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Oblivion Mod:Treasure Maps: Meridia's Womb

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Treasure Maps:Meridia's Womb[edit]

Mod Information
Author(s) dittomagnet
Current Version 1.0
Last updated 7 Jan 2008
Links GameFront, GameWatcher, Nexus Mods
Language English
Translations N/A
Requirements N/A
Playing Time N/A
Quests (Side Quests) N/A


The mod begins at Meridia's shrine West of Skingrad. At the shrine you will find a new altar nicknamed "Meridia's Womb". When you first activate the altar it will ask you 5 questions. You must answer all of the questions correctly or the altar will close to you forever. The questions are fairly simple, but will test your general knowledge about Cyrodiil. Once you answer all of the questions the altar will give you the first four treasure maps. These first 4 treasures each include 3 new maps for a total of 16 treasure maps. Follow the clues on the maps to find hidden treasures. The treasures include the usual: Gold, Jewels, Weapons etc... Each of the treasures also includes a single Meridia's Token. You can return the tokens to Meridia's Womb to exchange them for magical rings. Whwn you activate the altar now, it will ask you what kind of ring you want to make. There are 8 different classes of rings you can choose from. Each ring also has 4 strengths: Basic, Standard, Fine & Stellar. Basic requires 1 token, Standard 2, Fine 3 & Stellar 4. In other words, if you want the most powerful ring possible, you must have at least 4 Meridia's Tokens in your inventory when you make the ring. The altar script I wrote will always try to make the most powerful ring it can. So if you want to make a lower power ring you can drop your excess tokens on the ground before making your ring. If you are able to find all 16 tokens, you will be able to make 16 Basic rings or 8 Standard rings or 5 Fine rings or 4 Stellar rings. Enjoy.



  • This mod is not compatible with some Unique Landscapes and/or Better Cities mods. If you want a UL-compatible version, see Treasure Maps UL-BC Compilation.