, waiting for me to reunite them. Very irritating.

There's a fix for this. Just ask Seed-Neeus about the "missing daughter" topic after Dar-Ma has been returned home. The mother will ask if you've found her yet; answer yes and she will thank you, and the quest will be completed. -- TytoMetatron 06:52, 5 June 2011 (UTC)

The fix does not work for me because the "missing daughter" topic is no longer on the list. I tried every topic available and nothing will finish the quest. 15:29, 16 February 2012 (UTC)

Dialogue Glitch - verification

Re the recent edit that added "If Dar-Ma does die, there seems to be a dialogue glitch. If you speak to Rasheda (Fire and Steel, Chorrol) about it, she will tell you 'Dar-Ma's daughter went missing' instead of Seed-Neeus'.". I can't find that line in the construction set. Has anybody else experienced this or should it come off? --RpehTalk 14:13, 8 July 2007 (EDT)

Yep, the dialogue exists:
Did you hear the bad news? Dar-Ma's daughter was killed by some strange cultists down in Hackdirt. Terrible, terrible times we live in.
At the moment, though, I can't easily check who says it or when. If I remember later I'll try to look it up in the construction set, unless someone else has a chance to check it first. --NepheleTalk 19:41, 11 July 2007 (EDT)

The deep ones

*It is possible that the 'Deep Ones' are/were of the Dwemer race. I've moved this here from the main article. I can't actually find anything that implies that the Deep Ones are of Dwemer in origin. Heck, the Bible of the Deep Ones isn't even in any of the common tongues. Can anyone provide some factual substantiation for the above claim? --Saruuk 06:29, 15 August 2007 (EDT)

In "Extra Material" at the top, Pirateskhajiit mentions the Children's Anuad, which lists "the Dwemer (the Deep Ones, sometimes called Dwarves)". That's about the only (tenuous) link I know about. --Gaebrial 08:38, 15 August 2007 (EDT)
Ah, so it does indeed. I only checked the Dwemer article here; says that they're Deep Folk rather than Deep Ones. My mistake. Feel free to add that note again, with my apologies. =) --Saruuk 08:49, 15 August 2007 (EDT)

Something about being arrested

This was moved from the main page because I'm not sure what it means. Was the bounty present before starting the quest? What does the sentence beginning with "After" actually mean? Any extra information would be welcome

  • HUGE BUG!!!!: When you fast travel back to Chorrol after saving Dar-Ma, and you get arrested while in Chorrol, you will go to jail or pay the fine. After, Dar-Ma will walk around like the quest ever started... to fix it, just wait about 24 hours...

--RpehTalk 12:41, 16 September 2007 (EDT)

I'm guessing that what they are saying is "If you get arrested in Chorrol when you return with Dar-Ma, she will resume wandering around town, rather than heading back to her mother, and therefore you cannot complete the quest." I don't know without checking the CS, but I'm guessing that Dar-Ma needs to enter her mother's store in order to flag that she has been rescued, which is why waiting 24 hours fixes the bug - assuming she goes home at night to rest. --Gaebrial 02:37, 17 September 2007 (EDT)

--You can definitely beat her to her mother and the quest still completes whether she has arrived or not. 20:06, 30 January 2010 (UTC)

Shrine bug?

Tonight I completed this quest, followed by Hircines quest. Upon returning home I found i couldnt use the altars in the temples to restore my stats ("Repent your sins, wicked one!"). i have 126 fame, and no bounty, murders or infamy in my stats. I thought it had something to do with killing the unicorn, but i reloaded my saves, one by one until i could use the temples again, and it turns out that something i did during the hackdirt mission caused the problem. I just finished re-doing the quest and it appears that i can still use the temples this time around. not sure what happened but it might be worth looking into. (sorry if this is the wrong place/method to report this, this is my first time ever editing/adding to a wiki) 14:01, 30 September 2007 (EDT) t0m

You probably received a 0.5 gold bounty at some point during the quest (for example, because you were seen stealing something with a value of 1 gold). On your stats page, your bounty gets rounded down to 0, but when you visit an altar you still the fail the GetCrimeGold > 0 check. If that's the case, you can fix it by getting caught stealing some other trivial item, then pay the bounty when the guards arrest you. --NepheleTalk 15:14, 30 September 2007 (EDT)

thanks, it must have happened when i tossed a cup at the inn keeper. he never yelled 'thief' but i did pick it up right in front of him. 15:53, 30 September 2007 (EDT) t0m

Alternative way of getting the mission

I entered hackdirt at night whilst no one was to be found. At first i reckoned this must be ghost town, but i got down to the caves and found Dar-ma, the mission works the same from there on

Unusual events during this quest with the twin brothers

A few oddities about doing the quest with the twin brothers, during Legacy Lost. I overstayed my welcome with Pindar in the woman's house with the mushrooms, all of a sudden Pindar (who entered with me) and every single brethren appeared upstairs and attacked. The brothers and I worked through all of them, and encountered further opposition in town and caverns only from the woman who owned the house (the tavern keeper did not start combat). The caverns were empty of life other than the Argonian. When I set her free, she sneaked a bit, but when I went up into the tavern she completely disappeared (Blossom was still around). After poking around for a while (a few hours game time) I went back to Chorrol, and found her with her mother. Got the quest reward, quest completed in the journal, everyone had happy conversation responses. Took the brothers on to Weatherleah, no problem.

Fast Travel Hackdirt Inhabitants

This glitch isn't game-breaking, as such, but was unusual enough to be pointed out. During the quest, I fast-travelled to a city gate in Cheydinhal, and Natch Pinder was next to me. I was able to ask him about the bretheren, which I couldn't do in Hackdirt, after which he left the town, presumably to travel back to Hackdirt. — Unsigned comment by Merco (talkcontribs)

When is this quest available?

Hi, I want to do this quest but the person who needs to be rescued is still safe in her house at Chorrol. When does this quest become available? Also I think I my have bugged it but im not sure. Earlier in the game I encountered Hackdirt and explored the entire place and pretty much everyone is dead there now unless those Brethren respawn in the underground. However all the normal people in the town are now dead. Will I ever get the quest now that ive done this?

If you killed everyone in town, she probably went home on her own, assuming you opened the cell she was in. You can probably get the reward for the quest by talking to Seed-Neeus. If not however, you probably can't do this quest anymore, and will need to start over again if you want to do it properly. --TheRealLurlock Talk 20:24, 12 June 2008 (EDT)
No one was in the cell when I was in Hackdirt. There wasn't even a key to open the cell door. Maybe if I spawn the NPC's I killed in Hackdirt? All those NPC's disappeared after I slept in Hackdirt when the Brethren attacked and I found them in the basement and killed them thinking they were hostile as the Brethren :(


Quote-"After completing the quest, Blossom remains outside the South gate to Chorrol unless you used Fast Travel, in which case she can be found in the corral of North Country Stables." This is sad, people have to check what they spell. Im changing that now. — Unsigned comment by (talk) on 25 June 2008

Ummm, no... you might need to invest a dictionary, though, or try checking an online one such as wiktionary, where you would find that corral is standard english word meaning "an enclosure for livestock." It is therefore the correct word in this context; gramatically "Chorrol" is completely wrong in this context. --NepheleTalk 19:04, 25 June 2008 (EDT)

Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth.

There's a game called "Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth", which in fact was created by Bethesda, which is based on Lovecraft's "Shadow over Innsmouth". Maybe there should be a note about this. -- 05:36, 10 July 2008 (EDT)

Probably not. It all ties back to the Lovecraft novel, so it's sufficient just to mention that. --Saruuk 05:47, 10 July 2008 (EDT)
It's mentioned here in any case. Definitely doesn't need another mention on this article. –RpehTCE 05:49, 10 July 2008 (EDT)


I was looking for random dungeons to loot when I happened upon Hackdirt. I went and explored, only to find Dar-Ma locked up. So I let her out, safely brought her back to Chorrol. I never even started this quest. So I went and talked to Seed-Neeus, only to find she doesn't have any dialogue about rescuing her daughter. I got quest updates about the quest, and it is my active quest, but Seed-Neeus isn't giving me any way to complete the quest. I've waited 48 hours and yet Seed-Neeus has said nothing. What should I do? ImmortalKaine 19:40, 22 July 2008 (EDT)

I'm sure you have, but did you check the Missing Daughter topic, even though it's greyed out?-Puddle TalkContribs. 20:04, 22 July 2008 (EDT)
I know you think I'm dumb, but that topic isn't even there. I never officially started the quest. Never talked to Seed-Neeus before. ImmortalKaine 20:10, 22 July 2008 (EDT)
I just tried again, spoke to Seed, and she said "I will never forget you, something something something, daughter". She recognizes that I've rescued her daughter, but there's no "Missing Daughter" topic. ImmortalKaine 20:12, 22 July 2008 (EDT)
Have you actually spoken to Dar-Ma after saving her? (By the way I don't think you're dumb, it is just an easy thing to miss)-Puddle TalkContribs. 15:01, 26 July 2008 (EDT)
I'm also having this exact problem. They both recognise the rescue but the quest doesn't complete. I'm sure it's a bug unless someone can help. 13:53, 4 January 2009 (EST)

It's a bug. I also rescued Dar-Ma before initiating the quest but before setting her free I spoke to her through the cell. After opening the gate the quest picked up at that point and continued through to the end. (Gadianzero 14:42, 4 January 2009 (EST))

Moved from main article

I moved this from the "Bugs" section of the main article. It's poorly written and difficult to understand. --GuildKnightTalk2me 22:20, 14 September 2008 (EDT)

when you stay the night it come up you:(can'T sleep in a owned bed!) this mabye triggered by finding the diary. — Unsigned comment by (talk) on 14 September 2008

Speeding Dar-Ma up notes

D'you think the note stating that fast travel is possible with Dar-Ma and Blossom makes the one about talking to her to get her to go back to Chorrol unnecessary and moderately redundant? Or are they dissimilar enough that they should both be mentioned? —SolarEquinox 00:39, 20 September 2008 (EDT)

Actually, if the latter turns out to be true, I'd rather see that on the article than the option for fast travelling. There are quite many people who refrain from using it, and fast travelling is more the sort of general solution that works for all companions. --Timenn < talk > 03:33, 20 September 2008 (EDT)
I tried getting Dar-Ma and Blossom to "whisk away" to Chorrol, as described in the note, to no avail. Led them different distances away from town, and tried doing it at different times of day, but there wasn't any difference. It seems like what happens is Dar-Ma follows the player for a while, until she's within talking distance. Then she'll thank the player (as mentioned in the note), and start walking toward Chorrol rather than whatever direction the player was leading her. But she still walks at her normal pace.
In short, I'm gonna take the note out. I'll probably move it over here in case someone else manages to get it to work.
Moderately related aside: Is it possible to fast-travel with Dar-Ma after she goes from get-out-of-town gallop to we're-safe-now crawl? I had no trouble with it during the former, but once she slowed down (both before and after talking to me) I'd always show up in Chorrol unaccompanied. If that's true, it might be worth pointing out. —SolarEquinox 13:37, 20 September 2008 (EDT)
I've fast-traveled with her from various different points; in Hackdirt itself and at different stages depending on how long I lasted before getting bored waiting for her. Always worked for me. –RpehTCE 00:46, 21 September 2008 (EDT)

Removed note:

  • Try leading Dar-Ma a short distance away from Hackdirt once she is on her horse. Approach her once you are both away from town. She will automatically thank you for rescuing her and instantly whisk away with her horse back to Chorrol. This beats walking slowly all the way back to Chorrol with her following.

SolarEquinox 13:40, 20 September 2008 (EDT)

Just a minor point regarding the pace at which she rides Blossom back to Chorrol...the article speculates that the horse hadn't been fed or watered during its time in Hackdirt. Dar-Ma's diary gives a good clue: Blossom threw a shoe on the way to Hackdirt. ComaDivine 15:03, 22 September 2008 (EDT)

Oh, good point. I think that occured to me, and then, of course, I promptly forgot about it. —SolarEquinox 11:10, 23 September 2008 (EDT)

can't get quest

I can't get this quest! I've talked to Dar-Ma, but no rumors pop up after 5 or more days. I've also tried the just going to Hackdirt and sleeping method, but that doesn't qork either. What am I doing wrong? --Oblivion nerd 22:01, 1 December 2008 (EST)

Been a while, dunno if you figured it out, But try talking to her mother at her shop.

- Go to Hackdirt, go into the inn, find Dar-Ma's diary, then speak to Seed-Neus about "missing daughter". This should automatically activate the quest.Kitkat1749 00:05, 9 July 2011 (UTC)

Deep Ones = Sload?

Perhaps just conjecture, but following the original tale of A Shadow Over Innsmouth, the appearance of the Brethren, and the Bible of the Deep Ones, which is an excerpt from 'N'Gasta! Kvata! Kvakis!' written by the great Sload necromancer, N'Gasta, it would seem as though these Deep Ones are the horrifying Sload. Oh, the horrid thoughts that enter the mind. Of course, it could be any daedra and even the Dremora, but I think this one is the most possible.

Additional bug?

Had no problem with the quest until leaving Hackdirt. After telling Dar-Ma to follow and watching her mount Blossom, I mounted Maborel's Paint and took off between the buildings towards Chorrol. I stopped and turned several times to make sure they were following, as we were travelling overland. After a few minutes I looked back and saw they were no longer following. Fearing that somehow the townspeople (or the Bretheren, whom I never saw) had caught them, I went back only to find Blossom a couple dozen yards outside Hackdirt facing in the direction of Chorrol, and Dar-Ma missing. I circled around the horse's location for quite awhile searching before it occurred to me that this might be a bug. I continued on to Chorrol, and sure enough, Dar-Ma was there in the shop with Seed-Neeus (so much for never willingly abandoning her horse). I then experienced the dialog bug already noted in the article. Is this a problem anyone else has experienced? 23:29, 17 August 2009 (UTC)

Slow travel back to Chorrol

After departing Hackdirt on Blossom, I only had to talk to Dar-Ma again and her travel speed rose considerably. Someone confirm this?— Unsigned comment by (talk) at 16:32 on 13 September 2009

In my experience it didn't work. I've done this quest numerous times, and talking to Dar-Ma when she's on Blossom had no impact on her speed. Talk Wolok gro-Barok Contributions 16:49, 13 September 2009 (UTC)

Moslins hostile?

The article says that Vlanhonder and and Etira are hostile when the quest is complete, but in my game they both still offer me their services. I remember that immediately after they would flee, but after some time I was able to speak with them again.-- 02:35, 10 December 2009 (UTC)

It all depends on how the quest played out, I think. If you were detected while trying to sneak away with Dar-Ma, they will be very hostile towards you when you revisit the town. If you escaped undetected, they will continue living their life as usual - with their low disposition and all - but they will still offer their services. I'll try to double-check the statement, though - just to check exactly what the determining factor is. --Krusty 13:07, 24 December 2009 (UTC)
I raised the disposition of all the locals to max before doing the quest. That way they all talked to me afterwards.— Unsigned comment by (talk) on 31 January 2010
Seems to not necessarily be true, though possibly dependent on some other obscure actions. I just went back to Hackdirt to invest in their shops (many days after the quest) and they went into "flee" mode. I was never detected during the quest, and didn't kill anyone (including any of the brethren). I'd stolen their bible, but nobody saw me do that either. Or to put that another way, what the article says is true for me. On the PC, you can "fix" them by targeting them, "moddisposition 14 100" (14 is the player), "stopcombat", "setav aggression 0". That will stop them fleeing or attacking you, and they'll go back to their (miserable) lives. - ali — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 13:53 on 22 March 2010

Teleporting Dar-Ma

After I rescued Dar-Ma and got her out of Hackdirt, I fast traveled to Chorrol, but when I got there Dar-ma wasn't following me. So I went to look around Hackdirt and i could only find her horse in a random patch away from Hackdirt. When I went back to see Seed-Neeus, Dar-Ma was randomly back with her mother. I didn't have to escort her at all. Was this supposed to happen? — Unsigned comment by Chelpie1 (talkcontribs) at 00:24 on 11 February 2010

It's one of the tiny glitches caused by fast-traveling with followers. If you fast-travel to Chorrol, Dar-ma will be by her mothers side inside the shop. Blossom, however, will be lost in the wilderness, typically at the point where you fast-traveled from. --Krusty 14:12, 18 February 2010 (UTC)

Random Bodies

I completed this quest a while ago. Anyways, I went back to Hackdirt to see if anything had changed in the tunnels(it hadn't). But in the cage I found a couple of bodies. I think they were named, but I can't remember what. Any Idea on who these guys might be (have been)? Just curious. — Unsigned comment by (talk) on 29 March 2010

Probably some of the residents of Hackdirt. Since you found the bodies, you're in a much better position to be able to find out who they are, though. rpeh •TCE 07:01, 21 April 2010 (UTC)

can't complete quest

hi seed neus won't give me the reward and i talked about every topic she has! so help!--GUM!!! 16:30, 22 April 2010 (UTC)

What is the last quest update you received? --Krusty 16:58, 22 April 2010 (UTC)
i can't tell but dar mas in the store and after i was back i tlked to seed neus and she says"i'll be eternaly grate full for your daring rescue of my dauter"--GUM!!! 17:03, 22 April 2010 (UTC)
You know the reward is +5 bonus to mercentile, right?--Arch-Mage MattTalk 17:05, 22 April 2010 (UTC)
yep the quest is still in my atcive quest thing--GUM!!! 17:09, 22 April 2010 (UTC)
I assume, that you have already read through the quest pages' bugs section? Especially the first one, where you have to pick the topic "missing daughter" again, even if it isn't highlighted. --Krusty 17:11, 22 April 2010 (UTC)

as i said at the top i talked about evry topic she has--GUM!!! 17:12, 22 April 2010 (UTC)

Oh yeah, you said that. Well, if you can see the quest in your "Current Quests" then you can also see what the latest quest update was. Please take a look - otherwise I don't think we can help. --Krusty 17:15, 22 April 2010 (UTC)

ok just one minit--GUM!!! 17:19, 22 April 2010 (UTC)

ok it's "i have freed dar-ma from the clutchs of the foul creatures that infeast hackdirt. now to escape and deliver her safely back to seed-neeus in chorrol"so that's it--GUM!!! 17:26, 22 April 2010 (UTC)
I'd recommend re-loading an earlier save. If that doesn't work and you're on the PC, you may be able to use the console to fix it by typing in "Setstage MS45 100" though I'm not sure whether it would give you the reward. And do check your posts, your spelling is terrible. :S

Effect on Mercantile

When you turn the quest in you get a 5 point boost to mercantile! However, the usage statistic is set to negative 200+ which in effect means that the mercantile boost was really just a loan because it will take a lot of transactions to make up that -200 on the usage. By the way 'usage' does not clear when you level but rather when you reach the threshold of that skill. — Unsigned comment by (talk) at 23:34 on 30 September 2010

I'm unclear on what you mean by the usage statistic. Can you explain, please? Robin Hoodtalk 00:46, 1 October 2010 (UTC)
I play on a pc. And use the console commande TDT and then set the paramter for SetDebugText to 10 for 'Skills Usage'. I read about these information commands here on this site under console. I had noticed before after doing the quest for the merchant in Chorro that I never seemed to be able to level Merchandise again. So this time I watched using those commands previously mentioned. — Unsigned comment by Mgntml (talkcontribs) at 03:10 on 4 October 2010
Have you installed the latest patch? The behaviour you're describing sounds a lot like what's described for the pre-1.1.511 version of ModPCS (which is what's being used for this quest). Robin Hoodtalk 07:20, 4 October 2010 (UTC)

Moved bug

  • There are times when Dar-ma will simply dismount Blossum and walk away. Do not touch the horse or she will attack and her disposition will drop drastically. --Confirmed on XBox 360

There are reasons and NPC will dismount a horse, like to defend themselves against a wild creature, I believe the anon was just confused by what caused her to leave her mount. Trying to mount an unowned horse is a crime, explaining the disposition drop and her attacking you. --AKB Talk 23:23, 24 February 2011 (UTC)

It is possible, however, to ride Blossom without penalty if Dar-Ma doesn't know you rode Blossom.
After Dar-Ma dismounted to attack a wolf, she set out on foot towards Chorral. I had no dialogue options to stop her, so I escorted her on foot the entire way. It was certainly faster than the plodding pace of Blossom!
After reaching Chorral and collecting my reward, I checked to see if Blossom had reached either the South gate or North Country Stables. She hadn't. And after more than 24 hours, she still hadn't arrived. So I went looking for Blossom, fearing to find a dead horse.
Blossom was alive, pretty much where Dar-Ma had abandoned her. Not knowing how to get the horse to follow me, I decided to get in the saddle and fast travel. We arrived outside Chorral and I parked Blossom in the North Country Stables. I had no bounty and when I talked with Dar-Ma again, she showed no ill feelings.

Moved note

  • The tales and details of the story are a tribute to HP Lovecraft's "The Shadow Over Innsmouth.".

I find this being guessing, so i moved it from the page. Feel free to comment. --Archain 17:15, 21 March 2011 (UTC)

Possible Bug.

I completed the quest without trouble, but when I got back and talked to Seed, she acknowledged my returning her daughter, and said thank you, but I didn't get the 5 mercantile points. The only thing I can think of that might have affected it would be that I fast-travelled Dar-Ma back to the town. Any ideas? (I've tried the usual going in and out, waiting for a few hours tactic, and have definitely used all the convo options). Apollo Quinn 07:20, 28 March 2011 (UTC)

Invest in Moslin's after rescuing Dar-Ma

Actually, I was able to invest in the Dry Goods store after I rescued Dar-Ma. I did Hackdirt early on. Much later after maxing the fame disposition bonus, and wearing the Helm of the Crusader, (which makes people like the player hiding his face...hmmm) and getting the doubled-up blessing of Akatosh (post main quest). After all that Etria took my investment. Couldn't try it her brother; he had an argument with an ogre from Weatherleah.SirNotAppearing 05:23, 9 July 2011 (UTC)

Jiv isn't spilling the beans.

For some reason, I cannot get Jiv to tell me about Hackdirt and the Deep Ones. He invited me to his house, and then told me that I wasn't welcome when I entered. I tried charming him to several degrees, but at that point it's replaced with generic amicable greetings or praises for my accomplishments. None of my mods should be able to affect this, as I've simply a race mod, Kvatch Rebuilt, and a few related to the Dark Brotherhood. 00:50, 13 July 2011 (UTC)

Did you meet him in his house after dark? Also, if I remember correctly the rest of the citizens of Hackdirt have to be in the Chapel (attending their nightly "gathering") before he will speak to you. Try waiting till midnight before talking to him Kitkat1749 00:57, 13 July 2011 (UTC)

dar ma dead in cell

I was doing the quest went thru the trapdoor in the inn went too Dar mas cell and she was dead. I can't complete the quest because it expects me to free her and rescue but she's dead

Can't start quest

I have waited more than five days and I've heard no rumors or anything whatsoever. And Dar-Ma is still in Chorrol. Do I have to be in a different area for Dar-Ma to leave for Hackdirt? — Unsigned comment by (talk) on 23 October 2011

Leave town and head back in again. Dar-Ma won't be moved until you're outside Chorrol so you don't see her disappear. Also, if either of the Moslins are dead, the quest won't start. rpeh •TCE 09:03, 23 October 2011 (UTC)
And another way to kick start the quest is to go to Hackdirt, enter Moslin's inn, and look around in the rooms upstairs until you find Dar Ma's diary. This should trigger a quest update. Then you can travel back to Chorrol, talk to Seed Neus about "Missing Daughter", and take it from there. Kitkat xxx TalkContribE-mail 09:10, 23 October 2011 (UTC)

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